Dilham Parish Council
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Present: Councillors Mrs. S L Rowlands (Chair), Mrs. P Carr (Vice-chair), W. Cope, P Duffield, C Jacobs, J G Paterson, I Warner, E Seward (NCC),& S Wellerd (Parish Clerk)
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies noted from: District Cllr L Walker & PCSO E Reynolds.
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING. The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as being true record of the business of the meeting. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF THE CURRENT AGENDA. None 4. MATTERS ARISING. a. Highways traffic speed monitoring. It was noted that the temporary devices are no longer available. Members reported that cars parking on the blind bend at night were dangerous. Speed indicator devices are available through the County partnership scheme. 5. DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORTS / POLICE REPORT. The Police report was noted including that there had been two crimes since the last meeting. Mr Seward reported that the Parish Council should have been invited to the opening of the community shop at the Cross Keys. The bottle banks can continue to be used whilst they are in place, but will be removed shortly. Members discussed having a parish funded glass recycling facility but decided it would not be used sufficiently now there is doorstep collection. 6. CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence listed up to and including 11.11.14 a. North Norfolk District Council Parish Council Forums. Councillor Cope and the Clerk to attend. b. Norfolk County Council Budget Consultation. Noted. c. Broads Authority Branding consultation. Members agreed that the Parish Council believes the use of the brand “National Park” would be of no benefit to the Parish and it does not support the National Park Status. 7. FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATION MATTERS. a. External Audit (no charge) - noted b. Notice of conclusion of audit & right to inspect the annual return posted 28.08.14 c. Resolved: To approve the Parish Council Budget 15/16 (as attached) d. Resolved: To approve the Parish Council precept 15/16 £3982
Balance brought forward as at 30.07.14 7825.15 Receipts. precept & CT support grant 2117 Recycle credits 292.8 2409.8
10234.95 Less - Payments made. Aug-14 556.36
Balance in hand as at 30.10.14 Represented by:- Community account. 3335.78 National Savings & Investments - public funds. 1401.28 National Savings & Investments - non-public funds. 4941.53 9678.59
9. INVOICES TO APPROVE FOR PAYMENT. £ 1. Parish Clerk’s salary – net. 417.60 2. HMRC - Income Tax deducted. 104.40
3. Clerk’s mileage allowance – 20 miles at 25p per mile. 10.00 4. Stationery expenses etc. per invoice. 23.12 5. Norse Grounds Mtnce 66.03 6. Dilham Village Hall & Playing field Committee grant 1000.00 7. Royal British Legion – Remembrance Day Wreath 17.00
Balance Carried Forward: £7875.38 10. PARISH CLERK’S REPORT.- noted. 11. PLANNING MATTERS. a. Broads Authority Enforcement officer’s report on Mobile home at Cross Keys Public House. - noted 12. ITEMS FOR REPORTING OR FUTURE AGENDA Members instructed the Clerk to contact the Broads Authority regarding a boat that was moored at Dilham Staithe which is unlicensed and has been on a 24hour mooring for three months. If the free electricity was switched off out of season this would discourage over stays. 13. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. None 14. DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING. The next meeting will held on the 10 February 2015, in the Village Hall, commencing at 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm
Mrs Rowlands, Parish Council Chair.
10 February 2015 Precept 2015/16
RECEIPTS. £ NNDC - Precept. 3982 NNDC - Council Tax Support Grant (note 1). 215 National Savings & Investments - gross interest (note 2). 35 NNDC - Recycling credits (note 3). 0 Ground rents. 10 total income. 4242
PAYMENTS. Insurance. 265 Audit fees (note 4). 22 Parish maintenance (inc. bus shelter). 50 Subscriptions and publications. 100 Printing, stationery and administrative costs etc. 200 Village Hall hire. 67 Parish Clerk's salary (note 5). 2142 Charitable donations (note 6). 142 Grant to PCC. 75 Grant to Village Hall & Playing Field Committee. 1000 Uncontested election expenses reserve (note 7). 75 Norse Commercial Services Ltd. - grass cutting. 195 Jubilee Mugs. 0 Total expenditure. 4333
Surplus (-shortfall). -91.00
Precept and Council Tax Support Grant. 4235