NEBT- New Technology-Based Companies
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Project Presentation Proposal for NEBT- New Technology-Based Companies
Si us plau, ompli aquest formulari, PREFERENTMENT EN ANGLÈS, conservi una còpia i remeti'l abans del deadline a [email protected]
We hereby submit this Project information only to be analysed and evaluated by ACCIÓ + EADA within the Market Assessment Program MAP. We express our interest in being considered as candidates to obtain one of the positions to be assigned by the Program, providing our projects fulfils its requirements, which we hereto declare we know. PROJECT PRESENTATION Name of the Website project Industry/ Sector Date Institution / Presented Company by (name) Project’s Address Position
City Code Mobile
Phone e-mail
Person in charge Mobile e- of this project phone mail committed time to Please, specify your availability and determination be devoted to to collaborate with the working team assigned to Signature project your project How did you hear about this program?
INTRODUCTION / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Brief description of Project or Company (Max 700 types):
1 Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA – Entrepreneurship Centre – [email protected] 1. - Have you identified an opportunity, detected a problem, found a solution, a new product/service to offer or discovered a new creative technology?
Show how your solution solves the problem better than the existent technology presented by the competition or the incumbent supplier. Where is you sustainable competitive advantage and how much will it last. Let us know if your business model is scalable. Explain why, how and when your Project is going to generate positive cash and profits permanently.
2. – Local and global markets. Local and global competitors. Bargaining power of customers and suppliers Dimension of the market. Incumbent and important players on the field.
3. - Business Model. Describe your operations and value chain explaining where does your project creates added value Processes and procedures, the elements of your Business Model
2 Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA – Entrepreneurship Centre – [email protected] Monthly Cash Burn Rate € ,- End of 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Actual data Actual data Forecast Forecast Forecast Description + Turnover COGS/ Cost of Goods Sold OHE Overhead Expenses + Gross margin Other non financial expenses + EBITDA
5. - Project Team. Roles of different executive staff, partners and mentors involved. Ord Name Position Held Responsibility In The Project/Company 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. - Information about the managing team (mini-bio) Educational Background, professional practice, business experience (250 types máx/person) 1.
3 Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA – Entrepreneurship Centre – [email protected] 7. - Consultants, advisors, mentors and allies Ord Name experience expertise 1 2 3 4
8. - SWOT. - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (Just list up the points, which apply) Internal Strenghts Internal Weaknesses
External Threats External opportunities
9. - Funds already committed to the Project in thousands of €? Origin of funds When Amount Application of funds
10. - Exit strategy for the potential investor (if apply)
1. First choice…
2. Alternatively…
3. Finnally…
11. - Resources eventually deemed convenient or necessary
4 Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA – Entrepreneurship Centre – [email protected] Apart from the natural funding, please specify if you would be interested in any other kind of resources to reinforce your Project (distribution channels, commercial contacts, engineering experience, IT talent, any C-position, anything not mentioned before)
Please do not go beyond this page, except for the canvas in page 5
5 Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA – Entrepreneurship Centre – [email protected] If you have another template, you may send the canvas as an additional attachment to this form. If you need more information to complete the canvas, we suggest this reading: here KEY PARTNERS KEY ACTIVITIES VALUE PROPOSITION CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Who are our Key Partners? What Key Activities do our Value What value do we deliver to the RELATIONSHIPS For whom are we creating value? Who are our Key Suppliers? Propositions require? customer? What type of relationship does each Who are our most important Which Key Resources are we Our Distribution Channels? Which one of our customer’s of our Customer customers? acquiring from partners? Customer Relationships? problems are we helping to solve? Segments expect us to establish and Which Key Activities do partners Revenue streams? What bundles of products and maintain with them? perform? services are we offering to each Which ones have we established? Customer Segment? How are they integrated with the Which customer needs are we rest of our business model? satisfying? How costly are they?
KEY RESOURCES CHANNELS What Key Resources do our Value Through which Channels do our Propositions require? Customer Segments want to be Our Distribution Channels? Customer reached? How are we reaching them Relationships? now? How are our Channels Revenue Streams? integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
COST STRUCTURE REVENUE STREAMS What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? For what value are our customers really willing to pay? Which Key Resources are most expensive? For what do they currently pay? Which Key Activities are most expensive? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
6 Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA – Entrepreneurship Centre – [email protected]