Borough Charvil

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team INTRODUCTION

CONTENTS This is a profile of Charvil Ward. It is intended to accompany the wider Joint Strategic Needs Assessment of Wokingham Borough. Profiles have been created for each of the Electoral Wards within Wokingham 1. SUMMARY……………….………...….……2 to 3 Borough. 2. DEMOGRAPHICS…………………...... 4 to 6 3. DEPRIVATION, POVERTY AND The profiles are split into nine topics with these being accompanied by a summary of key findings and ACCESS TO SERVICES…………….……7 supported by metadata (information about the data used within the profiles). 4. ECONOMY AND ENTERPRISE……… 8 5. EDUCATION………………………………..9 The profiles are a tool which will be regularly developed with both improved functionality and also new and 6. HEALTH……………………………………….10 to 11 refreshed indicator data. We welcome your comments and suggestions so that we can ensure future 7. HOUSING……………………………………..12 developments are relevant and useful to you. 8. COMMUNITY SAFETY…………………..13 The profiles are in the main based only on data that are collected nationally with a high degree of 9. ENVIRONMENT……………………………14 completeness. This has been supplemented with local data where this has been considered appropriate. 10. SOURCES OF DATA…………………………………………..……………… 15 Some indicators may give small numbers at Ward level. This should be taken into consideration when interpreting the data. Small changes in counts can lead to wide variance in the rate, and counts can vary significantly from year to year.

Any provisional conclusions drawn from the profiles should be compared with other sources of information, both quantitative and qualitative.

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 1 1. SUMMARY

There are 3,042 people living in Charvil, 9.93% of these are children aged 0 to 15 and 7.17% are older people aged 65 and over. The non-white British population accounts for 13.74% of the total poulation. 90% of the Charvil population were born in the UK. This is more than the average of Wokingham Borough.. Charvil is the 17th most deprived ward in Wokingham Borough (out of 25 Wards). 6.5% of children in Charvil are at risk of living in poverty, compared with 6.9% across Wokingham Borough.

In Charvil 5.2% of the working age population claim benefits compared with 5.9% in Wokingham Borough. 72.1% of the population of Charvil who are aged 16 to 74 years are in employment. This is higher than the average in Wokingham Borough. In Charvil, the majority of people in employment (61% of workers) were employed in Managerial/professional/technical occupations. 27% of workers were employed in Professional occupations. 10.8% of working age people in Charvil have no formal qualifications.

71.47% of children living in Wokingham Borough achieved 5 GCSEs at grade A* to C. 46.15% of children living in Charvil achieved 5 GCSEs at grade A* to C. 71.89% of children living in Wokingham Borough achieved the expected level of attainment at Key Stage 2. 76.74% of children living in Charvil achieved the expected level of attainment at Key Stage 2.

The average life expectancy at birth for males living in Charvil is 83.1 years. The average life expectancy at birth for females in Charvil is 84.9 years. Death rates from all causes in people aged less than 75 are Lower than expected. Emergency hospital admissions for all causes are Lower than expected*.

An estimated 18.4% of adults in Charvil are obese. An estimated 21.4% of adults in Charvil binge drink. An estimated 35.1% of adults in Charvil eat healthily.

There are a total of 1131 dwellings in Charvil. The most common housing type in Charvil is Detached. This accounts for 67.02% of all housing. The average household size in Charvil is 2.8 people and 1.19% of housing in Charvil is classifed as needing one or more bedrooms more than it has in order to be adeqautely sized for the number of people living there.

There were 100 crimes recorded in Charvil during 2012/13. This equates to 32.87 crimes per 1,000 people living in Charvil - a rate that is lower than the average across Wokingham Borough.

In Charvil 100% of the population live in areas classified as rural town and fringe..

* Given the age and gender structure of the population and national death/admission rates Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 2 1. SUMMARY

Category Wokingham Ward Range Local Authority Average Ward Range Indicator Charvil Borough Worst Best Average Worst Best Deprivation & Indices of Multiple Deprivation - IMD (2010) 3.7 5.7 15.0 2.6 access % children in Poverty (2010) 6.5 6.9 15.0 3.1 Access to Services - IMD domain (2010) 19.2 19.3 31.1 9.9 Economy & % JSA Claimants (November 2012) 1.3 1.3 2.3 0.6 Enterprise Post-16 Qualifications - % Level 3 or higher (2011) 57.2 52.7 39.6 58.7 Education % key Stage 2 Level 4+ (2012) 76.7 82.2 57.9 95.8 % 5+ GCSEs A*-C (inc Maths and English) (2012) 46.2 66.5 46.2 85.7 Health All Cause Mortality <75 (2008-10) 63.1 72.0 96 58 Life Expectancy - males (2008-10) 83.1 82 79.3 83.5 Life Expectancy - females (2008-10) 84.9 84.3 80.9 86.6 Emergency hospital admissions for all causes (2010/11) 57.4 64.3 79.8 55.9 % low Birthweights <2500g (2008-10) 5.3 6.1 7.9 4.5 Housing % occupancy rating - bedrooms -1 or less (2011) 1.2 2.0 4.1 1.2 % no Central Heating (2011) 0.5 1.2 3.3 0.4 % socially Rented (2011) 8.8 7.3 17.9 1.1 Community Crime rate per 1,000 (2011/12) 32.9 27.3 71.2 10.5 Safety Anti-social Behaviour rate per 1,000 (2011/12) 9.2 9.1 19.8 2.8 Theft and handling stolen goods rate per 1,000 (2011/12) 15.8 8.6 32.3 1.6 Criminal Damage rate per 1,000 (2011/12) 1.6 4.1 11.3 1.1

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 3 2. DEMOGRAPHICS

• Charvil has a population of 3,042. This figure has increased at a Population Summary 2011 slower rate than it has on average across Wokingham Borough Wokingham since 2001. Charvil Borough • The working age population is relatively small in comparison to Wokingham Borough. Total Population 3,042 - - • Related to this, the ward has a proportionately larger young Males 1,522 50.0% 49.5% population (10%) and a smaller older population (7%). Females 1,520 50.0% 50.5% • The 2011 Census indicates that 14% of Charvil are BME, lower Children (0-15) 302 9.9% 9.2% than the Wokingham Borough average. Working Age (16-64) 981 32.2% 32.3% • The largest single BME population is the White: Other White Older People (65+) 218 7.2% 8.4% group. This group represents 29.4% of BME people and 4.04% of BME Population 418 13.7% 16.4% the total population of the ward. Population (2001) 3,000 - - Population Change (2001-2011) 42 1.4% 2.7%

Population structure 2011 Religion 2011 LA Total LA Total Males Wokingham Charvil Borough 85+ 80-84 Christian 1,933 63.5% 59.5% 75-79 70-74 Buddhist 8 0.3% 0.4% 65-69 Hindu 51 1.7% 2.1% 60-64 Jewish 55-59 8 0.3% 0.3% 50-54 Muslim 18 0.6% 2.8% 45-49 Sikh 58 1.9% 1.3% AgeBand 40-44 35-39 Any other religion 11 0.4% 0.3% 30-34 No Religion 727 23.9% 26% 25-29 20-24 Religion not stated 228 7.5% 7.3% 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Percentage by Age Group Source: Census 2011

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 4 2. DEMOGRAPHICS

ETHNICITY Wokingham Wokingham Charvil Charvil Borough Borough Total BME Population 418 13.7% 16.4% White Asian or Asian British British 2,624 86.3% 83.6% Indian 115 3.8% 3.5% Irish 21 0.7% 0.9% Pakistani 11 0.4% 1.9% Gypsy or Irish Traveller 10 0.3% 0.2% Bangladeshi 0 0.0% 0.1% Other White 123 4.0% 3.7% Chinese 18 0.6% 0.8% Mixed Other Asian 25 0.8% 1.2% White and Black Caribbean 20 0.7% 0.6% Black or Black British White and Black African 3 0.1% 0.2% Black Caribbean 4 0.1% 0.8% White and Asian 36 1.2% 0.8% Black African 12 0.4% 0.5% Other Mixed 10 0.3% 0.4% Other Black 5 0.2% 0.1% Other Ethnic Group Other Ethnic Group 5 0.2% 0.7%

HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION Wokingham Wokingham Charvil Charvil Borough Borough All Households: 1097 60,332 Lone Parent 71 6.5% 7.2% Dependent children 37 3.4% 4.4% One Person Household: 157 14.3% 23.3% Non dependent children 34 3.1% 2.8% One Family Household: 877 79.9% 71.0% Other household types 63 5.7% 5.7% All aged over 65 108 9.8% 9.4% With dependent children 29 2.6% 2.1% Married or same-sex civil partnership couple 603 55.0% 45.5% All full-time students 0 0.0% 0.0% No children 196 17.9% 15.3% All aged 65 and over 3 0.3% 0.2% Dependent children 331 30.2% 23.5% Other 31 55.0% 45.5% Non dependent children 76 6.9% 6.7% Cohabiting couple 95 8.7% 8.8% No children 50 4.6% 5.4% Dependent children 39 3.6% 3.2% Non dependent children 6 0.5% 0.3%

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 5 2. DEMOGRAPHICS


• 90% of the Charvil population were born in the UK. This is more Country of birth 2011 than the average of Wokingham Borough. Wokingham Charvil • The majority of people living in Charvil who were not born in the Borough UK have been resident in the UK for 10 years or more. 2,737 90.0% 87.7% • The majority of people living in Charvil who were not born in the Ireland 16 0.5% 0.7% UK moved to the UK when they were aged between 30 to 44. Other EU 65 2.1% 2.8% Other Countries 224 7.4% 8.8%

Age of arrival in UK (non-UK born residents)

Wokingham Borough Charvil Age of arrival in the UK: 90 and over Length of time in UK (non-UK born residents) Age of arrival in the UK: 85 to 89 Age of arrival in the UK: 75 to 84 Age of arrival in the UK: 65 to 74 Charvil Wokingham Borough Age of arrival in the UK: 60 to 64 8.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 45 to 59 7.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 30 to 44 6.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 25 to 29 5.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 20 to 24 4.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 18 to 19 3.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 16 to 17 2.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 15 1.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 10 to 14 0.0% Age of arrival in the UK: 8 to 9 Resident in UK: Less Resident in UK: 2 Resident in UK: 5 Resident in UK: 10 Age of arrival in the UK: 5 to 7 than 2 years years or more but years or more but years or more Age of arrival in the UK: 0 to 4 less than 5 years less than 10 years 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5%

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 6 3. DEPRIVATION, POVERTY AND ACCESS TO SERVICES

Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Access to Services

• Charvil is the 17th most deprived ward in Wokingham Borough • There are 52 households in Charvil who do not own a car or van. This is (out of 25 Wards). • 4.74% of all households in the Ward which is fewer than the Wokingham • There are no people in the ward who are living in areas classed Borough average. amongst the 5% most deprived in Berkshire, according to the • The indices of multiple deprivation includes a measure of barriers to housing latest Indices of Deprivation. and services. On this measure Charvil is the 14th most deprived ward in • There are no people in the ward who are living in areas classed • Wokingham Borough (out of 25 Wards). amongst the 5% most deprived in Wokingham Borough, • There are no people in the Ward who are living in areas classed amongst according to the latest Indices of Deprivation. the 5% most deprived in Berkshire, on this measure according to the latest Indices of Deprivation. Child Poverty • There are no people in the Ward who are living in areas classed amongst the 5% most deprived in Wokingham Borough on this measure according to • 6.5% of children in Charvil are at risk of living in poverty, the latest Indices of Deprivation. compared with 6.9% across Wokingham Borough. • This figure has risen by 1.9% since 2006. Method of travel to work

Free school meals

Charvil Wokingham Borough • 5.36% of children living in Wokingham Borough and attending 80 schools in Wokingham Borough are eligible for and receiving free 70 school meals. Free school meals data is not available for Charvil 60 Ward. 50 40 30 20 10



Percentage of people employment people in of Percentage







car or van caror

Passengera in

or fromhome



Driving a a caror Driving

Workmainly at

Bus, minibus Bus, or

travel to work travelto

metro, light rail, light metro,

Other method of Othermethod scootermoped or

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 7 4. ECONOMY AND ENTERPRISE

In Charvil 5.2% of the working age population claim benefits compared Employment with 5.9% in Wokingham Borough. Broken down: • In Charvil, the majority of people in employment (61% of workers) were Statistical Group Charvil Wokingham employed in Managerial/professional/technical occupations. 27% of workers Borough were employed in Professional occupations. Job Seekers 25 1.3% 1,340 1.4% • In Wokingham Borough as a whole the majority of people in employment ESA and Incapacity (56% of workers) were employed in Managerial/professional/technical Benefits 30 1.6% 2,415 2.4% occupations. 26% of workers were employed in Professional occupations. Lone parents 5 0.3% 520 0.5% Carers 15 0.8% 565 0.6% • 72.1% of the population of Charvil who are aged 16 to 74 years are in Other income benefits - 0.0% 125 0.1% employment. This is higher than the average in Wokingham Borough. Disabled 15 0.8% 705 0.7% Bereaved 10 0.5% 210 0.2% • 2.73% of the population of Charvil who are aged 16 to 74 years are Total Claimants 100 5.2% 5,880 5.9% unemployed. This is higher than the average in Wokingham Borough.

Qualifications Hours worked

Recent statistics on qualifications are available at ward level using Males Females data collected as part of the 2011 Census. This showed that: 70% 60% • 10.8% of working age people in Charvil have no formal 50% qualifications. 40% • 57.2% were qualified to NVQ Level 3 or higher compared with 52.4% in Wokingham Borough as a whole. 30% • Please see the 'Education' section of these Ward Profiles for 20% information on school attainment. 10%

Percentage of people employment in people of Percentage 0% Part-time: 15 hours or Part-time: 16 to 30 Full-time: 31 to 48 Full-time: 49 or more less worked hours worked hours worked hours worked

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 8 5. EDUCATION

We have to treat the following data with some caution due to the small numbers that are involved in the calculations. It is likely that differences between areas will be largely due to random effects occurring within the data. Data is only available at a Ward level for children who both live in, and attend school within, the local authority.

Pupil characteristics GCSE attainment

• 23.05% of children living in Wokingham Borough come from non- • 71.47% of children living in Wokingham Borough acheived 5 GCSEs at White British backgrounds. Pupil ethnicity data is not available for grades A* to C which included English and Maths. 46.15% of children living Charvil. in Charvil acheived 5 GCSEs at grades A* to C which included English and Maths. • 11.6% of children living in Wokingham Borough have English as a second language. Spoken language data is not available for Charvil.

Unauthorised absences

• 0.65% of school sessions were missed through unauthorised absences by children living in Wokingham Borough. School absence data is not available for Charvil.

Key Stage 2 attainment

• 71.89% of children living in Wokingham Borough acheived the expected level of attainment in Key Stage 2. 76.74% of children living in Charvil acheived the expected level of attainment in Key Stage 2.

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 9 6. HEALTH

It is often difficult to use health data when looking at small areas such as Wards. This is because of the size of the numbers involved. For example, only a few people from each Ward may be admitted to hospital each year for a specific condition. When we are looking at numbers that are very small we have to consider two key points before they are used in profiles such as this. Firstly, when numbers are small we are not legally able to share them as the individual may be identifiable from the data. Secondly, it is difficult to come to any reliable conclusions from information which is based on these small numbers. It may also be the case that the information is not available at these low levels. This is particularly true of information about peoples lifestyles (for example, how many people smoke or drink alcohol). One of the ways that this is overcome is to use 'modelled' data. This is data that has been taken from a much larger number of people and used to estimate the likelihood of a certain characteristic appearing in other areas such as Wards depending on some key features of that area such as how many people of a particular age group live there.

• The percentage of live births to mothers living in Charvil which Hospital admissions were of a low birth weight is estimated to be 5.3%. The percentage on average across Wokingham Borough is 6.1%. Any Emergency hospital admissions Lower than expected* difference is not statistically significant. for all causes • The number of people living in Charvil who are diagnosed with Planned hospital admissions for all Lower than expected cancer is as expected given the age and gender structure of the causes population. Emergency hospital admissions Lower than expected • The average life expectancy at birth for males living in Charvil is for all coronary heart disease 83.1 years. The average life expectancy at birth for females in Emergency hospital admissions As expected Charvil is 84.9 years. for stroke Emergency hospital admissions As expected Deaths for heart attack Emergency hospital admissions Deaths from all causes, all ages Lower than expected* for chronic obstructive pulmonary Lower than expected Deaths from all causes, under 65 Lower than expected disease Deaths from all causes, under 75 Lower than expected * Given the age and gender structure of the population and national admission rates Deaths from all cancer, all ages As expected Deaths from all cancer, under 75 As expected Deaths from circulatory disease, all As expected ages Deaths from respiratory diseases, all As expected ages * Given the age and gender structure of the population and national death rate

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 10 6. HEALTH

Lifestyles Sense of health and wellbeing

• The heights and weights of children in reception year and year 6 • According to the 2011 Census 89.78% of adults in Charvil feel that they are are measured annually as part of the National Child Measurement in either good or very good health. Programme. 6.8% of reception year children in Charvil are obese. • 3.09% of adults in Charvil feel that their lives are limited a lot due to ill health An average of 6.37% of reception year children in Wokingham or disability and 6.51% of adults in Charvil feel that their lives are limited a Borough are obese. little due to ill health or disability.

• 10.34% of year six children in Charvil are obese. An average of 13.94% of year six children in Wokingham Borough are obese. It is important to note that this data at Ward level involves small People providing at least one hour of unpaid care per week numbers and any differences between areas will be, in part, due to chance occurances in the data.

100 • An estimated 18.4% of adults in Charvil are obese. 90 80 An estimated 21.4% of adults in Charvil binge drink.

• 70

60 • An estimated 35.1% of adults in Charvil eat healthily. 50

Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 Charvil Wokingham Borough South East and Wales

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 11 7. HOUSING

• The most common council tax band in which housing in • The average household size in Charvil is 2.8 people. Which is larger than Wokingham Borough falls is Band D. This accounts for 28.33% of the average for Wokingham Borough. all dwellings. The most common council tax band in which • The average number of rooms in houses in Charvil is 7.1. Which is more housing in Charvil falls is Band G. This accounts for 26.67% of all than the average for Wokingham Borough. dwellings. • The average number of bedrooms in houses in Charvil is 3.6. Which is more • There are a total of 1131 dwellings in Charvil. 0% of these are than the average for Wokingham Borough. shared dwellings. This is fewer than the average number of • 1.19% of housing in Charvil is classifed as needing one or more bedrooms shared dwellings across Wokingham Borough. more than it has in order to be adeqautely sized for the number of people • The most common housing type in Charvil is Detached. This living there. This is fewer households than the Wokingham Borough accounts for 67.02% of all housing. average. • 0.46% of houses in Charvil do not have central heating. Which is fewer than the average for Wokingham Borough. Housing types Housing tenure

Charvil Wokingham Borough

80% Charvil Wokingham Borough 70% 90% 60% 80% 50% 70% 40% 60% 30% 50% 20% 10% 40% Percentage 30% 0% Percentage 20%

10% Terraced Detached 0%

Owned Shared ownership Social rented Private rented Semi-detached

(part owned and part building

tenement rented)

Flat, maisonette Flat, or

temporary structure

Caravanor other mobile or

house (including bed-sits) (including house

apartment:In a commercial

Part of a converted or shared or converted a of Part Purpose-builtblock of or flats

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 12 8. COMMUNITY SAFETY

• There were 100 crimes recorded in Charvil during 2012/13. This • The most commonly occuring crime was classified as Theft and handling equates to 32.87 crimes per 1,000 people living in Charvil - a rate stolen goods for which there were 15.78 crimes per person living in Charvil. that is lower than the average across Wokingham Borough.

Crime rate per 1,000 population

Charvil Wokingham Borough 18





Rate perRate 1,000 8













Fraud (Historic) Fraud

Possession of Possession


Criminal Damage Criminal

Theftand handling


Violenceagainst the Anti-socialbehaviour

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 13 9. ENVIRONMENT

• In Charvil 100% of the population live in areas classified as rural • The most common land use in Charvil is areas of Greenspace, this is town and fringe.. followed by areas of Domestic Gardens and areas of Water.

• Population density describes the average number of people living in each hectare of land in an area. There are an average of 8.59 Land use people living in each hectare of Charvil. This is fewer than are living on average in each hectare of Wokingham Borough. Wokingham Borough Charvil

Area of Unclassified Land Total domestic energy consumption Area of Other Land Uses 27,000

Area of Water 26,000 Area of Greenspace

25,000 Area of Domestic Gardens

24,000 Area of Rail

23,000 Area of Path

Area of Road 22,000

Area of Non Domestic Buildings Kilowatt Hours (axis (axis start zero) at not Hours does Kilowatt 21,000 Area of Domestic Buildings 20,000 2009 2010 2011 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Percentage of land

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 14 10. SOURCES OF DATA

Item Source Date Description 1. Summary Indicators Department for A national index of deprivation, where 32,480 Lower Super Output Areas are ranked in order of Indices of Multiple Deprivation - IMD (2010) Communities and Local 2010 relative deprivation Government (DCLG) Department for Work 2010 Measures the % of children in households receiving Child Tax Credits and with incomes 60% or less % children in Poverty (2010) and Pensions (DWP) of the median A national index of deprivation, where 32,480 Lower Super Output Areas are ranked in order of Access to Services - IMD domain (2010) DCLG 2010 relative deprivation % JSA Claimants (May 2012) NOMIS 2012 DWP benefits data published by NOMIS Post-16 Qualifications - % Level 3 or higher 2011 Census 2011 % of working age population with level 3 or higher (2011) DFE/Berkshire Local % key Stage 2 Level 4+ (2012) 2011/12 % of pupils achieving Level 4 or higher in both English and Maths Authorities DFE/Berkshire Local % 5+ GCSEs A*-C (inc Maths and English) (2012) 2011/12 % of pupils achieving 5 or more GCSEs at grade A*-C including English and Maths Authorities All Cause Mortality <75 (2008-10) Public Health England 2006-2010 Age/sex standardised mortality rates Life Expectancy - males (2008-10) Public Health England 2006-2010 Life expectancy at birth calculated from all cause, all age mortality Life Expectancy - females (2008-10) Public Health England 2006-2010 Life expectancy at birth calculated from all cause, all age mortality Emergency hospital admissions for all causes Public Health England 2006-2010 Age/sex standardised hospital admission rates (2010/11) % low Birthweights <2500g (2008-10) Public Health England 2007-2011 Percentage of live births with weight <2,500g A measure of under-occupancy and over-crowding. A value of -1 implies that there is one room too % occupancy rating - bedrooms -1 or less (2011) Public Health England 2011 few and that there is overcrowding in the household. % no Central Heating (2011) 2011 Census 2011 The percentage of housing which does not have central heating % socially Rented (2011) 2011 Census 2011 The percentage of households that socially rent Crime rate per 1,000 (2011/12) 2011 Census 2011 Total crime rate per 1,000 population

Anti-social Behaviour rate per 1,000 (2011/12) 2012/13 Total ASB rate per 1,000 population Theft and handling stolen goods rate per 1,000 Thames Valley Police 2012/13 Total Theft and Handling of Stolen Goods rate per 1,000 population (2011/12) Criminal Damage rate per 1,000 (2011/12) Thames Valley Police 2012/14 Total Criminal Damage rate per 1,000 population 2. Demographics Office for National Population size 2011 Usual resident population on Census day 2011 Statistics (ONS) Ethnicity ONS 2011 Ethnic group of usual resident population on Census day 2011 Religion ONS 2011 Religion or belief of usual resident population on Census day 2011

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 15 Item Source Date Description Household composition ONS 2011 Members of each household on Census day 2011 Migration ONS 2011 Usual residents who were not born in the UK recorded on Census day 2011 3. Deprivation A national index of deprivation, where 32,480 Lower Super Output Areas are ranked in order of Indices of Multiple Deprivation DCLG 2010 relative deprivation Child Poverty DWP 2010 Measures the % of children in households receiving Child Tax Credits and with incomes 60% or less of the median Department for Education (DFE) and Pupils eligible for free school meals 2011/12 % of pupils eligible for free school meals Berkshire Local Authorities Car Ownership/Public Transport ONS 2011 Car ownership per household as recorded on Census day 2011 Method of travel to work ONS 2011 Method of travel to work (those in employment) as recorded on Census day 2011 4. Economy and enterprise Benefits claimants DWP/NOMIS 2012 DWP benefits data published by NOMIS Employment status ONS November 2011 Employment status as recorded on Census day 2011 Qualifications ONS 2011 Highest level of qualification as recorded on Census day 2012 5. Education DFE/Berkshire Local The educational data provides 2012 year-end information on pupil residency-based small area pupil All education indicators 2012 Authorities attainment. Pupils who reside and attend schools within the Local Authority 6. Health Low birth weight babies Public Health England 2007-2011 Percentage of live births with weight <2,500g Cancer diagnoses Public Health England 2005-2009 Cancer incidence rates - age/sex standardised Life expectancy Public Health England 2006-2010 Life expectancy at birth calculated from all cause, all age mortality Mortality Public Health England 2006-2010 Age/sex standardised mortality rates

Hospital admissions Public Health England 2006/07-2010/11 Age/sex standardised hospital admission rates Children classified as having a body mass index of 30 or more recorded during the National Child Childhood obesity Public Health England 2009/10-2011/12 Measurement Programme (NCMP) Lifestyle behaviours Public Health England 2006-2008 Self-reported lifestyle behaviours as measured in the Health Survey for England Sense of health and wellbeing ONS 2011 Persons self-reported wellbeing on Census day 2011 Persons reporting themselves as providing unpaid care at least one hour per week on Census day Providing unpaid care ONS 2011 2011 7. Housing Neighbourhood Council tax bands 2011 Council tax bands of dwelling stock Statistics Number of dwellings ONS 2011 Number of dwellings recorded on Census day 2011 Shared dwellings ONS 2011 Dwellings containing members belonging to two or more different families Household size ONS 2011 The average number of people resident in a household Room numbers ONS 2011 The average number of rooms in a household

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 16 Item Source Date Description Household size ONS 2011 The average number of people resident in a household Central heating ONS 2011 The percentage of housing which does not have central heating 8. Community Safety Crime rates Thames Valley Police 2012/13 Number of recorded crimes per 1,000 population 9. Environment Urban/rural classification ONS 2012 ONS urban/rural classification (lower super output area) Population density ONS 2011 Persons per hectare Neighbourhood Domestic energy consumption 2009-2011 Domestic energy consumption (kilowatt hours) Statistics Neighbourhood Land use statistics in square meters, from the Generalised Land use Database (GLUD) Land Use 2005 Statistics

Acknowledgments Sheffield City Council Ward Profiles - David Leather - Ward Pictures - Picture 1 © Copyright Des Blenkinsopp and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. Picture 2 © Copyright Graham Horn and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. Picture 3 © Copyright Andrew Smith and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Berkshire Public Health Shared Team 17