Held at the Council Offices, Cuckoo Lane, Hatfield

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Held at the Council Offices, Cuckoo Lane, Hatfield

MEETING OF HATFIELD TOWN COUNCIL Monday 10th April 2017 Held at the Council Offices, Cuckoo Lane, Hatfield

Members Present

Mrs P Sanderson (Deputy Mayor)

M Glynn R Powell J Brown W Morrison Mrs J Credland Ms V Moate T Gibbs Mrs M Curran Ms A Rutherford

Mrs C McRoy, Town Clerk Mrs S Fletcher Assistant Town Clerk

Public Session There were no members of the public present.

Ward Members’ Update Councillor Mrs Credland was present however, had nothing to report.


Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Ms L Curran, Councillor Fiennes-Gregory (Mayoral presentation), Councillor Knight (family matter) and Councillor Anderson (work commitments).


Councillor Brown declared an interest in item 7:4 of the Agenda a planning application as he has carried out work on the site. Councillors Brown and Gibbs declared an interest Minute 18a of the Minutes of the Policy & Resources Committee due to being members of the Hatfield Woodhouse Amateur Gardening Society. Further declarations were received under Minute 18a of the P & R Committee Councillor Morrison and Councillor Mrs M Curran being involved with The East Doncaster Development Trust. Councillor Mrs M Curran, Hatfield Brass Band, Councillor Ms Moate History Group, Councillor Powell a volunteer at the DN7 Community Food Bank and Councillor Glynn a Trustee of the Dunsville Committee Centre and Citizens Advice Bureau. The Town Clerk reiterated that previous declarations at the Policy and Resources meeting are still noted. Councillor Mrs J

1 Credland added that she has now has no involvement with St Edwin’s PCC having recently resigned.


There is one item of correspondence to be discussed under item 10:2

134 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL 13th March 2017 Councillor Powell requested an amendment to include him on members present, the Town Clerk made this amendment and the minutes of the Town Council held on Monday 13th March 2017 were subsequently approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs P Sanderson.

135 TO RECEIVE INFORMATION FROM THE TOWN CLERK ON THE FOLLOWING ONGOING ISSUES AND DECIDE FURTHER ACTION WHERE NECESSARY: a Venue for Annual Towns Meeting The Town Clerk requested confirmation that the preferred venue for this meeting is Ash Hill Academy, and asked for suggestions if this venue isn’t available. Councillors suggested Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall, Victoria Hall and The Hatfield Community Library.

Resolved: Town Clerk to book venue according to availability. b Committees and Working Groups – The Town Clerk advised that following discussion with YLCA there may be some appropriate changes in the names of some committees to make them working groups in order to accurately reflect their responsibilities in preparation for the Annual Meeting.

Resolved : Councillors noted the information. c Hatfield Herald – print price increase-- The Town Clerk updated members that the Thorne Times have had no option but to increase their print prices. The increase will be phased to a maximum of £780.00 + VAT for a 4 page spread.

Resolved : Councillors noted the increase. d Jubilee Park Issues Update – Councillor Mrs P Sanderson reported that on a recent visit to Jubilee Fields she had witnessed off-road motorcycles causing a danger to children playing and other users of the park.

Councillor Glynn reported that there are rumours of a dog attack on another dog, and as a safeguarding issue for all users of the Town Council Recreation Grounds we should introduce a bye law that dogs should be on a lead.

2 Resolved: Jubilee Park children’s play area to be fenced off as a matter of urgency together with the erection of security fencing where appropriate to prevent access.

Further Resolved: The Town Clerk to investigate putting such a bye-law in place and displaying the necessary signage. e Site Staff annual leave – The Town Clerk advised that approximately 4 to 5 years ago the Town Council resolved that only one member of site staff is allowed annual leave at any one time. Due to the current situation where 1 member of staff has been off sick for a number of weeks, the Town Clerk asked for Members thoughts as present circumstances dictate it is difficult for the other 2 staff to take leave.

Resolved: Town Clerk to seek further information. f Christmas Lights Update – The Town Clerk updated members that she has spoken with all the companies from last year, they will be carrying out visits and supplying quotations. The Clerk added that a liaison meeting with DMBC is scheduled in the near future. It is hoped that the quotations will be received in time for the May meeting.

Resolved: The information was noted.


Councillor Mrs J Credland pointed out that she has no involvement with 69th Doncaster Guides and wanted the declarations of interest amending on minute 16. Once amended the minutes of the Policy & Resources Committee held on Monday 20th March 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs P Sanderson.


Councillor Glynn requested to discuss the Award of Grants recommended by the Policy & Resources Committee on Monday 20th March 2017. A lengthy discussion followed where all Councillors agreed that the organisations, groups and volunteers are doing an admirable job of bringing the community together, providing hobbies and interests for all ages in the community.

The amount of Grant money awarded was also discussed at length and some amendments to these were proposed and voted on. Resulting in Hatfield Brass Band being awarded £2000, Friends of Quarry Park £450.00, and Hatfield Community Library £1000.

Following the discussions it was agreed that future Grant Applications be considered by Full Council at two extraordinary meetings to accommodate the two grant application submissions. It may also be necessary to amend Standing Orders and the Terms of Reference.

3 Resolved: The other recommendations (with above amendment) of the Policy & Resources Committee held on Monday 20th March 2017 are approved.

Further Resolved: Grant applications are considered by the Town Council at two extraordinary meetings following the March and October submissions.

138 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT a Planning Applications – Received (no observations)

Resolved: The Town Council has no observations in respect of the following planning application:

17/00672/FUL - Erection of a single detached dwelling Land Off Old Epworth Road West Hatfield 17/00784/FUL - Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling - 24 Broadlands Close Dunscroft 17/00783/FUL - Erection of a side extension and alterations. Ingledene, High Street Dunsville 17/00795/FUL - First floor extension on existing single storey extension to rear of property including installation of window into gable wall - 3 St Georges Avenue Dunsville 17/00694/FUL - Dropped kerb to allow access to drive - 398 Broadway Dunscroft 17/00811/FUL - Proposed erection of detached garage with dual pitched roof - 72 Doncaster Road Hatfield . 17/00897/ADV - Display of illuminated and non-illuminated signs - Co-op Food Unit 2 The Abbey Shopping Centre Station Road. b Planning Applications – Received (observations)

Resolved: The Town Council has observations in respect of the following planning applications. Councillor Glynn has requested to speak at the Public Enquiry and contact to be made with the Planning Inspectorate for permission.

16/00025/REF - Land Off Westminster Drive Dunsville Doncaster -Outline application for the erection of 97 dwellings on approx. 3.37ha of land (approval being sought for access) NOTIFCATION OF PUBLIC ENQUIRY 9th May 2017 at 10:00 venue CAST

139 MATTERS REQUESTED BY COUNCILLORS a Cross- Party representation on Committees- Councillor Morrison proposed that each party nominate one or two representatives to sit on the committees or working

4 groups, so a consensus of opinion is reached to ensure the committee is not weighted and will examine the broader picture for the benefit of the community. The Town Clerk added that the Standing Orders will have to be changed to accommodate the proposal.

Resolved: That Cross- Party representation is implemented on the Committees and Working Groups. b Enforcement Officer – Councillor Morrison proposed that in view of nuisance motorcycle issues on Jubilee Fields, and dog fouling the role of Enforcement Officer discussed previously by the Town Council should be implemented. A discussion followed where it was suggested that for safety 2 officers would be required, also that the Enforcement title may not be effective as the powers to gather information and take action are very limited. Councillor Mrs Sanderson added that Doncaster MBC have a Neighbourhood Response Team who deal with these types of issues. It was agreed clarification is needed.

Resolved: The Town Clerk to investigate the legal issues and Town Council to review if the role of Enforcement Officer is a viable, and effective position. c Report from DMBC Public Rights of Way Forum – Councillor Ms Moate reported that she had attended the meeting as the Hatfield Town Council Representative and there was nothing significant to report for this area.

140 FINANCIAL MATTERS a Approve Attached Monthly Accounts for Payment - The Town Clerk advised that there have been an additional accounts for payment received since the Agenda had been sent out resulting in a monthly total of £15379.13.

Resolved: Monthly accounts approved.

Invoices in respect of 2016/17

Cheque No.( * Received after Agenda sent out.)

6996 Hatfield Community Library – Room Hire Cllrs Surgeries 35.00 6997 Arco - PPE 39.60 6998 MG Plumbing & Gas Ltd- repairs Cemetery House 55.00 6999 Pleveys – Grass Seed 72.00 7000 YPO- Replacement Notice Board, Cemetery 194.28 7001 Sutcliffe Play- play equipment parts (Jubilee) 86.13 7002 101 Digital Solutions - Monthly IT support 32.98 7003 WPS Insurance- vehicle insurance 2017-18 622.20 7004 Travis Perkins- paint & postcrete 111.60 7005 Yorkshire Water- Cemetery water 42.00 *7010 Brier Hills Recycling Limited 82.80 *7011 Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation – Lockers 210.42 DD EE –Broadband monthly charge 15.77 DD Intuit Quick Books- monthly fee 18.00

5 DD SSE- electricity- Jubilee 170.75 DD SSE- Gas- Council Offices 778.06 *DD SSE Council Offices Electricity 41.56 *DD SSE Workshop & Mortuary 84.85 DD Fleet one Fuel- March 266.01 *DD Daisy Communications mobile 40.19 *DD Daisy Communications telephone 68.40 Total 3067.60

Invoices in respect of 2017/18

Cheque no. * Received after Agenda sent out.

7006 DMBC- Business rates Cemetery 434.26 - DMBC- Business rates Offices 0.00 7007 YLCA - Membership 2017/2018 1458.00 7008 SYPA –Staff Pension contributions April 1773.96 7009 Inland Revenue- Tax and National insurance April 2017 1819.97 *7012 Doncaster MBC Refuse Collection April – June 2017 729.00 DBC Staff salaries April 2017 + petty cash 6096.34 Total 12311.53 b Financial Regulations – The Town Clerk advised that the tendering and purchasing process is somewhat delayed by the requirement to obtain 3 quotations, in some cases, in order to speed the process up she suggested that a spreadsheet is produced with details of who has been approached, willingness to quote and the quotations received.

Resolved: The suggestion was noted and agreed.

141 CORRESPONDENCE a E Mail from Harron Homes- The Town Clerk advised members that they had acquired an interest in the DN7 project and they are looking to be included on the first stage of the development. They added they would welcome an opportunity for a representative to attend a Town Council meeting to give a presentation and take on board comments.

Resolved: Harron Homes to be invited to Town Council Meeting. b To be dealt with under Part B . c E Mail regarding rubbish near Crookesbroom Lane Shops- The Town Clerk reported the e mail from a resident of Station Road outlining the issues of the accumulation of rubbish on the Abbey Site and overflowing bins with discarded pizza boxes.

6 Resolved: The Town Clerk to send letters to the appropriate parties.

142 COUNCILLORS’ SURGERY Councillor Morrison updated Members that a resident had contacted him in relation to speeding vehicles coming into Hatfield over Jubilee Bridge he advised the resident to contact South Yorkshire Police, DMBC Highways and elected DMBC Councillors for assistance.

Volunteers were requested for the surgery in June, Councillor Mrs Rutherford and Councillor Morrison volunteered.

The public and press were asked to leave at this point and be excluded from the remaining proceedings of the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Signed …………………………………………………………………….. (Town Mayor) Date: Monday 8th May 2017


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