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Principals’ Meeting CiTi 9/24/14 8-10 or 9/25/14 2:30-4:30
District/Program Representative District/Program Representative APW Jim Heffron Exceptional Ed Lisa Nappi Central Square Matt Penrod CTE Marla Berlin Mike Smolnik Fulton Donna Parkhurst ISS Iraina Gerchman Jeff Hendrickson Hannibal Liane Benedict Mexico Don Root Oswego Phoenix Greg Malloy Pulaski Andrea Lomber Jay Altobello Sandy Creek
Items in Red require attention.
Agenda Notes Group Formation Established the 7 Norms of Collaboration from Adaptive Schools
Demonstration of the 4 Corners Activity to gauge a group’s thinking on issues/topics.
The error in MLP has been corrected. You can now register for individual events for the principals’ meetings. If you registered for the year, you will need to go back and reregister. We apologize for the inconvenience. Updates Outcome – I am up to date on important information from the field. Revisions to Part 154 Regulations See attachment for the areas that have undergone revision to the regulations that govern the education of English Language Learners. As guidance is released, we will share with the buildings/districts that are affected.
SS is undergoing rejuvenation. I have attached two Social Studies PowerPoints from NYSED. One is entitled NYS K-12 SS Update; the other is NYS Assessment Updates & Process for New SS Regents Exams. Items of note: Teachers should be implementing the new SS Framework this year. The state will publish a Field Guide and a Toolkit consisting of “inquiries” driven by compelling questions. We will get them out as soon as they are released. New Global II Regents to be administered in June 2018 will focus on Global II content only. It will measure the skills that students should be learning throughout their SS education. The new USHAG Regents will be administered for the first time in June 2019. To prep students see the new AP exams for rigor and construct. There will be fewer multiple choice questions. MC will cluster around a stimulus. In addition there will be more constructed response items, a thematic essay and a DBQ. Field testing is essential to quality assessment development. ISS will be providing professional development for the county. We also have a Social Studies Teacher Network that meets monthly. We encourage you to have representation from our building/district on that network.
Question: What are people doing about SS in grades 3-6?
There was some discussion of the opt out movement. Districts represented at the 9/24 meeting were not greatly affected by this movement.
The Changing SAT The PSAT and SAT are undergoing a revision. The first new PSAT will be given in October 2015; the first new SAT will be given in the Spring of 2016. The attached memo demonstrates the alignment of the new CC Regents exams and the SAT.
Mexico will be testing all Sophomores and Juniors on the new PSAT next October. They are hoping to gain some valuable information about their students.
See attached descriptions New Opportunities from ISS Auditing Service Comprehensive Planning Service
3-8 assessments Common Core Assessment Phase In memo-transition-to-common-core-assessments
Regents Exams
New Annotated SLO Exemplars on engageny implementation-2013-14 Reminder: You can’t score/assess an SLO without the class roster with baseline data and targets.
Professional Learning Outcome – I can use data to improve Liane presented an abbreviated version of a workshop that we student learning in my building. provide regarding the examination of NYS assessment Assessment & Analysis for Learning questions and standards. This was differentiated by 3-8 and Regents exams. Through the process the questions arise in the areas of rigor, vocabulary, questioning, and assessment design.
This work is being done with the Literacy Networks and in data teams, grade level teams and department teams all over the county.
Please call if you would like ISS to work with your teachers/administration on this topic.
Collaboration Outcome – I can deepen my understanding of how the updates and professional learning apply to my work. Compelling Question – What’s next?
Report Out We need to take some of this information back to our district. Then we can call for support based on district need. Positive feedback on the format and content of the meeting. Suggestion: Provide a parking lot for individual questions that can be addressed during the collaboration portion of the meeting. Question came up about Summer Reading Programs/Assignments – This is the link to a memo on Guidance on Locally Required Summer Reading Programs html o I read the 4 Commissioner’s Decisions on this topic. The recurring themes are: . Class grades should reflect work done under a teacher’s direction and supervision. . Students cannot be required to buy texts. . There should be equitable access to resources. Example: It teacher direction is provided via email or internet; all students must have access. Question arose around the weighting of questions on NYS Assessments. We will get some information together on this topic and present it at a later meeting. Question on Math Acceleration o State requirement still exists. o Oswego does a compressed 7 & 8 program. o Fulton does the same. A placement test was created by staff. o Central Square compresses 8 & Algebra 1 Central Square had a question regarding Science and SS assessments from Herkimer BOCES. Liane will check into this. Question regarding substitute teachers. o Difficult because of low pay. o All districts struggle with this. o Pre-planning heavy sub days could help. Be careful of contracts. Question regarding NTI attendance. o Liane will share contact information with Mike and Greg.