NRMCA Sustainable Concrete Plant Guidelines Pilot Program Instructions and Checklist

 E-mail Lionel Lemay of NRMCA at [email protected] to indicate you will be participating in the Pilot Program.

 Download the Guidelines and Worksheets at

 Read the Guidelines and familiarize yourself with the Worksheets.

 Attend one of the webinar on the Sustainable Concrete Plant Guidelines Pilot Program during one of the times listed at

 Select a minimum of two (2) ready mixed concrete plants to participate in the Pilot Program; preferably one in an urban area and one in a rural or suburban area.

 Attempt to gather data needed to attempt every credit within the Guidelines including the pre- requisites.

 Attempt to achieve points for every credit. You might not meet the requirements for every credit but do your best to achieve points.

 Collect documentation for every credit even if you did not achieve points for that credit.

 Scan documentation in PDF format or create PDF files from electronic documents of all the documentation required for every credit. Organize the documentation in the same order as the Guidelines.

 Place a title page containing the number and name of the credit in front of the documentation for each credit using the attached template. Provide brief feedback regarding the credit as indicated on the title page template.

 Complete a submittal form for each plant participating in the Pilot Program.

 Submit a completed Guideline Checklist along with documentation on or before July 31, 2010, to Lionel Lemay of NRMCA via e-mail at [email protected] or on CD via mail at 1244 Crane Blvd, Libertyville, IL 60048.  For questions, contact Lionel Lemay of NRMCA at 847-918-7101 or [email protected].

Page 2 of 4 NRMCA Sustainable Concrete Plant Guidelines Pilot Program Credit Documentation Title Page Complete one title page for every prerequisite/credit and place in front of the documentation required for the prerequisite/credit.

Credit Number:

Credit Title:

Points Achieved:


Rank the clarity of the credit requirements:      1 2 3 4 5 unclear clear

Rank the clarity of calculations/worksheets:      1 2 3 4 5 unclear clear

Rank the clarity of the strategies required:      1 2 3 4 5 unclear clear

Rank documentation required:      1 2 3 4 5 unclear clear

Additional comments on this prerequisite/credit:

Page 3 of 4 NRMCA Sustainable Concrete Plant Guidelines Pilot Program Submittal Form

Date of Submittal:


Plant Name:

Company Name:

Plant Address:

Telephone: Fax: E-Mail:

12 Month Evaluation Period: Starting Month/Year: Ending Month/Year:

Note: Generally this is the past 12 months, but if you don’t have data for the past several months, you may select another 12 month period starting no ealier than 18 months before the submittal date.






Telephone: Fax: E-Mail:


Printed Name:

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