Workforce Engagement Strategy

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Workforce Engagement Strategy

Workforce Engagement Strategy 2 Executive Summary

Metro South Health, along with all other hospital and health services, is experiencing significant reform as a result of both the Commonwealth and State Reform Agenda. A vital component of these reform processes is workforce engagement, ensuring that all staff are equipped with the skills, resources and knowledge to work with Metro South Health in achieving our goals.

The Metro South Health Workforce Engagement Strategy (Strategy) shapes the way workforce engagement is understood within Metro South Health, so as to influence the way employees approach their jobs, their careers and the patients they care for. It describes the context – both environmental and legislative and articulates clear priority areas for workforce engagement across Metro South Health. The purpose of the Strategy is to ultimately describe the mechanisms for embedding workforce engagement in the organizational culture and practice of Metro South Health.

Success in Metro South Health relies on its ability to bring people together and enable them to do their best work, not only through rules, policies, processes and bottom line focus but by creating cultures that invite participation. Culture encompasses the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of an organisation. It is also well-known that an organisation’s culture shapes its learning orientation and forms and transforms over time.

The Workforce Engagement Strategy is a key component of Metro South Health’s approach to reform. It will facilitate significant organizational development, re-focus and re-design that will ensure that the Metro South Health workforce has the capability, the culture and the commitment required to be health reform leaders. The Strategy will be facilitated by the Metro South Health Planning, Engagement and Reform Team, in collaboration with all clinical and non-clinical teams, to respond to the following priority areas:

 Improving Business Literacy to enable involvement in decision making

 Deliver great Management and Leadership at all levels

 Workforce management systems for optimum capacity, productivity and distribution

 Communicate to ensure every role counts and connects

 Support personal and organizational Capability Development

 Undertake Workforce Planning and Implement Innovative Workforce Models

3 Section One: Workforce Engagement – the context

Purpose This Strategy shapes the way workforce engagement is understood within Metro South Health, so as to influence the way employees approach their jobs, their careers and the patients they care for. It describes the context – both environmental and legislative and articulates clear priority areas for workforce engagement across Metro South Health. The purpose of the Strategy is to ultimately describe the mechanisms for embedding workforce engagement in the organizational culture and practice of Metro South Health.

Environmental, Political, Social Context The delivery of health services has undergone and will continue to undergo significant change as a result of the Commonwealth’s National Reform Agenda. On the 1st July 2012 Queensland transformed its health system by implementing 17 Hospital and Health Services (HHS). The HHSs are separate legal entities, have a Board and are responsible for ensuring the effective delivery of safe, high quality and locally responsive health services. In addition to this Metro South Health has been created in an environment of a new State Government with significantly changed policies and priorities. In the current challenging fiscal environment, any attempt to pursue a ‘business as usual approach’, and approach productivity targets by progressively identifying separate savings through piecemeal strategies will not address the magnitude and demands of sustained savings requirements1. These factors led to a review of the existing organizational structure within Metro South Health and subsequent recommendations to restructure and reorganize many clinical and non-clinical services. This combined with the MOHRI and budgetary targets have made engaging meaningfully with the workforce a high priority.

Supporting this priority is Queensland Health’s Strategic Plan 2012-2016 which identifies one of the key health service outcomes as ‘Health service delivery is supported by high quality corporate and clinical governance and management’. Within this outcome is the action to ‘build a positive, innovative and responsive workplace culture within Queensland Health based on valuing and supporting our staff’2.

Planning Context Relevance to Metro South Health Strategic Plan 2012-16 The Metro South Health Strategic Plan 2012-16 sets the overall direction for the health service for the next few years. It clearly articulates Metro South Health’s purpose to ‘deliver high quality health care through the most efficient and innovative use of available resources, using planning and evidence-based strategies’. This mission is driven by the following objectives:  Improving services for patients  Implementing reform of the Queensland health system in Metro South  Focusing resources on frontline services  Ensuring accountability and confidence in the health system.

The Workforce Engagement Strategy contributes to a number of priorities articulated in the Strategic Plan including:

1 Scown, P. 2012. Community and Primary Health Review Report.

2 Department of Health. 2012. Queensland Health Strategic Plan 2012-2016, Queensland Government.

4 Priority1Stakeholders  Ensure the involvement of clinicians in the planning, implementation and evaluation of health care. Priority2 Service Delivery  Ensure that the planning of future health services is based on population growth, demographics and health needs (including consultation with clinicians) Priority 3 People  Attract, develop and support a high quality workforce  Build and maintain a positive and productive workplace where staff can perform at their best, are acknowledged and supported. Priority 4 Teaching and Research  Create a culture of education, research and innovation Priority 7 Image and Reputation  Promote and market our world-class health service- locally, nationally and internationally

Relationship with Clinician Engagement Strategy The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2012 requires Hospital and Health Services to develop a Clinician Engagement Strategy as one of its core engagement processes. Metro South Health recognizes that people who directly provide clinical services are best placed to identify improvement to service delivery and patient care outcomes.

The Metro South Health Clinician Engagement Strategy is designed to ensure local clinicians have a voice in the planning, implementation and review of clinical services in Metro South Health. It forms a core component of the broader Workforce Engagement Strategy and should not be considered in isolation.

Relationship with Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy 2013-2015 The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2012, requires Hospital and Health Services to develop a Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy as one of its core engagement processes.

The Metro South Health Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy 2012- 2015 provides the mechanism to enable Metro South Health to better plan, design and deliver services that meet the needs of the people who use them. The Strategy forms a key component of the overall engagement strategies across Metro South Health and is linked with both the clinician engagement strategy and workforce engagement strategy by embedding an ‘engagement framework and philosophy’ within the health service.

Relationship to Metro South Health Workforce Strategy The Metro South Health Strategic Workforce Plan 2012-2017 (2013 Supplement) sets the direction for Metro South to be in a strong position to meet the challenges of increasing demand for health services from a growing and diverse population. The Workforce Plan aims ‘to promote systematic change in our health workforce with reliable information to support the addressing of immediate and future health workforce needs.’ Three key strategic directions added in 2013 focus on building capacity, boosting productivity and improving distribution. The Workforce Engagement strategy contributes by embedding a philosophy and framework of engagement with the workforce, thus providing a supportive organizational culture for operationalizing the systems and processes detailed in the Workforce Plan.

5 Relationship to Learning and Development Learning and Development is a critical enabler for any change management process and underpins the successful implementation of both the Metro South Health Workforce Plan 2012-2017, and the Workforce Engagement Strategy 2013-15.

Figure 1: Relationship with Strategic Planning Documents

Metro South Health Strategic Plan

Metro South Health Metro South Health Metro South Consumer Workforce Engagement and Community Strategic Workforce Plan Strategy Engagement Strategy

Metro South Health

Clinician Engagement Strategy

Learning and Development

Development of the Strategy The Metro South Health Workforce Engagement Strategy was developed using the following processes: 1) A review of the literature 2) Analysis of previous Best Practice Australia Staff Culture Surveys Metro South Health has historically used the Better Workplaces Staff Opinion Survey. The results from previous surveys were examined for common themes to guide the development of this Strategy. The previous surveys alone however were not adequate to drive the development of the Strategy, as significant environmental, legislative and structural changes have occurred since the last survey.

3) Consultation. The consultation process consisted of: a) Written communication with Metro South Executive and Board b) Interviews with key staff

Further consultation with staff will occur following the implementation of the Best Practice Australia Staff Culture Survey in September 2013 to develop specific action plans in relation to the outcomes of the survey.

6 Section Two: What is Workforce Engagement?

Whilst there is no single accepted definition of workforce engagement, most agree that workforce engagement goes beyond the traditional indicators of satisfaction, commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Engaged employees are emotionally attached to their organisation and highly involved in their job with a great enthusiasm for the success of their employer – they go the extra mile when needed3. A highly engaged workforce is closely linked with stronger levels of financial performance, customer satisfaction and retention, and ultimately high organisational effectiveness4.

Robins et al (2004) define employee engagement as:

‘a positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its value. An engaged employee is aware of the business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organisation must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two- way relationship between employer and employee5.’

In short, engagement can be thought of as the degree of employee-organisation alignment. Kaplan and Norton (2004)6 state that ‘an organisation is aligned when all employees have a commonality of purpose, a shared vision, and an understanding of how their personal roles support the overall strategy.’

Workforce-organisation alignment requires a holistic, coordinated effort to ensure that a number of key elements are in place to drive overall performance of an organisation in terms of productivity and profitability, and ensure a positive customer experience. Sustainable organisational effectiveness requires all of these elements to deliver engagement. No single element can create organisational effectiveness; excellence is required across the full range of elements if competitive strength is to be built. Table 1 summarises the elements.

Table 1: Elements for workforce-organisation alignment Strategy The role, purpose and strategic direction that summarises the work of the organisation and/ or division are clear and appropriate. Leadership Leaders have the capability and capacity to drive sustainable business success. Culture and A set of shared, basic assumptions about how to behave and Values carry out work within the organisation that is aligned to business strategy. The systems, symbols and behaviours that leaders and other employees are exposed to within an organisation must align to the desired culture to achieve the business strategy. Employees need to gain satisfaction from the job and be inspired

3Markos, S. and Sandhya Sridevei, M. 2010, Employee Engagement The Key to Improving Performance, International Journal of Business and Management, vol 5, number 12, Canadian Center of Science and Education.

4 Right Management (2209) Organisational Effectiveness and Employee Engagement: Discovering how to make them happen, Right Management.

5 Robins

6 Kaplan, R. S & Norton, D. P. (2004) ‘Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets’. Harvard Business Review, Feb2004, Vol. 82 Issue 2, p52-63.

7 by the organization to do the work. To enable this to occur employees need an understanding of:  the organisation’s ’business’  how their role fits and contributes to the business of the organization  what the organization expects of them Structure, Capable people doing the right work through a ‘fit for purpose’ Roles and structure and clearly described role accountabilities and Capability relationships. Workforce The workforce needs to be supported by people systems and Management processes that drive the right behaviours. These systems and Systems and processes work in organisations to send messages, share Processes information and make well informed decision across the business. Organisational processes and systems are an extension of leadership, creating consistency and trust.

It is also important to acknowledge that engagement is not only a two way process between the organization and the employee, but that employees have a level of engagement with their role or profession. The following two part model describes Job Engagement (the level of engagement people have to their role or profession) and Organisation Engagement (the level of engagement they have to their organisation).

The second part of the model (Figure 2) describes the intellectual, affective and social ways that the workforce engages with the organization. An engaged workforce is achieved when a high number of employees have their hearts and minds aligned to both the job they do and the organisation they work for. Engaged employees display: 1. Commitment to the job and organisation 2. Pride in the job and in the organisation 3. Willingness to advocate the benefits and advantages of the job and organisation 4. Satisfaction with the job and organization

Figure 2: Right Management’s Employee Engagement Model

8 Section Three: Working in Metro South Health A workforce is engaged when a high number of employees have their hearts and minds aligned to both their role and the organisation they work for. They not only know what their role entails, but understand how their work contributes to overall organizational success, and obtain a sense of satisfaction from their role7. When people evaluate their experience of their role and the organisation in a positive manner, not only are they more likely to feel satisfied, committed and proud, but they are also more likely to be advocates for the organisation in which they work – and in turn engage in behaviours that enhance both role and organisational performance8.

Therefore, it is important that both current and potential employees understand the organization and the organizational culture with which they are engaging to ensure employee-organization alignment, and secondly alignment with their role. In recognition of this the next section of the Strategy describes Metro South Health and articulates workforce priorities.

Who is Metro South Health? Metro South Health is the most populated of the 17 Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) in Queensland. As a statutory body Metro South Health is responsible for delivering public health services to almost 1 million residents (23% of Queensland’s population) through more than 10 000 staff located in six hospitals and numerous community facilities. Metro South Health is funded by the Queensland Government through a service agreement with the Department of Health9. Metro South Health’s vision is ‘To be renowned worldwide for excellence in health care, teaching and research.’ . What do we do? The primary function is to provide public hospital and health services, teaching and research within the Metro South geographical area. Metro South Health’s functions are outlined in part 2, division 1 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011. Under the legislation, Metro South Health also:  ensures the operation of the HHS is delivered efficiently, effectively and economically  contributes to state-wide health planning in conjunction with the Department of Health and other HHSs  works closely with other health providers including local primary healthcare organisations.

7 Ellis, C.M., Sorenson, 2008. A. Assessing Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Productivity, Perspectives: Insights for todays business leaders, vol 15, issue 1.

8Right Managment

9Metro South Health Internet

9 Our Work Priorities Figure 3: Work Priorities

Establishing and communicating Metro South Health’s corporate identity and culture is the first step in the workforce engagement process. It is crucial that the workforce has a good understanding of the ‘business’, where they fit, and Metro South Health’s expectations. To assist with communicating this, Metro South Health has adopted the work priorities model developed by Best Practice Australia

10 Figure 310, which epitomizes the workforce culture Metro South Health strives for.

Contributing to the overall culture are the specific expectations of clinical streams, work units and professions.

10 Best Practice Australia

11 Section Four: Our Workforce Engagement Priorities

Metro South Health has identified the following workforce engagement priorities as depicted in Figure 4:

Figure 4: Workforce Engagement Priorities

12 Workforce Engagement Priorities Explained

Improving Business Literacy to enable involvement in decision making

Business literacy is about educating all employees about the organisation so they understand how it operates. It empowers the entire workforce to understand the dynamic driving business decisions and to participate effectively in these decision- making processes. Employees who understand ‘Why’ appreciate the ‘what’ and ‘how’. …..they become more engaged. Raising business literacy is a key priority for MSH and includes building literacy across a number of levels including:  Our organization and our brand  The services we provide

Deliver great Management and Leadership at all levels

Effective management and leadership is a critical factor in successful innovation and reform and is vital when an organisation needs to mobilise a workforce in a new way towards a vision, a set of values, or changing work practices. Metro South Health is currently operating in a complex and changing environment, which provides both opportunities and challenges. To be effective in this type of environment a particular type of leadership is required to not only adapt but to thrive. Adaptive leadership is the practice of mobilising people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. It is specifically about change that enables capacity to thrive, builds on the past rather than jettison it, occurs through innovation, relies on diversity and acknowledges that old perceptions may need to be rearranged or discarded11.

Building a relationship between those who aspire to lead, and those who choose to follow is the essence of the leadership process. Key individuals, occupying all types of health roles as well as consumers and carers, play a major role in shaping and championing beliefs, behaviours, and a culture that will enable change. Local leaders need to be able to identify areas for change and need to be supported to act upon them through good management12.

Workforce management systems for optimum capacity, productivity and distribution

Workforce management is the management of an organisations human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, recruitment, performance management and rewarding and safety of employees while ensuring compliance with employment and labour laws.

Communicate to ensure every role counts and connects

11 Heifetz, R., Grashow, A., Linksy, M. (2009) The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world, Cambridge Leadership Associates.

12 Health Workforce Australia 2011: National Health Workforce Innovation and Reform Strategic Framework for Action 2011–2015

13 In order to effectively implement workforce capability initiatives, it is important to adopt innovative, flexible and customisable options and to work together to build shared images of a preferred future, share innovative ways of creating that future and discern themes, principles and methodology that support quality service delivery. Before this can be achieved, it is very important that the participants know the importance of their role to the organisation and that they feel connected. This connectivity can only be achieved by open and effective communication between themselves and the organisation. Thus it is important that a communication strategy that is holistic in nature and provides two-way input at all levels is adopted. Involving staff in the early stages of change can provide an opportunity for feedback and buy-in across all stakeholder groups. A participative approach can provide an opportunity to communicate the need for change and explain how this change will impact on staff in their roles. Engaging staff and adopting a strength based approach reinforces the organisation’s capability to change, helps build readiness for change and encourages active co-operation and greater commitment to the enterprise13

Support workforce and personal and organisational Capability Development14

It is important for Metro South Health to develop an adaptable health workforce equipped with the requisite capabilities and support that provides team-based, interprofessional and collaborative models of care. Essentially, Metro South Health needs to build the capability of employees and the organisation as a whole to ensure the development of sustainable skills, organisational structures, resources and a commitment to prolong and multiply health gains many times over. In order to achieve this Metro South Health will need to invest in (refer also appendix 1):

 Organisational development Organisational development refers to processes that ensure that the structures, systems, policies, procedures and practices of an organisation reflect its purpose, role, values and objectives and ensure that change is managed effectively.

 Workforce development Workforce development refers to a process initiated within organisations and communities, in response to the identified strategic priorities of the system, to help ensure that the people working within these systems have the abilities and commitment to contribute to organisational and community goals. There is also a need to move beyond multi-professional work practices and towards interprofessional training and work practices, where two or more professionals learn with, from and about one another to improve collaboration and quality of care.

 Leadership Leadership has been discussed previously as a specific objective. Within a capability building approach employees are seeking to foster the characteristics of leadership within programs and across organisations, by developing and building leadership qualities in themselves and others.

13 Adapted from “Workforce capability development: tactics for change initiatives” Maret Staron and Janet Hewson

14 A Framework for Building Capacity to Improve Health, 2001, NSW Health Department

14 Undertake Workforce Planning and Implement Innovative Workforce Models

Workforce planning is a critical strategic activity intended to ensure there are sufficient numbers of appropriately trained employees to carry out the organization’s purpose. That is, the right people are in the right place at the right time to build a strong, interconnected and sustainable organization. It provides managers with a framework for making staffing decisions based on the organisation’s capacity, values, management plan, budgetary and other available resources.

The aim of workforce planning is to obtain a greater understanding of our workforce and enhance our organisational capacity to respond to change and business needs as they arise by implementing innovative workforce models. Workforce planning is a continuous process of matching workforce requirements to business objectives now and in the future. It should inform the development of a set of strategies that will create the required workforce, aligned with the strategic direction of Metro South Health.

15  Section Five: Our Approach to Engagement

Figure 5 describes how workforce engagement will be achieved. It is a roadmap which displays how Metro South Health has incorporated the workforce engagement evidence base to depict how workforce engagement will be implemented in Metro South Health. It shows the presumed effects of activities or resources and identifies the links in a chain of reasoning about 'what causes what' and links resources, activities, outputs, impact and outcomes.

16 Section Six: Making the Strategy Happen


Key Performance Indicators  A Metro South Health resource repository is developed, maintained and accessed by the workforce  The Metro South Health workforce are aware of the HHS vision, core function, client base, and understand the environment in which they are operating (BPA Q# 1183-1191)  The Metro South Health workforce make constructive contributions to decision making related to their work (BPA Q# 1186, 1189)

Strategic Objectives Timeframe Develop a repository of resources and data that identify, articulate, and provide detail about the 2013 business of Metro South Health

Integrate a range of mechanisms to increase business literacy into organizational activities eg identify 2014 and engage change champions, include in recruitment processes, tell organisational stories, curate brand content, host staff forums/ expos, use multiple media and employee generated content, provide training opportunities, share patient feedback

Provide opportunities for staff to participate in making decisions about significant changes to the 2013 business and/or provide transparent documentation of this process as appropriate


Key Performance Indicators  Metro South Health workforce demonstrates the appropriate leadership and management behavior in their work contexts, required for progressing the strategic plan. (BPA Q# 59-72, 846-865)

Strategic Objectives Timeframe Identify future leadership requirements against the Metro South Health Strategy Plan 2012-2015 2013

Conduct a workforce needs assessment to determine level and quality of leadership at all levels in 2013 Metro South Health

Develop a Metro South Health Leadership Strategy which addresses 2014  ‘on-boarding’ processes to socialize new leaders to the Metro South Health leadership culture  learning and development options including training, mentoring, supervision  processes to effectively manage poor leadership and management are implemented using eg Performance Appraisal and Development and the National Clinical Supervision Competency Resource 2013  opportunities for staff to ‘practice’ leadership skills through action learning processes


Key Performance Indicators  Increased employee satisfaction in the Metro South Health workforce as measured in workforce surveys (BPA Q# 732-3, 739-40, 746-749, 837-842, 797-801, 4447-4449, 5779-80)  Improve retention rates and vacancy management; and decrease separation rates (BPA Q# 666, 616)  YTD average FTE (MOHRI)

Strategic Objectives Timeframe Develop and implement the Strategic Workforce Plan 2012-2017 (2013 Supplement) focused on; 2017 1. Building capacity in the workforce 2. Boosting productivity 3. Improving distribution of the workforce to complement service plans 4. Risk management framework for workforce issues

Implement workforce management systems that provide clear and equitable human resources and 2014 workplace health and safety polices and systems that promote, build and maintain a positive and safe workplace culture within MSH, based on valuing and supporting staff


Key Performance Indicators  Metro South Health employees feel connected with each other and the organization (BPA Q# 59-67, 1180, 6596, 1183, 1187, 738-9, 852, 858-861)

Strategic Objectives Timeframe Implement the Metro South Health Clinician Engagement Strategy 2012-2015 to ensure clinicians are 2013 actively engaged in planning, delivery, improvement and evaluation of health services

Develop multi-directional internal communication strategies to strengthen relationships, trust and 2013 cooperative practice between all staff at all levels

Clarify, communicate and embed Metro South Health’s vision and values within the cultural framework 2013 of Metro South Health through developing and implementing the Workforce Engagement Strategy Communication Plan

Encourage innovation, and adopt supportive approaches to the communication of learnings, both 2014 positive and negative to understand what works/ doesn’t work. Investigate the feasibility of, and implement a range of tools eg FISH, Studer to facilitate a positive staff 2015 culture

Develop and implement systems for rewarding and recognizing outstanding contributions to 2014 organizational achievements

Implement regular temperature checks as well as BPA Employee Culture surveys every two years and 2013 address issues through action plans as required


Key Performance Indicators  The Metro South Health workforce has the capability to perform the work required of them (BPA Q# 59-67)  Metro South Health embeds a capacity building approach to ensure the sustainability of activity and resources (BPA Q# 736- 7, 9991, 616, 666)  % of all Metro South Health staff categories completing a PAD

Strategic Objectives Timeframe Provide opportunities for flexibility, autonomy and accountability in work processes through improved 2015 performance appraisal and development and supervision processes

Implement learning pathways to enable staff to meet the organizational and work unit level expectations 2014 of Metro South Health eg Allied Health Capability Development Framework

Embed a patient-centred approach to the provision of care through support to improve health literacy, 2013 support shared decision making, consumer and community engagement

Implement processes and systems which enable the workforce to move beyond multi-professional work 2014 practices towards interprofessional training and work practices, where two or more professionals learn with, from and about one another to improve collaboration and quality of care

Develop strategies to ensure staff have the necessary skills to partner with other service providers and 2014 the community in the planning and delivery of health services

Adopt a ‘learning organization’ approach to ensure that the structures, systems, policies, procedures 2014 and practices of MSH adapt to and reflect the changes made in its vision, purpose and priorities.

Implement systems to enhance quality through ongoing innovation, teaching and research and support 2014 for continuous learning.


Key Performance Indicators  Number of new workforce models successfully implemented in Metro South that are innovative, based on sound evidence and address priorities reflected in competitive outcomes in state-wide and Health Round Table benchmarking  The Metro South Health workforce engages in planning, delivery, improvement and evaluation of health services (BPA Q# 1187-9)

Strategic Objectives Timeframe Design innovative workforce models to successfully assess and manage workforce issues that will 2014 affect MSH’s ability to deliver its business now and into the future. Design work processes and roles that represent meaningful and challenging work and have a clear line 2015 of sight to business results and/or client outcomes

Develop scenario modeling methodology to better allocate resources to achieve desired business 2013 outcomes Develop a mechanism for directly linking expenditure on people to business outputs and outcomes ie 2015 health economics processes Implement workforce design and modeling to enable MSH to grow efficient and effective models of 2015 patient centred cared.

22 Section Seven: Governance

Figure 6: Governance

Metro South Hospital and Health Board

Vision and Direction

Metro South Health Executive

Vision and Direction

Executive Director Corporate Executive Director Planning, Engagement Reform Services Sponsor Sponsor Workforce Plan Workforce Engagement

Capacity & Planning & Media and Workforce Capability Engagement Workforce Development Comms (Reform) Management Strategy Management Strategy Strategy Strategy Execution Execution Execution Strategy Execution Execution

Hospital Network

Local Workforce Committees

(Implementation of local action plans)

23 Section Eight: Evaluation Metro South Health has formed a strong partnership with Best Practice Australia to regularly assess its organizational culture. A staff culture survey will be administered every two years by Best Practice Australia which will not only provide staff with a formal opportunity to provide feedback, but will enable the continuous improvement of communication, leadership and the further development of a professional and engaged workforce.

The BPA Employee Culture Survey assesses performance against the following criteria:  Engagement  Leadership  Values and Behaviour  Quality and Innovation  Safety  Consumer Outcomes

With respect to the engagement criterion, BPA applies a model that has been developed over the past 13 years. The primary elements of the model comprise three significant interacting dynamics:  Engagement Culture  Attraction, Retention and Turnover Factors  Social Cohesion

The secondary elements that contribute to how these dynamics may be actioned include:  Employee Satisfaction  Working Environment  Team Dynamics  Work-Life Balance

To complement the process undertaken by BPA, Metro South Health will also implement ‘temperature checks’ at intervals determined by the organization and based on need. Workforce Engagement will also be measured by staff retention and sick leave etc.

24 25 Appendix 1: Capacity Building Framework


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