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Each search string was run in Web of Science and the total number of hits retrieved was recorded. Then the first 10+ results were checked to see what proportion of the results appeared relevant, and for those which were clearly irrelevant, the key words that resulted in the articles being selected were examined. The search string was then modified and run again to see how different combinations affected the results. An asterisk (*) indicates subsequent scoping searches to trial additional keywords.

Search string Hits Comment (invasi* OR alien OR non-native OR exotic OR 7610 Lose establish* due to introduced OR establish* OR naturali*) AND ("human irrelevant hits health") TOPIC:((invasi* OR alien OR non-native OR exotic OR 1721 Add ‘species’ to invasives key introduced OR naturali*) AND ("human health")) words next to refine TOPIC:(((invasi* OR alien OR non-native OR exotic OR 460 Reduced hits, next try impact introduced OR naturali*) AND species) AND ("human keywords 1 health")) TOPIC:(((invasi* OR alien OR non-native OR exotic OR 698 Next try impact key words 2 introduced OR naturali*) AND species) AND (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR non-native OR 31458 Too many hits even with exotic OR introduced OR naturali*) AND (toxic* OR “invasive species” – refine poison* OR venomous OR irrita*)) introduced and naturali* TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR non-native OR 1877 Better but still not all relevant exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR to human health naturalized) AND (toxic* OR poison* OR venomous OR irrita*)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR non-native OR 683 Better relevance exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR naturalized) AND (toxic* OR poison* OR venomous OR irrita*) AND (human OR public AND health)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 680 Little difference with “non- OR exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR native” naturalized) AND (toxic* OR poison* OR venomous OR irrita*) AND (human OR public AND health)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR "alien species" OR 355 missing hits and yet still quite a "invasive alien species" OR "non-native" OR "exotic lot of irrelevant materials species" OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR naturalized) AND (toxic* OR poison* OR venomous OR irrita*) AND (human OR public AND health)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 252 testing other outcomes... OR exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR narrow results naturalized) AND (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis) AND (human OR public AND health)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 405 without human health qualifier OR exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR naturalized) AND (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 1507 other outcomes – more OR exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR irrelevant materials – change naturalized) AND (bit* OR sting OR wound)) bit* TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 1254 Take out naturali*ed OR exotic OR "introduced species" OR naturalised OR naturalized) AND (bite OR biting OR sting OR wound)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 1224 Take out ‘wound’ (lots of OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (bite OR nursing literature) biting OR sting OR wound)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 392 Better... OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (bite OR biting OR sting)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 391 try revised species string with OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (allerg* OR other outcomes hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 391 hay-fever in ”” OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (allerg* OR "hay-fever" OR asthma OR dermatitis)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 2052 With parasite related terms OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (parasit* OR vector OR host OR reservoir) AND (human OR public AND health)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 1151 Less with just health OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (parasit* OR vector OR host OR reservoir) AND (health)) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 1850 Toxicity search terms - results OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (toxic* OR not relating to human health poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 384 Fewer when linked to health OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 5281 More results but relating to OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND health) other uses of health (non- human) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 321 Combining invasive species and OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (allerg* OR impact search terms hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis OR bite OR biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health) TOPIC:(("invasive species" OR alien OR "non-native" 1603 Combining invasive species and OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (disease OR impact search terms outbreak OR epidemic OR parasit* OR vector OR host OR reservoir) AND (human health OR public health)) ((weed AND (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR 428 Testing ‘weed’ as a search term dermatitis OR bite OR biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health)) TOPIC: (((weed OR "invasive species" OR alien OR 629 Testing ‘weed’ as a search term "non-native" OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND alongside the other (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis OR intervention terms bite OR biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health)) TOPIC: ((((weed OR "invasive species" OR alien OR 732* *subsequently testing the "non-native" OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND addition of new search terms (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis OR bite OR biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health))) TOPIC: ((((weed OR "invasive species" OR alien OR 764* Including “non-indigenous” "non-native" OR "non-indigenous" OR exotic OR "introduced species") AND (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis OR bite OR biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health))) TOPIC: ((((weed OR "invasive species" OR alien OR 764* Testing “allocthonous” – no "non-native" OR "non-indigenous" OR exotic OR change to number of results; no "introduced species" OR allocthonous) AND (allerg* results within the total found OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis OR bite OR when searching allocthonous – biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR suggest not using for additional irrita*) AND health))) searches


Exposure search terms: - (“invasive species” OR alien OR “non-native” OR exotic OR “introduced species” OR “non-indigenous” OR weed) Outcome search terms: - (allerg* OR hay-fever OR asthma OR dermatitis OR bite OR biting OR sting*OR toxic* OR poison* OR venom* OR irrita*) AND health - (disease OR outbreak OR epidemic OR parasit* OR vector OR host OR reservoir) AND (“human health” OR “public health”)

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