Equality Impact Assessment Report Outline

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Equality Impact Assessment Report Outline

Equality Impact Assessment Report Outline

Remember that your EIA report should demonstrate what you do (or will do) to make sure that your service/policy is accessible to different people and communities, not just that it can, in theory, be used by anyone.

1. Name of Policy or Service: Insertion of nasal bridle Policy

2. Responsible Manager: Fiona Gibson

3. Date EIA Completed: 1 March 2010

4. Description and Aims of Policy/Service (including relevance to equalities): For designated nurses to pass a Nasal Bridle to prevent the accidental removal of a small-bore naso-gastric (NG) feeding tube for enteral nutrition with those patients who may be in danger of, or have a history of NGT displacement.

5. Brief Summary of Research and Relevant Data: Department of Health guidelines.

6. Methods and Outcome of Consultation: Discussed with Consultants, and dietetics department.

7. Results of Initial Screening or Full Equality Impact Assessment:

Equality Group Assessment of Impact Age This policy does not cover those under the age of 6 months. Patients under the age of 6 months are covered by a separate policy Gender There is no potential of discrimination Race There is no potential of discrimination Sexual Orientation There is no potential of discrimination Religion or belief There is no potential of discrimination Disability There is no potential of discrimination Deprivation There is no potential of discrimination Dignity and Human Rights There is no potential of discrimination

8. Decisions and/or Recommendations (including supporting rationale):

9. Equality Action Plan (if required): See attached

10. Monitoring and Review Arrangements (including date of next full review): To be reviewed annually or if procedure changes.

1 Screening Grid

Equality Area Key Equalities Is this policy or Assessment of Potential Impact: Reasons for Legislation / Policy service RELEVANT HIGH Assessment (See summary sheet) to this equality MEDIUM area? LOW YES / NO NOT KNOWN positive (+) negative (-) Gender Sex Discrimination Act No N/A N//A N/A 1975 Equal Pay Act 1970 Equalities Act 2006 Gender Recognition Act 2004 Race Race Relations Act 1976 No N/A N//A N/A Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 Disability Disability Discrimination No N/A N//A N/A Act 1995 and 2005 Age Age Regulations 2006 Yes HIGH No This policy does not cover those under the age of 6 months. Sexual Equalities Act 2006 No N/A N//A N/A orientation Relevant employment legislation Religion and Equalities Act 2006 No N/A N//A N/A beliefs Relevant employment Legislation Dignity and Human Rights Act 1998 No N/A N//A N/A Human Rights (relevant articles)

2 Full Impact Assessment Grid

Note: Only the equality areas marked as relevant in the screening need to be fully impact assessed

Relevant Equality Key points of research and Does the policy / service or its implementation: Key issues for action Area consultation [Will form basis of action (from Screening) Breach Prevent Promote plan] equalities discrimination equality / legislation? or inequality? Good relations?

Gender There is no potential for N/A N/A N/A N/A discrimination Race There is no potential for N/A N/A N/A N/A discrimination Disability There is no potential for N/A N/A N/A N/A discrimination Age This policy does not cover No No No Patients under the age of those under the age of 6 6 months are covered by months. a separate policy Sexual orientation There is no potential for N/A N/A N/A N/A discrimination Religion and There is no potential for N/A N/A N/A N/A beliefs discrimination

Dignity and There is no potential for N/A N/A N/A N/A Human Rights discrimination

3 Action Plan Template

Name of Policy or Service:

Equality Issue Action to be By Responsible Expected Outcome Monitoring Data groups or identified taken When Person Arrangements Required communities affected

Age This policy Patients Already in Fiona Gibson All patients are To be None as does not cover under the age place treated regardless of reviewed already in place those under of 6 months their age. Separate annually or if the age of 6 are covered policies are in place to procedure months. by a separate ensure that this changes. policy happens


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