INSTRUCTOR: Meagan Spangler ROOM: FLOATER EMAIL: [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS: Tutoring by appointment only

Planning Period: ______1st_____

WELCOME: Welcome to introduction to Health Science! I am very excited to have you all in my class this year. I believe that students who enroll in the Health Science related classes are among the brightest and best and are truly at an advantage when it comes to the success of their future endeavors. My goal in this class is to be a guide into the world of health care. I look forward to having successful students. As a Respiratory Therapist, I have gained valuable clinical experience that I plan on integrating into the classroom through different stories and activities. I look forward to an enriching and challenging year, and I hope that you are as excited as I am, and ready to learn.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Credit: 1— Introduction to Health Science includes an overview of therapeutic, diagnostic, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development pathways in the health science career cluster. The course focuses on health careers exploration, healthcare systems roles, leadership, employability, and communication skills. Students will develop a concept of health maintenance practices, safety, teamwork, and legal and ethical responsibilities. School-to-work shadowing activities may be implemented in this course. Subject matter will include career choices and application of health concepts relative to becoming a healthcare professional. Standards may be viewed on my teacher webpage.


GRADING POLICY: FINAL GRADES: First Nine Weeks 40% Second Nine Weeks 40% Final Exam 20%

Collierville GRADING SCALE: 93 - 100 A ~ Exceeds expectations 85 - 92 B ~ Meets Health Science standards & expectations 77 - 84 C ~ Passing grade but does not meet some standards 70 - 76 D ~ Passing, but only meets minimum standards 0 - 69 F ~ Failing, does not meet minimum standards *Numerical grades will be reported on interim reports and report cards

REQUIRED TEXT: Diversified Health Occupations, 6th Ed., Simmers, Louise, New York: Delmar Publishing, Inc. 2004 DHO Workbook, Simmer, Louise Introductions to Medical Terminology, Ehrlich, A., Schroeder, C. L., New York: Delmar Publishing, Inc., 2004 IMT Workbook, Taber's Medical Dictionary, math calculation books, nutrition books, Drug books, medical magazines, internet and handouts.

1 RULES: 1. Put Phones Away ~ Turn phones OFF! Phones and other electronic gadgets should not be seen or heard. 2. Be Professional ~ Maintain professionalism at all times. Remember, you are the future of health care 3. Be Prepared ~ Come to class prepared to learn (BRING YOUR BOOK, workbooks, and supplies to class each day). 4. Be On Time ~ Students must be in their assigned seats when the tardy bell rings. 5. Participate ~ Be an active participant in class discussions and activities. 6. Be Safe (Ask First) ~ Equipment may only be used after proper instruction and with teacher’s permission. Personal grooming, eating or drinking in the practice lab is not allowed. 7. Respect Everyone ~ Respect your classmates and teacher. 8. Follow Directions ~ Students must follow directions the first time they are given. 9. Clean Up Your Mess ~ Make sure that the room and your area is neat and clean before leaving the classroom.

CONSEQUENCES / DISCIPLINE POLICY: 1st Offense – Verbal Warning Unit tests will be administered at the completion of 2nd Offense – Student-Teacher Conference every unit. Cumulative mid-term, and final exams 3rd Offense – Parent Contacted will be administered, 4th Offense – Referral to Administration REQUIRED SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: **Policies for major offenses, as stated in the CHS  Notebook (1 ½ inch binder), black or blue student handbook, will be followed per protocol. pens,composition notebook notebook paper, and dividers (set of 5 tabs) PROCEDURES: *Students may also wish to bring markers or 1. “Daily Cerebral Exercises” (D.C.E): colored pencils, supplies for projects, and 3x5 a. The assignment will be posted on index cards. the board; begin this assignment daily when the tardy bell rings HOSA: (“bell-ringer”). Students are strongly encouraged to join and be b. The assignment must be turned in active members in the Health Occupations 10 minutes after the tardy bell Students of America club. HOSA is a national rings. student organization whose mission is to promote 2. Classroom courtesy: career opportunities in health care and to enhance a. Ask permission to leave the the delivery of quality health care to all people. classroom. HOSA members will be involved in community b. Show respect to others through events that provide them with the opportunity to your actions and words. develop skills and leadership roles. Each year, 3. Quizzes and Tests HOSA participates in national and local service a. Students will frequently have projects to promote awareness and raise funds for quizzes to test their knowledge organizations such as Autism Speaks and the throughout the semester. American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. You b. Tests will be administered at the may check the state website at end of each unit of study. or the national website at 4. Dismissal: for more information. a. The teacher will dismiss the class. b. Students must continue to work until dismissed by the teacher. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ***A Collierville Schools Internet agreement must be signed and on file.*** Class Participation. Classroom participation is mandatory in this class. Health care providers TESTING SCHEDULE: often work as teams to accomplish their mission. 2 Students are therefore encouraged and required to  USA Today work as teams. Teams will change frequently. ( alth/default.htm) Homework. Homework will be given to reinforce  CBS News Healthwatch concepts covered in class. Work will be posted on ( – click the board as needed. All homework assignments on “Health”) are due on Friday unless otherwise specified.  Kaiser Permanente News Each day that work is late results in a 10-point Releases and Spotlight stories: deduction in the grade. National ( Absences and Make-Up Work.. Missed al/) assignments must be made up. It is your responsibility to find out what you have missed #2 ~ Virtual Job-Shadowing Project (Test and make up the work as quickly as possible. Grade) Time allowed to make up work is in the student Introduction health science students will be handbook, please familiarize yourself with the required to participate in a virtual job- policy. Failure to do missing work will result in a shadowing experience. Students will be zero (0) for the assignment. given class time to explore the library. During this time, students will conduct Class Rules, Expectations, and Discipline. You research related to a specific career, speak should pay close attention to rules and procedures with the career specialist, and create a to ensure your safety and the safety of those report of their findings. Specifications for around you. We will participate in many hands-on this project will be given at a later date. activities that will require you to follow safety measures. In the case of behavior and discipline #3 ~ Notebooks (Due date will be assigned at problems, I will follow the CHS and district policy the end of each 9-weeks ~ Test Grade) related to the offense and make referrals to Students are required and expected to administration as needed. maintain an organized notebook for this class. Notebooks should include only Extra Help: If you need extra help, please ask! I notes for this course (no math, history, or am here to help you be the best that you can be other notes included). Notebooks should and my goal is to see you be successful. Please include sections for D.C.E’s, Class Notes, let me know if you need extra help; I have “set” Handouts, Homework, and Articles. The office hours and will be happy to meet with you at notebook will be graded as follows: other times (please give 24-hour notice). Class notes and/or outlines PROJECTS SCHEDULE: Students will complete 30% many projects and assignments throughout the Handouts/Homework semester. Project guidelines, requirements, and 30% due dates will be discussed when the project is DCE/Articles assigned. A few assignments are included in this 30% syllabus for your review; other assignments will be Organization and neatness given in class. 10%

#1 ~ Current Health/Medical Event Paper (Quiz Grade) The current event will include a 50 word or greater report that includes a summary (in the student’s own words—plagiarism will receive a “zero” quiz grade) and the student’s developed opinion, and documentation of the source utilized. (See additional handout for grading criteria.) The health/medical article must come from a newspaper, current magazine (<3 months old) or one of the following acceptable websites: