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Academic Partnerships Template

Plymouth University Academic Partnerships

Cornwall College Camborne

Programme Quality Handbook for BA (Hons) Counselling Studies

2014 – 15

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1. Welcome and Introduction to BA (Hons) Counselling Studies.

Welcome to the BA (Hons) Counselling Studies. The College is delighted that you have chosen to continue your studies with us. We are sure you are going to have a great time here and will get a great deal from the programme.

This programme has been designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge base required to work in your chosen specialism or other graduate opportunities. It is also a platform from which you can undertake additional vocational and academic qualifications.

This Programme Quality handbook contains important information including:  The approved programme specification  Module records

Note: the information in this handbook should be read in conjunction with the current edition of the College Student handbook available at (college to add link) which contains student support based information on issues such as finance and studying at HE along with the University’s Student Handbook - and your Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook available on your programme virtual learning environment.

1. Programme Specification

Programme Specification for BA (Hons) Counselling Studies

Awarding Institution: University of Plymouth Teaching Institution: Cornwall College Accrediting Body: N/A Final Award: BA (Hons) Counselling Studies Intermediate Awards: N/A Programme Title: BA (Hons) Counselling Studies

UCAS Code: B941

QAA Subject Specific Benchmark No benchmarks currently exist for this subject area. The framework for higher educational qualifications (FHEQ) has been used to inform the design of the programme. The team have also been guided by subject benchmark statements for psychology and sociology

Date Produced: July 2006

Admissions Criteria

Students who have successfully completed a Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling and Therapy or a related Foundation degree or HND will be able to progress onto this Stage Three.

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APEL/APCL possibilities 240 credits Interview/portfolio requirements Interview required Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) clearance required Yes

Aims of the Programme:

The programme is intended to:

a) Provide the opportunities and support needed to enable students, from a variety of socio- economic and academic backgrounds to achieve an honours degree. b) Develop critical understanding of the theoretical and practical complexities inherent within the counselling discourse. c) Make use of emerging knowledge and research in the field of counselling in order to provide academic insight into the counselling process and issues of contemporary relevance. d) Enhance employability by offering pathways which will enable students to specialise in areas of relevance to their employment destinations. e) Promote enhanced practice through the systematic understanding of real life applications of theory to a range of experience and behaviour. f) Offer within the programme, optional modules, of interest and relevance to counselling practitioners, which may be taken as discrete units by those suitably qualified.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes: a) Recognise and account for issues of contemporary relevance within the discipline of counselling and be able to devise and sustain arguments coherently. b) Appreciate the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge within the discipline. c) Critically explore how differences and diversities in identities shape the lives and needs of clients. d) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the research process. e) Undertake an independent study, making use of scholarly reviews and primary sources. f) Critically appraise relevant research, theoretical underpinnings and their relation to practice. g) Apply relevant theory to processes in groups, and respond appropriately to a range of interpersonal experiences and behaviours. h) Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to a range of audiences. i) Enhance their practice through the application of conceptual understanding and techniques of analysis and enquiry. j) Select and undertake a pathway that enhances their employability. k) Demonstrate awareness of ethical principles in relation to personal study and the practice of counselling.

Programme Specification

A: Development of Knowledge and Understanding Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method

By the end of the programme the student will be able to Primary demonstrate  Lectures and tutorials i) a systematic understanding of Counselling, including  Directed independent study Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 4 of 10 Academic Partnerships Template acquisition of coherent and detailed knowledge, at least  Learning from work experience some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of Counselling Secondary ii) an ability to deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within a discipline;  Case studies iv) an appreciation of uncertainty, ambiguity and the limits of  Problem-solving exercises knowledge; v) the ability to apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out projects;

NB: Benchmark References Assessment

For example, General Business and Management Key knowledge and understanding is assessed via a combination of multiple choice tests, examinations, essays, presentations and seminar performances.

B: Cognitive and Intellectual Skills Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method

By the end of the programme the student will be able to Primary demonstrate:  Class exercises i) conceptual understanding that enables the student:  Tutorial/seminar discussions - to devise and sustain arguments, and / or solve problems,  Feedback via coursework assessment using ideas and technique, some of which are at the forefront process (essays etc) of Counselling knowledge; and - to describe and comment upon particular aspects of current Secondary research, or equivalent advanced scholarship, in the discipline; For example: ii) critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract  Policy and practice analysis in concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make surgeries judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to  Computer-based practicals on data achieve a solution - or identify a range of solutions - to and measurement problems a problem;

D: Practical Skills Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method By the end of the programme the student will be able to:  Laboratory work  Specific computer and information technology skills  Projects  Observational techniques  Designated tasks  Lectures and tutorials  Learning from work Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 5 of 10 Academic Partnerships Template

E: Employment Related Skills By the end of the programme the student will be able to demonstrate:

(Insert skills particular to the intended employment tasking note of the context in which those skills can be deployed as below :) i) qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring: - the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; - decision making in complex and unpredictable contexts and - the learning ability needed to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature. NB: Benchmark References Assessment

For example, General Business and Management  Project work  Competence in a range of business- related communication techniques

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Degree Intended Learning Outcomes Map

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes Map Honours Degree Level

1 Graduate Attributes and Skills 2 3 4 Core Programme Intended Learning Outcomes Aim Subject Related Core (as worded in the Programme Specification) Benchmark Modules The FHEQ requirements are already given here in italics Knowledge/ Understanding a,b,c,d,e  knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles associated with their Counselling in a contemporary area(s) of study, and an ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of context: Identity, that area of study or principles of their area(s) of study Diversity and a) concepts of identity and difference Not applicable. Differences b) power dynamics in counselling b,c,d, f There are no c) eco psychology relevant subject d,e,g Personal d) BACP Ethical Framework benchmarks for Development e) Regulations of the counselling profession this area. through Groupwork f) Research methodology g) Group dynamics e,f,h h) Detailed knowledge and understanding of a specific counselling topic of your Dissertation choice. Cognitive / Intellectual Skills (generic)  an ability to present, evaluate, and interpret qualitative and quantitative data, to a,b,c,f Counselling in a develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in accordance with basic contemporary theories and concepts of their subject(s) of study context a) Critiques of rival theories and frameworks and b) Abstract analysis and synthesis a,b,c,d,f Personal c) Intelligent application of appropriate principles in assessing policy or practice development through Groupwork d) Ability to construct a research proposal e) Ability to select and evaluate appropriate research methodology a,b,c,d,e,f f) Ability to critically appraise relevant research. Dissertation Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 7 of 10 Academic Partnerships Template

Key / Transferable Skills (generic)  evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems related to their area(s) of study and/or work All core modules  communicate the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments a) Literary and information processing a b) Self-management c) Communication (oral, written, CIT) d) Numeracy/quantitative skills (reflection etc) Practical Skills (subject specific) Presentation and oral communication skills a, b, c a) & b) all core modules Written communication Self and peer feedback c) & d) Personal Group facilitation skills f Development through groupwork Employment-related skills The Personal  undertake further training and develop new skills within a structured and managed development through groupwork environment e, f module enhances  qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of employability, but personal responsibility these skills are largely addressed in the individual pathways, and also through PDP which is carried out through the tutorial system.

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College: Cornwall College Year: 2014/2015 PU Course Code: 3408 Programme: BA (Hons) Counselling Studies Total Credits: 120 Full Time: Complete Programme in One Year Part Time: Complete Programme in Two Years

Stage 3 Module Code Module Title Credit Core / Optional Value COUN301 Counselling in a contemporary context: Identity, Diversity 20 Core and Differences CORC312 Group Facilitation Training 20 Core CORC313 Counselling Independent Research Study 20 Core

Students must choose one of the following pathways to study. They must study 60 credits worth of optional modules, with at least 40 credits from the pathway of their choice:

Counselling Supervision Pathway

COUN304 Introduction to Person Centred Supervision 20 Optional COUN305 Person Centred Group Supervision 2 20 Optional COUN306 Person Centred Therapeutic Supervision 3 20 Optional

Social Issues Pathway

CSC325 Working with young people 20 Optional CSC327 Rural Poverty 20 Optional CSC331 Child Care and Mental Health 20 Optional

Health Related Issues Pathway

SCWC328 Health & Social Care and the Post Modern Condition 20 Optional SCWC395 Promoting Health 10 Optional SCW394 Managing Collaboration and Multi-Agency Working 20 Optional SCW395 Multi-Disciplinary Working 10 Optional

Therapeutic Approaches Pathway

SCWC320 Nurturing Soul 20 Optional COUN308 Working with rage and anger 20 Optional COUN309 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 20 Optional COUN310 Transactional Analysis Theory 20 Optional COUN311 Gestalt Counselling 20 Optional HEAB347 Foundation Course in Family Therapy 40 Optional HEAB360 Enhanced Care of the bereaved child/adolescent 20 Optional

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2. Module Records

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