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EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Directorate B - Nature, Biodiversity & Land Use ENV.B.2 - Biodiversity ENV.B.3 - Nature
Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature
10thmeeting – 08/04/11
Agenda item 6) (INFODOC.6-1)
Rolling Work Plan 2011
The 2010 rolling work plan was approved by the Co-ordination Group in March 2010 (DOC.2- 1, CGBN meeting 02/03/2010). The section below provides a very short description of state of play to the different 2010 activities. Most activity sheets describe ongoing activities for which the work outlined for 2010 has been undertaken, but will continue in 2011. Some activities have now been finalised. 6 new activity sheets are being proposed: The following new activities have been added: - Activity #13 - Technical Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 areas.(the activity sheet for the old Activity 13 - on large carnivores - has been removed) - Activity #24 - New 'Natura 2000 Seminars Process' at the biogeographical level - Activity #25 - Technical Guidance in Relation to Aquaculture and Natura 2000 - Activity #26 - Illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds - Activity #27 - Updating the Article 6 guide (Managing Natura 2000 sites) - Activity #28 Technical Guidance on management of forests in Natura 2000 areas (tentative title)
Annex 1 provides the updated rolling plan.
Summary of progress made in the 2010 activities:
Activity #1 - Updating the EU lists of Sites of Community Importance under the Habitats Directive (ENV.B.3 – Frank Vassen) On 10th January 2011 the Commission adopted six updated lists of sites of Community importance for the Alpine, Atlantic, Boreal, Continental, Pannonian and Mediterranean biogeographical regions. The Habitats Committee was consulted on the draft decisions at its meeting of 15th November 2010. The main countries involved in this latest expansion are the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Spain and Poland. The additional sites include major additions of marine areas, covering more than 17 500 km². Natura 2000 now covers almost 18% of the EU's landmass and more than 130 000 km² of its seas. The updated Community lists have been published in the Official Journal, n° L 33 of 08/02/2011 (Atlantic, Alpine and Continental biogeographical region) and L 40 of 12/02/2011 (Boreal, Pannonian and Mediterranean regions). Links to these Official Journals can be found on the Natura 2000 public CIRCA site: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/natura_2000/library? l=/community_importance_1/commission_community&vm=detailed&sb=Title and on the Nature & biodiversity Homepage: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/sites_hab/biogeog_regions/index_en.htm The next updating round of the EU lists is planned for 2011. This round will take into account site proposals submitted by the Member States by 1st October 2010. According to the rolling plan for updating the Community lists the next following updating round is planned for 2012. Deadline for submission of national databases with new site proposals is 1st October 2011.
Activity #2 - Biodiversity Action Plan (ENV.B.2 – Szilvia Bősze – Anne Teller) The EU Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was adopted in 20061 to accelerate progress towards reaching the EU 2010 biodiversity target. In addition to stepping up the implementation of existing nature legislation, several additional actions were taken, including efforts to integrate biodiversity into other policy areas, as well as ad hoc measures to address the EU's global ecological footprint. In 2010, the Commission carried out an evaluation of performance of the EU by checking achievement against BAP actions and targets based on a qualitative and quantitative assessment also using a set of headline indicators (SEBI 2010). As most of the Actions in the EU Biodiversity Action Plan are addressed at both EC and Member States levels, their assessment was made with a strong Community and national level co-operation. With the involvement of the Member States, and with the aid of consultants, the Commission has compiled and adopted the report2 assessing the progress made towards achieving the 2010 EU biodiversity target. The full report package consist of a short summary Report (major achievements and progresses), a detailed Consolidated Profile (analysis at the EU level, with comparison of MS performance as adequate, covering all 10 Objectives and 4 Supporting Measures of the BAP), an update of SEBI 2010 indicators, the 27 MS Country Profiles that were pre-filled by the EC and its consultant, and completed and verified by Member States, as well as an update of the Community level actions (summarising progress made by the mid- term assessment 2008 and the 2010 assessment). All documents of the report can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/comm2006/bap_2010.htm All MS Country Profiles are searchable via the Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE) through its country portfolios (click to the country you'd like to search under Quick links and than browse the information provided for the EU Biodiversity Action Plan (2010)) at: http://biodiversity.europa.eu/countries_and_networks/ A brochure based on the report was made available for CBD COP10 (October 2010, Nagoya, Japan). The brochure can be downloaded from:
1 COM (2006) 216 final 2 COM (2010) 548 final http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/comm2006/pdf/bap_2010/1_EN_ACT_part1_v2.pdf
2 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/comm2006/pdf/bap_2010/brochure.pdf The Consultant based on the experience gained during the implementation and assessment of the BAP conducted a study that analyses the BAP as tool used to achieve the 2010 EU Biodiversity Target. It points out both the strength and weaknesses of the tool and the processes. The study is available at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/comm2006/pdf/bap_2010/4%20EC_Kno wledge_Base_Assessment_BAP_final.pdf The BAP and the assessments of its implementation served as a strong base when preparing the post-2010 EU Biodiversity Policy, when setting the 2020 EU Biodiversity Target and developing the 2020 EU Biodiversity Strategy that is due to be adopted in the near future. The Commission would like to thank again Member States for their constructive co-operation throughout the implementation of the BAP and the especially for the contributions to the reporting exercises. As well, we would like to encourage Member States to use and further disseminate the vast amount of information, data and analyses that is gathered within the BAP report.
Activity #3 - Invasive Alien Species (ENV.B.2 – Valentina Bastino - Myriam Dumortier) A Communication "Towards an EU Strategy on Invasive Species" (COM (2008) 789 final) was adopted on 3rd December 2008, which examines the evidence regarding the ecological, economic and social impact of invasive species in Europe, analyses the effectiveness of the current legal situation for tackling this problem and describes 4 possible options for a future EU strategy. (see http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/invasivealien/index_en.htm) The need for a much stronger EU response mechanism to address the IAS problem has been recognised by the EU institutions: in June 2009 the Environment Council adopted joint conclusions responding to this Communication and the mid-term assessment of the Biodiversity Action Plan, calling for a comprehensive Strategy to fill the existing gaps, including new dedicated legislative elements and, where necessary, amending or incorporating existing provisions. A similar response was given by the Committee of the Regions and from the Economic and Social Committee. The Commission has undertaken to come forward with a dedicated instrument on Invasive Alien Species as part of the development of the post-2010 biodiversity strategy. This will have regard to the institutional responses and be built on the key principles of prevention, early detection and eradication, and containment and control. Further to the studies already carried out to provide support for the development of the IAS policy, a new study has been commissioned to assess the existing IAS policies in the EU Member States as well as in 4 OECD countries. This study focuses on the systematic screening of the existing policies against a set of components that could form part of a European IAS policy. The study will also yield information on costs and benefits of such policies and initiatives. Such systematic assessment of existing policies will help assess the existing policy gaps, identify possible synergies and it will feed into the development of a dedicated EU policy to tackle IAS. The final report from this study is expected during summer 2011. The Commission is carrying out wide consultations with Member States and stakeholders. In particular a stakeholder consultation meeting was held in September 2010. The meeting attracted a good mix of representatives from Member States, from regional authorities, trade association and NGOs, representing a wide spectrum of stakeholders. Currently, the
3 Commission is managing a series of Working Groups, composed of Member States' representatives, stakeholders and experts from academia and research institutes, with the aim of gathering expertise and opinions that will also be taken into consideration in the elaboration of a policy instrument to combat IAS. The recommendations prepared by these Working Groups will be made publicly available in summer 2011. The policy process is run in an open and transparent manner and all documents relating to the current work are made available on the website of the Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/invasivealien as well as on the CIRCA website - http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/ias/library? l=/general_information&vm=detailed&sb=Title
Activity #4 - Co-ordination and Implementation of the Designation Process for Off-Shore Marine sites (ENV.B.3 – Fotis Papoulias) Following the marine biogeographical seminar for the Atlantic sea region (Galway, 24th-25th March 2009) and the one for the Baltic sea region (Sopot, Poland, 23rd-24th November 2009), the remaining sea regions (Mediterranean, Macaronesian Atlantic, Black Sea) were assessed in a marine seminar that took place in Brindisi, Italy (15th-17th June 2010. Its conclusions were communicated to the Member States concerned on 29th July 2010 and a timetable for addressing insufficiencies was expected by 30th September. The Commission will continue to monitor closely efforts undertaken by the Member States, including through inventories under LIFE projects, in order to substantially complete Natura 2000 in the marine by 2012, in the light of previous commitments. The need for adequate marine SPA designations has also been raised at the Ornis committee and the marine expert group. Furthermore a meeting of the marine expert group was held on 17th September 2010 (http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/marine_n2000/library? l=/marine_expert_group&vm=detailed&sb=Title) to take stock of designation progress and to address management issues of marine Natura 2000 sites for which joint action/guidance may be necessary. As a follow up, the Commission has undertaken the preparation of a common methodology for assessing fisheries impacts in relation to Art. 6 Hab. Dir. requirements, as well as the preparation of a FAQ document analysing the links between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Birds/Habitats Directives in the marine; the procedures for requests for fisheries measures for marine Natura 2000 are also being explored in the context of the reform of the CFP.
Activity #5 - To streamline and modernise the reporting tasks under the Habitats and Birds directives including the dataflow on the Natura 2000 network (ENV.B.3 – Angelika Rubin) Progress of the Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives This group was established in early 2008 in order to streamline and modernise the reporting tasks under the Habitats and Birds Directives, including the dataflow on the Natura 2000 network. Its work is structured in 7 work-packages. Nine meetings have taken place so far. All relevant material discussed in these meetings can be found on the public CIRCA- Reporting site: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/monnat/library?l=/expert_reporting&vm=detailed&sb=Title. An overview on the ongoing work and dates of sub-group meetings can be found in the table in annex.
4 The sub-groups of WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP4 are actively working and technical work is about to finish. Outputs of all theses groups were discussed in the expert group. WP5 and WP7 terminated.
WORK-PLAN IN PROGRESS, VERSION 15 (MARCH 2011) Work- Title Subgroup State of Progress Meetings / Events package (Coordinators) (Task-sheet) WP1 Review of the Art.17 Yes The sub-group has finalised work on following priority tasks: Subgroup meetings: (Habitats Directive) (Vers.5) 1. Improve harmonisation of data (GIS specifications, 7 May 2009, Paris reporting exercise 2001- population units, determination of range, pressures & threats, 9-11 Sept. 2009, 2006 trends) Finland (ETC-BD) 2. Improve definition of concepts (favourable reference values, 8-9 Feb. 2010, Paris structure & functions, suitable habitat for a species, future prospects, typical species, marine environment) 31 May-1 June 2010, 3. Revision of reporting format & guidelines Brussels Current state: 2nd consultation of the Habitats Committee on the 4-6 October, 2010, draft reporting format took place in February 2011. Work focus is Uppsala now on finalising the guidelines & reporting format as well as the 25 Oct. 2010, Brussels checklists. Final debate of open issues in Expert Group on 22 March (Marine aspects only) 2011. Adoption of the format by the Habitats Committee is planned for 13 May 2011 (Habitats Committee Meeting).
WP2 Align / synchronise Yes Work on the development of a reporting format focusing on status Subgroup meetings: progress reporting under (Vers.6) and trends of birds started in mid 2009 and is close to finalisation. 19 Jan. 2009, Brussels Birds and Habitats The last sub-group has discussed final open issues and further 10 June 2009, Brussels directives reduced the general reporting format. 3 Nov 2009, Brussels (DG ENV) Current state: A 2nd consultation of the ORNIS Committee on the format and guidelines took place in February and received overall 13 April 2010, Brussels positive feedback. Remaining issues shall be discussed in the expert 26 Oct. 2010, Brussels group on 22 March 2011. A species checklist is being consulted with 3 March 2010, Brussels the Reporting Group & ORNIS Committee. After the expert group, the format shall be finalised and be sent to the ORNIS-Committee (no ORNIS Committee to take place in spring).
WP3 The evaluation of Natura Yes An outline paper was prepared followed by a 1st draft of a scoping Subgroup meeting: 2000 impact on (Vers.5) study. Three sub-group meetings took place focusing on what are the 24 Sept. 2009, Brussels conservation status minimum data-requirements to make an assessment of the impact of 3 March 2010, Brussels 6 Work- Title Subgroup State of Progress Meetings / Events package (Coordinators) (Task-sheet) (EEA) the Natura 2000 network on conservation status. Current focus is on 28 September 2010, information estimating the amount of the resource covered by the Brussels network, trend in the network (optional) and basic information on the most important management measures for the network. Current state: The last sub-group meeting discussed the enlargement of its scope to SPAs under the Birds Directive, which was given a basically positive opinion from a technical point of view. The parameters to be reported were worked out in greater details and have flown in the last version for consultation of the reporting formats of WP1 & WP2. Explanatory text in guidelines still needs to be harmonised and fine-tuned. Standard list of conservation measures is still under consultation.
WP4 Revision of Natura 2000 Yes Work on revision of SDF has finalised, final comments were Subgroup meeting: rd dataflow (Vers.5) received from MS in a 3 consultation on a new SDF draft that took 26/-7 March 2009, Paris (ETC-BD) place in January. Current state: After the third consultation of the Habitats Committee remaining issues may be discussed once more in the Expert Group. After that a Committee vote shall take place either in written procedure or in the forthcoming Committee.
WP5 Finalise HaBides - After consultation and testing the Habides draft tool in the Reporting - (derogation reporting) (Vers.4) Group and with the Habitats Committee, version 1.0 of the tool was (DG ENV) launched in mid September 2009. Member States were encouraged to use the tool for the derogation reports due in 2009. The format was put forward for agreement of the Habitats Committee on 1st of March 2010 and will be used for the upcoming reporting periods. A version 2 of the tool in Java (open source) was released mid April 2010 responding to comments made by Member States and another version (2.5) responding to further comments by MS (option to translate the tool, option to export data for Bern Convention reporting) was released in October 2010. Current state: The work is basically terminated and the tool
7 Work- Title Subgroup State of Progress Meetings / Events package (Coordinators) (Task-sheet) available now for use. Currently there are discussion to improve the tool for potential use by the Bern convention. WP6 Notification of - A first task-sheet was presented to the expert group meeting in June - compensatory measures (Vers.1) 2009. A first discussion paper was prepared for the Expert Group under Art. 6.4 (HD) meeting on 18 November 2009. MS were asked for written (DG ENV) comments. The task was now included by the Commission in a contract with the N2K group to support and push ahead this WP in 2011. Current state: Further steps to be defined. WP7 Develop vision for the Yes Work started in May 2009 with a first draft version of the Natura Subgroup meeting: presentation & access to (Vers.2) 2000 public viewer application available for comments and testing 17 June 2009, Brussels data (development by EEA). Questions in relation to public access to Natura 2000 geo-database on EU-level were discussed in sub-group meeting on 17 June 2009. After further improvement of the tool, the public Natura 2000 viewer went online in February 2010. Current state: EEA and ETC/BD in close cooperation with DG ENV work on a range of tools / systems (e.g. Biodiversity Data Centre, BISE, Update of EUNIS, etc.) all including data stemming from reporting under the nature directives. A dedicated meeting on these processes (especially the planned viewers) might take place in 2011
Reporting Group Meetings: 11 April 2008, 26 June 2008, 7 November 2008, 5 March 2009, 18 June 2009, 18 November 2009, 18 May 2010, 2 December 2010, 22 March 2011, 24 November 2011 (prov.)
8 Activity #6 - Management of Natura 2000 Sites (ENV.B.3 – François Kremer)
2008 Preparatory actions Dealing with Conflicts in the Implementation and Management of the Natura 2000 Network- Best Practice at the Local/Site Level: Regional workshops were held, one in Barcelona on 3rd March 2010 and one in Brussels on 17th March 2010. The results of the action were presented at the 4th meeting of the expert group on Natura 2000 management on 21st June 2010. The reports of the action, as well as a brochure on dealing with conflicts in Natura 2000 are available at the Nature & Biodiversity website: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/best_practice_en.htm
Expert Group on Natura 2000 management The expert group on Natura 2000 management held its third, fourth and fifth meetings in Brussels respectively on 22/2/2010, 21/6/2010 and 26/1/2011. The group made further progress on clarifying the issue of SAC designation, clarifying key terms such as 'conservation objectives' and dealing with site management approaches including management planning as a tool.. At its second meeting the expert group agreed its revised terms of reference. At its fifth meeting, the expert group had an initial exchange of views on the planned new 'Natura 2000 Seminars Process' at biogeographical level. During the meetings of the group presentations were made by different Member States on the ongoing processes for designating SACs and establishing management instruments. Working documents of the expert group and presentations made during the meetings are available on the Natura 2000 public CIRCA site: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/natura_2000/library
Activity #7 - Financing of Natura 2000 (ENV.B.3 – Micheal O'Briain - Ctibor Kocman) The Commission is carrying out an evaluation of the adequacy of the current integration approach for the financing of NATURA 2000 for the effective implementation of the network. On the basis of information supplied by the Member States it will provide updated estimates of Natura 2000 costs. It will also underline the benefits to be gained from effective management of the network and draw lessons from experiences with the current integration approach. This is with a view to setting out its views on how to enhance the success of financing Natura 2000 under the next financial perspective. Preparatory work for this assessment is advanced. A series of studies have been undertaken to help with evaluations of the costs and benefits of Natura 2000 and a dedicated conference took place in June 20103, with broad stakeholder involvement, to draw lessons from the current integration model to Financing Natura 2000. The Commission ran a public Internet consultation for 8 weeks (November 2010 to February 2011), which received 805 responses. The views of Member States and stakeholders have also been sought within framework of meetings of Nature Directors and the Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature. The current focus is on examining ways to strengthen the integration approach using the different EU sectoral funds, together with possible enhanced LIFE Biodiversity instrument. This should include the development of national/regional 'priority action frameworks' (PAFs) to identify needs and priorities and improve strategic multi-annual planning and co- ordination. The content and format of the PAFs will be discussed with the Member States at an informal meeting on 15 April and subsequently at the Habitats Committee on 13 May. The potential for use of innovative approaches and market based instruments for financing Natura 2000 is also being considered.
3 http://www.ecologic-events.de/natura2000/downloads.htm
9 Activity #8 - Development of a technical guidance document in relation to estuaries and in particular for ports (ENV.B.3 – François Kremer) The Commission guidelines on implementing the Birds and Habitats Directives in estuaries and coastal zones, with particular attention to ports and dredging have been published on the Nature & Biodiversity Homepage. On 8th March 2011 the Commission also published a 'Commission Staff Working Document' on integrating biodiversity into port development. This document can also be consulted on the Nature & Biodiversity website: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/guidance_en.htm
Activity #9 - Technical Guidance in Relation to the Non-Energy Extractive Industry (NEEI) (ENV.B.3 – Fotis Papoulias) Following final consultations in spring 2010 the document was finalised and posted on the Nature& Biodiversity Homepage (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/guidance_en.htm) in July. Translations of the guidance have also been made and are available on the same web-page.
Activity #10 - Management plans for huntable species under the Birds Directive, Action Plans for other bird species, Key Concepts document (ENV.B.3 – Joseph van der Stegen) Management Plans (MPs) for "huntable" species under the Birds Directive No management plans for "huntable" species were produced or updated in 2010. Species Action Plans (SAPs) for bird species The 3 new SAPs and 3 revised SAPs produced in 2009 were uploaded on the European Commission's website. They concern the following species: the Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus), the Red Kite (Milvus milvus), the Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata), the Azores Bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina), the Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis), and the Great Bustard (Otis tarda). Three existing Species Action Plans were revised. These are the Species Action Plans for the Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax) and the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni). They will be finalized in 2011. The implementation of 14 SAPs, prepared between 1994 and 1999, was reviewed, involving birds whose recovery targets have been achieved, or whose only short term targets were achieved, or whose progress is unknown. The birds concerned are the following: Zino's Petrel (Pterodroma madeira), Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus), Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), Fea's Petrel (Pterodroma feae), White-tailed Laurel Pigeon (Columba junionae), Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon (Columba bollii), Madeira Laurel Pigeon (Columba trocaz), Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla teydea), Lesser spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina), Eleonora's Falcon (Falco eleonorae), Bonelli's Eagle (Hieraeetus fasciatus), Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus). The document will be finalized in 2011. The production of a brochure on "Conservation of threatened species in the EU through SAPs" was initiated. It will be published in 2011. In the context of the contract ("Scientific and technical assistance supporting the species protection under the Birds Directive") that was attributed to BirdLife and FACE as subcontractor in 2009 to improve the process concerning Action Plans both for annex II birds (previously named "Management Plans") and annex I birds (previously named "Species
10 Action Plans"), the Commission organised with BirdLife International a conference on "Bird Conservation in the EU: Planning for Recovery Action and Sustainable Use" on 23 and 24 November 2010. 150 participants (NGO's, Member States' representatives, stakeholders and scientists) attended different sessions dealing with the preliminary results of the contract, the collection of data on species, stakeholders' participation, the consultation and adoption of plans and their implementation. The outcomes of the conference will feed into the new process regarding action plans to be elaborated in 2011. Key Concepts document The document has not been modified since the 2008 consultation of Member States and the 2009 update which is available on the European Commission's website.
Activity #11 - Promotion of Natura 2000 in the community of wildlife recreational users (hunters and anglers) (ENV.B.3 – Heidrun Kleinert) The Contract launched in 2008 to promote greater involvement of the hunters' and anglers' community in the implementation of the "Birds" and "Habitats" Directives and in the conservation and management of Natura 2000 sites has been finished with a conference on the promotion of Natura 2000 on 17th-18th November 2009 in Brussels. A summary of the key results of the conference, all presentations and other information of the conference, as well as the other outcomes of the contract such as the results of the workshops are available at www.usenatura2000.eu. Members of the CGNB are encouraged to implement the recommendations arising out of the conference. In order to define possible further steps, the Commission would welcome input from CGBN members.
Activity #12 - EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative (B@B) (ENV.B.2 – Marta Kaczynska)
In order to progress with the European Business and Biodiversity Initiative the contract on the "Business and Biodiversity Platform" was signed in November 2009 (for max. 3 yearly contracts) and the Contractor assists with activities of the second year now. The continuation of the European B@B Platform in 2011 includes the following activities: - compilation and dissemination of sectoral best practices on the Platform website and in a printed publication, - distribution of the Platform's e-newsletter, - mini-consultations and workshops on the EU Post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy regarding sub- targets and contribution of businesses in their implementation, - workshops on good practice benchmarking will also be organized in order to discuss and analyze benchmarking methodologies and ways to implement them by the respective sectors and companies, - starting from the 2012 edition of the European Business Awards for the Environment, a new 'Business & Biodiversity' award will be presented to any European company with outstanding achievements in halting biodiversity loss and supporting natural ecosystems (more information on: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/biodiversity/business/news-and- events/news/index_en.html#awards ). Activity #13 - Implementation of the Guidelines for Population Level Management Plans for Large Carnivores (ENV.B.3 – Marco Cipriani) On 17th May 2010 a meeting of the Working Group on Wolves took place and focused on the following issues: Compensation payments for wolf damages; Use of derogations under Habitats Directive in the management of wolf populations; Hunting and poaching issues.
11 All the documentation related to the activities of this working group is available on the public CIRCA site: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/wg_wolves/home
Activity #14 – Biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change (ENV.B.2 – Karin Zaunberger) A side event on "Climate change, ecosystem services and biodiversity – Ecosystem-based approaches convenient solutions ready for use" was held at UNFCCC COP 15 in Copenhagen. The event was jointly organised by the SE Presidency and the European Commission. The key messages were: Human development must stay within the planetary boundaries. Ecosystem-based approaches for climate change adaptation and mitigation are ready for use and bring multiple benefits at comparatively low cost. Investing in nature makes economic sense and it vital to control climate change. Climate change, biodiversity and development policies benefit from being mutually supportive. The event has been webcasted and can be watched under http://www.se2009.eu/en/1.26298 . The presentations and the opening speech can be downloaded from CIRCA4 http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/biodiversity_climate/library? l=/joint_unfccc_cop&vm=detailed&sb=Title The Environment Council Conclusions adopted on 22nd December include the following: The Council of the European Union… 10. HIGHLIGHTS the mitigation and adaptation potential of resilient wetlands, oceans, forests, peatlands and grasslands and other ecosystems, and that conservation, restoration and sustainable use of these ecosystems result in carbon emission reductions, carbon storage and increased adaptation potential; RECOMMENDS the development and use of ecosystem- based approaches for the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change; The 6th meeting and 7th of the EU Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change was held on Tuesday 9th March 2010 and Wednesday 2nd March 2011 respectively (for more information see http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/biodiversity_climate/home)
CBD COP 10 in Nagoya led to the adoption of the Strategic Plan and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, a decision on resource mobilisation and several other decisions http://www.cbd.int/cop10/doc/ . With regards to the biodiversity-climate change link the decision CBD COP X 33 on Biodiversity and Climate Change, the decision CBD COP X 31 on Protected Areas and the decision CBD COP X 28 on Inland Waters are particularly relevant. The multiple benefits of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation and the pertinent role of ecosystems in the climate system are highlighted and various potential areas for collaboration with UNFCCC are suggested. In addition Parties are invited "to consider the role of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services when climate-proofing / enhancing the climate resilience of investments, projects and programmes and to develop such strategies for biodiversity-related investments, projects and programmes".5 UNFCCC COP 16 in Cancun resulted in the Cancun agreement. While the agreement is a diplomatic success, a lot more remains to be done and regrettably the Nagoya outcome has not been recognised in spite of the efforts of the EU and the potential for harnessing the multiple benefits of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation
4 If the direct link does not work go to http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/biodiversity_climate/home , click on library folder side event UNFCCC COP 15; so need to sign in 5 CBD COPX 33 para 17
12 has still not been exploited. The Environment Council Conclusions6 on the follow-up to the Cancun Conference – inter alia – "emphasises the importance of the development and use of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation which deliver multiple benefits at comparatively low cost and are easily accessible (para 13) and "also emphasises the importance of partnerships, informal for and technical dialogues with third parties to make progress towards Durban and recognises the potential for mutual benefits through enhanced collaboration of the Rio Conventions. (para 19).
The "Rio Conventions' Ecosystems and Climate Change Pavilion" is a collaborative outreach activity involving the Rio Convention secretariats, with the Global Environment Facility and other important partners, including UNEP, UNDP and the European Commission7. Launched during the International Year of Biodiversity, the Pavilion is a platform for raising awareness and sharing information about the latest practices and scientific findings on the co-benefits that can be realized through implementation of the three Rio Conventions. It is providing a place for negotiators and other key decision makers, scientists, civil society and practitioners to discuss the links between biodiversity, climate change and sustainable land management with a view to identify integrated approaches with mutual benefits as well as key areas for greater cooperation between the Rio Conventions, particularly at the national level. Key themes include: ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation, REDD+ and biodiversity, the role of oceans, indigenous peoples and communities, water, the role of protected areas, land management and financing. The Ecosystems Pavilion, was convened for the first time in 2010 at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 10) (October, 2010) in Nagoya, Japan, where a full two-weeks programme was set carried out. In addition the Pavilion provided exhibition space for key partners and presenters and a dedicated Pavilion show board and stand were situated in the entry hall leading to the main plenary room. There the programme and the daily messages, which summarized the outcomes of the events of each day, were laid out. Further programme, presentations, photos, videos and interviews can be viewed at the website of the Pavilion www.ecosystemspavilion.org . Due to limitation of space at UNFCCC COP 16 in Cancun, the Pavilion was not attributed a fixed room, but UNFCCC secretariat in its notification of 4 August 2010 encouraged Parties to support the creation of a "virtual" Pavilion. During the course of the two weeks the Pavilion highlighted the multiple benefits that can be achieved through collaboration and integrated approaches through a number of specific themes and cross-cutting issues relevant to the Rio Conventions and their common objective to support sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It featured a series of associated events, two of them where held in the EU Pavilion8 (see Annex 3) and some at other locations off site, including Oceans Day and activities at Forest Day 4. In 2011 the Pavilion will be convened in October 2011 at the UNCCD COP 10 in Changwon, Republic of Korea and in December 2011 at the UNFCCC COP 17 in Durban, South Africa. The Pavilion partners hope to also extend the momentum of these collaborative initiatives to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil in 2012, Rio + 20.
6 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/envir/119875.pdf 7 Partners are listed on the back of the factsheet on CIRCA http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/biodiversity_climate/home . 8 Event on REDD+ and Biodiversity on 30.November and Event on Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and mitigation on 1 December;
13 DG ENV launched a study to "assess the potential of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation in Europe. This work also contributes to the work on green infrastructure. Work has commenced on drafting guidelines for Natura 2000 and climate change. Building on earlier studies the guidelines will not only assess the threats posed by climate change to Natura 2000 but also highlight the positive contribution it can make in mitigating the effect of climate change (e.g. carbon storage, flood protection). It is intended to present a first draft of the guidelines to the Management group on Natura 2000 in autumn 2011 (ENV.B.3).
Activity #15 - Green Infrastructure for the EU (ENV.B.2 – Marco Fritz) COM2010 (4) foresees the development of an EU strategy on Green Infrastructure after 2010; and Council Conclusions of March 2010 call for the further elaboration of a concept on Green Infrastructure. The EU biodiversity strategy (foreseen in spring 2011) is likely to announce the development of a Green Infrastructure 'daughter' initiative (by 2012), as a key element to ensure the restoration of ecosystems and their services to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impacts. The Aichi targets set during CBD COP10 and other CBD decisions9, provide a number of hooks for the implementation of Green Infrastructure. Green Infrastructure will contribute to the EU 2020 strategy's resource efficiency flagship. The Commission plans therefore to publish a Communication, further elaborating the respective targets set in the strategy, informing about the Green Infrastructure concept, and exploring ways forward at EU level, inter alia delivering a tool box for implementation, facilitating exchange of practices and integrated planning. The Commission has launched several co-ordinated studies on Green Infrastructure-related topics, which will all deliver results in 2011. A Working Group on Green Infrastructure has been set up, with planned meetings on 31st March, 24th May 2011 and 6th September 2011. CGBN members have been invited to participate. The role of the Working Group will be to provide opinions and recommendations based on advice and expertise to the Commission in relation to the preparation of a Green Infrastructure initiative. These recommendations will be further examined and elaborated by the European Commission, in its preparation of a policy on Green Infrastructure. More information on Green Infrastructure is uploaded on the Commission's homepage: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/ecosystems/index_en.htm.
Activity #16 - Communication Activities (ENV.B.2 and B.3 – Susanne Wegefelt) The EU Biodiversity public awareness raising Campaign was launched in March 2010, and is built around the slogan “Biodiversity – we are all in this together”, aiming at persuading people of all ages and backgrounds to become personally involved in biodiversity protection. A Campaign website and advertising in media were followed by launch events in several countries. In 2010 around 3,5 million web page views were recorded, and more than 190.000 persons from 130 countries had declared themselves "biodiversity supporters" on the Facebook Campaign application. The Wake up call video had been viewed by more 1.5 million persons.
9 notably CBD COPX 33 on biodiversity and climate change and CBD COPX 31 on Protected Areas
14 The campaign will run at least till the end of 2011. Due to a limited budget it will focus on on- line presence (website, social media) and activities organised by partners such as the EU representations. Link to Biodiversity Campaign: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/biodiversity/campaign/index_en.htm Green Week 2010 "Biodiversity – our lifeline" was all about Biodiversity, and was visited by more than 3000 persons. The indoor and outdoor exhibitions focused on Natura 2000 and Nature's services respectively. Link to Green Week 2010: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/greenweek2010/index.html In 2010 factsheets on Green Infrastructure and on Monitoring EU Biodiversity Policy were finalized, as well as a leaflet on the Natura 2000 Viewer. The flagship publication, the 2010 Assessment of the EU Biodiversity Action Plan was published for CBD COP10 in Nagoya, and was promoted in the EU booth, which had many visitors requiring information, including trying out the Natura 2000 viewer and the EU Biodiversity Campaign website. A USB card containing the key publications on Biodiversity Policy and Natura 2000 was produced. The Natura 2000 Newsletter focused on the post 2010 Biodiversity Policy, Sector specific Natura 2000 Guidance and Red lists. Link to publications: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/info/pubs/paper_en.htm For 2011, new leaflets, factsheets and brochures are planned on Financing Natura 2000, EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, Tips for Biodiversity and Natura 2000 Guidance.
VNRs are planned on the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and on the working of the Nature Directives, using the Danube as an example. A Natura 2000 Promotion Campaign is being prepared, and the Communications Strategy and Tool box will be delivered in 2011, aiming at launch in 2012.
Activity #17 - Commission Guidance Document on Sustainable Inland Waterway Development and Management in the context of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives (ENV.B.3 – Przemyslaw Oginski) The Commission has undertaken to develop guidance on how best to ensure that activities related to the development and management of inland waterways are compatible with EU environmental policy in general and nature legislation in particular. The guidance will focus mainly on the provisions of the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Water Framework Directive but reference will also be made to the SEA, EIA Directives and their role in ensuring sustainable development.. The guidance document will integrate comments and submissions made by experts to the ad hoc group and take account of information arising from other recent initiatives, including work of international conventions as well as of the work already done within the Water Framework Directive guidance. The working group, jointly chaired by DG ENV and DG MOVE, has met three times since in 2009 and is aimed at bringing together key players from the national authorities, interest groups and the Commission to discuss the interactions between inland waterway transport and EU environmental protection provision for rivers across Europe. The agendas and all relevant working documents of the group are available on the following public CIRCA site: http://circa.europa.eu/Members/irc/env/river_working_group/home. The date of the next meeting of the working group has been set for 6th May 2011.
15 Activity #18 – Ecosystem Assessments (ENV.B.2 – Anne Teller – Marco Fritz) Since the adoption of the 2010 EC Communication on Biodiversity the Joint Research Centre is working on a first set of biophysical maps of ecosystem services (PRESS project on ecosystem services mapping in Europe of the Partnership for European Environmental Research - PEER consortium). This work is done in close collaboration with the Commission and in line with TEEB's deliverables. The European Environment Agency is continuing its work on natural accounting, international statistics (in collaboration with different organisations such as FAO Statistical division and Sustainable development division, ESTAT, UNEP), environmental accounting, capital accounting and ecosystem classification (CICES). The EEA is also working with the European Space Agency on GlobCorine. A report on Ecosystem Assessments in Europe was prepared in support to EEA work (http://eureca.ew.eea.europa.eu/meeting_description/workshop-ecosystem-assessments- europe-12-13-october-2010/documents). This is work crucial to advance the case for biodiversity and ecosystem services in EU as well as in international policy framework.
Activity #19 – Cormorants (ENV.B.3 – Jorge Savio) Since the meeting held on 16th October 2009, the Commission's first draft of the Guidance Document on Art. 9 of the Birds Directive had been opened for consultation during 2010. On the basis of the comments received a second draft is being prepared. It is expected it will be sent for consultation to the Members States and relevant stakeholders around mid-year 2011. Complementing the Guidance document on Article 9 of the Birds Directive, the Commission is funding a three-year project ('Sustainable Management of Cormorant Populations'), granted to a joint bid of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (National Environmental Research Council, UK) and the National Environmental Research Institute (Aarhus University, DK). The project, which started on February 1, 2011, consist of a Platform for Information and Discussion (expected to be opened for public consultation late May or June this year), a Stakeholders Liaison Group involving representation of the main interested environmental and fisheries sectors (having its first meeting on 4th-6th April 2011), and the support of successive censuses of Cormorant populations (under the Wetlands International umbrella) starting this year and continuing during 2012 and 2013.
Activity #20 –Technical Guidance in relation to Wind Energy (ENV.B.3 – Micheal O'Briain) The Commission guidelines on Wind Energy Developments and Natura 2000 have been published on the Nature & Biodiversity Homepage at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/Wind_farms.pdf
Activity #21 – Biodiversity Knowledge Base (ENV.B.2 – Anne Teller) Since the EU and global 2010 targets were set, good progress has been made in improving the biodiversity knowledge base so that policy is underpinned by the most up-to-date scientific data and information available. This data will now need to be updated and aligned on the 2020 global and EU policy frameworks. Biodiversity policy monitoring and reporting will need to be further improved and remaining gaps identified and filled according to clearly established priorities.
16 With these goals in mind, the Commission will work with Member States and the European Environment Agency to develop an integrated policy monitoring, assessment and reporting framework by 2012. The EU 2010 biodiversity baseline10 describing the state of biodiversity and ecosystems will serve as a benchmark and the EU biodiversity indicators (e.g. SEBI11) will need to be updated and serve as key tools for measuring progress towards the 2020 targets. The Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE http://biodiversity.europa.eu/) web portal will serve as the main platform for these efforts and facilitate data and information sharing, including that produced by 'citizen science' initiatives.
Activity #22 – International Biodiversity Aspects (ENV.B.2 – Jörg Roos - Natalie Pauwels - Paulo Paixao - Marta Kaczynska - Ms Irene Plank) 2010 was the UN International Year of Biodiversity. It ended with the successful conclusion of the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya/Japan in October. The 193 Parties to the Convention agreed on a set of measurable global biodiversity targets for the coming decade, adopted the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, which is now open for signature, and agreed to mobilise significantly more resources for biodiversity over the next ten years. In June 2010 countries at the 3rd meeting on an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Busan/Republic of Korea agreed on the need to establish the platform. In December the United Nations General Assembly established it by requesting the United Nations Environment Programme to operationalise it as soon as possible. The EU also participated in the meetings under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and the Bern Convention. In February 2010 the CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks was concluded. The EU aims at signing this new instrument. At the Bern Convention Standing Committee criteria and cycle of the Emerald network evaluation were presented, and recommendations were adopted, inter alia related to biodiversity and climate change, large carnivores, recreational fishing. The EU has observer status in the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and participated also in the 62nd Annual meeting of the IWC in Agadir in June 2010 where it presented a coordinated position based on the Council Decision of 2nd March 2009 to ensure effective conservation of whales worldwide.
Activity #23 –Development of the post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy (ENV.B.2 – Natalie Pauwels) In March 2010, a 2050 vision and 2020 headline target for biodiversity were agreed by the Council, reflecting the most ambitious option set out in the Commission's January 2010 Communication on 'Options for an EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010'.12 The vision and target were adopted as work was getting underway to develop the EU's position in the lead-up to the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which took place in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010. The EU played a leadership role in the negotiations, which resulted in agreement on an important package of measures to safeguard global biodiversity: a global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020; the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits arising from them; and a strategy for resource mobilisation. Over the past year, the Commission has consulted a wide range of stakeholders in the preparation of the EU's post-2010 biodiversity policy and aims to present a fully fledged biodiversity strategy in early May 2011. The strategy will include specific time-bound targets
10 http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/eu-2010-biodiversity-baseline/ 11 http://biodiversity.europa.eu/topics/sebi-indicators 12 COM(2010) 4 final
17 focusing in particular at reducing key pressures on biodiversity, and actions to deliver on them.
18 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Directorate B - Nature, Biodiversity & Land Use ENV.B.2 - Biodiversity ENV.B.3 - Nature
Agenda Item: 6)
Activity fiches – Table of contents:
1) Updating the EU lists of sites of Community importance under the Habitats Directive (Natura 2000) 2) Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 3) Invasive Alien Species (IAS) 4) Coordination and implementation of the designation process for the off-shore marine sites 5) To streamline and modernise the reporting tasks under the Habitats and Birds directives including the dataflow on the Natura 2000 network 6) Management of Natura 2000 Sites 7) Financing of Natura 2000 8) Development of a technical guidance document in relation to estuaries and in particular for ports 9) Technical guidance in relation to the non-energy extractive industry (NEEI) 10) Management plans for huntable species Birds Directive, Action Plans for other bird species, Key Concepts document 11) Promotion of Natura 2000 in the community of wildlife recreational users (hunters and anglers) 12) EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative (B@B) 13) Technical Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 areas 14) Biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change 15) Green Infrastructure for the EU 16) Communication Activities 17) Commission Guidance Document on Sustainable Inland Waterway Development and Management in the context of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives 18) Ecosystem Assessments 19) Cormorants 20) Technical Guidance in relation to Wind Energy 21) Biodiversity Knowledge Base 22) International Biodiversity Aspects 23) Development of the post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy 24) New 'Natura 2000 Seminars Process' at the biogeographical level 25) Technical Guidance in Relation to Aquaculture and Natura 2000 26) Illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds 27) Updating the Article 6 guide (Managing Natura 2000 sites) 28) Technical Guidance on management of forests in Natura 2000 areas
1 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 1) Updating the EU lists of sites of Community importance under the Habitats Directive (Natura 2000) Short Description of the Activity: This activity includes the progressive updating of all Community lists in order to include the most recent site proposals and site modification submitted by Member States. The updating of the EU lists will be carried out according to the rolling plan that was presented in the Habitats Committee (http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/natura_2000/library? l=/documents_community&vm=detailed&sb=Title ). This is one of the key activities to deliver a major objective of the BAP (finalise the N 2000 network – action A1.1.1). Outputs/Deliverables: Community lists for all nine biogeographical regions will further be updated. Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: Since 2008, the Community lists are updated annually: - eight Commission decisions adopted on 12/12/2008, including initial lists for the Black sea and Steppic biogeographical regions, see Official Journal L 43 of 13/2/2009; - Six Commission decisions adopted on 22/12/2009, see Official Journal n° L 344 of 22/12/2009 and L 30 of 2/2/2010; - Six Commission decisions adopted on 10/01/2011, see Official Journal n° L 33 of 08/02/2011 (Atlantic, Alpine and Continental biogeographical region) and L 40 of 12/02/2011 (Boreal, Pannonian and Mediterranean regions). It is intended that the next updating round will be finalized by November of 2011. The draft Commission Decisions on adopting updated lists will be submitted to the Habitats Committee for opinion prior to its meeting on 26 September 2011. Another updating round is planned for 2012 with a deadline for submission of the updated national databases fixed on 1st October 2011. Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: The draft lists are being established by the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The activity is coordinated by DG ENV.B.3. How are the Member States to be involved: Member States are involved through the submission of site proposals, biogeographical seminars and bilateral meetings with the Commission and the ETC-Biological Diversity. They are requested to give their agreement on the respective national parts of the draft Community lists and to express their opinion on the draft Commission Decisions in the context of the Habitats Committee. How will other Interest Groups be involved: Interest groups and NGO's are represented in the biogeographical seminars. Links to other Actions within the Work plan: Establishment of the Natura 2000 network. Links to Other Activities: Other Relevant Information:
2 Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Frank Vassen
3 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 2) Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)
Short Description of the Activity: The EU Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) provided the strategic framework to meet the 2010 biodiversity targets. In 2008 the Commission adopted the mid-term assessment of the BAP (COM(2008) 864 final), which constituted the first comprehensive assessment of progress at both Community and Member State levels. This assessment revealed that the EU would not meet its target of halting the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2010 on the basis of current efforts. The Commission continued to closely monitor the implementation of the BAP and provided a comprehensive assessment at both Community and Member State levels in 2010 and concluded that the EU has missed to halt biodiversity loss by 2010. The report (COM(2010)548 final) was adopted in advance to the CBD COP 10, October 2010, Nagoya, Japan.
Outputs/Deliverables: - EEA provided a biodiversity assessment report based on SEBI indicators - The Commission carried out an assessment of the BAP 2010 targets, covering both Community and Member State levels
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones:
- The 2010 BAP report was adopted in 2010. No more deadlines are applicable
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV officials - Technical support from service contract - EEA & ETC officials, especially in context of SEBI 2010 work - COM services other than DG ENV provided data sources and contributed to COM level assessment
How are the Member States to be involved: - Nature Directors ensured good liaison with Commission in relation to completion of the MS Questionnaire (Country Profile) and verification of updated country fiches - MSs to make use of and to further disseminate the information and data gather and provided through the BAP assessments
How will other Interest Groups be involved: n.a.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Link to Action 5 and Action 23
Links to Other Activities: SEBI indicators, Invasive Species, Knowledge Base, Ecosystem Assessment, reporting for CBD Convention, post-2010 EU biodiversity target and strategy development.
4 Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 - Ms Szilvia Bősze, Ms Anne Teller
5 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 3) Invasive Alien Species (IAS)
Short Description of the Activity: The Commission is developing an EU instrument on invasive alien species with the aim to reduce negative impacts of IAS on biodiversity and thus to contribute to the EU 2020 biodiversity targets and comply with the internationally agreed targets of Convention on Biological Diversity. One of the targets, agreed in October 2010, specifically targets IAS: "by 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritised, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment". This activity will be an integral part of the post-2010 biodiversity policy. Outputs/Deliverables: - At the end of 2008 the Commission adopted a "Communication towards an EU Strategy on invasive species" (COM(2008) 789 final). This examines the evidence regarding the ecological, economical and social impact of invasive species in Europe, analyses the effectiveness of the current legal situation for tackling this problem and describes 4 possible options for a future EU strategy. - On the basis of the substantive and supportive responses received from EU institutions, Member States and stakeholders, and in compliance with the commitment to deliver on the 2020 biodiversity targets, the Commission plans to make a proposal in 2012. Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - Preparatory work for the 2012 EU policy on invasive alien species during 2011 and 2012 - Working groups recommendations – Summer 2011 - Adoption of an IAS proposal in 2012.
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Results of technical support studies carried out by the Institute for European Environmental Policy - Comparative assessment of IAS policies in Member States and 4 OECD countries for 6 months (contract ends June 2011) - Outputs of RTD's projects DAISIE and ALARM - EEA - Feasibility Study of a European Information and Early Warning System for Invasive Alien Species.
How are the Member States to be involved: - The response from the other EU institutions to the December 2008 Communication is a critical element that will shape the Commission's proposals for 2012 - Current consultations are carried out within the IAS Working Groups, which involve representatives of Member States - further consultations, led by DG ENV, are envisaged with 1-2 meetings with Member States, Commission services, International organisations, NGOs, businessin 2011 and 2012
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Other stakeholders (NGO, business) are regularly involved via the current work of the IAS
6 Working Groups and will be involved in further consultation meetings to be held during 2011 and 2012. The general public already has access to the documents produced by the Working Groups and other stakeholder meetings, via the publication of all material on the CIRCA website. Furthermore, the general public will be consulted via a stakeholder consultation (internet based and/or meeting) in the early part of 2012. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: EU Biodiversity 2020 Strategy
Links to Other Activities: There will be a need for close collaboration with other Commission services (e.g. SANCO, MARE, TRADE, ENTR, TAXUD). There are close links with activities presently ongoing, coordinated by DG SANCO relating to the review of the Plant Health and Animal Health legislation. Implementation of the CBD 2020 biodiversity targets. LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity projects. Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 – Ms Valentina Bastino - Ms Myriam Dumortier
7 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 4) Coordination and implementation of the designation process for the off-shore marine sites
Short Description of the Activity: Overview and coordination of the process for proposing off-shore marine Natura 2000 sites (pSCIs and SPAs) and for the assessment of the proposed sites at EU level (both legal and technical issues), as well as addressing management issues (relations of fisheries and nature conservation). The activity is needed in order to step up efforts to deliver a major objective of the BAP (completion of marine N2000 network – action A1.1.1).
Outputs/Deliverables: - Significant progress with the proposed designation of Marine Sites. - establish mechanism (with the assistance of the EEA/ETC) for assessing proposed sites at EU level - Elaboration of guidelines/best practice concerning the interface between Natura 2000 designation and the CFP. - Address further marine management issues as necessary.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - First expert meeting in mid-February 2008, second meeting in end September 2008, third meeting planned by September 2010. - Arrangements with EEA/ETC in place by end 2008 - 1st assessment seminar (Atlantic sea) held end March 2009, 2nd seminar (Baltic sea) held November 2009, 3rd seminar (Mediterranean, Macaronesian Atlantic, Black Sea) held June 2010. - Guidelines on fisheries measures under CFP for marine Natura 2000 sites prepared in 2008. - Common methodology for assessing fisheries impacts on marine N2000 to be prepared in 2011. - FAQ document on links between Marine Strategy Framework directive and Birds/Habitats dir. In the marine under preparation.
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Support by EEA/ETC. - cooperation with DG MARE
How are the Member States to be involved: A meeting with MS technical experts was held in mid February 2008 and another one (involving stakeholders too) at end September 2008. A 3rd meeting of the marine expert group was held in September 2010 and also addressed management issues. The expert group is to be consulted on the various documents under preparation. Marine biogeographic seminar for Atlantic region held 24th-25th March 2009, marine seminar for Baltic region held 23-24 November 2009, and marine seminar for remaining sea regions (Mediterranean, Micronesian Atlantic, and Black Sea) held in June 2010.
8 How will other Interest Groups be involved: Representatives of NGOs, fisheries and other international organisations participate in the marine expert group and attended the seminars. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Activity (7) – Reports on delivery of the BAP.
Links to Other Activities: Marine Strategy Directive.
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Fotis Papoulias
9 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 5) To streamline and modernise the reporting tasks under the Habitats and Birds directives including the dataflow on the Natura 2000 network
Short Description of the Activity: To streamline and modernise the reporting tasks under the Habitats13 and Birds14 directives, including the dataflow on the Natura 2000 network. This involves the standardisation, synchronisation and modernisation of dataflow (use of IT-tools) as well as proposals for the presentation of these data & their analysis via the internet in order to be available and relevant to a wide range of users.
Outputs/Deliverables: 7 work-packages were defined 1. Review of the Art.17 reporting exercise 2001-2006; recommend concrete improvements to the conservation status reporting in view of the report for the 2007-2012 period. 2. Alignment and synchronisation of implementation reporting under Art.12 of Birds Directive with reporting under the Habitats Directive. 3. Development of methods for the evaluation of the impact of the Natura 2000 network on conservation status (efficiency of the network). 4. Preparation of a revision of the dataflow re. Natura 2000 sites (standard data forms and maps) between Member States and the Commission, switch to exclusively electronic data-flow & GIS maps. 5. Support the modernisation of derogation reporting (Habides) and the creation of links with conservation status reporting. 6. Consider the establishment of a tool for the notification of compensation measures under Art.6.4 of the Habitats Directive 7. Develop a vision for the presentation & access to all reporting results and Natura 2000 GIS information.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: Meetings of the Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives: 11 April 2008, 26 June 2008, 7 November 2008, 5 March 2009, 18 June 2009, 18 November 2009, 18 May 2010, 2 December 2010, 22 March 2011, 24 November 2011 (prov.)
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: Staff All activities will be coordinated in close cooperation between DG ENV, EEA and its Topic Centre on Biodiversity (ETC) and certain resources for this work are available in all of the three institutions. In addition substantial input from Member States participants in sub-groups is given.
How are the Member States to be involved: The work is driven and supervised by the Expert Group on Reporting under the nature Directives where nearly all MS are participating. Sub-groups were established for some of the
13 Council Directive of 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7 14 Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds, OJ L 103, 25.4.1979, p. 1
10 work-packages, holding separate meetings. Information and all documents relating to the work ongoing can be found on CIRCA: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/monnat/library?l=/expert_reporting&vm=detailed&sb=Title
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Stakeholders are involved in the group's work and consultation processes.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Creating a knowledge base for sites, habitats and species of EU interest this activity links and contributes to many others.
Links to Other Activities: See above Other Relevant Information:
Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Ms Angelika Rubin
11 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 6) Management of Natura 2000 Sites
Short Description of the Activity: A key priority for the coming years will be the designation by Member States of these SCIs as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and the putting in place of effective management measures for the sites (e.g. management plans). Member States are legally obliged to designate the SCIs as SACs within 6 years, establishing priorities in the light of the importance of the sites for the maintenance or restoration, at a favourable conservation status, of the habitats and species and for the coherence of Natura 2000, and in the light of the threats of degradation or destruction to which those sites are exposed. The six year deadline for SAC designation has already expired for some SCIs and will become increasingly relevant over the next few years15. The necessity to take action for the management and restoration of Natura 2000 has been underlined by the first conservation status assessment of species and habitats protected under the Habitats Directive, published in 2009, which revealed that only 17% of assessments were favourable16. In light of the legal requirement of the Directive for Member States to achieve favourable conservation status for all species and habitats of EU conservation concern under their responsibility, it is clear that the attainment of a significant and measurable improvement in conservation status is required. A new expert group on the management of Natura 2000 has been created in 2009. The group held several meetings since hen. It aims to promotion of a better understanding and where appropriate harmonised approaches towards the application of the key provisions of Article 6 (1) and (2) of the Habitats Directive, including the duties linked to site designation and the establishing of conservation objectives and conservation measures, including management planning tools. It is also essential to improve information and communication on the designation and management of Natura 2000 sites: This will allow to get an overview on the approaches and instruments put into place by the Member States for the designation and management of SPAs and SACs and to enhance the exchange of information, experience and good practice among Member States and regions. A study has examined the creation of a web-based communication tool which could help reconciling economic development and nature conservation objectives in Natura 2000 sites. The study has also examined the establishment of the 'Natura 2000 Partner' award scheme. There is also a need to develop new concepts for integration of Natura 2000 network into the broader countryside: Under this activity a new spatial vision for a green structure of the European Union will be elaborated, insuring sustainable management of natural resources, adaptation to accelerated climate change and maintenance of biodiversity. - There is also an activity to promote Natura 2000 in the community of wildlife recreational users (hunters & anglers): This activity aims at promoting greater engagement of the hunting community in the implementation of the birds' directive and the habitats' directive and to
15 The six year deadline will have expired for 7477 SCIs by the end of 2010 and for 15232 SCIs by the end of 2012 16 2000-2006 report available at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/knowledge/rep_habitats/index_en.htm
12 further engage the community of wildlife recreational users in conservation and management of Natura 2000. The activity is needed in order to step up efforts to deliver a major objective of the BAP (effective conservation management of N2000 network – action A1.1.1). - There is a need for information on best practice for achieving the appropriate balance between potentially conflicting interests and uses of NATURA 2000 sites in order to ensure both the engagement of the population and the respect of the ecological value of the site (2008 Preparatory action, lot 2, Conflict solving at the strategic planning level – Results have been made available on the Nature & Biodiversity Website). - Work is also being undertaken on development of methodologies and tools to allow the Commission and national and regional authorities to make strategic assessment of the impacts of major programmes on the Natura 2000 network and thereby to minimize the impact on the network (2008 Preparatory action, lot 3, Conflict solving at the site level – Results have been made available on the Nature & Biodiversity Website). - A new activity has been launched in 2011 to develop guidelines on Natura 2000 & Farmand management. This will mainly happen through a sub-group of the expert group on Natura 2000 management. - Another activity is planned to start in 2011 aiming at the development of guidelines for Natura 2000 & Forestry. This will also mainly happen through a sub-group of the expert group on Natura 2000 management.
Outputs/Deliverables: Main outputs will be reports with information on the designation and management of SCI as SAC, conservation objectives, new concepts for the integration of Natura 2000 in the broader countryside, the establishment of a web-based Communication platform, the establishment of the 'Natura 2000 Partner' Reward Scheme, methodologies for conflict solving at the site level and at the strategic planning level and guidelines on Natura 2000 & Farmland management and Natura 2000 & Forestry. Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: The activities under the 2007 preparatory actions for Natura 2000 were launched in January 2008 and have been completed in November 2009. Main results have been presented to the expert group on Natura 2000 management during its meeting of 25/11/2009.The activities under the 2008 preparatory actions have been launched in early 2009 and ended in June 2010. The results have been made available on the Nature & Biodiversity Website. Guidelines on Natura 2000 & Farmland management and Natura 2000 & Forestry will become available in 2012/2013. Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: The preparatory actions for Natura 2000 have been carried out with the assistance of different contractors. Technical and scientific assistance will be provide to the Commission by a contractor. How are the Member States to be involved: Member States have been invited to participate in the ad hoc expert group on managing Natura 2000. They are also informed on the progress of the different actions through the Co- ordination Group. Member States will be invited to actively participate in the actions, notably through participating in the expert group on Natura 2000 management and its sub-groups on agriculture and forestry, and through providing the information to the contractors on the designation process of SCI as SACs and the management approaches that have been put into place in the Member States. How will other Interest Groups be involved:
13 Interest groups will be involved through bilateral contacts with the Commission and the contractors and in the Co-ordination Group. They will also be represented in the relevant expert / working groups. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Establishment of the Natura 2000 network. Links to Other Activities: Other Relevant Information: Best practise examples on habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive are available at the Nature & Biodiversity Homepage since April 2008. (see: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/gp/index.html ). Guidelines are available at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/guidance_en.htm Working documents of the expert group on Natura 2000 management are available on the public Natura 2000 CIRCA site: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/natura_2000/library Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 – Mr François Kremer
14 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 7) Financing of Natura 2000
Short Description of the Activity: The Commission is carrying out an evaluation of the adequacy of the current integration approach for the financing of NATURA 2000 for the effective implementation of the network. On the basis of information supplied by the Member States it will provide updated estimates of Natura 2000 costs. It will also underline the benefits to be gained from effective management of the network and draw lessons from experiences with the current integration approach. This is with a view to setting out its views on how to enhance the success of financing Natura 2000 under the next financial perspective. Preparatory work for this assessment is advanced. The current focus is on examining ways to strengthen the integration approach using the different EU sectoral funds, together with possible enhanced LIFE Biodiversity instrument. This should include the development of national/regional 'priority action frameworks' (PAFs) to identify needs and priorities and improve strategic multi-annual planning and co-ordination. The content and format of the PAFs will be discussed with the Member States at an informal meeting on 15 April and subsequently at the Habitats Committee on 13 May. The potential for use of innovative approaches and market based instruments for financing Natura 2000 is also being considered.
Outputs/Deliverables: A series of studies have been undertaken to help with evaluations of the costs and benefits of Natura 2000 and a dedicated conference took place in June 201017, with broad stakeholder involvement, to draw lessons from the current integration model to Financing Natura 2000. The Commission ran a public Internet consultation for 8 weeks (November 2010 to February 2011), which received 805 responses. The Commission will set out its views on the future financing of Natura 2000 in 2011
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: A dedicated conference on Financing Natura 2000 conference is tentatively scheduled took place in June 2010. There has been a web based stakeholder consultation. Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: There has been a contract on this issue: "Financing Natura 2000: Cost estimate and benefits of Natura 2000". How are the Member States to be involved: The Member States were contacted on the cost estimates on financing needs for Natura 2000 (a questionnaire has been sent out). Member States were also invited to the June 2010 stakeholder conference. There have also been dedicated discussions with Member States stakeholders have also been sought within framework of meetings of Nature Directors and the Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature. Next discussions are for informal meeting with Member States on 15th April and for discussion in Habitats Committee on 13th May.
17 http://www.ecologic-events.de/natura2000/downloads.htm
15 How will other Interest Groups be involved: The contract involves IEEP, WWF and RSBP. Various stakeholders were involved in the conference. There has been a web based consultation exercise. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Management of Natura 2000 sites, Business and Biodiversity, Large Carnivores, Invasive Alien Species, Reports of the delivery of the BAP, TEEB, etc. Links to Other Activities: The action is connected with the implementation of EU financing instruments that are expected to take a major stake in Natura 2000 financing in the programming period 2007-13. Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Micheal O'Briain - Mr Ctibor Kocman
16 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 8) Development of a technical guidance document in relation to estuaries and in particular for ports
Short Description of the Activity: The activity has produced a guidance document on the implementation of the nature directive in estuaries and coastal zones, with particular attention for port development. The guidance has been prepared in close cooperation with the Estuaries Working Group that was set up in 2007. The activity took profit of preparatory work that was carried out previously in the context of the expert group, as well as in the context of national and international programmes promoting the exchange of experience and good practice on socio-economic development in estuaries. This activity is contributing to ensure effective conservation management (action A1.1.1 of BAP). Outputs/Deliverables: Output are Commission guidelines on implementing the Nature Directives in estuaries and coastal zones and a technical back-ground document. As another output linked to this activity, the Commission has published a Commission Staff Working Document on integrating biodiversity and nature into Port development. (See: http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/estuary/library? l=/documents_december&vm=detailed&sb=Title)
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: The guidelines have been published in early 2011.
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: The Commission has been supported by a consultant (technical assistance contract). One permanent staff member was responsible for following the activity.
How are the Member States to be involved: Member States were involved through their participation in the Estuaries Working Group. The group is chaired by the Commission. Important contributions have been received from stakeholders. The group will have meetings in the future to continue exchanging information on particular issues of interest linked to the implementation of the guidelines.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Interest groups and stakeholder organisations are represented in the Estuaries Working Group.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Links to Other Activities: The output will be reflected on the Nature & Biodiversity Website.
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr François Kremer
17 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 9) Technical guidance in relation to the non-energy extractive industry (NEEI)
Short Description of the Activity: Preparation of technical guidance on implementation of Natura 2000 in the field of non-energy extractive activities (mining/quarrying). Issues to be considered include access to land, mineral planning, Art. 6(3) assessments and compensation measures, marine extraction, stakeholder involvement. Activity needed in order to address the issue of sustainable access to land/mineral deposits in the context of the Raw Materials Initiative. It will contribute to the business& biodiversity initiative (action B3.1.6 of BAP) and enhance cooperation among stakeholders (action B3.1.1 of BAP). It will contribute to the Thematic Strategy on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Outputs/Deliverables: Technical guidelines.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - Preparation of terms of reference by February/March 2008. - First draft of guideline available by end 2008. - Revised drafts available in April 2009 and July 2009. - Final draft available February 2010. - Publication (web) July 2010. - Translations available Feb-March 2011. Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: Contract for Technical Assistance for Habitats & Birds directives. How are the Member States to be involved: The guidelines shall be developed in consultation with the Member States. An ad-hoc expert group (AEG) is set up. It will be chaired by the Commission and include interested MS experts. Member States will be invited to nominate members and an interest to take a leading role in the work. How will other Interest Groups be involved: The guidelines shall be developed in consultation with organisations concerned (incl. extractive industry associations, NGOs). Experts from organisations concerned shall participate in the AHG. The guidelines are developed in close cooperation with DG Enterprise. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Activity 7 "Report on the delivery of the BAP" – implementation of BAP. Links to Other Activities: - Development of an EU raw materials policy- implementation of raw materials initiative - Implementation of the EU thematic strategy on sustainable use of natural resources. Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Fotis Papoulias
18 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 10) Management plans for huntable species Birds Directive, Action Plans for other bird species, key concepts document
Short Description of the Activity: Action Plans for birds: The Commission will finalize with the support of a technical assistance contract (BirdLife International in charge of this part of the contract) 1) the revision of 3 Species Action Plans (Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax, Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus, Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni), 2) the implementation review of 14 Species Action Plans for birds and 3) the publication of a brochure on "Conservation of threatened species in the EU through Species Action Plans". The Commission will pursue its collaboration with BirdLife International and FACE as subcontractor under the contract "Scientific and technical assistance supporting species protection under the Birds Directive" aimed at shaping a new framework for the production, approval and implementation of Action Plans for birds, "huntable" and not "huntable". The main tasks that remain to be done are the following: 1) Conception of a new methodology after having taken stock of the past experience regarding the production, approval and implementation of Action Plans. Specific issues will be addressed in this context: improved monitoring of the implementation of action plans, improved co-ordination with other bodies involved in international action plans for birds, increased uptake of action plans for birds by stakeholders… 2) Drawing up a list of species for which plans will be developed and a list of species for which preliminary data collection is required (see point 3), 3) Collection of data for four species with identified gaps in their knowledge. Four workshops will be organised and used to test the best method to come to a common understanding on the population status of these species. The work under task 2 will be used among other sources of information to update the list of birds considered as "priority for funding under Life". Key Concepts document: The Key Concepts document serves as a review of the best available information on the prenuptial migration and reproduction periods for each "huntable species" and for each Member State where the species occurs. The development of a new methodology to update this document will be addressed in the framework of the above-mentioned contract. Outputs/Deliverables: 1) For Species Action Plans: - Uploading of 3 revised SAPs on the web site - Finalisation of the implementation review of 14 SAPs - Publication of a brochure on "Conservation of threatened species in the EU through SAPs" 2) New methodology to produce, approve and implement Action Plans for Birds and to update the Key Concepts document. 3) List of bird species for which action plans will be developed and list of bird species which will be subject to population status assessment.
19 4) Population status assessments for 4 bird species which identified gaps in their knowledge 5) List of bird species "priority for funding under LIFE". Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - 30/06/2011 for point 1 - 31/12/2011 for points 2 to 5 Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Support under Technical assistance contract (for Species Action Plans) - Support under contract with BirdLife International and FACE (for the new methodology for Action Plans and the Key Concepts Document) - Consultation of Member States How are the Member States to be involved: - Member States will be consulted on their experience on Action Plans for birds. How will other Interest Groups be involved: - The contract regarding the new methodology for Action Plans and updating of the Key Concepts document has been attributed to BirdLife and FACE as subcontractor. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Links to other Activities: Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the Unit: ENV.B.3 – Mr Joseph van der Stegen
20 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 11) Promotion of Natura 2000 in the community of wildlife recreational users (hunters and anglers)
Short Description of the Activity: Further to the Sustainable Hunting Initiative and the Conference of 17th-18th November 2009 a brochure on sustainable hunting and angling and Natura 2000 will be prepared. It is aimed at demonstrating how sustainable hunting and angling practices can be compatible with the objectives of Natura 2000 and support the implementation of the Bird and Habitats Directives. Outputs/Deliverables: Brochure Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: Brochure outline by 31/12/2011 Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Support under technical assistance contract. How are the Member States to be involved:
How will other Interest Groups be involved: The main stakeholders will be consulted. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Links to Other Activities: Other Relevant Information: see www.useNATURA2000.eu Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Ms Heidrun Kleinert
21 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 12) EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative (B@B)
Short Description of the Activity: - Building on the success of the Lisbon conference under the 2007 Portuguese Presidency, and recommendations of the Paris meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy under the French Presidency (2008), the Commission aims at continuation of work on the EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative for the enhanced engagement of business to biodiversity protection. The contract for the 2nd year of the European Business and Biodiversity Platform was signed in November 2010 and the work is now underway. The first year results are: the B@B Platform web-site, 6 sectoral workshops organised in September 2010 (agriculture, food supply industry, forestry, extractive sector, financial sector, tourism), draft sectoral guidance documents on best practice benchmarking prepared. As a follow-up the project is to develop clear tools (indicators) to measure impact of businesses on biodiversity, promote ways to reduce negative impacts and increase positive influence, presenting at the same time benefits to businesses. Co-operation with other units includes a LIFE+ project called "European Business and Biodiversity Campaign" (co-ordinated by Life Nature Unit) as well as a study on environmental eco-industries and the Single Market, as well as a workshop on innovative financing instruments in Brussels on 3 May/EC IFM study (coordinated by Chief Economist, Instruments & Impact Assessment Unit). This activity is contributing to action B3.1.6 of the BAP. Outputs/Deliverables: - compilation and dissemination of sectoral best practices on the Platform website and in a printed publication (by Oct 2011), - distribution of the Platform's e-newsletter (quaterly), - mini-consultations (Jun/Jul 2011) and workshops (Sep 2011) on the EU Post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy regarding sub-targets and contribution of businesses in their implementation, - workshops on good practice benchmarking will also be organized in order to discuss and analyze benchmarking methodologies and ways to implement them by the respective sectors and companies (Jun 2011), - starting from the 2012 edition of the European Business Awards for the Environment, a new 'Business & Biodiversity' award will be presented to any European company with outstanding achievements in halting biodiversity loss and supporting natural ecosystems. Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - Contract for the 2nd year of the B@B Platform signed in November 2010. - All the activities of the 2nd year to be finished by the end of October 2011. Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Contract on technical support of the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform for 12 months, renewable for two more years (2010-2012). How are the Member States to be involved:
22 Links to national B@B initiatives should be developed.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: NGOs contributing to discussions on useful methodologies (e.g. benchmarking). Links to other Actions within the Work Plan:
Links to Other Activities: - Guidelines on Non-Energy Mineral Extraction and Natura 2000: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/neei_n2000_guidance.pdf - A new EU Business and Biodiversity Award: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/awards/whats_new.html Other Relevant Information: See the B@B Platform at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/biodiversity/business/index_en.html Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 - Ms Marta Kaczynska
23 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 13) Technical Guidance on management of farmland in Natura 2000 areas
Short Description of the Activity: In January 2011, the Commission launched a new initiative (2-year contract) with the aim of developing a guidance document on the management of farmland in Natura 2000 areas. The objectives of this project are: to contribute to the improvement of the conservation status of the habitats and species sensitive to, or dependent on, agricultural land management. to promote the integrated management of farmland in Natura 2000 areas, by strengthening the partnership approach through the involvement of the agricultural sector in proactive and participatory management of Natura 2000 network. The Expert Working Group on Natura 2000 management and its Sub-Group on management of farmland in Natura 2000 will be involved in this work and will assist the consultant and the Commission with the elaboration of the guidance document. The first meeting of the Sub-Group on management of farmland in Natura 2000 is envisaged for 20th May 2011.
Outputs/Deliverables: Technical Guidance document Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - First meeting of the dedicated Sub-Group on 20th May 2011 Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Support under 2-year contract with N2K Group-IEEP - Contribution of Member States and stakeholders How are the Member States to be involved: Interested Member States have been invited to propose experts (from competent authorities for both nature protection and agriculture) for active participation in the dedicated Sub-Group. How will other Interest Groups be involved: Major stakeholder organizations (members of CGBN and Expert Group on Natura 2000 management) have been invited to propose experts for active participation in the dedicated Sub-Group. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: - Activity 6: Management of Natura 2000 sites - Activity 12: EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative (B@B) Links to Other Activities:
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Marco Cipriani
24 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 14) Biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change
Short Description of the Activity: Climate change is a driver for change of biodiversity and ecosystems services and at the same time biodiversity and ecosystem services are climate regulating factors. Climate change will influence other drivers of biodiversity loss. Therefore an integrated view is needed, which will result in integrated action. Terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems play a significant role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing currently roughly half of the anthropogenic CO2 emission. Therefore their proper management can make a significant contribution to reducing the build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Climate Change must be addressed within the wider challenge of preserving the capacity of global ecosystems to function as sinks for greenhouse gases, and avoid ecosystem feedbacks that accelerate global warming. There are significant opportunities for mitigating climate change and for adapting to climate change, while enhancing the conservation of biodiversity. "Maintaining natural ecosystems (including their genetic and species diversity) is essential to meet the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC because of their role in the global carbon cycle and because of the wide range of ecosystem services they provide that are essential for human well-being" The Environment Council Conclusions adopted in 22 December 2009 HIGHLIGHTS the mitigation and adaptation potential of resilient wetlands, oceans, forests, peatlands and grasslands and other ecosystems, and that conservation, restoration and sustainable use of these ecosystems result in carbon emission reductions, carbon storage and increased adaptation potential; RECOMMENDS the development and use of ecosystem-based approaches for the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. This recommendation has been mirrored in the Environment Council Conclusions adopted on 14 March 2011 on the follow-up to the Cancun Conference. The climate/biodiversity interface will be an integral element of the post-2010 biodiversity strategy which the Commission has committed itself to preparing. The relationship between climate change and biodiversity including the implications for the NATURA 2000 network and the implications for further policy development will be looked into as part of this process. This activity is contributing to objective 9 of the Biodiversity Action Plan and to the development of the post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy. It replies to the outcome of CBD COP10 in Nagoya.
Outputs/Deliverables: - Discussion Paper –Towards a Strategy on climate change, ecosystem services and biodiversity see http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/climatechange/index_en.htm - Input to the Implementation of the White Paper on Adaptation. - Input to post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy (EU and International) - Input to the International Climate Negotiations - Input to the Rio Conventions' Ecosystems and Climate Change Pavilion see http://ecosystemspavilion.org
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: Preparation of post-2010 biodiversity strategy
25 Participation in working groups preparing the international climate negotiations (e.g. Expert Group on Adaptation) Participation in the Rio Conventions' Ecosystems and Climate Change Pavilion Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: Resources in B2: 1 policy officer A service contract finished in October 2009 to investigate "biodiversity and climate change in relation to the Natura 2000 network"; (contractor IUCN). The Commission aims to launch a study contract this year on for the development of guidelines on dealing with the impact of climate change on the management of Natura 2000 sites, as this action has been suggested as a follow up to the White Paper on 'Adapting to climate change – towards a European Framework for Action" Final task reports on CIRCA : http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/biodiversity_climate/library? l=/contract_biodiversity&vm=detailed&sb=Title Outputs of the RTD projects including MACIS, ALARM, CLIMSAVE, GHG Europe A service contract has been launched in December 2010 to "assess the potential of ecosystem- based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation in Europe".
How are the Member States to be involved: An EU Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change has been established. See http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/env/biodiversity_climate/library How are other Interest Groups be involved: NGOs, research Community and other interest groups are invited to contribute to the work inter alia through their participation in the Ad Hoc Expert Working Group.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Post 2010 Strategy, Management of N2K, BAP report, IS Strategy, Green Infrastructure
Links to Other Activities: Strong Links to Implementation of the White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change Strong links to EEA, Council of Europe and to CBD and UN Climate Change activities.
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 - Ms Karin Zaunberger
26 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 15) Green Infrastructure for the EU
Short Description of the Activity: The Communication on an EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010 calls for a strategy on how to tackle biodiversity loss in the future. Integral part of the evaluation of policy gaps herein is the conclusion of a need for developing a Green Infrastructure strategy after 2010. This activity also supports the fulfilment of action A1.2.3 of the BAP.
Outputs/Deliverables: Strategy on Green Infrastructure to be delivered after 2010
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: During Green Week 2010, Green Infrastructure had a dedicated session: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/greenweek2010/session/19-green-infrastructure.html Conference on Green Infrastructure in November 2010 (see proceedings on http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/ecosystems/green_infrastructure.htm). Publication on LIFE-financed projects contributing to Green Infrastructure on http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/publications/lifepublications/lifefocus/nat.htm#green (in April 2010). Launch of several studies on Green Infrastructure in beginning 2011. They are covering "Green Infrastructure implementation and efficiency"; "Costs, benefits and climate proofing of natural water retention resources"; "Design, implementation and cost elements of Green Infrastructure projects", Large Scale Planning & Design of Resource Use" and "Assessment of the potential of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and mitigation in Europe"; as well as "Guidelines on dealing with the impact of climate change on the management of Natura 2000". A Working Group on Green Infrastructure has been set up, with planned meetings on 31st March, 24th May 2011 and 6th September 2011. How are the Member States to be involved: Member States have actively participated in Green Week and the conference on Green Infrastructure, which involved scientists, planners, nature conservation authorities from all Member States, relevant NGOs and the Commission in order to discuss and clarify the concept of the Green Infrastructure. Experiences made in Member States have been used for publications and will deliver the core information for the studies launched on Green Infrastructure. Member States have been invited to participate in the Working Group on Green Infrastructure. How will other Interest Groups be involved: Regular information on Green Infrastructure in other Interest Groups Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: BAP report, Biodiversity Strategy, Climate change, TEEB Links to Other Activities: Links to the White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change, Resource Efficiency flagship Other Relevant Information: Natura 2000 newsletter of 12/09 (on DG ENV's web site): http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/info/pubs/docs/nat2000newsl/nat27_en.pdf (dedicated
27 to Green Infrastructure). Fact sheet on Green Infrastructure on http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/info/pubs/docs/greeninfrastructure.pdf Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 - Mr Marco Fritz
28 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 16) Communication Activities on Biodiversity
Short Description of the Activity: - DG ENV is involved in a wide variety of communication activities related to biodiversity. Some of these actions are managed by the Biodiversity and Nature units, others by the Communications Unit. During the course of 2011 there will be a variety of communication initiatives including the production of brochures on issues such as 'Natura 2000 Financing', leaflets on three new Natura 2000 Guidance documents (Wind energy developments, Non energy mineral extraction, Estuaries and coastal zones) and a booklet with 52 Tips for Biodiversity. - Particular attention will be given to the "EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020" in terms of brochure, factsheet and a VNR (video news release). Another VNR will deal with the working of the Nature Directives, with an ecosystem (the Danube river) as an example. - DG ENV is also preparing a Natura 2000 promotion campaign to be launched in 2012, which will contribute to the achievement of the 2020 target and the overall long-term aim of protecting biodiversity. - The Natura 2000 Newsletter will be issued twice in 2011, and the Nature and Biodiversity website will continuously be improved.
Outputs/Deliverables: - EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: A factsheet and a more detailed brochure, plus a video news release. - Biodiversity campaign: A booklet, covering the 52 tips for biodiversity used on the campaign website. - Natura 2000: - Natura 2000 Promotion Campaign: The ongoing contract will result in a proposed Communications strategy and a Tool box. - VNR on the working of the Habitats and Birds Directives, focusing on a river ecosystem (Danube). - Brochure on Financing Natura 2000. - Leaflets presenting the three new Guidance documents. - Natura 2000 Newsletter, two issues
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: Factsheet and brochure to be published mid 2011 - Natura 2000 Promotion campaign: Concept to be delivered in June 2011 - Financing Natura 2000 brochure: Publication mid May 2011. - Natura 2000 Newsletter publication dates: June and December 2011.
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: 1 desk officer in the Biodiversity and Nature Unit plus additional staff working in other parts of DG ENV.
How are the Member States to be involved: Member States are involved in on-going EU communications activities via the Green Spider's
29 network and the Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature. Regarding the Natura 2000 Promotion campaign, Member States are involved via questionnaire and interviews of key persons.
How will other Interest Group be involved: DG Environment is in contact with other interest groups via EHF, CGBN etc. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Communication links to all other actions.
Links to Other Activities: Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Ms Susanne Wegefelt
30 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 17) Commission Guidance Document on Sustainable Inland Waterway Development and Management in the context of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives
Short Description of the Activity: The Commission has undertaken to develop guidance on how best to ensure that activities related to the development and management of inland waterways are compatible with EU environmental policy in general and nature legislation in particular. The guidance will focus mainly on the provisions of the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Water Framework Directive but reference will also be made to the SEA, EIA Directives and their role in ensuring sustainable development. The guidance document will integrate comments and submissions made by experts to the ad hoc group and take account of information arising from other recent initiatives, including work of international conventions as well as of the work already done within the Water Framework Directive guidance. The working group, jointly chaired by DG ENV and DG MOVE, has met three times since in 2009 and is aimed at bringing together key players from the national authorities, interest groups and the Commission to discuss the interactions between inland waterway transport and EU environmental protection provision for rivers across Europe. The agendas and all relevant working documents of the group are available on the following public CIRCA site: http://circa.europa.eu/Members/irc/env/river_working_group/home. The date of the next meeting of the working group has been set for 6 May 2011..
Outputs/Deliverables: A guidance document on the management and protection of Natura 2000 rivers, covering the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives and with special attention also to the Water Framework Directive.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: First meeting of the working group on 19/2/2009 in Brussels, second meeting on 2/10/2009, third meeting on 29/11/2010 (discussion on the 1st draft), fourth meeting 06/05/2011 (discussion on the 2nd draft).
How are the Member States to be involved: Member States (competent authorities for both nature protection and inland waterways) have been invited to propose experts for active participation in the working group. Member States will also be informed on the results of the working group via the Biodiversity Co-ordination Group.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Major stakeholder organizations have been invited to propose experts for active participation in the working group.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Development of guidance on the implementation of the nature directive in other economic sectors.
Links to Other Activities: Existing guidance on Water Framework Directive and international instruments on river management
31 In recognition of the need to better integrate the implementation of water and nature protection legislation the Commission is also planning for a dedicated workshop in mid 2010 to explore the synergies and potential conflicts raised by the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Birds and Habitats Directives (BHD). This will include presentations of case studies and best practice from the Member States. The Commission has developed a draft paper on frequently asked questions about the WFD and BHD which was sent to Nature Directors in November 2009.
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Przemyslaw Oginski
32 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 18) Ecosystem assessments
Short Description of the Activity: Ecosystem assessments include an evaluation of ecosystem health (resilience, integrity, and vitality), ecosystem properties and functions (stocks and flows of materials-carbon, water, nutrients etc) and the delivery of ecosystem goods and services. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) carried out in 2005 was the first attempt at global level to look at the state of the world's ecosystems and to relate this to the degradation in the level of goods and services provided to man and hence to economic development. While the first MA was largely based on expert judgements and did not use a systematic or consistent methodology it proved extremely successful in drawing attention to the link between ecosystem health and sustainable human development. At present, plans are being made to conduct a second and more comprehensive, global ecosystem assessment by 2015. Europe wants to be a major contributor for this second assessment, To support this process, the Eureca! Project has been initiated in 2008 by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The purpose of the activity is to try and ensure a co-ordinated contribution from the EU in relation to the updating of the MAs and to serve as a platform to exchange information on on- going work on Ecosystem Assessments.
Outputs/Deliverables: Co-ordinated position on MA sub-regional global assessment for EU. Completion of a first set of biophysical maps of ecosystem services by JRC by the end of 2010. Finalisation of EEA ongoing work on auditing and measuring ecosystem services. Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: Co-ordinated position agreed with Member States and other stakeholders as well as co- ordinated work-plan in 2010. Ecosystem services measuring and mapping in EU available by the end of 2010. How are the Member States to be involved: Through the Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature. How will other Interest Groups be involved: Through the Biodiversity interdepartmental coordination group, Biodiversity group and EIONET. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: TEEB, Green Infrastructures, Knowledge Base
Links to Other Activities: IPBES
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 - Ms Anne Teller - Mr Marco Fritz
33 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 19) Cormorants
Short Description of the Activity: The increasing populations of the Great Cormorant are putting well known pressures on aquaculture/fisheries commercial undertakings, and also negatively affecting some other established recreational fishing activities. Additionally, there is information that cormorant populations are also having significant social, esthetical, landscaping, and/or real estate's economic impacts to the human populations inhabiting, or having economical interests, in the areas where they colonise. In that line, and in order to address this ecologically rooted social problem, the Commission have devised an ad-hoc package of measures that altogether are expected to enable the various stakeholders to achieve a sustainable strategy for the harmonious, integrated, management of the cormorant populations across the EU.
Outputs/Deliverables: – the development of a guidance document on Article 9 of the Birds Directive in relation specifically to cormorants and addressing issues such as serious damage as well as indicating what actions would be acceptable and compatible with the Directive; – the dissemination of best practice on solutions to reduce the impact of cormorants on fisheries; – the establishment of a technical platform to be financed by the Commission for exchange of information across the EU. The platform would allow exchange of experiences and practice with regard to cormorant management and would also function as a brokerage for putting together and facilitating arrangements between regions/countries for concerted management initiatives; – the provision of funding to allow the production of updated censuses of the cormorant populations across the EU. Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: o The production of a draft guidance document on Article 9 to be submitted for consideration of the Member States during first trimester 2010. o The launching of a call for tender, during the Autumn of 2010, for the establishment of a technical platform for exchange of information and carrying out censuses of cormorant populations (work to be carried out 2011-2013).
How are the Member States to be involved: Consultation through CIRCA.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Idem above
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Links to Other Activities: Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Jorge Savio
34 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 20) Technical Guidance in relation to Wind Energy
Short Description of the Activity: To provide guidance on how best to ensure that wind energy developments are compatible with nature conservation requirements of EU and other relevant international nature legislation applicable in Europe, taking into account at the same time the objectives and requirements of EU renewable energy policy and legislation. This guidance is to cover wild birds, which can be particularly sensitive to wind energy developments, but also other relevant taxa and habitat types that are considered to be significantly at risk from inappropriate wind energy developments. The aim is to promote good practice in relation to the location, planning, design, construction and operation of such facilities in order to minimize their impact on biodiversity.
Outputs/Deliverables: Technical guidelines
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: The Commission (DG ENV and DG TREN) has established an ad hoc group on wind energy and conservation comprised of representatives of Member States and key stakeholder groups. This group has met three times. In light of these discussions and inputs a final draft of the document is currently the subject of internal review within the Commission services from the legal and technical point of view. It is then intended to send the final version of the guide to the Members of the wind energy group and the EU Co-ordination Group for Nature and Biodiversity for a final check.
How are the Member States to be involved: Member States have participated in ad hoc group.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: The ad hoc group has been key forum for their involvement Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Activity 2: Reports on the Delivery of the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Activity 17: Biodiversity & ecosystems and climate change
Links to Other Activities:
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Micheal O'Briain
35 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 21) Biodiversity Knowledge Base
Short Description of the Activity: Although a great deal of information has been gathered since the 2010 biodiversity target was adopted, significant knowledge and data gaps remain at all levels – Member States, EU and global. Work is now gathering pace to develop a scientific baseline and related indicators on the current state of biodiversity and ecosystem services within the EU, and to facilitate access to biodiversity data, information and knowledge to interested users through the development of a shared information system for biodiversity monitoring and reporting in the EU.
Outputs/Deliverables: Launch of a Biodiversity Information System (BISE) – a common public web page for EU biodiversity information and knowledge. Finalisation by EEA of a first EU biodiversity baseline. Production of a strategic plan to fill the knowledge gaps, in particular indicators for ecosystems and ecosystem services.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: BISE to be launched by June 2010 (prototype available in May). EU biodiversity baseline available in June 2010 (draft available by mid-March). Strategic plan to fill gaps by June 2010.
How are the Member States to be involved: Member States are involved through the Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Key Commission Services and key partners (EEA) are involved through the Biodiversity interdepartmental coordination group and Biodiversity meetings.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Links to reporting under nature directives, ecosystem assessment, and green infrastructure.
Links to Other Activities: Link to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Follow-up strategy and IPBES.
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 – Ms Anne Teller
36 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 22) International Biodiversity Aspects
Short Description of the Activity: The Treaty of the European Union stipulates that the Union shall in all fields of international relations help to develop international measures to preserve and improve the quality of the environment and the sustainable management of global natural resources. Union policy on the environment shall furthermore promote measures at international level to deal with regional or worldwide environmental problems. As parties to biodiversity related Multilateral Environmental Agreements (CBD, CMS, Bern Convention) and as an observer to the IWC the European Union and its Member States strive to improved global biodiversity governance and are committed to achieving the revised global biodiversity target adopted in 2010 to " to take effective and urgent action to halt the loss of biodiversity in order to ensure that by 2020 ecosystems are resilient and continue to provide essential services … contributing to human well-being, and poverty eradication". Unity of external representation needs to be ensured by developing common EU positions for international meetings and processes. Outputs/Deliverables:
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Follow-up to the Nagoya outcomes and translate them into EU action through the adoption of a new EU biodiversity strategy, the signature of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and by contributing to global deliberations on increased financing for biodiversity and innovative sources of funding.
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) To prepare a common EU position for the first meeting of the IPBES plenary in October 2011. The EU's objective is to ensure that the platform will start its work as soon as possible.
Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) A Memorandum of Understanding and a Conservation and Management Plan for migratory sharks has been concluded in 2010. A decision on EU signature has to be taken, just like for the Memorandum of Understanding and Action Plan for birds of prey and raptors. The next Conference of the Parties of the CMS will take place in November 2011 in Bergen/Norway. The EU will have to develop its common positions for the meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
Bern Convention A yearly meeting of the Bern Convention Standing Committee will take place in December 2011. The Commission will prepare with the Polish Presidency and the Member States an EU position on new decisions. During the Bern Convention meeting the Commission will also present its update in regard to open files and where appropriate will inform about progress in infringement cases. This year a preparation of the next biannual report to the Bern Convention Secretariat (2007-2008) is planned, based on derogation reports collected from the MSs under the Birds and Habitats Directives.
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) The EU is fully committed to the conservation of whales, has put relevant legislation in place
37 and believes that more efforts need to be made internationally to protect whale species. The next annual 63rd meeting of the IWC will take place from 11 to 15 July 2011 in St.Helier, Jersey. For this meeting the EU has a common position based on a Decision decided by the EU Environment Ministers in 2009 with the overarching objective to ensure an effective international regulatory framework for the conservation and management of whales guaranteeing a significant improvement in the conservation status of whales in the long term and bringing all whaling operations under IWC control.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: 6 – 10 June 2011, Montreal, Canada – First Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on ABS (ICNP-1) 11-15 July 2011, St Helier, Jersey- 63rd Annual Meeting of the IWC 3 – 7 October 2011 (tbc) – Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 7 – 11 November 2011, Montreal, Canada – Fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice 17 – 27 November 2011, Bergen, Norway – CMS COP and Associated Meetings 29 November – 2 December 2011, Strasbourg, France – 31st Standing Committee of the Bern Convention
How are the Member States to be involved: Co-ordination with Member States takes place in the Council Working Party on International Environmental Issues (WPIEI) Biodiversity.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Meetings with other stakeholders are part of the preparation for the meetings above.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: This action has links with the following action of the work plan Adoption of the revised biodiversity strategy Ecosystem Assessments Biodiversity & Ecosystems and Climate Change Biodiversity Knowledge Base Links to Other Activities:
Other Relevant Information: The international directorate of DG Environment is in charge of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, a supplementary agreement to the CBD, and leads the negotiations on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) under the CBD. Member States are involved through the relevant WPIEI formations.
Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 – Mr Jörg Roos, Ms Natalie Pauwels, Mr Paulo Paixao, Ms Marta Kaczynska, Ms Irene Plank
38 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 23) Development of the post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy
Short Description of the Activity:
2010 – the International Year of Bidiversity – saw the adoption by the EU in March 2010 of a long-term 2050 vision and 2020 headline target for biodiversity, and international agreement on a significant package of measures to safeguard global biodiversity, reached at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan. These developments provide a strong dual mandate for the development of a new, post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy, which the Council called upon the Commission to develop as soon as possible after the Nagoya meeting. The Commission is finalising the strategy and has consulted stakeholders, including Member States, NGOs and the private sector, at different intervals during its development. The strategy will be accompanied by an impact assessment carried out by the Commission. The strategy will provide a framework for action to tackle biodiversity loss for the next decade. It is built around a set of six targets designed to deliver the 2020 headline target, aiming at reducing major pressures on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services and improve their status, and stepping up the EU's contribution to global biodiversity in line with commitments made last year. Each target is accompanied by a package of actions designed to respond to the specific challenge addressed by the target.
Outputs/Deliverables: - Commission Communication on a post-2010 biodiversity strategy for the EU and accompanying Staff Working Paper/Impact Assessment. Expected adoption 2nd quarter 2011.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: n/a Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV officials leading on the development of strategy in close consultation with officials from other Commission services (DG AGRI, DG MARE, DG REGIO, etc).
How are the Member States to be involved: - Council working groups - Co-ordination Group on Biodiversity and Nature - Nature Directors - The Commission organised two meetings with Member State representatives in June and September 2010, and Member States were also invited to participate in a meeting with all stakeholders organised on 3rd June 2010. How will other Interest Groups be involved: - Commission services are kept informed through the Inter-departmental Group on Biodiversity - Commission services are involved through official Inter-service consultation procedures - An Internet consultation on the post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy was carried out in autumn 2010 (8 weeks, Sept-Oct). Links to other Actions within the Work Plan:
39 Link to Action 2, 3, 15, 18, 21 and Action 22
Links to Other Activities: BAP, SEBI indicators, Invasive Species, Knowledge Base, Ecosystem Assessment, reporting for CBD Convention, international
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.2 – Ms Natalie Pauwels
40 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 24) New 'Natura 2000 Seminars Process' at the biogeographical level - Working together to achieve favourable conservation status
Short Description of the Activity: The new 'Natura 2000 Seminars Process’ at a biogeographical level will accompany the operational implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network by Member States. It will facilitate the exchange of information/expertise on the management of Natura 2000 sites at biogeographical level and create an enabling environment for effective knowledge based management. A key part of the initiative will be to use existing information from the Article 17 reporting exercise and from other sources in the Member States on the conservation status of species and habitat types and on effective measures for achieving favourable conservation status. The process should not lead to the production of binding documents but rather the compilation of useful information and recommendations on coordinated conservation objectives and measures. An active involvement of key user groups, NGOs and other stakeholder groups is foreseen. At its 9th meeting on 18th November 2010 the CGBN welcomed the proposal to launch the new process while underlining that "it should be very different in both legal and content nature from the initial biogeographical process, be based on sound scientific knowledge, help defining priorities and cost-effective ways to reach favourable conservation status, deal with climate change impacts on the conservation status of species and habitat types, enhance trans-boundary cooperation and facilitate the exchange of information on the design and the follow-up of conservation measures." At its 10th meeting on 8th April 2011 the CGBN will discuss draft terms of reference of the new 'Natura 2000 Seminars Process'. A first pilot seminar for the Boreal biogeographical region is planned for spring 2012. Finland has kindly offered to host that seminar.
Outputs/Deliverables: Natura 2000 Seminars and preparatory workshops for each biogeographical region. Seminar recommendations and conclusions on working together to achieve favourable conservation status.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - Preparation of terms of reference by April 2011. - Preparatory workshop for the pilot Natura 2000 Seminar for the Boreal Region: Nov. 2011 - Pilot Natura 2000 Seminar for the Boreal region: May / June 2012 - Preparatory Workshop for a second Natura 2000 seminar: Spring 2012 - Second Natura 2000 seminar: Late Autumn 2012. (All dates are tentative) Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: Contract for Technical Assistance, Permanent Staff of ENV.B.3, EEA and ETC/BD Active involvement will also be required from 'Lead Member States' for the preparation and hosting of the seminars.
How are the Member States to be involved: The Member States are involved through their participation in the expert group on Natura
41 2000 management, in the preparatory workshops and in the seminars. 'Lead Member States will be actively involved in the preparation of the preparatory workshops and seminars. They will also host the seminars. The expert group on Natura 2000 management will be involved in the preparation of the seminars.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: NGOs and other interest groups will participate in the preparatory workshops and the seminars. They will also be invited to contribute to the preparation of the seminars.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Activity 6 - Management of Natura 2000 Sites Links to Other Activities: Implementation of the EU biodiversity strategy
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr François Kremer
42 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 25) Technical guidance in relation to Aquaculture and Natura 2000
Short Description of the Activity: Preparation of technical guidance on implementation of Natura 2000 in the field of aquaculture activities. Issues to be considered include access to space, maritime planning, Art. 6(3) assessments, stakeholder involvement. Activity needed in order to address the issue of level-playing field for the sector in the context of boosting sustainable aquaculture. It will contribute to the business& biodiversity initiative and enhance cooperation among stakeholders.
Outputs/Deliverables: Technical guidelines.
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - Preparation of terms of reference (scoping document) by January 2011. - First draft of guideline available by April 2011. - Final draft available by end 2011.
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: Contract for Technical Assistance for Habitats & Birds directives.
How are the Member States to be involved: The guidelines shall be developed in consultation with the Member States. An ad-hoc expert group (AHG) is set up. It is chaired by the Commission and includes interested MS experts, sector representatives and NGOs.
How will other Interest Groups be involved: The guidelines shall be developed in consultation with organisations concerned (incl. aquaculture sector associations, NGOs). The guidelines are developed in close cooperation with DG MARE.
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Activity 7 "Report on the delivery of the BAP" – implementation of BAP.
Links to Other Activities: - Implementation of the EU strategy for sustainable aquaculture - Implementation of the EU thematic strategy on sustainable use of natural resources.
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Fotis Papoulias
43 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 26) Illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds
Short Description of the Activity: Illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds are one of the threats hindering the achievements of the Birds Directive. BirdLife International, FACE, the Bern Convention and the European Commission have agreed to cooperate on the matter. The Commission has launched a call for tender aimed at better characterizing the issue through a consultation of Member States and at reviewing the law enforcement mechanisms which are meant to fight illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds in all Member States. The objective is to identify the most effective ways, including non-legal instruments, that can be shared and encouraged in order to tackle these illegal activities.
Outputs/Deliverables: Final report of the contract
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: Final report of the contract 3 months after its beginning Participation to the conference organized by the Bern Convention in Cyprus on 06-08/07/2011
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Support under a service contract.
How are the Member States to be involved: Consultation of Member States
How will other Interest Groups be involved: FACE and Birdlife International involved in the initiative
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: Links to Other Activities: Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 – Mr Joseph van der Stegen
44 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 27) Updating the Article 6 guide (Managing Natura 2000 sites)
Short Description of the Activity:
Updating of the EC guidance document on managing N2000 sites in light of relevant latest ECJ rulings and to ensure consistency between this and later guides produced by the Commission on Art 6.3, Art 6.4, Wind energy and NEEI. The update will focus on paras 2, 3 and 4. Work relevant to para 1, undertaken in the context of the N2000 management group, will also be taken into account.
Outputs/Deliverables: Interpretation guide
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - Preparation of scoping document by May 2011. - Draft update available by October 2011.
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: Contract for Technical Assistance for Habitats & Birds directives.
How are the Member States to be involved: CGBN
How will other Interest Groups be involved: Idem
Links to other Actions within the Work Plan:
Links to Other Activities:
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 - Mr Fotis Papoulias
45 Nature and Biodiversity – Rolling Work Plan of Actions
Title of the Activity: 28) Technical Guidance on management of forests in Natura 2000 areas (tentative title)
Short Description of the Activity: The Commission is planning during 2011 to launch a new initiative with the aim of developing a guidance document on the management of forests in Natura 2000 areas. The objectives of this project are: to contribute to the improvement of the conservation status of the habitats and species sensitive to, or dependent on forest management. to promote the integrated management of forests in Natura 2000 areas, by strengthening the partnership approach through the involvement of the forest sector in proactive and participatory management of the Natura 2000 network. The Expert Working Group on Natura 2000 management (possibly through a Sub-Group on management of forests in Natura 2000) will be involved in this work and will assist the consultant and the Commission with the elaboration of the guidance document.
Outputs/Deliverables: Technical Guidance document
Deadlines and Intermediate Milestones: - First meeting of the dedicated Sub-Group end of 2011
Resources dedicated for the support of this Action: - DG ENV staff - Contract for Technical Assistance for Habitats & Birds directives - Contribution of Member States and stakeholders
How are the Member States to be involved: Interested Member States will be invited to propose experts (from competent authorities for both nature protection and forestry) for active participation in the dedicated Sub-Group. How will other Interest Groups be involved: Major stakeholder organizations (members of CGBN and Expert Group on Natura 2000 management) will be invited to propose experts for active participation in the dedicated Sub- Group. Links to other Actions within the Work Plan: - Activity 6: Management of Natura 2000 sites - Activity 12: EU Business and Biodiversity Initiative (B@B)
Links to Other Activities:
Other Relevant Information: Lead and Contact Point within the unit: ENV.B.3 – Ms Mariam Sanchez Guisandez