Turtle’s Race with Beaver

Why are Turtle and Beaver racing, and who will win? Turtle lived in a beautiful pond.

She was very happy because this pond had everything a turtle needed.

The water was deep enough.

There was a lot of food to eat.

There were lots of rocks for turtle to sun herself on.

Winter came to the land and turtle swam to the bottom of the pond to go to sleep.

While turtle slept, Beaver came. Beaver was looking for a home.

He began to chomp on the trees. Chomp! He was building a dam. He worked very hard.

After finishing his dam, Beaver made a lodge. He was very happy. Spring returned once more to the land. The birds sang.

Turtle woke up. She began to swim to the top. She kept swimming and swimming and swimming and swimming.

By the time Turtle got to the top she realized that the water was four times as deep as before. Her pond didn’t look the same. All the rocks were under the water. She saw a huge dam and a big lodge.

Turtle heard a sound. Whack! A Beaver was swimming toward her.

“Who are you?” asked Beaver. “What are you doing here?”

“I am turtle,” Turtle said. “This is my pond.”

“Your pond!” said Beaver. “This is my pond! Look at my dam and lodge. This is a Beaver’s pond.”

“Yes, ” Turtle said, “I can see you’ve done lots of work. “Let’s share the pond.”

“Ha!” Beaver laughed. “I will not share my pond with a turtle. “I will race you and whoever loses must go find a new home.”

“I agree,” Turtle said. “We will race.” The race would take place in the morning.

Beaver told other animals about the race.

It was morning. They were ready to race. “On your mark… get set…. Go!” Splash went Beaver, going into the water. Turtle had an idea. She bit into the end of Beaver’s tail.

Flap! Flap! Flap! went Beaver swimming as fast as he could. Turtle was right behind, holding on as hard as she could.

Turtle bit harder into Beaver’s tail. Crunch!

“YEEEE-OWWWW!” yelled Beaver. He flipped his tail up and out of the water. Turtle let go. “Weeee! ” said Turtle as she went flying through the air.

KA-THUNK! Turtle landed on the shore. Turtle had won the race.

Beaver left the pond.

Beaver looked for a new home. He found one not too far away.

“Can I share your pond with you?” Beaver asked.

The other turtle said, “Yes!” And so the two of them lived there happily together.