A.Resume.Of.The.Ages - Church.Age.Book Cpt.10
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FALSE CHRISTS pt3 Pastor Charles Holmes 03-06-2013
A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 REVELATION 3:1 1 ¶ And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
We rejoice in this age for this one thing. Reformation had started. It was not a resurrection but a reformation. Neither was it a restoration. But the corn of wheat that had died at Nicaea and had rotted in the Dark Ages, now sent up a shoot of truth signifying that at some future date, at the end of the Laodicean Age, just before Jesus came, the church would go back to being a Wheat Seed Bride again while the tares would be harvested and burned in the lake of fire.
374-2 A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 REVELATION 3:7 7 ¶ And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
Since the fifth age had brought a great dissemination of the Word through printing, the sixth age was quick to take advantage of it. This age was the second stage of the restoration and as we have stated previously was the tassel age. Education abounded. This was the age of intellectual men who loved God and served Him. Missionaries abounded and the Word spread over the world. It was an age of brotherly love. It was an age of the open door. It was the last age of long duration, and after it the Laodicean Age would come which would be a short one.
The true vine flourished in this age as in no other when one thinks of numbers at home and abroad. This age brought holy men to the forefront. The true vine spread and the false vine receded. Everywhere the true vine went God gave light and life and happiness. The false vine was shown up for what it was: darkness, misery, poverty, illiteracy and death. And as the false vine in its day of power could not kill the true vine, neither could the true vine now bring back the false vine to Jesus Christ. But the false vine entrenched itself, waiting for the last part of the last age when it would win all back to itself except that small flock that were the elect, true vine of God.
A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 REVELATION 3:14-16 14 ¶ And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
And so we come to the last age: the Laodicean Age. That is our age. We know it is the last age for the Jews are back in Palestine. No matter how they got there; they are there. And this is harvest time. But before there can be a harvest there has to be a ripening, a maturing of both the vines.
375-3 A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 The Lutheran Age was the springtime. The Wesleyan Age was the summer of growth. The Laodicean Age is the harvest time of gathering the tares for binding and burning; and garnering the wheat for the Lord. 375-4 A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 Harvest time. Have you noticed that in the harvest time, though there is a real acceleration in the ripening, there is consequently a slowing of growth until there is no growth? Is that not exactly what we are seeing now? The false vine is losing multitudes to the Communists and various other types of belief. Her numbers are not increasing as she would like us to think. Her hold on the people is not what it used to be, and in so many cases going to church is just a show. And the true vine? What about her? Is she growing? Where are those vast numbers that keep coming to revivals and answer altar calls? Are not most of them merely emotional in their approach, or desirous of something physical rather than desiring that which is truly Spiritual? Is this age not like the day in which Noah entered the ark, and the door was shut, but yet God tarried in judgment seven days? No one was literally turned to God in those silent days. 375-5 A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 And yet it is the harvest time. There then must come upon the scene in this age those who will bring the wheat and tares to maturity. The tares are already maturing very fast under corrupt teachers who turn the people from the Word. But the wheat also must mature. And to her, God is sending the Prophet-Messenger with the vindicated ministry that he might be accepted by the elect. They will hear him as the first church heard Paul, and she will mature in the Word until becoming a Word Bride the mighty works will be found in her that are always attendant upon the pure Word and faith.
THE.ANOINTED.ONES.AT.THE.END.TIME_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-3 SUNDAY_ 65-0725M 98 The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established." I spoke of Balaam, I spoke of Balaam and of Moses. And I have spoke now of Micaiah and Zedekiah. Now I'm going to give one more. Which, there's hundreds of them, but one more, to make three witnesses. I got a whole string of them wrote down here; but to preserve time. 99 Jeremiah who was a vindicated, outcast, but a vindicated prophet of God. They hated the man. They throwed unri-... overripe fruit at him, and everything else. And he put the curse upon them. And the things that he done, and laid out there on his sides, and things, and give signs that Israel was wrong. Every prophet, true prophet that ever raised in the world, cursed those denomination organizations of the church. How could it change, by the unchanging God? 100 The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this hour; He a vindicating His Word, proving It. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Moses' hour. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Micaiah's hour. The Holy Spirit, which wrote the Word, comes and confirms the Word.
WHY.CRY.SPEAK_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-26 SUNDAY_ 63-0714M 21 Lord, Thy Word lays open on the pulpit, and realizing that someday It'll be closed for Its last time, then the Word will be flesh. And then we are--we're grateful for this time this morning. And open to us, by Thy Holy Spirit, the contents of this Word that we shall read. May the Holy Spirit teach us today the things that we ought to know. And may we then, in return, listen closely to every Word, weigh It deeply. And then may those who are listening by the way of tape, may they listen close. And may we be able to catch what the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal to us. For we realize, if He should anoint us, then the anointing is not in vain. It's for a purpose, that it might work to the good, to the Lord. And may our hearts and understanding be open, Lord. 22 May we have freedom to speak, and freedom to hear, and access to faith, to believe what we have heard, as it comes from God's Word; that it might count up to us, Eternal Life, in the great Day that is to come. Bless us today. Condemn us when we are wrong. Let us know the faults that we have. And bless us in the way that is right, that we might know which way to go, and how to act in this present world; that we might bring honor, in our living here, to Jesus Christ, Who died to give us a Life in the great hereafter. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
SHALOM_ SIERRA.VISTA.AZ V-13 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0112 110 But, the Elected, what about the Light now? I've been talking so much on the dark, and I got half my time up, eleven-thirty. Now let's turn it back around; gross darkness is upon the people, now what about the Light? He said gross darkness would be upon the people, but there would be Light, "Rise, and shine, for the Light has come." How can there be darkness and Light, it's got to be separated. And only one thing separates it, the Word manifested, separates, It presses it to the other side of the... Here's the darkness on the earth, but when the manifested Word of God, the sun, which it was spoken into existence by the Word, shows itself, darkness runs to the other side. And that's what's taking place now, darkness separating itself from the Light. Now to the elected Church in this dark hour... Which, we could stay on that for hours, but I think I've said enough till you understand what--what the Scripture means, when I said, "gross darkness upon this people."
THE.SPOKEN.WORD.IS.THE.ORIGINAL.SEED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-2 SUNDAY_ 62-0318 124-3 Remember Moses, born for the work, had to wait on God for the extra gift for the job. (He had to go back and wait.) And for the time appointed by God a certain Pharaoh had to be on the throne. And the people had to be wanting the Bread of Life before God would send him back. Now, with thousands of sign-workers in this last day has created a generation of sign- seekers that knows no more, nothing about the true move of God in His Word in these last days. As I have said, "Give them blood and oil and fleshly demonstrations on the platform, and they'll support it whether it's God's Word or not, whether it's Scriptural or not." Jesus had warned us of such things at the end time. As I've said, in Matthew 24, two spirits very close alike, deceive the very elected if possible. How can you tell them? Give them the Word test. How can you know it? Speak the Word; see what they say about it. If they don't believe the Word, they have no Seed-germ in them. They are of the evil one and deceive you. As the first bride was deceived, then the second bride was deceived, they are deceivers of the third bride by hybreeding the Word-- or trying to.
PERGAMEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.5 Jesus does not deny that they did the mighty works that only the Holy Ghost can accomplish by way of men. But He did deny ever knowing them. These weren't backsliders. These were wicked, unregenerate, reprobates. These were the seed of Satan.
THE.ANOINTED.ONES.AT.THE.END.TIME_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-3 SUNDAY_ 65-0725M 67 Oh, you false teachers listening to these tapes all these years, and seeing God confirm exactly what He said, and you set in your study and know it's the Truth; and because of your denominational differences, you dispute them and tell your people they're not so. Woe unto you! Your time is close at hand. 68 Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses. What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. The Bible said here in Second Peter, that it was "the teaching of Balaam" that Israel received, that God never did forgive. Unpardonable sin! Not a one of them got saved, though they had come out under the blessings of God, and seen the hand of God moving by this mighty prophet, and seen it exactly vindicated by God. And, because, another prophet come in with a teaching, contrary, and disputed with Moses, and tried to prove to the people that Moses was wrong. And Dathan, Korah, and many of them, agreed with him and taught the children of Israel to commit fornications, to go after his organization, that, "We're all the same." "Whether we're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostals, and whatmore, we're all the same." 69 We are not the same! Ye are a separated people, holy unto the Lord, dedicated to the Word and the Spirit of God, to bear fruit of His promise of this day. And you're not of them! I know that's awful strong, but that's the Truth just the same. Dedicated to a service in this last days! "Come out from amongst it."