Strathpeffer Community Council

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Strathpeffer Community Council



Minutes of Meeting at Strathpeffer Community Centre on Monday 4 August 2014

Present were: Kit Bowen (KB), Douglas Murray (DM), Peter Waling (PW) Ian Cockburn (IC), Kevin Crockett (KC) and John MacGregor (JMacG)

Some members of the public.


Apologies were received from John Wombell, Posie Piper and Eve Cromartie. & Karen Evans

Minutes of Meeting on 7 July

Minutes of Previous Meeting of 7 July proposed by Douglas Murray and seconded by Kit Bowen


KC reported that the audited accounts have been sent to Robbie Bain (THC) on 19/05/2014. KC asked IC (THC) to arrange for an acknowledgement of receipt by email.

KC advised that Community Council Annual Grant 2014/2015 had been approved to the value of £1270.27. THC required up to date contact details of the office bearers which KC will complete and forward before the grant is processed.

KC advised that the internet banking application which was outstanding has lapsed and he will now have to make a fresh application.

KC advised that the £250 payment for the brown signs had not as yet been paid

Invoices £30.00 for Community Centre room rental. £47.00 for Garden Group

Accounts £4500.00 (Shieling grant) £6407.58 (Total funds)

£1907.58 SCC

Police Report

Not available


DM reported that there was one fresh planning application for new house north of Ardival East which was noted.

Nutwood Housing Development : The application for 15 houses at Nutwood was discussed by the Strathpeffer Community Council.

This matter had been reviewed twice recently. The first time when reviewing the initial proposals for the Inner Moray Firth Development Plan (IMFDP), and the second time more recently on the occasion of the presentation by Farningham Planning. The SCC agreed unanimously to uphold the position that they took when responding to the IMFDP, and to appeal the present application on the grounds of:

 The nature of the development. The SCC did not believe that recent evidence regarding the slow uptake of executive housing at Strathview showed any demand. In any event the SCC believed that mixed housing, where low cost housing is integrated into a development rather than grouped together is the correct approach.  Protection of the conservation area. The area is immediately adjacent to the conservation area and should be properly buffered.  Material visual impact from the heights over the Castle and looking into the conservation area  Access. The SCC had heard representations from local residents. In particular there are concerns that access onto the Strathpeffer-Achterneed road will result in the felling of trees on the entry into the village. The SCC had already (following the July meeting) written to the Highland Council to request TPO’s for these trees, although they had to date received no response. It was noted that the present application acknowledged that one tree would need to be removed, but local representation suggested that because of the lie of the land at least four would go, and that assumes that there would be extension of the 30 mph limit, which had been previously denied.  Commuter bias. The SCC believe that vehicular access up to half a mile down the road towards Dingwall is unacceptable. In their view this will result in a development that is not ‘village facing’, that will encourage a commuter attitude and is likely to further dilute community rather than improve it.  A belief that this application will not stop at 15 houses but could be expanded (through increasing housing density) in the future to achieve greater financial returns to warrant the level of infrastructure required. In the view of the SCC the site is totally unsuited to high density housing for reasons including those given above.

DM to submit the appeal.

It was noted that the Highland Council had effectively agreed this position by removing this area of land from the final version of the IMFDP, currently the subject of Scottish Government review, and the present application was exploiting the technicality that the application was under the old plan.

KB confirmed that the SCC had written to THC to request TPO’s but had had no reply.

Windfarm Community Benefit

KB had contacted the chair of the Woodlands project to press for a higher level of benefit and had received a reply that which stated that ABO WIND were unable to improve on the percentages as outlined in their agreement of May 2014. It was agreed to accept the original offer. KB was authorized to countersign the memorandum of understanding.

DM would continue to liaise with Kenny Stewart regarding hydro/wind schemes that could offer community benefit.

Progress Reports

Village Handyman KB to progress. Carried forward

Cycle Path Posie Piper (PP) had offered to contact Mr Miles McMaster regarding the possibility of crossing his land. PP to report at the next meeting. Carried forward

Garden Group It was unanimously agreed that the SCC should not accept any responsibility for maintaining assets without resource to do so. KB would clarify this with RB. Carried forward If the responsibility lay with THC it followed that it was they who should instruct AB.

The fountain behind Square Wheels: AM was not present. Carried forward

Community Parks It was reported that tenders for the work had been received and were to be considered before the next SCC meeting

SSRA No report

Community Centre No report.

Strath Times No report

Fairtrade No report

The Sheiling Douglas Murray to write to Mrs Ffitch-Stewart to formally withdraw SCC interest.

Brown Signs No report and carried forward to next meeting

Notice Board No report

Pavilion Gate No report

Footpath Maintenance Group Carried forward until September. JW to lead.

Events (Guy Fawkes, Hogmanay, etc) Carried forward. PP to report.

McCall's shop access KB to action Carried forward

Flood Protection All agency solution to be explored. JW to report at September meeting. Carried forward

Roads and Drainage No report, but it was noted that the hedge bordering the footpath from Cromartie buildings to playing fields at Castle Leod had been cut back and the pavement cleared.

Men's Sheds SCC confirmed its support and noted that funding available up to £5,000, as well as for publicity. VM to progress with a view to locating men to take the project on. Carried forward


Path from Railway Station to Sewage works This popular path was now overgrown to the point of access being impeded. KB undertook to write to PW of THC for help on the ground that the path was a Core Path. It was reported that Bowlt’s acting for Cromartie Estates had denied responsibility and noted that this length of path was about to transfer to the SSRA, who looked to be taking on a potential liability to keep the path clear. DM pointed out that the purchase had not taken place but acknowledged the point.

IACCF KB had the Minutes of the last meeting which continued to be Inverness-centric. The next meeting was 8 Sept. There were no volunteers to attend.

3rd Sector Invitations to nominate ‘Champions of our Community’, to attend the Third Sector Conference and a Community Safety and Reducing Reoffending Seminar had been received. It was agreed that KB should remove himself and SCC from this mailing list.

Rural Parliament The main themes had been announced: Rural Business and employment, Land use, planning and reform, Transport, Protecting natural assets, Broadband, and Support for Communities to lead with confidence.

A volunteer was still need to run with this on behalf of Strathpeffer.

Ross Memorial Site redesign KB had the last Minutes. Next meeting was 12 August. There were no volunteers and a volunteer was still need to run with this on behalf of Strathpeffer.

A Mr Macdonald had written to seek advice on Strathpeffer’s ‘green belt’. KB had replied but Mr Macdonald’s in box was full.

Strategy Paper

Carried forward.

Inter-community communications. The Strath Ding path is a start with Dingwall, but the CC do not seem active. KB is to contact LG to see if there are any opportunities to work together.

2015 Community Council Elections to be discussed in October


Next Meeting

The next SCC meeting will take place 7pm on 1 September 2014.


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