Paper 2


During your research degree programme you will develop a range of skills to give breadth to your learning and to aid you after you graduate. This Postgraduate Research Skills Development Plan will help you evaluate your learning needs each year and develop a timetable for enhancing your skills. This Plan is structured around the domains and sub-domains of the Vitae Researcher Development Statement (RDS) which sets out the knowledge, behaviours, and attributes that you are expected to demonstrate as a researcher. The RDS has been designed as a summary of those things that characterise an effective and highly skilled researcher and which graduate employers look for. Please visit the Graduate School and Vitae websites for further information concerning the RDS and the Researcher Development Framework (RDF), and to access additional support materials and resources. You may also find it useful to supplement your developmental thinking by using the Vitae designed tool to support the RDF. This can be downloaded from the Vitae site. The RDS is derived from the RDF. How to use this Plan

The Plan is designed to help and support you in your development as a researcher. You are not expected to have a development plan for every key descriptor each year of your studies. Each year you will identify, in consultation with your supervisory team, which skills you should focus on developing and then write a brief development plan in the relevant text box. Not all of the key descriptors will be appropriate for your area of research and for some you may feel your skill level is adequate for your needs. The Plan is flexible and allows you and your supervisory team to customise your skill development programme to your particular needs.

Once you have reviewed your skills development needs your should complete the training programme page at the end of this document.

Your skills plan will help you and your supervisors decide what development activities you need to undertake. Every full-time postgraduate research student must engage with skills development activities equivalent to 10 UEL PGR training credits (5 for part-time students). See the UEL Postgraduate Research Skills Development Programme document for greater detail.

You must update this plan regularly (at least every 12 months) and present it as part of the documentation for your Annual Review. Your Director of Studies must sign the current copy of your Plan before you submit it for Annual Review.

2 Your name:

Your UEL Student Number:

Your programme (e.g. MPhil or PhD):

Name of your Director of Studies:

Name of your Academic School:

The date you first enrolled for your postgraduate research programme:

Are you currently enrolled in full-time or part-time mode?:

3 Your Director of Studies must confirm this as a true record of your skills development before you submit it as a document for your Annual Review.

Signature of your Director of Studies:


4 Example

Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities This domain contains the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research.

Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors A1 Knowledge base

th 1. Subject knowledge I completed an MA in 19 century social and cultural Attend seminars and lectures in my school and at external theory in the year before I came to UEL. I feel that organisations (e.g. the student History Societies at KCL and currently I have adequate knowledge to allow me to Goldsmiths). pursue my studies but want to ensure I stay on top of current developments. 2. Research methods – I passed core and optional modules addressing current Reconsider at end of year review. theoretical theoretical approaches to the study of history on my knowledge masters. I feel that my current level of development is sufficient but would like to return to this at my end of year review. 3. Research methods – I intend to use social network analysis to examine Purchase student version of software and attend training practical application economic and political connections. I feel I have sessions. sufficient understanding of social network theory but need to develop my practical abilities with the relevant software package (UCINET or similar). 4. Information seeking I feel my level of development is sufficient.

5. Information literacy It would be useful to have a working knowledge of a Attend UEL sessions for use of Access. and management relational database such as Access. Otherwise I feel I have sufficient competence in this area.

5 Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors

6. Languages Not applicable.

I feel that I have a sufficient level of development in To discuss with Director of Studies in the first instance and 7. Academic literacy terms of academic literacy but the move into social agree a development plan. and numeracy network analysis will require me to deal with some numeric principles and concepts that are unfamiliar. I do not feel confident in this area.

6 Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities This domain contains the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research.

Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors A1 Knowledge base

1. Subject knowledge

2. Research methods – theoretical knowledge

3. Research methods – practical application

4. Information seeking

5. Information literacy and management

6. Languages

7. Academic literacy and numeracy

7 Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors A2 Cognitive abilities

1. Analysing

2. Synthesising

3. Critical thinking

4. Evaluating

5. Problem solving

8 Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors A3 Creativity

1. Inquiring mind

2. Intellectual insight

3. Innovation

4. Argument construction

5. Intellectual risk

9 Domain B: Personal effectiveness This domain contains the personal qualities, career and self-management skills required to take ownership for and control of professional development.

Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors

B1 Personal qualities

1. Enthusiasm

2. Perseverance

3. Integrity

4. Self-confidence

5. Self-reflection

6. Responsibility

10 Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors B2 Self-management

1. Preparation and prioritisation

2. Commitment to research

3. Time management

4. Responsiveness to change

5. Work-life balance

11 Sub-domains and key Current level of development Development plan descriptors B3 Professional and career development

1. Career management

2. Continuing professional development

3. Responsiveness to opportunities 4. Networking

5. Reputation and esteem

12 Domain C: Research governance and organisation This domain contains the knowledge of the standards, requirements and professional conduct that are needed for the effective management of research.

Sub-domains and Current level of development Development plan key descriptors C1 Professional conduct

1. Health and safety

2. Ethics, principles and sustainability

3. Legal requirements

4. IPR and copyright

5. Respect and confidentiality

6. Attribution and co-authorship

7. Appropriate practice

13 Sub-domains and Current level of development Development plan key descriptors C2 Research management

1. Research strategy

2. Project planning and delivery

3. Risk management

14 Sub-domains and Current level of development Development plan key descriptors C3 Finance, funding and resources

1. Income and funding generation

2. Financial management

3. Infrastructure and resources

15 Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact This domain contains the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage with, influence and impact on the academic, social, cultural and economic context. Sub-domains and Current level of development Development plan key descriptors D1 Working with others

1. Collegiality

2. Team working

3. People management

4. Supervision

5. Mentoring

6. Influence and leadership

7. Collaboration

8. Equality and diversity

16 Sub-domains and Current level of development Development plan key descriptor s

D2 Communication and dissemination

1. Communication methods

2. Communication media

3. Publication

17 Sub-domains and Current level of development Development plan key descriptor s D3 Engagement and impact

1. Teaching

2. Public engagement

3. Enterprise

4. Policy

5. Society and culture

6. Global citizenship

18 Once you have evaluated your current skill levels and discussed your development needs with your supervisors you should complete a plan for the relevant academic year. When you complete your plan, forward it to your Research Degrees Leader who will be able to advise you about the UEL PGR credits for your planned activities and other available development opportunities. You should update this plan when you review your skills development progress at your regular meetings with your supervisory team. Your plan and skills development activity will be reviewed and discussed at your annual monitoring review. N.B. You must put together a portfolio of skills development activities. It is not acceptable to reach your development credit total through multiple attendances at similar activities. Development programme for the period ______to ______(academic year)

Development need Development/action required Date Planned Evidence of completion UEL PGR (You can refer to the development completion credits relevant sub- need agreed date for (where domain) with development applicable) supervisors

Total UEL PGR credits for the academic year: