My School Lunch

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My School Lunch

Year: Year 3 Lesson Coverage: Muncher

Curriculum Covered: KS2 English En1 Speaking and listening 1a,c,e, 2e, 3a,b, 8a En2 Reading 1a-c En3 Writing 1a,c,e, 2a,b,e, 3, 4a-f, 5a,b Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2a,b Sc2 Life processes and living things 1a,b, 2a,b ICT Knowledge, skills and understanding 3a, 5b Art Exploring and developing ideas 1a, 2a,b,c

About the Game This game has 3 levels, Level 2 is most appropriate for children in Year 3. Within Level 2 of ‘Muncher’ there is an emphasis on teeth and tooth care, this may be particularly useful during topic work. The main learning points within this game are:  Food is good for you  Food keeps you alive and well  Some foods help your teeth more than others  We need to keep our teeth clean  Some foods can help our teeth  Some foods are bad for our teeth The aim of ‘Muncher’ is to munch foods that you think will help your teeth and keep you healthy and miss things that may harm your teeth and slow Munch down. The directional arrow keys on the keyboard control the Munch character. The score will increase as Munch proceeds around the grid, picking up extra points from power packs and bonus points. Bonus points become available during the game and are represented through the following items:  Toothpaste  Apple  Carrot  Cheese The items listed have been chosen to illustrate items that can help keep teeth healthy. Children at this stage are initially given 3 health levels (lives), this decreases each time Munch is caught by one of these items:  Fizzy drink  Chocolate  Sweet  Plaque Lesson Plan Before online activity Have a whole class discussion with the children about healthy teeth. o How do we look after our teeth? o How often do we visit the dentist? o How often do we brush our teeth? o What do we use to care for our teeth? o Do all foods keep our teeth healthy? o What is plaque? o Do you know what causes tooth decay? o How can we get rid of plaque?

During online activity 1. Enter computer area and seat children as required. 2. Ask children to start up their computer and enter the My School Lunch website. Ask them to select the ‘For Fun’ section. Ensure that all children have selected ‘Muncher’ and chosen Level 2. 3. Ask children to read ‘How to Play’ instructions. 4. Ensure all children have selected ‘START’. 5. Talk to children about what they can see, Munch – set of teeth, Power pack - toothbrush, plaque, fizzy drink, chocolate, sweet, Bonus points – toothpaste, apple, carrot, cheese, Stage, Score and Health level. 6. Remind the children how to use the arrows keys to control Munch – a skill revisited from Key Stage 1 - some children may not need reminding. Possible online activity questions: o How is Munch represented? o Why are the power packs illustrated as toothbrushes? o What foods can you see? o Do they all help our teeth? o Why have those foods been chosen as bonus points? o What will the fizzy drink, chocolate and sweets do to Munch? o What is plaque? o What will it do to Munch? o How do we get rid of plaque? 7. The game can be restarted easily by selecting ‘NEW GAME’ and ‘START’. 8. Encourage children to alternate players and help each other with the game. 9. At the end of the session help the children with closing the website and shutting down procedures – if required. Following online Activity 1: Brighter Munching activities  Invite the school nurse to give a demonstration about cleaning teeth and its importance in preventing tooth decay and gum Additional Resources disease. Pictures of healthy/un-healthy teeth Activity 2: Munching Well A variety of food/drink illustrations  Present children with pictures of a range of food and drinks and Paper for posters ask them to choose and record which would be damaging to Visit from the school nurse their teeth. Pen Pencil  Encourage the children to produce two lists, one showing tooth Coloured pens/pencils friendly food/drink, and the other showing tooth harming Art/craft materials food/drink.  Ask the children to produce two menus using the lists for a tooth friendly meal and a tooth harming meal.  Encourage the children to use dictionaries for spellings and to work independently wherever possible. Activity 3: Munching Information  Discuss with the children when it is most important to clean their teeth and why.  Ask the children to produce a poster highlighting the above findings.  Tell the children to first make a plan of their poster.  Encourage the children to use a variety of art techniques to produce their poster e.g. paint or collage.  Invite the children to show their posters to the class explaining the content.  The children could then hold a class poster competition, judging the posters on their scientific content and visual merit. Some (Ref:QCA/98/210) posters could be put on display in the school dining hall.

Support/Extension Ideas The ideas below are given to support the less able and extend the more able children in Year 3. Support Ideas  Encourage less able children to sit with more able children when playing ‘Muncher’.  Children to use word banks for spellings.  Teacher to provide a word bank especially formulated for the Munching Well activity.  Adult help given where needed. Extension Ideas  Encourage more able children to help less able children play ‘Muncher’.  Encourage children to work independently.  Encourage children to spell own words during written tasks.  Encourage children to show ‘Muncher’ to friends and family at home if facilities allow. The parent/carer could complete the feedback questionnaire in the parents’ section, entering their views about the website and the ‘Muncher’ game. Please note that not all homes have Internet access, this needs to be approached in a sensitive manner, suggestions to help gain Internet access may be welcomed by the parent/carer.

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