Change in Participation for Unfolding Case Studies 1
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Policy Regarding FNP Capstone Portfolio Dear class, Select assignments from courses across the FNP program will be compiled as artifacts within a Professional Portfolio to demonstrate your professional growth and expertise. Your final portfolio, which will be submitted in the final course NR661, will be assessed against the learning outcomes of the program. The Professional Portfolio will include the following:
· Reflections from Week 8 for all FNP courses. Beginning with the March 2015 term and moving forward, students will need to save week 8 reflections beginning in NR503. Each reflection post will need the following information: 1. Course Number 2. TERM DATE (i.e. March 2015 term) 3. Reflection post and any citations
· Five exemplar case studies, including discussion posts and SOAP notes (student selects top five) · eLogs portfolio · Curriculum vitae · Professional development plan paper from NR510 As students no longer have access to previous courses once a session ends, you must save portfolio materials as you go through the program. It is recommended that you not only save these documents on your computer, but also in some type of backup format, such as a flashdrive. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you, Best Practice for Case Study Discussions A significant portion of your grade in this course is based on participation in case study discussions. Please be sure to review the grading rubric contained in the syllabus carefully. Please note that the grading rubric for clinical courses differs from that in non-clinical courses. Just a few tips: Support from Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
Discussion posts are supported by evidence from appropriate sources published within the last 5 years. In-text citations and full references are provided. At least one evidence-based, peer reviewed journal article must be cited per week. Clinical courses only
Part 1- Each differential diagnosis is supported by rationale. Rationale may come from textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, assigned readings, or other scholarly sources. Part 2 and SOAP: Treatment plan must be supported by at least 1 evidence-based, peer reviewed journal article or clinical guidelines. No intervention is self-evident. Provide an evidence-based rationale for each step of your plan. *Note that websites like the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Men’s health are not appropriate sites for rationalizing your care for a patient and would never stand up in a court of law. Points will be deducted for use of such websites, after the faculty draws initial attention to the student of their inappropriate use. Application of Course Knowledge
Post contributes unique perspectives or insights consistent with current standards of practice applicable to the results from the case study. The student must accurately and fully discuss the topic for the week. The student must completely answer the entire initial stated question. A substantive post adds content or insights that will add to the learning experience and/or generate discussion. A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the other students’ post does not count as a substantive post. At least one post in each of the parts of the discussion must be substantive. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post. Organization
Your post should present case study findings in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence that is clearly relevant to the topic. Clinical courses only: SOAP notes should be written following the SOAP note format example in the course resource section for each patient. Interactive Dialogue
You must enter a substantive response to a case-related peer post at some point during the week. Peer responses may be entered in any part of the discussion. In addition, you must respond to any case-related questions your instructor poses to you by Thursday. Your response to the questions must be in place by Sunday. Grammar, Syntax, APA
Errors in grammar, syntax and APA format will result in a deduction of points from the total score. Repeated errors will result in higher deductions. Contact Information for Assistance with Technical Issues Students, If you are experiencing technical issues please use the following guide to determine the correct source for assistance: Chamberlain Help Desk (e-College access issue) 1-866-613-8622 DeVry Help Desk (all other issues) 1-877-784-1997 Thank you! Graduate Curriculum Committee Student Representative Do you have any feedback for the Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC)? If you have any concerns about the curriculum, please let the student representatives for the graduate program know so they can bring those concerns to the GCC. Here are examples of curricular concerns: Program or course outcomes Course outcomes Materials offered in the courses to enhance learning Assignment guidelines Use of grading rubrics Textbooks and readings You can contact the student representatives at the following e-mail address: [email protected] Please - only send concerns about the topics listed above to your student representatives. If you have concerns about an instructor, financial issues, progress in the program, and so on – contact a Student Services Adviser. Thank you! We appreciate and value your input! APA Manual Hi Class, CCN utilizes the APA 6th Edition Manual.
•All students should have a copy of the APA 6th Edition. If not, please order one as soon as possible to be prepared for this next session.
•The link to an APA 6th edition tutorial is found at: Important Reminder: Students are responsible or making sure references are cited correctly in relation to the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Citations pulled from 3rd-party bibliographic databases such as CINAHL and EBSCO are sometimes outdated and may not be formatted correctly. Be sure to correct any formatting errors before submitting your work. In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks! Preview Week Preview Week, Official Class Start, and Posting during Preview Week Classes officially begin on Monday of Week 1. You may get a head start on reviewing course materials by accessing your course beginning on Sunday, 1 week prior to the course start. Faculty members are not required to access their courses during this Preview Week. If you have a question, e-mail your instructor or contact your Student Services advisor. It is recommended that students not begin posting to courses until the first day of class as course sections may be combined. Students may be moved to other sections resulting in the loss of work posted early. Should work be lost due to early posting, it will be the student’s responsibility to repost to the new course section. Best practice is to save all work to a Word document prior to posting to avoid losses. Course Home The Course Home page has links to important information. The Syllabus describes the course, lists the course outcomes, gives the schedule for assignments, displays the allocation of points for each assignment, and presents key information for success. Policies cover grade calculation, academic integrity, and discussions. Student Resources opens THE|HUB, where you may access the library and contact the Help Desk. Tutor Source features Smarthinking, a free online tutoring resource that includes chatting with a live tutor. The Course Tour gives an overview of what to expect in the coming weeks. Case Study Discussion Threads You will be graded on your participation in case study discussions. The main post must be entered no later than 11:59 p.m. MT on Tuesday. At least one response post to a classmate, and all questions posed by the instructor must be entered by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Please review the grading rubric in the Syllabus for more details on discussion requirements. Grading Schedule Grades for case study discussions and for other work (papers, projects, etc.) will be posted by Friday at 11:59 p.m. MT. An announcement will be posted if these deadlines will not be met. Optional Phone Call You have the opportunity to receive a phone call or e-mail from the instructor within the first 2–3 weeks of class. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please send an e-mail to your instructor with your contact information and three separate times (include your time zone) when you may be reached. E-mail Please add your instructor’s e-mail address to your accepted e-mail list so that any message that the instructor sends reaches you. You are responsible for keeping your e-mail address current and checking your e-mail account every 1–2 days. If you need to change your e-mail address, please contact Student Services (contact information in the Student Resources section of Course Home). Required Textbooks and Journal Articles All nursing courses require you to have the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (APA 6th edition). Course-specific required textbooks are listed in the Syllabus. Please order your textbook(s) if you have not already done so. A link to the bookstore may be found in the Syllabus Some weeks, you may be assigned an article as a required reading. These are free and may be found either in the CCN Library, or available on the internet. Directions on searching for and retrieving articles from the CCN Library may be found at Professional Conduct and Civility Students, Our actions, in person and online, show who we are as individuals. Treating people with respect demonstrates how we value others – that others have worth and we value their dignity. One of the tenets of professional nursing is to respect the dignity of every human being. The Code for Nurses (American Nurses Association, 2015) reminds us that we, as nurses, must incorporate compassion and respect for every individual into all our professional relationships. The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008) notes that, as nurses, we are accountable for our actions. Those actions include civility, which is a requirement for professionalism. In any class-related activity, faculty and students are expected to demonstrate behaviors consistent with the ANA Code for Nurses and the Chamberlain Student Code of Conduct ( As your instructor, I promote, practice, and expect civility in all aspects of graduate education. The Professional Conduct Policy applies to student behavior that affects the members of the Chamberlain community, irrespective of where that conduct may occur. Discipline may extend to off-campus activities and locations or online activities, when they adversely affect members of the Chamberlain community and/or pursuit of their objectives. Breaches of professional conduct may be referred to the Professional Review Committee. American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Washington, DC: American Nurses Publishing. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Retrieved from
Helpful Hints on Working with eCollege Greetings, Students! Besides calling (800-594-2402) or emailing the eCollege Helpdesk about a technical question, access to the Tech Support tab is available to students and faculty members from the Tools menu (found in the upper right-hand corner of your screen). Begin by using clicking-on Tech Support, and then select Chat Online. This will take you to another browser window with three options: find answers, send an email, or chat. Under "find answers", you will be given 535 answers to commonly asked technical questions pertaining to the eCollege LMS. The "most popular answers" will be accessible on the opening screen. The "search" feature within "find answers" can be used to go directly to the information most desired. Turnaround time for eCollege to get back in contact with you is within 3-4 hours during business hours and within 24 hours otherwise. Their average response is less than 4 hours. Chat discussions are restricted to certain hours. Continuing Education- NurseTim Inc Chamberlain College of Nursing is subscribed to the continuing education provider, NTI (NurseTim, Inc.). Through this provider, you can access FREE of charge, ANCC approved contact hours including a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) prep course. Most of these courses are taught by leaders in nursing and nursing education. This service is FREE for all Graduate Program students at Chamberlain. To access the website, please follow the directions below. We hope that you will take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Thank you. 1. Go to 2. Click FIRST TIME SIGNING IN? REGISTER HERE 3. Enter your name. 4. Enter your email address. 5. Enter your subscription code - 2016CCN 6. Click REGISTER. If you need any help, please contact NurseTim, Inc using the information below. NurseTim, Inc. Phone - 866.861.2896 Email - [email protected]