Homeostasis Review Questions

1. Explain how a receptor, control center and effector work together to maintain homeostasis. 2. Explain how vasodilation and vasoconstriction form a feedback loop. Indentify the receptor, control center and the effector. 3. Explain why someone who is very hot is red and sweaty. 4. Compare and contrast negative and positive feedback loops and provide one example of each. 5. Who has the longer urethra – males or females. 6. What waste products are removed from the body in urine? What is the source of each waste product? 7. Compare and contrast two kinds of methods of dialysis. Include which major cellular process do they both depend on? 8. What are the three sections of the kidney? 9. What is the structural and functional unit of the kidney? 10.Describe the location of this functional unit. 11. What is the purpose of the sodium pumps in the loop of Henle? 12. What is the importance of the close proximity of the capillary networks surrounding the nephron? 13. Why are proteins and blood not normally found in the urine? 14. What are four differences between blood entering the kidney and blood leaving the kidney. 15. You have just consumed a big bag of salty pretzels. Explain how your kidneys will restore normal water balance and concentration of salt in the blood and body fluids. 16. Place the following in the correct order: Water Recovery, Active Recovery, Tubular Secretion, and Glomerular Filtration. What occurs in each section? 17. What hormone controls the concentration of the urine? Explain how it acts in a negative feedback loop. 18. How does the kidney regulate blood pH? 19. What is a paired kidney exchange? 20. Describe some different types of kidney disease. What are the symptoms of each? 21. How is it possible for someone to donate a kidney and not miss it? 22. What are antagonist hormones? 23. Explain how insulin and glycogen act to regulate blood glucose levels. 24. Compare and contrast Type I and Type II diabetes. 25. How do diabetics manage their blood sugar levels. 26. Describe two technologies that help diabetics. 27. Is the pancreas a part of the exocrine system or endocrine system? Explain. 28. How might diet and exercise help moderate the effect of Type II diabetes. Why might this model be less effective for Type I diabetes. 29. Distinguish between and provide examples of: a. Central N.S b. Peripheral N. S c. Somatic N.S d. Autonomic N.S e. Sympathetic N.S f. Parasympathetic N.S 30. Describe/Draw a reflex arc and provide an example. 31. Draw and/or label a neuron. 32. Describe how an action potential is created and travels down an axon. 33. How does a signal pass from neuron to neuron or neuron to effector. 34. What can be an effector? 35. Are sensory receptors placed consistently over your skin? Explain why or why not. 36. What is the “all or nothing principle”? 37. What are two ways for the brain to detect an increase in the strength of a stimulus? 38. What is meant by the resting potential? What is its value? Why is this necessary? 39. When does polarization, depolarization and action potentials occur? 40. Name and describe the major endocrine glands of the body. 41. What might be considered the “master gland” of the endocrine gland? 42. What are hormones? 43. What is hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? What effects would be expected in the body? 44. Explain how T3 and T4 participate in a negative feedback loop. 45. Explain how calcitonin participates in negative feedback loop. 46. Why is genetic screening of all babies for Thyroxin an important test? 47. Describe the feedback loop involved in the production of testosterone. 48. Describe how hormone levels relate to the following: a. Ovulation b. Thickening of the endometrium c. menstruation 49. How does the birth control pill work? 50. What hormones might change to explain the absence of a period in menopause? 51. What prevents a second pregnancy in a woman who is already pregnant? a.