English 680W Seminar in Writing Program Administration
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English 680W Seminar in Writing Program Administration Purdue University Fall 2003 Shirley Rose Calendar in Brief Date of this draft: December 1, 2003 Date Printed: 5/10/2018 1:56 PM Class Date Topics and Reading Assignments (go to: Detailed Reading Response Prompts and Exercises) Tues. 8/26 Introduction to Course Goals and Theme: Discussion of issues in Graduate preparation for Writing Program Administration; Initial descriptions of WPA work Thurs. 8/28 Identifying WPA Knowledges: Discussion of English 106 Proposal (handout); Discussion of “Portland Resolution” and WPA “Intellectual Work Document” http://www.ilstu.edu/~ddhesse/wpa/ Tues. 9/2 Writing a Writing Program: Narratives of FYC Curriculum Change, Part 1: Discuss Reid; Royer, et al; Himley; Rodgers, etal in WPA 26.3 (Special Issue on Change) Thurs. 9/4 Writing a Writing Program: Narratives of FYC Curriculum Change, Part 2: Discuss Dew; Moon; Adler-Kassner and Estrem; Brady; Lynch and Wysocki in WPA 26.3 (Special issue on Change) Tues. 9/9 Writing a Writing Program: Documentation and Archiving Discuss Guba; Rose; L’Eplattenier; and Mirtz; reprise from WPA 26.3 Special Issue on Change Thurs. 9/11 Writing the WPA as Administrator: Representations 1950-1989: Discuss 1950 CCCC Workshop #13 Report; 1951 CCCC Workshop #13 Report; Gracie; Stewart; Olson and Moxley; Bishop Tues. 9/16 Writing the WPA as Administrator: Models and Narratives 1991-present: Discuss White; Dickson; Phelps; Bishop and Crossley; Hesse; Gunner; Gunner Thurs. 9/18 Writing the WPA as Professional: Larson; Gere; Trimbur; R. Miller Tues. 9/23 WPA Writing as Teaching: Morgan; Brobbel, et al; Payne & Enos; Rose & Finders; Hult & Meeks Thurs. 9/25 Guest WPA Instructor—Tony Silva: Silva; Silva (coursepack) Tues. 9/30 WPA Writing as Scholarship: MLA Commission on Professional Service; Bullock; Hult; Roen; Bushman Thurs. 10/2 Guest WPA Instructor: Prof. Linda Bergmann Bergmann; Bergmann (on reserve) Tues 10/7. WPA Writing as Theorizing: Gunner; Bishop; Peeples; Jablonski; Weiser and Rose Thurs 10/9 WPA Writing as Research: Rose and Weiser; Harris, Bamberg, Anson and Brown Tues 10/14 No Class—October Break Thurs. 10/16 Guest WPA Instructor—Prof. Irwin Weiser Weiser (on reserve) Tues 10/21 Writing the Graduate Student WPA: T. Miller; Long, Holberg, and Taylor; Micchiche Thurs. 10/23 Guest WPA Instructor—Prof. David Blakesley Tues. 10/28 Institutional Contexts*—led by Tarez and Mark: Thurs. 10/30 Service Learning*—led by Amy Tues. Nov 4 Writing Centers and Writing Program Administration*—led by Sarah Thurs. 11/6 Jim presents c.v. analysis; Workshop for re-vision of selected exercises Tues 11/11 Prof. Rose in Washington, D.C.—students meet to work on class project (proposal for Graduate Student WPA listserv and Graduate Student WPA SIG) Thurs 11/13 Workshop on class project. Tues 11/18 Assessment and Placement*—led by Jennie and Yufeng Thurs 11/20 Workshop for re-vision of selected exercises; Tues 11/25 No Class—S Rose at NCTE Thur 11/27 No Class—Thanksgiving Vacation Tues 12/2 Graduate Student/WPA revisited*—led by Deb; presentations Jennie and Tarez Thurs 12/4 Yufeng presents mini-ethnography Workshop on Class project Tues 12/9 Mark presents revised job description; Workshop on Class Project Thurs 12/11 Course Portfolio Due Course website: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~roses/Engl680WPA2003/Engl680WPA2003home.htm Class listserv: [email protected] Shirley Rose: [email protected]
*Student Nominations for course Readings/English 680 WPA 2003 as of 5/10/2018 (unless indicated, selections are in Brown and Enos)
Tuesday, October 28: Institutional Contexts--Tarez and Mark: Merrill and Miller “Making Learning Visible: A Rhetorical Stance on General Education” Hesse, Douglas. “Understanding Larger Discourses in Higher Education: Practical Advice for WPAs.” Allyn and Bacon Sourcebook for Writing Program Administrators. Eds. Irene Ward and William Carpenter. New York: Longman, 2002 (299-314) Maid, Barry. “More Than a Room of Our Own: Building an Independent Department of Writing.” Yancey, Kathleen. “The Teaching Circle, the WPA, and the Work of Writing in the University.” Kitchen Cooks, Plate Twirlers, and Troubadours. Ed. Diana George. Heinemann, 1999. Crowley “How the Professional Lives of WPAs Would Change is FYC Were Elective”
Thursday, October 30: Service Learning--Amy Herzberg, Bruce. “Community Service and Critical Thinking.” CCC 45.3 (1994): 307-19 (alternate or additional readings forthcoming) Amy also presents project
Tuesday, November 4: Writing Centers and Writing Program Administration--Sarah Haviland and Stephenson, “Writing Centers, Writing Programs, and WPAs: Roles by Any Other Names?” Waldo, Mark. “What Should the Relationship between the Writing Center and the Writing Program Be?” The Writing Center Journal 11.1 (1990): 73-80.
Thursday, November 6: Workshop on Revisions of Class Exercises Tuesday and Thursday, November 11 and 13: Students meet to work on class project
Tuesday, November 18: Assessment and Placement—Jennie and Youfeng Huot, Brian. "Toward a New Discourse of Assessment for the College Writing Classroom." College English, 65.2: 163-80. November 2002. http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~blankert/huot.pdf O'Neill, Peggy and Ellen Schendel, and Brian Huot. "Defining Assessment as Research: Moving from Obligations to Opportunities." WPA. 26.1/2: 10-26. Fall/Winter 2002. http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~blankert/defining.pdf Royer and Gilles, “Placement Issues.” Slevin, James F. “Engaging Intellectual Work: The Faculty’s Role in Assessment.” College English 63.3 (January 2001): 288-304.
Tuesday, December 2: Graduate Student/WPA revisited--Deb Ronald, Kate. “How to Tell a True Story” (review Essay). College English 62.2 (Nov 1999): 255-264. Desser and Payne, “Writing Program Administration Internships.” White “Teaching a Graduate course in Writing Program Administration.” Stygall, “Certifying the Knowledge of WPAs.” Jennie and Tarez present projects