Accepting Roles

“it is amazing how much can be accomplished if no one cares who gets the credit.”

“Know your role and take pride in being the best at it that you can be.”

1. What does “Role” mean?

It is the function of a player fills that best utilizes their current abilities to help their team achieve success. It may not necessarily be the part they envision for themselves, but rather the one that best meets the need of the ENTIRE team.

2. Roles that need to be filled.

Leader Follower Great Teammate Communicator Starter Come off bench Defensive Stopper Take Charges Hand out assists Get ball to scorer Inside scorer 3 point shooter

Rebounder Penetrator Screener Cutter FT shooter Floor general Runs the floor Ball handler Pushes team in Physical presence Hustler Gets 50/50 balls practice

3. What Roles Can You Best Fill For Our Team?

Look at the above list and ask yourself: What can I do to best help the team win

4. Accepting Your Role

There is a big difference between liking your role and accepting your role. The question you must ask yourself is can I accept this role for the good of the team? If the answer is no then you need to have a discussion with your coach.

5. Roles Are Not Set In Stone

If you are not pleased with your role my advice to you is to NOT complain and begin a negative influence on the team. Instead, GET TO WORK and improve your skills. Make ME expand your role by YOU elevating your game.

6. Every Role On A Team Is Important

Each and every one of you is vital to our basketball team. You will either have a positive or negative impact upon our group by the way in which you accept and perform your assigned roles.