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1. Feature film on detective and law-enforcement themes
"My dad`s a detective -Witches Paradise", Adam Films. The Netherlands. «The welfare worker», Paul Thiltges Distributions. Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany. “Kajinek”, Hollywood Classic Entertainment, J.B.J. Film. Czech Republic. «17 Hours », La Zona. Spain. «No Rest For The Wicked», La Zona/ Telecinco Cinema. Spain. «Where’s the lawyer?», Synag Film. Azerbaijan. «The Actress», Azerbaijanfilm. Azerbaijan. «Nightmare», HuaYu Film Co.Ltd., Shanghai. China. “Our Father”, UAB “ARTBOX”. Lithuania. “The Way of Kindness”, King-Kong Studios. Russia. «1937», Svetozar Golovlev. Russia. «Additional Impact», Azerbaijanfilm. Azerbaijan. “Unbowed”, AURAPICTURES. Korea. «Story about a pink rabbit», Kazakhfilm. Kazakhstan. “Boundary”, Voyage Studios. Philippines. «Amok», Pelikulaw. Philippines. “The Fall Guys”, CERTAIN SCENES PRODUCTIONS LTD. New Zealand. “Mindfulness and Murder”, De Warrenne Pictures Co. Ltd. Thailand. “Free hands”, Mezzanine Films, Canal+, CineCinema. France. “Unfair world”, WRONGS MEN, NEUE ROADMOVIES. Greece. «Stone», Slava. Russia. «Vespa», Tivoli Film. Hungary. “Daddy”, Kinorama. Croatia. «Bulgarian Peppers», Dmitry Radygin. Russia. “Case Unknown”, WFDiF Documentary and Feature Film Studios. Poland. «Lynch», WFDiF Documentary and Feature Film Studios. Poland. «The Heir», Panoramic Film. Italy. «The Last Hope», Tajikfilm. Tajikistan. «Run to Ground», Europa Film. Hungary, UK. «Rest For The Wicked», RFTW Ltd. New Zealand. “Spiral Of Destiny”, WAY PRESS INTERNATIONAL. Belgium. «Bespectacled », Triiks Media Ltd. Russia. «Former Employee», Triiks Media Ltd. Russia. «Prosopagnosia», Alphabet Pictures. The Netherlands. «Under Strange Circumstances. The Disappearing Train », Star Media/ Star Media Group. Russia, Ukraine. «Asmaa», New Century. Egypt. “All inclusive”, Zapruder (arts association). Italy, Austria. «Сock - Crow», Zapruder (arts association). Italy. “Behzat C. I Buried You In My Heart”, Adam Film. Turkey. “These Seven Guys”, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRAN). Iran. “Lanner”, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRAN). Iran.
1 “The suspects”, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRAN). Iran. “Punishment”, Saeed SADI. Iran. “The Killer”, Mohammad Poosti. Iran. “Terry”, Think Big Productions. UK. “Super Vodka”, Leandro Silva. Portugal. «Intention», Azerbaijanfilm. Azerbaijan. «Dilemma», WGE PICTURES & 87 FILMS. Indonesia. “Midnight Beating”, Beijing Dadu Sunshine Film & TV Production (CN), China. “Iris”, GRUPA SEDAM. Croatia. “High school in less than 54 hours”, ARTIS FILM ROMANIA. Румыния. “Paco”, Zazen producciones S.A. Argentina. " Shmenti Capeli Operation", С&R Production. Bulgaria. "Snow fever", Afagh Film. Iran. "Plaque of angel", Afagh Film. Iran. "Control tower", Afagh Film. Iran. "Youngest energy", Afagh Film. Iran. "Dance Town", Treefilm. South Korea. "The Peach Keeps on Blooming", Kollywood Films Pvt. Ltd.Nepal. «Headhunters» . Norway, Germany. «How I spent my summer vacation», CJSC West. The USA. «Abduction», CJSC West. The USA. «The Pow», The UK. «1949». Weydemann Bros. GbR. Germany. «Goodbye Daddy», SINEAST FILMPRODUKTION. Germany. «Memoirs of Alicia», Owner Manager. Spain. «Before Tomorrow», Media Luna New Films.Germany. «Mesh (Walking)», Media Luna New Films. Germany. Turkey. «Angel of Budapest», TVE. Spain, Hungary. «Deceived Woman», NA Uzbekkino, Uzbekistan. “Crime and Punishment”, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Iran. "Highy", Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Iran. "Interrogation in "Cafe Tehran", Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Iran. "Fiction and Facts", Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Iran.
2. “Theme TV Series (or an episode with a complete story)
«No rules», «XXI century» Kinoprogramme Ltd. Russia. «Chinese Force Army», Runhe culture media (Beijing) Co. Ltd. China. «Real» («Forgotten»), «World Russian Studios». Russia. «Code of Honor -5»(episode «Joker»), « 2В Studios». Russia. «Crematorium», MOD PRODUCCIONES. Spain. «Right for defense.Series: «Rejoice … I’m leaving»», «Pryamaya Linia» Ltd. Russia. «Comrades Policemen – «Little Fox»», «Faces» Ltd. Russia. «The Heiress», «Production Center PRО100 Film» Ltd. Russia. «False Witness», «Production Center PRО100 Film» Ltd. Russia. «There was a beloved girl», «Production Center PRО100 Film» Ltd. Russia. «The Agent, and National Treasure » (series «Foolish bullet»), «Production Center PRО100 Film» Ltd.Russia. 2 «Emerald Case of an Agent» (series «Foolish bullet»), «Production Center PRО100 Film» Ltd. Russia. «Shooting Mountains», «Forward Film» Ltd. Russia. «Cop-in-Law» , ООО «Форвард-фильм». Russia. «PPS», ООО «Триикс Медия». Russia. «Hacktion», MEGAFILM Kft. Hungary. «Forester», «Mostelefilm» Co.Ltd.. Russia. «Cabby», «Mostelefilm» Co.Ltd. Russia. « Case of Grocery №1», Star media/ Star Media Group. Russia. “Super Flics”, Jovial Productions. Burkina - Faso. “Behzat C”, Adam Film. Turkey. «Free Falls», Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Iran. «Like Crystal», Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Iran. “The Forbidden Love”, Cineteam SRL. Italy. "Revelation Blue", Downtown Television Network - Lankford Productions. USA. "Republic of Doyle". Canada. "Undercover ", SIA EAD. Bulgary.
3. “Hero” – charismatic performance of a positive character
“My dad`s a detective -Witches Paradise", Cees Geel (plays the part of Max). «Real» («Forgotten»),Makhovikov Sergey (plays the part of Vestnikov Leonid) . «Heiress». Alexander Diachenko (plays the part of Konstantin Ivantsov). «False Witness». Alexander Ratnikov (plays the part of Sergey Samarin). «Forester». Oleg Shtefanko (plays the part of Leonid Zubov). «Cop-in law - 4». Sergey Plotnikov (plays the part of lieutenant colonel Stepan Krucha). «B.S.», Igor Vukolov (plays the part of Nikolai Lukin). «Bespectacled», Jan Tsapnik (plays the part of Boris Izotov). «B.S.», Kirill Polukhin (plays the part of Artem Semenov). «Cabby». Dmitry Miller (plays the part of Artem Gorokhov). «Chinese Force Army». Huang Zhizhong/ Kelan (plays the part of Han Shaogong). «Under Strange Circumstances. The Disappearing Train». Valery Zolotukhin (plays the part of Colonel Staryi, called «Old Man»). «Case of Grocery №1». Sergey Makovetsky (plays the part of Berkutov Georgy Konstantinovich). «The Heir».Guia Jelo (plays the part of Paola). «Undercover». Ivaylo Zahariev (plays the part of Martin Hristov). «Abduction». Taylor Lotner (plays the part of Nathan Harper). "Republic of Doyle". Allan Hawco (plays the part of Jake Doyle).
4. “Antihero” – charismatic performance of a negative character
“ My dad`s a detective -Witches Paradise", Willeke Van Ammelrooy (plays the part of Aurora). «Terry», Nick Nevern (plays the part of Terry).
3 «Stone», Sergey Svetlakov (plays the part of Petr). «Real» («Forgotten»), Alexei Makarov (plays the part of Grivin Petr). «Crematorium», Jose Sancho (plays the part of Ruben Bartomeu). «False Witness», Olga Lapshina (plays the part of Galina Neverova). «There was a beloved girl », Nikolai Machulsky (plays the part of Gleb Travkina). «Shooting Mountains», Vadim Tsallati (plays the part of Hasan). «Case of Grocery №1», Michael Porechenkov (plays the part of Pavel Skachko). «Intention», Fuad Akhundov (plays the part of Nizam oglu). «The Forbidden Love», Adriano Giannini (plays the part of Claudia Zanella). «Forester», Vladimir Zatsev (plays the part of Andrey Skorobogatov). «Dilemma», Roy Marten (plays the part of Sonny Wibisono). «Undercover», Mihail Bilalov (plays the part of Djaro). «Memoirs of Alicia». Agnes Kiraly and Natasha Garustovich (play the part of Alicia). «How I spent my summer vacation». Mel Gibson(plays the part of Driver). «Dilemma», Tio Pakusadewo (plays the part of Bowo).
Section II. Theme Nominations
1. “Terrorism – a threat to peace” – about fight with terrorism, extremism, xenophobia, race a religious hatred
1.1. Documentary
«We are your sons, Russia», «Русская Продюсерская Компания». Russia. « Vertical line», State TV and Radio “Grozny”. Russia. «My Russia», «AIST» TV « Orechovo-Zuevsky Information Centre». Russia. «Water.Terror Tool?!»,Creative association "Dzharchyfilm." Azerbaijan. « Who Shot My Father?», IBA – Israel Channel One. Israel. «Kafka’s Last Story», Eikon Sudwest. Israel, Germany. «Colonel Caddafy. Jihad is against chocolate», Broadcasting company TV CENTER, Russia. «Muammar Gaddafi – All the Faces of Power», Rai La Storia siamo noi. Italy. «Message of Love», Egyptian Radio fTV Union (ERTU). Egypt.
1.2. TV-program
«Black Square» - Part 1. – «Act of terrorism. Chronicle of a single day», Part 2. – «Halyk Kaharman » , JSC « Commercial television channel». Kazakhstan. "It must be stressed," Company "Kupol TV" channel "TV 100". Russia. «Trap for terror», The Chechen State Broadcasting Company «Grozny». Russia. «In N town». NTIA "MIG" Noyabrsk YNAO. Russia. «Serving the Motherland», The Republican State Broadcasting Company "Dagestan". Russia. «The right of voice» episode « Should we fund the North Caucasus?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia.
1.3. TV-episodes
4 «Your Right» – «Training-advantages and disadvantages», Edition of Nadym studio of television. Russia. «The verdict to skinheads», STRC «Kaliningrad». Russia. «News of Stavropol», STRC «Stavropol regional office in Pyatigorsk». Russia. «Territory of danger», Department of Information and Public Relations OIiOS in Russian Ministry of Interior in Perm region. Russia. «Call 02»,Department of the interior of Kaluga region. Russia.
2. “Dirty Money” - about fight with corruption
2.1. Documentary
«Crime without punishment», Company "TV Kupol." Russia. «The X-Files »: «grasping reflex», Interstate Company "Mir". Russia.
2.2. TV-Program
«The teacher-bribetaker», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC«Belgorod». Russia. «Our right»,The Chechen State Broadcasting Company «Grozny». Russia. «Say no corruption», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC«Vyatka». Russia. «Word for Word»: «Bureaucratic appetites», Interstate TV «Mir ». Russia. «The right of voice», episode «Corruption is invincible?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «The right of voice», episode « Knock or not?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «The right of voice», episode «Why can’t we prevail an underground gambling», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «The right of voice», episode «Officials will circle around?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (3 channel). Russia.
2.3. TV program episode
«Sentence for the theft», Edition of Nadym studio of television. Russia. «Corruption scandal in the Lipetsk aviacentre», «TVK» Ltd. Russia. «The case of embezzlement of state property», branch of the FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Yamal». Russia. Series of subjects in a news programme «Vesti-Lipetsk», branch of the FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Lipetsk».Russia. «Call 02»,Department of the interior of Kaluga region. Russia.
3. “Crime and Punishment” – about fight with different type of crimes
3.1. Documentary
«Ramadan» TV Chirkei. Russia. «The matter of special importance. Case of hijackers», State Enterprise, Chelyabinsk region. "Regional TV". Russia. «Turbulence», Independent. Israel. 5 «How to steal forty billion?» LLC "Northwest Broadcasting", Broadcasting TV - 21. Russia. «Crime without punishment «Computer safecrackers», LLC «KUPOL TV». Russia. «Close up» - «Verdict: Not Guilty», Bulgarian National Television. Bulgaria. «Alice, Basilio and mother from Kaluga," "Alexander Belobokov." Russia. «Now we live!», MUP «Media Center «Slava Trudu». Russia. The film «Novgorod. Law and lawlessness», ANO «Novgorod regional TV». Russia. «Cybercrime World War III», Way Press International. Бельгия. «Hopebound», FE "AKS". Russia. «The disappearance of the Screenwriter», VM Productions. The USA. «Friar Submachine Gun – The Life of Silvano Girotto», Rai La Storia siamo noi. Italy. “In the net”, Prva Srpska Televizija. Serbia.
3.2. TV-program
«Black Square» - «... I curse the murderers», JSC «Commercial television channel». Kazakhstan. «Black Square» - «109, 110, 111...», JSC «Commercial television channel». Kazakhstan. «Confession»,Public institution for children and youth television «Bakhoriston». Tajikistan. «Night Watch, or weekdays of PPS», branch of FSUE STRC «Volga». Russia. «02. Messages and comments», Press-service of Ministry of Interior of Russia's Lipetsk region. Russia. TV program "The area of the law," ANO "Novgorod regional TV." Russia. « 02 Call», the Office of the Russian Interior Ministry of the Kaluga region. Russia «02 Call», the Office of the Russian Interior Ministry of the Kaluga region. Russia. «On the other side of the law», Republican State Broadcasting Company «Dagestan». Russia. The program "Proof of guilt. Killers in uniform ", JSC" TV Center ". Russia. The program «Legitimate interest», STRC «Tyumen Region». Russia. «Crime and Punishment," Interstate TV "Mir". Russia. «Your right", Club of the future investigator of the Buryat State University Law School. Russia. «The area GUFSIN», Press - service GUFSIN Russia's Sverdlovsk region. Russia. TV program «02» UOSI RA Police, RA Police. Armenia.
3.3.TV-program episode
«Incendiary», STRC«Yamal». Russia. «The verdict to the person responsible for a road traffic accident», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «The sentence for a double murder», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «Theft in the museum», STRC«Kaliningrad». Russia. «Caviar email», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC « Kamchatka». Russia. «Hello, I'm your district policeman », MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «The way to a brothel», STRC « Nizhny Novgorod ». Russia. «Struggle against game business in the Republic of Tatarstan», JSC «TV Company «New Century». Russia. «A Farewell to Arms», JSC «TV Company «New Century». Russia.
6 The «Memorial» case, Department of Information and Public Relations Ministry of Interior Affairs of Russia in the Lipetsk region. Russia. «The end of" black Realtors», Press-service of Ministry of Interior of Russia's Lipetsk region. Russia. «Uninvited guests», Press-service of Ministry of Interior of Russia's Lipetsk region. Russia. «Crime and Punishment», «Altes». Russia. «Emergency call», Branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Perm» with the ANO «T7 production center». Russia.
4.”World without Drugs” – about fight with drug trafficking
4.1. Documentary
«Desomorphine», TV Chirkei. Russia. «In the struggle for human», «Pixellab studio». Russia. Concert of «No to drugs!» Company «TV KUPOL». Russia. «Numbness and Madness", LLC "SET PRODUCTION," Russia. «The Return», LLC "SET PRODUCTION." Russia. «On the forefront», Primack Nikolai. Russia. «UFSKN: Serving The Law, We Serve Russia!», Alexander Nikonov studio. Russia. «Area of slavery. Postscript» , LLC" Prism ". Russia. «The Truth About Drugs», FSUE of Republic of Bashkortostan studio "Bashkortostan". Russia. «I'm trying to fight the vice», «Edition of «Alpha channel» TV company» Ltd. Россия. «Injections of death», MAU «Belgorod-media», TRC « White City». Russia.
4.2. TV-program
«It must be stressed», Company «Kupol TV».Russia. «Deadly pharmaceutics», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Belgorod». Russia. TV Series «All the world against the drug-aggression», «Studio art projects «Megalopolis». Russia. «All the world against drug-aggression. We choose life!», «Studio art projects «Megalopolis».Russia. Film-warning «Targets», Department of Corporate Communications TV of Ulyanovsk State Technical University. Russia. An honest report "Drug war", TV Company «Ren-TV reporter». Russia. «Serving the Motherland»,the Republican campaign of state broadcaster"Dagestan". Russia. "Health Formula", STRC "Vologda". Russia. «The Way to Health", «Television company TV Nord» Ltd. Russia. «In fact», NPP «Spectrum» Ltd. (TV channel REN TV Voronezh).Russia. TV program «02» UOSI RA Police, RA Police. Armenia.
4.3. TV-program episodes
A series of reports (Drug den, Amphetamine, Meat with a filling), STRC «Kaliningrad». Russia.
«The trial of Gypsy», «Den», «Struggle against drugs», «Internet Lesson», «Drug addicts in Zea», «Hemp», STRC «Cupid». Russia. 7 Reporting – «Nasvay», «Desomorphine», «Cannabis», STRC «Alania». Russia. The problem of drug addiction," branch of RSTRBC STRC "Nizhny Novgorod". Russia. «Chufarovo», TV Ltd. RTCOM Mordovia Network (10 channel). Russia. «Police arrested drug lord», Management of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Rostov region. Russia. «The trial of a gang of drug traffickers», «ТVK» Ltd. Russia. «Codeine is banned», «ТVK» Ltd. Russia. «Drug-Free World» (2 episodes), «Civil Society» (4 episodes), ISU IA «Novosibirsk». Russia. The fight against drugs in Tatarstan, JSC TV Company «New Century». Russia. «Synthetic drugs », JSC TV Company «New Century». Russia. Series of subjects in a news programme «Vesti-Lipetsk», branch of the FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Lipetsk». Russia. «Confessions of desomorphine addicted », «STC Inspection», branch of the FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Orenburg». Russia. «Suicide drug», Department of Information and Public Relations Ministry of Interior Affairs of Russia in the Lipetsk region. Russia. «The drops of death», UFSRF on drug traffic control in the republic of Kabardino- Balkaria. Russia. A series of episodes about drug traffic, «Edition of TV company «Alpha» Ltd. Russia. «02 Call», the Office of the Russian Interior Ministry of the Kaluga region. Russia. «Crocodile», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Perm» with the ANO «T7 production center».Russia. «Desomorphine-1», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «Irresistible craving, no way back, tests for drugs. For or against?», JSC «Kolomna TV». Russia.
5. “Civil Society” – about citizens’ fight for their rights
5.1. Documentariy
«The policeman», episode « We want a parking place», «AB-TV production» Ltd. Russia. «Defenders of Sagra», Production Studio URALKINO. Russia. «Save and Protect», Studio "Kyrgyztelefilm." Kyrgyzstan. «The first wife, the second wife. Dagestani stories», «M»-Film Studio». Russia. «Tahrir Square», Nile News Channel, Egyptian Radio & TV Union. Egypt. «From 9 to 5 sex work is work», Persona Non Grata Pictures (Portugal). Portugal. «Guilty though guiltless», «АВ Content» Studio. Russia.
5.2. TV-program
«Astakhov case», «First legal TV «Law-TV». Russia. «The parallel life», «ТV-КUPOL» Ltd. Russia. Program «Show up», STRC «Tyumen Region». Russia. «Word for Word»: «Orange danger», Interstate TV «Mir». Russia.
5.3. TV-program episode
8 «The story of one family», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Yamal». Russia. «The sentence for theft», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «Your Right» - «How to choose a coat and not to be deceived?», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia «The Adventures of an orphan», STRC «Каliningrad». Russia. «Judicial bulletin- Law enforcement heading», STRC «Каliningrad». Russia. «Doctor’s case», «TV Company«Cascade» Ltd. Russia. «The hunger strike in Magnitogorsk», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «South Ural». Russia. «Vesti Stavropoliye region», STRC « Territorial office of Stavropol, Pyatigorsk». Russia. «Drug-Free World» (2 episodes), «Civil Society» (4 episodes), ISU IA «Novosibirsk». Russia. «Paid roads», TV «Aist» AU «Orekhovo-Zuyevo Information Center». Russia. Footages of the program «Weekly»: «Murder of the grandmother» ANO «Novgorod regional TV». Russia.
6. “War and Peace” – about military service and military duty
6.1. Documentary “Boba - super of Big Dramatic”, Bravo Film & Video. USA, Russia. «Kabul and we: Past and Present», Loginiv Studio. Russia. «Live with honor, serve with valor!» Press Service of the Ministry of Interior of Russia in the Far East Federal District. Russia. «Battle for the fireworks», The Cosmic Detective Roskosmos TV studio. Russia. «Personal case», STRC «Kaliningrad». Russia. « The station Latyshi 1937», Studio SB.Латвия. «Guido Zvaygzne», Studio SB. Latvia. «Generals against generals», Studio "Centre of National Film". Russia. «We remember your name», Sharapova Natalia Yurievna. Russia. «I've been on that coast», Studio «Lena River» Russia. « Forgive me, Mom!..», Studio «Lena River» Russia.. «The way to peace», Voyage Studios. Philippines. «Star» for Stinger», «AB-TV» production» Ltd. Russia. «Fighting to the bitter end», the Central Museum of the Russian FSB border. Russia. «Unread pages of the life of General Stakhanov», the Central Museum of the Russian FSB border. Russia. «Wings of the Arctic», the Central Museum of the Russian FSB border. Russia. «What happened in the sea», MOON FOR MEDIA PRODUCTION. Jordan. «Star Aldara», TV Company«Altes». Russia. «The Afghan brotherhood», RTC RUP «TV Company» Grodno». Belarus. «30 years of glorious path», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Perm». Russia. «Aliens. A military secret history, Roskosmos TV studio. Russia.
6.2. TV program
Talk show «Boiling water», «TV-KUPOL» Ltd. Russia. «History of One Destiny». Topic: «Afgan. The war, which has remained in the heart», MUP "Irta - Abakan" Television Abakan, the Republic of Khakassia. Russia. 9 TV Program "Veche" ANO "Novgorod regional TV." Russia. «Family Album," Edition «Yasny TV». Russia. «Serving the Motherland», the Republican campaign of state broadcaster «Dagestan». Russia. «Right of voice», episode: «Catch a private soldier», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (3 channel). Russia. «Right of voice», episode: « Is our army powerful?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «Right of voice», episode: « Army Contract?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia.
6.3 TV-program episode «Goodwill visit», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «International tactical exercises in the South Ural», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «South Ural». Russia. «Chelyabinsk search engines in Volgograd», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Southern Urals." Russia. «Exercises-4»,branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC « Kamchatka». Russia. «They have finally come from the war», STRC « Nizhny Novgorod». Russia. «Afghan soldiers erected a monument in the «Internationalist» village», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «South Ural». Russia. «Studying like fighting», Department of Information and Public Relations Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Lipetsk region. Russia. «Visiting a sniper», journal of newsreel «NATIVE URAL» of the entrepreneur Turchaninov Alexander Vladimirovich. Russia. «The battle for Shartash», journal of newsreel «NATIVE URAL» of the entrepreneur Turchaninov Alexander Vladimirovich. Russia. «Rally in memory of motorcycle reconnaissance of the Urals Volunteer Tank Corps», journal of newsreel «NATIVE URAL» of the entrepreneur Turchaninov Alexander Vladimirovich . Russia. «Call is Boyarin», Department of Information and Public Relations OIiOS of Ministry of Interior of Russia's Perm kray. Russia. «Soldiers. Greetings from the 74th», TV «RTA-Mezhdurechensk». Russia. «The end of studing», broadcasting company «SUSU-ТV». Russia. « Life in the field », broadcasting company «SUSU-ТV». Russia.
7. “SOS” - on rescue in emergency situations
7.1. Documentary
7.2. TV program «It was ordered to survive», «TV-KUPOL» Ltd. Russia. «2012», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Bashkortostan». Russia. «Emergency service», the Chechen state television and radio company "Grozny". Russia. An honest report: «Salvation», Television «Ren-TV reporter». Russia. «Hot Summer two thousand and ten," the Interior Ministry press service of Russia's Lipetsk region. Russia.
7.3 TV-program episode «Kinolog », branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Kamchatka». Russia. «Save smb's life», STRK «Nizhny Novgorod». Russia. «Dangerous building», STRK «Nizhny Novgorod». Russia. «Firefighters are looking for , police are looking for…», Department of Information and Public Relations Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Lipetsk region. Russia. «The feat of Lieutenant Kiselev», Department of Information and Public Relations Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Lipetsk region. Russia. Episode «Freelance volunteers», STRC «Vologda». Russia. « The young rescuers," branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Perm». Russia.
8. “Safe Roads”- on traffic safety
8.1. Documentary «The policeman», episode: «Way to school», «AB-TV Production» Ltd. Russia.
8.2. TV program «The three colors of life»,STRC « Vainakh ». Russia. «Road Patrol 1»,branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Kamchatka». Russia. « Road Patrol 2», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Kamchatka». Russia. «Autoclub 100 ТV», «TV-KUPOL» Ltd. Russia. «Subject with Alexander Tsaplin», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Belgorod».Russia. «Fee for speed», JSC «Kolomna TV». Russia. «Serving the Motherland", the Republican campaign of state broadcaster "Dagestan". Russia. Program «Zebra», STRC « Tyumen Region ». Russia. «708 th is here», Traffic Police Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Arkhangelsk Oblast. Russia. «Right of voice», episode: «Check on the roads: total control or safety?», Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «Right of voice», episode: « Caution! Video cameras on the roads », Public Corporation «Moscovia», Television and Radio Broadcasting Company(3 channel). Russia. «The main road," broadcaster NTV. Russia. «The game of survival», STRC «Alania». Russia.
8.3 TV-program episode «SDA lessons», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Yamal». Russia. «Action «Zebra», branch of FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Yamal». Russia. «Five accidents in one day», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «Verdict to the responsible for an accident», MUP « Edition of Nadym studio of television». Russia. «Breaking News», «ТV-КUPOL». Russia. «The history of the striped sticks», STRC «Nizhny Novgorod». Russia. «Crosswalk», TV «Aist» AU «Orekhovo-Zuyevo Information Center». Russia. «Falsification of video in bus lanes», JSC «TV Company «New Century». Russia.
11 Series of subjects in a news programme «Vesti-Lipetsk», branch of the FSUE RSTRBC STRC «Lipetsk». Russia. Footages of the program «Weekly»: «running-down accident on a pregnant», ANO «Novgorod regional TV». Russia. TV program «Children's World», ANO «Novgorod regional TV». Russia. «02 Сall», Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kaluga region. Russia.