Council Meeting

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Council Meeting


The Nephi City Council met in regular session in the council chambers of city hall located at 21 East 100 North at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday June 6, 2017.

Those present were: Mayor ...... Mark R. Jones Council Member ...... Nathan Memmott Council Member ...... Larry Ostler Council Member ...... Kent B. Park Council Member ...... Greg Rowley Council Member ...... Justin D. Seely City Administrator ...... Seth Atkinson City Attorney ...... Kasey L. Wright City Recorder ...... Lisa E. Brough

Guests: Myrna Trauntvein (press), Donald Ball, John Bradley

Mayor Jones called the meeting to order and welcomed all others present. Mayor Mark R. Jones offered the prayer.


Council Member Memmott moved to approve the consent agenda which included the approval of the minutes of the regular council meetings held on 05-16-2017, the approval of a list of claims on the warrant register dated 6-6-17, and the approval of the sale of two burial rights to Susan B. Hastings. Council Member Rowley seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous vote.


Two business license applications were presented for approval. Council Member Memmott moved to approve the business license for Ashley’s Salon and one for C.M. Modeling. Council Member Seely seconded the motion, which passed on a unanimous vote.


Mayor Jones shared with the council that Stevens-Henager College grants scholarships in the amounts of $25,000 and $15,000 to local students. Logan Nielsen from Nephi was the only applicant from Nephi that applied for a scholarship. The scholarship is awarded by the Mayor on behalf of Stevens-Henager College. The city incurs no cost for the scholarship. Mayor Jones indicated that he would prefer that in the future these types of scholarships be awarded by committee and not by his choice only. Council Member Seely moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents for Logan Nielsen to be awarded the Mayor’s Choice scholarship. Council Member Park seconded the motion, which passed on a unanimous vote.


Page 1 of 4 City Administrator Seth Atkinson reported that the city received a request from Melinda Matheson (Mona) coordinator of a girls accelerated softball team (mixture of girls from Mona and Nephi) to receive a field rental fee reduction for private league games in Nephi. The reasoning was: 1) they would be providing something that Nephi Recreation was not currently providing, 2) local teams would not always have to travel outside Juab County for games, and 3) this would bring additional people in town generating sales tax. The additional tax would be difficult to quantify, but would be assumed if the tournaments were more than one day and brought in several players and spectators. They have successfully held softball tournaments in Nephi the last two years and have paid established rental fees.

The city recreation and administration staff has reviewed the request. In 2013, Nephi City adopted current fees for field rental at $65/day with additional fees for lighting and more field preparation. Large tournament category was created charging $100 per day, assisting groups bringing in large tournaments to the area. administration in mind. Any reduction in the current fees would result in a subsidization of that activity. The recreation department has shared the current fee schedule with Mrs. Matheson.

Recreation Director John Bradley reported that because of the increased participation in the accelerated teams, the city’s recreation program for girls’ softball (Filly & Fox divisions) has not had enough participants to create a functional league. Due to the concern of many parents/participants, these were cancelled. This has decreased recreation revenues and puts in peril the ongoing ability for these divisions to play recreation softball in the future. In addition, comparisons with similar communities has shown that the current field rental rates are competitively priced. Once one group is allowed lower prices all accelerated groups will want to receive discounted prices. Opening the door to this movement could continue to decrease the number of recreation participants. Despite the potential benefit for increased accelerated play, it is staff’s recommendation that the current fee schedule be maintained.

Mrs. Matheson stated that she belongs to a non-profit organization, Central Utah Athletics. She would like to bring a league down to Nephi to play one night a week for five to seven weeks in the fall. She indicated that they would structure their league to not conflict with Nephi City’s current recreation needs. Council Member Rowley said we may be able to create another category within our fee schedule to accommodate this type of organization. Mr. Rowley said he was not ready to decide that night. Mr. Bradley said because of the deficiency in numbers in Nephi Recreation’s softball, it may be time to partner with the accelerated leagues. No action was taken.


Council Member Park moved to adopt Ordinance 06-06-17 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING A PORTION OF 600 EAST STREET LYING BETWEEN 200 SOUTH AND 230 SOUTH OF PLAT “D” OF THE NEPHI TOWNSITE SURVEY. Council Member Ostler seconded the motion, which passed on a unanimous vote. Public Works Director Kyle Marchant informed the council that the city has obtained documentation from the major utilities that there are not any utilities within the abandonment area. (Copy attached)


Mr. Atkinson presented an ordinance for the council’s consideration amending the zone map commencing at 850 North to 900 North and from approximately 100 West to 150 West. He stated that after further research the city cannot require the developers to asphalt the half street. The developers will be required to put in curb gutter and sidewalk on the east side and require the bonding for the cost of curb gutter and sidewalk on the north side where the road will eventually be constructed. Mr. Atkinson stated that the zone change does not affect the Vicker’s property. The developers were not willing to deed the property over to the city for future road improvements. City Attorney Kasey Wright indicated that there were legal issues concerning the property. Council Member Rowley requested that the council go into executive session to discuss the matter further.


Seth Atkinson, City Administrator and Budget Officer, presented to the council the final budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 and reviewed each of the proposed changes. He stated that the city had received some updated costs of electricity from The Utah Municipal Power Agency so an adjustment was made and an adjustment was also made to recreation revenues. Council Member Rowley asked about dispatch services and about the possibility of charging a 911 fee on the utility bills. Mr. Atkinson is researching the legal aspects of charging this type of fee. Council Member Rowley moved to approve the amended budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 and to also approve the final budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. Council Member Ostler seconded the motion. The motion carried on a unanimous vote. (Copy attached)


Mr. Atkinson presented Resolution 06-06-17 A RESOLUTION OF NEPHI CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A GENERAL SCHDULE OF THE FEES CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR ELECTRIC, NATURAL GAS, WATER, SEWER, SOLID WASTE, CEMEMTERY FEES, RECREATION FEES, BUILDING FEES, AND OTHER FEES. Council Member Ostler moved to adopt Resolution 06-06-17 establishing a general schedule of fees. Council Member Seely seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous vote. (Copy attached)

LEWIS YOUNG ROBERTSON & BURNINGHAM FOR MUNICIPAL ADVISOR SERVICES APPROVED: Mr. Atkinson updated the council that in March the city requested proposals (RFP) for municipal advisor services. With the number of upcoming projects, having a dedicated municipal advisor could be advantageous in many ways. They can become familiar with the city’s needs and can respond more quickly to questions. They can bring experience to the table on issuing debt and can develop financial models to assist with setting utility rates. They can also lead the city through the steps to institute things like impact fees. Also, as Nephi City explores investment tools like Community Reinvestment Areas, they can help the city adhere to state law on the process and create the plans necessary to make these tools be successful.

The city received two responses to that RFP. Zions Public Finance and Lewis Young Robertson & Burningham (LYRB). Both proposals were very attractive and the reference checks for both companies came back excellent. When trying to decide which company Page 2 of 4 Page 3 of 4

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