A Checklist for Developing Comments for Provincial Report Cards
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A Sample Checklist for Developing Comments for Elementary Provincial Report Cards and Elementary Progress Report Cards. Comments Focusing on Strengths
Achievement of Curriculum Expectations Do the comments focus on specific aspects of knowledge, skills, and other criteria or elements identified in the curriculum (e.g., overall expectations, strands, fundamental ❑ concepts, big ideas, subject-specific processes, criteria/categories in the achievement chart)? Do the comments describe significant strengths that the student has demonstrated and ❑ needs to continue to demonstrate? Development of Learning Skills and Work Habits
Do the comments focus on specific aspects of the learning skills and work habits? ❑ Do the comments describe significant strengths that the student has demonstrated in ❑ relation to the skills and habits?
Comments Focusing on Next Steps for Improvement
Achievement of Curriculum Expectations ❑ Do the comments identify concrete next steps for improvement? ❑ Do the next steps for improvement address the student’s most significant learning needs? ❑ Do the next steps for improvement include specific strategies that will support the student’s achievement? Do they indicate who is to put the strategy in place (e.g., the ❑ teacher, the student, the parent)? Have specific suggestions for how parents can support student learning been included, ❑ where appropriate? If the student has received a mark below 50 per cent, or if the code “R” has been indicated on the Provincial Report Cards, or “Progessing With Difficulty” on the Elementary Progress Report Card, does the comment provide appropriate information about the remedial supports that will be provided?
Development of Learning Skills and Work Habits Do the comments identify concrete next steps for improvement? ❑ Do the next steps for improvement address the student’s most significant needs with ❑ respect to developing learning skills and work habits? If “Needs Improvement” is indicated with respect to a specific learning skill or work ❑ habit, does the comment demonstrate how a student’s limited development of this skill or habit is impeding his or her ability to achieve the curriculum expectations? ❑ If “Needs Improvement” is indicated with respect to a specific learning skill or work habit, are appropriate interventions or strategies for success included? Personalizing Comments
Do the comments refer, where appropriate, to specific evidence of learning, gathered ❑ from sources such as conversations, observations, and student products? Do the comments reflect the student’s interests, learning preferences, and readiness ❑ to learn? If a strategy is proposed for parents to help support the student’s learning, is the ❑ strategy realistic? Do the comments reflect an understanding of, and respect for, the student’s family and/or community? ❑ Do the comments take into account the student’s language-acquisition needs (in the case of English language learners) and/or special education needs? ❑ On Provincial Report Cards is the appropriate statement included in the comments when the IEP box is checked to indicate that modifications have been made or that the student’s program includes alternative expectations?
Using Clear and Simple Language
❑ Do the comments use clear, everyday language that will be understood by both parents and students? ❑ If an educational term is used, is an example or an explanation provided? Have the student-friendly wordings used in developing the student’s learning goals and ❑ success criteria (see Growing Success, Chapter 4) been considered for use in the comments?
Considerations Related to Ongoing Communication
Have learning goals and success criteria referred to in comments been shared with ❑ parents through prior communication? Have specific learning strategies, activities, or student products (e.g., literature circles, investigations, projects) referred to in the comments been explained to parents ❑ through prior communication (e.g., class newsletter, parent-teacher conferences)? ❑ If a student is experiencing significant academic challenges or has not developed the necessary learning skills and work habits, have parents been informed through prior communication?