Hampshire Schools Forum Minutes

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Hampshire Schools Forum Minutes

Hampshire Schools Forum Minutes

Date 16 May 2008 Time 0930 - 1230 Location Falcon House, Winchester

Present Eddie Izzard - Chairman (PHC), Sylvia Vine – (HGRG Sec ), Elizabeth Anson (HGRG Pri), Julie Churcher (SHC), Margaret Cooper (HGRG Pri), Nicky Dando (Sp HC), Jim Duckham (HGRG Sec), Hilary Evans (PHC), John Gawthorpe (TLP), Jim Hobbs (HGRG Pri), Martina Humber (HGRG), Dr Ian Johnson (SHC), Phil Johnson (Sp HC), Cllr David Kirk (HCC), Chris Laskey (EYDCP), Colin Whitell (LSC), John Mason (HGRG Sec), Val Morgan (PHC), Wendy Morrish (SHC), Janet Roberts (Diocesan), Amanda Rowley (SHC), Deborah Saxby (HGRG, Sp), Steve Shepherd (PHC), Rob Thompson (SpHC), Andrew Turk (HGRG, Sec), Antony Wells (HGRG, Sp), David White (TLP), Colin Whitell (LSC), Sue Wilkes (EYDCP), Chris Willsher (SHC), Sally Willshire (PHC)

Also present John Coughlan, Sarah Pook, Gordon Shinn, Keith Sheppard, Gill Shillitoe, Thomas Whiffen, Anne Melesk

For Item 3 – Michelle Stickland, For item 8 – Jill Larner, James Underwood, Sue Watts

Apologies John Clarke (HCC), Gren Earney (SHC), Robin Gray (HGRG Sec), Esther Jones (PHC), Chris Robinson (HCC), Pam Robinson (HCC), Felicity Roe (HCC), Mike Salt (HGRG Pri), Grahame Sammons (SHC) Phillip Walker (LSC – Colin Whitell represented)

Action Apologies for absence were noted. The Chairman welcomed Colin Whitell, who was representing the LSC, and Phil Johnson who was taking over as Special Schools representative. He thanked Nicky Dando who was stepping down from Forum.

Thomas Whiffen introduced Deborah Saxby and Antony Wells as new Governor representatives to Forum.

The Chairman congratulated Martina Humber on her appointment as Mayor of Lymington and Pennington.

The Chairman drew attention to the feedback forms on the

Page 1 of 8 D:\Docs\2018-04-18\02b66c976cc18b96b758e250df776d36.doc conference facilities, which Forum members were asked to complete.

1 Minutes from last meeting – 15 February 2008 The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 February were agreed as a true record.

2 Matters Arising a) Cost Analysis of Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) provision of early education (Min. 3) Rob Thompson asked about the DCSF timescale. Thomas advised that Hampshire expected to move from 12.5 to 15 hours entitlement from September 2009. The timescale would be the same for special schools as all others, though may be subject to delay due to funding revisions.

b) Principles to inform any future levy on school balances (Min. 8) Keith Sheppard corrected that the title of this Minute should have read future levy and not future level.

Nicky Dando clarified that although Forum had unanimously agreed to apply for local discretionary powers, the mechanism for this had yet to be discussed and agreed. Sarah Pook confirmed that although it was intended to target balances at low-attainers, the approach to use of claw-back would be discussed with Forum members at a later meeting.

c) 14-19 Diplomas and transport Wendy Morrish said that any impact on transport funding may create an inequality of opportunity for gaining access to diplomas. Thomas advised that the July Forum would receive a paper to tie up issues for this year. September 2009 diploma lines and transport issues would be a budget Sarah Pook issue for the December Forum. In the meantime, Sarah Pook would pick up transport issues through the DCSF Working Group.

3 Contracts affecting schools Michelle Stickland introduced a report by Neil Jones, Assistant Director, Business Services at PBRS. She drew attention to the programme of likely contracts to be undertaken by County Supplies. For the energy contracts, Michelle noted a predicted ongoing increase was expected for electricity, particularly for the larger sites. However, a saving of 28% had been achieved on the contract for gas supplies, protected for 18 months.

Wendy Morrish noted that there was an expected 40% increase on the cost of oil for next year. This was a sparsity issue which Michelle particularly affected the budgets of schools in rural areas. Stickland Michelle would get details. (Post meeting note - please see Appendix A attached – update on Hampshire County Council Contract Arrangements for the Supply of Fuel Oils for Heating and Motor Use).

Michelle drew attention to Appendix 1 of the report. This highlighted forthcoming contracts and included those specific to Children’s Services.

Some discussion followed. Wendy Morrish questioned whether it would be economically viable for schools to purchase mini- Michelle buses through County Supplies. Michelle confirmed that this Stickland could be explored.

4 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Formula Review Sarah Pook explained that the DCSF were working to review the formula for distribution of the DSG to local authorities from 2011/2012. She reminded Forum that there had historically been a spend and save approach to the DSG. However, DCSF now wanted to return to a formula approach and had set up a DSG Formula Review Group to do this work. The group contained representatives from a number of partner organisations, including those from Hampshire. It had issued Terms of Reference, a timetable and programme of work, as Janet Roberts was advised that there was no Diocesan representative on the Group. Janet thought they would want to be involved and would investigate. Janet Roberts

Sarah said that the DCSF were keen to have other interested parties feed into its working group, and she noted suggestions in her report as to how Schools Forum might do this. A number of project strands were set out in Appendix 1 of the report, and those which were of specific interest to Hampshire Schools Forum were highlighted. In particular, she asked Forum to consider whether it should submit a response on the 14-19 proposals and on incentivising outcomes.

Discussion followed on a range of issues. Wendy Morrish noted that Secondary Heads had discussed and agreed the proposals raised in the paper. Eddie Izzard said that Primaries would also be acting on these. Margaret Cooper suggested that input to the Review Group should be used as an opportunity for Hampshire to promote its effectiveness. For example, the extensive work it had undertaken on deprivation. This recommendation was strongly supported.

Thomas asked Forum to consider whether other bodies of whom they were members, such as Governor Associations, NUT, etc, were stakeholder groups to the national forum review All Forum group. If so, it would be important for Hampshire members to members emphasise the benefits of local formulas as national representatives are often keen to demonstrate support for a move to a national formula.

5 Government consultation on machinery of government changes affecting the funding of pupils aged 14 to 19 Thomas Whiffen reported on a specific proposals related to the key roles for Local Authorities from 2010 onwards. The LSC were currently responsible for all non higher education of children aged 16 years upwards and accountable to the DCSF. However since June 2007 , two separate departments are responsible; one for education up to 18 years, the other for education from 19 upwards. Additionally there will be new legislation coming into force in 2013 whereby all up to age 17 would be in education, training or work with training and by 2015 this would apply up to age18. As the LSC was disbanded Colin Whitell number of other agencies would also be set up, but local authorities would be expected to secure places for 16 and 17 year olds. Educational provision for Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities (LLDD could be up to 25 years. Colin Whitell offered to supply a diagram to illustrate the funding streams.

Thomas talked through the proposed response to the consultation and recommendations were agreed.

6 School Balances Update Keith Sheppard updated Schools Forum with some key messages. He advised that the levels of surplus balances continued to rise both nationally and in Hampshire. He asked Schools Forum to support implementation of a local mechanism for claw back, on the basis that there was a preference to have a Hampshire solution to this issue rather than imposition of a levy.

Keith said he was grateful that all returns had been received by EFS. He then referred to national data for 2006/07 and noted good progress had been made to reduce some deficits. The total number of schools in surplus were noted and Keith referred to proposals for redistribution of the excess funds. He advised that there were potentially up to six schools in Hampshire who could be subject to claw back. These were schools which had been reported before and with whom Keith had been working to try and reduce balances and to prevent claw-back.

Questions and debate followed around the underlying causes of surplus funds. Rob Thompson clarified some points in the figures for special school balances, which he said were misleading. A number of contributing factors were highlighted which affected some schools ability to predict balances. However, Keith said that schools needed to become more active in revising budgets, particularly in the second half of the financial year. Sarah Pook Sarah Pook said that the impact of Pay & Benefits on 07/08 budgets was not as significant as expected for each sector. The likely impact of equal pay claims in 09/10 budgets would be considered in a report to the July Forum.

Keith invited support of the recommendations and these were agreed.

7 Amendments to Schools Forum constitution – non-School Members Thomas introduced proposals to increase membership of the Forum to reflect changes in early years education and in 14-19. It was proposed that there should be one formal representative

However, there were significant issues and implications around early years education and it was therefore recommended that two further members were appointed from this field in addition to the existing two. Thomas said that the increase would bring meaningful dialogue to the major pieces of business currently taking place. This would take the total number of Forum members to 38.

The recommendation was agreed. However, it was noted that, with observers and guests, Forum attendance was likely to be in the region of 50 people. Therefore a suitable large venue was needed central to the Winchester area. Thomas said he would welcome any suggestions for venues.

All Forum members

8 Standards Fund for Key Stage 2 Music and Music Service update Jill Larner, James Underwood and Sue Watts attended for this item. Jill would be succeeding Richard Howlett as Head of Hampshire Music Service upon his retirement.

Jill asked Forum for endorsement on use of Standards Fund for music education at Key Stage 2. She noted that assurance had been given on the availability of Governing funding for music education over the next three years. Jill spoke about plans to roll out a programme of music education for schools with pupils at KS2, with challenging targets. As part of the programme there would be whole class music settings for KS2 pupils, along with further rollout in year two of the whole class music programme.

Jill drew attention to the recommendations in the report. Discussion followed. Elizabeth Anson queried why her school did not have access to music education under the SLA. Jill explained that the SLA could be signed up to by all schools free of charge and allowed limited access to a range of services. Jill Instrumental areas must be purchased. This was being offered Larner/Dame to all schools with pupils at Key Stage 2 as part of a three year Elizabeth Anson rollout. Jill would discuss specific issues with Dame Elizabeth Anson outside the Forum.

Forum members spoke of the excellent benefits that the programme had brought to improving music learning in schools. Margaret Cooper asked about support for KS1. Jill said that future funding changes may allow for limited use of resources at KS1. However, she stressed that Hampshire Music Service was keen to sell its services and had a menu of opportunities for schools to access and to provide musical inspiration for its pupils.

The recommendations were fully supported by School Forum. 9 Any Other Business There was no other business.

10 Dates of Future Meetings Next meeting: Tuesday 8 July, 0930-1230, Falcon House, Winchester.

Please see table below for full list of planned meetings, and visit the website at http://www3.hants.gov.uk/education/education- meetings/education-meetings-schoolsforum.htm

Date Time Location

8 July 2008 09:30-12:30 Falcon House

14 October 2008 09:30-12:30 Falcon House

11 December 2008 09:30-12:30 Falcon House 1

Appendix A

Update on Hampshire County Council Contract Arrangements for the Supply of Fuel Oils for Heating and Motor Use

The current term arrangement with Wessex Petroleum Limited has been in place since 1st November, 2004. The products supplied originally under the terms of the contract were kerosene and heating oil, for space heating, and diesel for road use. In November 2006, Wessex added Bio-Diesel to their range – a 95% diesel, 5% bio-fuel mix – the use of which reduces the use of fossil fuels, and reduces particulate emissions. In fact, over the first year of use, given the volumes delivered, the change to bio-diesel reduced carbon output by just over 18 tonnes.

The contract for all products is available for use across Hampshire and the surrounding areas. Currently it is used by eight local authorities as well as Hampshire County Council, and the blue light services. Just over ten million litres of product is delivered each year.

The pricing mechanism for the contract reflects the incredibly high level of market instability. This week’s price is set by the average of last week’s daily prices, converted from the dollar, together with a small margin mainly reflecting the suppliers’ overheads. Additionally there is a volume discount scale.

Prices have fluctuated wildly but generally increased over the past few years:

Heating Oil – delivered price – best drop size:

September 04 17.29 pence per litre March 05 26.19 pence per litre September 05 34.71 pence per litre March 06 34.64 pence per litre September 06 33.28 pence per litre March 07 32.50 pence per litre September 07 38.14 pence per litre March 08 52.82 pence per litre

The new arrangement is due to start on the 1st November 2008. The arrangement has been advertised in the European Journal, and allows for multi-authority engagement. There are, however, very few suppliers in the market place, willing to deal with the multi-drop, small loads for which we contract. Despite the high value of the contract, product price and duty, paid to the government, the margin available to the suppliers to deal with a complex distribution network and high levels of health and safety is only small.

Michelle Stickland May 2008

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