Besancon Where There’s a Will There’s a Way The Story of the Crow and the Pitcher

__Corbin Graham______On a hot summer day in July A thirsty crow flew high. In search of a drink He was quite on the brink Of dehydration to qualify!

CROW_Aubrey Keener____ I’m as thirsty as I can be. Yet no water around do I see. I can’t even caw My throat is so raw. I’m near death, I guarantee.

__Christopher Dick______But then standing among some ferns His keen eye spotted an urn. Upon closer inspection He saw a reflection And his mouth began to burn!

CROW_Aubrey Keener____ Oh look! Just what do I see Is there a wee bit of water for me? It’s down in the base Of that forgotten vase! I’m as happy as I can be!

I’ll just put my beak down the hole To reach the water in the bowl. I know I can do it. Why, there’s nothing to it! My happiness I just can’t control!

_Danielle Johnson____ But the thirsty crow soon found The water was too far down. For him to drink He needed to think Of another way around. CROW__Aubrey Keener______There must be some way I bet For a thirsty crow to get A nice, cool drink. Oh, I must think Of a way for my whistle to wet.

___Michaela Kocha____ Then he noticed on the ground Little pebbles strewn around. He hatched a plan Then, man oh man, He started to go to town!

CROW_Aubrey Keener____ I have to analyze And even improvise. Ill put these stones In the water zone And make the level rise.

__Dillion Vinson______And so one at a time he dropped The pebbles in that pitcher . . .ker-plop! Though it was slow That water, you know, Finally came up to the top.

__Braylon Reppa___ With the water at the brim The crow perched up on the rim And drank his fill Sipping until He restored his vigor and vim.

__Jordyn Newman__ The lesson to be learned is that There’s more than one way to skin a cat. So if at first Your plan is burst Just put on your thinking hat.