John Ball Primary School Southvale Road . Blackheath . London SE3 0TP Telephone: 020-8852 1601 Fax: 020-8318 4022 Executive Headteacher: Mr Michael Roach Head of School: Ms Julia McCrossen Business Manager: Mrs Julie Joyce e-mail: [email protected] In partnership with Torridon Junior School

16.4.15 Reception School Trip

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are planning to take both Reception classes on an educational visit to The Wide Horizons Environment Centre in Eltham.

The visit will take place on Thursday 7 th May 2015. The purpose of the visit is to learn about the natural environment and to support our topic of growth and change. It is also to ensure school can stay open to the children while the Early Years building is being used as a Polling Station. To ensure that we follow appropriate safeguarding measures we cannot have children on the site while the Polling Station is in use.

The children will leave school at 9:45 so the school day will start at the normal time of 9:00am. We will return to school at 2:45pm. Please note that on this day both Reception classes will be based in the Large Hall and not on the Early Years site. Please use the Key Stage Two school gate and wait outside the Large Hall door (this is the entrance you used for the Xmas show). The door will be opened by the Reception Team at 9:00am to greet the children and direct them. Please collect your child from the same place. We will open the door at 3:10 so children can be picked up from this time. This will reduce congestion in this area of school. Again members of the Reception Team will be at the door ensuring all children are collected by the correct adult and go home safely.

They will travel by coach to the venue where the children will be taking part in outside activities, such as bug hunting, pond dipping and using clay to sculpt.

Your child will need a packed lunch for this trip. Your child is allowed to bring a drink which should not be in a glass bottle and no fizzy drinks.

Clothing This trip will be outside so suitable clothing must be worn. We advise all children to wear old clothing which can get dirty. Children and adults must not wear open-toed shoes; trainers would be a good idea. Please take note of the weather nearer the time. We would suggest that children bring a water proof coat in case it rains. If it is a sunny day please make sure your child brings a sun hat and has had sun cream applied before school. The centre has advised us that applying insect repellent before school might be a good idea.

John Ball Primary School Southvale Road . Blackheath . London SE3 0TP Telephone: 020-8852 1601 Fax: 020-8318 4022 Executive Headteacher: Mr Michael Roach Head of School: Ms Julia McCrossen Business Manager: Mrs Julie Joyce e-mail: [email protected] In partnership with Torridon Junior School

For this trip to go ahead we will need 5 parent volunteers for each class. If you are available to help please indicate on the slip below. If we have more volunteers then we need then we will pick names out of a hat.

Costs The full cost of the visit for the whole group will be £704. This is made up of the cost of transport £518 and cost of entry £186.

We are using money contributed by The Friends so we are able to significantly reduce the cost of this trip for each child.

The cost for each child will be £2.00. This must be paid in full before the date of the visit. (By law we are not allowed to charge for visits which take place during the school day. We ask for a contribution from each child. If we do not collect the required amount the visit cannot take place).

Please complete and sign this slip and return it to a member of the Reception team.

The slip and money must be in school by Friday 1st May.


I / we give permission for (child’s name)...... to go on the visit to ...... on ......

I have read the list of activities in which my child will take part and agree to my child taking part.

I enclose ...... towards the cost of the visit.

I can volunteer to help on this school trip Yes/No signed...... dated......

John Ball Primary School Southvale Road . Blackheath . London SE3 0TP Telephone: 020-8852 1601 Fax: 020-8318 4022 Executive Headteacher: Mr Michael Roach Head of School: Ms Julia McCrossen Business Manager: Mrs Julie Joyce e-mail: [email protected] In partnership with Torridon Junior School