PNFA: Correlations of Language and Neuropsychological Measures

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PNFA: Correlations of Language and Neuropsychological Measures

Table e-1. Correlations of language and neuropsychological measures in PNFA.

WPM Complex Speech Boston Pyramids Animal FAS Reverse Stroop Trail- Structures Errors Naming and Palm category letter digit interference making Test Trees (14) fluency fluency span (14) Test B WPM .594* -.555* -.626* .117 .150 -.259 -.019 .088 .189 Complex .594* -.326 -.696* .174 .083 -.124 -.070 -.018 -.314 Structures Speech -.555* -.326 .030 .145 -.272 -.257 -.286 -.492 -.319 Errors Boston -.626* -.696* .030 -.095 .014 .467 .542* .285 .496 Naming Test Pyramids .117 .174 .145 -.095 .184 .005 .108 .318 .206 and Palm Trees (14) Animal .150 .083 -.272 .014 .184 .244 .199 .184 -.002 category fluency FAS letter -.259 -.124 -.257 .467 .005 .244 .687* .517 .441 fluency Reverse -.019 -.070 -.286 .542* .108 .199 .687* .331 .704* digit span Stroop .088 -.018 -.492 .285 .318 .184 .517 .331 .329 interference (14) Trail- .189 -.314 -.319 .496 .206 -.002 .441 .704* .329 making Test B NOTE * p<.05 numbers in parentheses indicate the number of participants who performed the associated measure Correlations of language and neuropsychological measures in bvFTD. * p<.05

WPM Complex Speech Boston Pyramids Animal FAS Reverse Stroop Trail- Structures Errors Naming and Palm category letter digit interference making Test (11) Trees fluency fluency span (10) Test B (9) WPM .588* .161 .261 .828* .801* .484 .709* .867* .879* Complex .588* .236 -.067 .385 .421 .058 .348 .642* .508 Structures Speech .161 .236 .010 .159 .056 -.143 -.042 -.180 -.101 Errors Boston .261 -.067 .010 .152 .294 .458 -.015 .097 .691 Naming Test (11) Pyramids .828* .385 .159 .152 .831* .540 .673* .795* .735* and Palm Trees Animal .801* .421 .056 .294 .831* .507 .613* .665* .617 category fluency FAS letter .484 .058 -.143 .458 .540 .507 .391 .494 .257 fluency Reverse .709* .348 -.042 -.015 .673* .613* .391 .721* .833* digit span Stroop .867* .642* -.180 .097 .795* .665* .494 .721* .879* interference (10) Trail- .879* .508 -.101 .691 .735* .617 .257 .833* .879* making Test B (9) NOTE * p<.05 numbers in parentheses indicate the number of participants who performed the associated measure

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