Operations and Management (OM)

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Operations and Management (OM)

Department of Operations and Management (OM) Bylaws

Adopted: November, 2009

Revised: April 21, 2014


Article I: Mission Statement Article II: Department Functions Article III: Department Chair Article IV: Department Committees Article V: Voting Members Article VI: Amendments to By Laws Article VII: Teaching, Research and Service Article VIII: Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure of Probationary Members

Article I: Mission Statement

1. 0 Through faculty initiatives in instruction, research, and service, the mission of The Department of Operations and Management is to prepare graduates to excel in, operations, management, and technology-oriented disciplines by constantly improving and developing programs/curricula and by enhancing theoretical instruction through extensive classroom and laboratory-based experiences. This mission encompasses the following:

 Operations Management  Organizational Leadership  Project Management  Quality Risk Control/Safety  Training and Human Resource Development

Article II: Department Functions

2.0 The primary functions of the department are to provide the following:

1. Teaching 2. Curriculum and program development 3. Coordination of course offerings 4. Academic advisement 5. Leadership in programs

Page 1 of 8 6. Participation in the governance process at the department, college, and university level 7. Research/scholarly activities in the various disciplines related to the department’s, college’s, and university’s mission 8. Leadership to student organizations

Article III: Department Chair

3.0 The Department Chair will be elected every three years prior to the second week of March in which the term of the present chair will end. The term will begin on the first day of the next academic year. Every effort will be made to elect a faculty member from the department. The Personnel Committee is charged with conducting Department Chair elections. The department’s senior faculty member (not running for chair) will facilitate the election. The winner of the election will be recommended to the Dean for confirmation and appointment. The Department Chair may serve unlimited terms.

3.1 The voting members of the department will cast written ballots with a simple majority needed for election. Absentee ballots may be requested from the Personnel Committee and must be returned to the Personnel Committee by an established deadline. If there is no majority, a second round of voting will be held. Absentee ballots will be included. If there is no simple majority, the tied candidates will be forwarded to the Dean who will make a recommendation on who shall be Department Chair.

3.1.1 When a vacancy in the Department Chair position occurs before the current term of the Chair expires, the department voting members will, within one semester, elect a new Department Chair following the procedures outlined in 3.1, with the exception that the vote does not have to occur in March. The department may choose to elect a Chair to fill out the remainder of the academic year, or; The department may choose to elect a Chair for the remainder of the present chair’s term, or; The department may choose to elect a Chair to fill out the remainder of the academic year plus an additional three-year term.

3.2 A Department Chair may be removed by a no confidence vote. The vote will be conducted by the Personnel Committee. Removal of a Department Chair will require a two-thirds majority of voting members of the department. Absentee ballots will be available.

Page 2 of 8 3.3 The Department Chair will conduct annual performance evaluation of faculty, academic staff, and classified staff as specified in FASLA III.

3.4 The duties of Department Chair require making staff assignments. Every effort will be made to assign staff to courses based on student demand, department need, expertise, and interest, FASLA III, and current university policies.

3.4.1 Department Chair will make all faculty/academic staff teaching assignments with input from program directors, minor advisors/concentration/specialization/certificate coordinators, and faculty. The Department Chair will make the final decision on all teaching assignments.

3.4.2 WinTerm and Summer assignments will made on the basis of student demand, department need, expertise, and interest. Assignments will be distributed as equitably as possible by the Department Chair.

3.5 The Department Chair is responsible for maintaining the departmental budget. Faculty members should provide input into the process. Budget allocations and other budgetary information will be available to the faculty. It is the responsibility of the Department Chair to monitor the budget and keep department members informed of its status for potential expenditure approvals.

3.6 The Department Chair will work with program directors, minor/concentration/ specialization/certificate advisor/coordinators to develop course schedules. The Department Chair will make all final decisions.

Article IV: Committees

4.0 The Personnel Committee is made up of all tenured faculty of the department. It is responsible for the various personnel functions within the department. Its primary responsibility is to facilitate department chair elections, and provide input to renewal/non-renewal decisions, performance evaluations, promotion, tenure and post- tenure review. The full Personnel Committee is responsible for reviewing tenure documents and making recommendations. There are two subcommittees of the Personnel Committee: the Full Professor Promotion Committee and the Performance Evaluation Committee.

4.0.1 The Full Professor Promotion Committee is made up of three full professors from the Personnel Committee. Membership is elected on an annual basis starting at the beginning of the contractual year. In accordance with Chapter III of the UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff Limited Appointees Handbook, only full professors will review and make promotion recommendations for candidates seeking promotion to full professor.

Page 3 of 8 The chair of the Departmental Promotion Committee will be the representative of the department on the College level Promotion Committee.

4.0.2 The Performance Evaluation Committee is made up of five members from the Personnel Committee. Membership is elected on an annual basis starting at the beginning of the contractual year. Full and Associate professors will review and make promotion recommendations for candidates seeking promotion to associate professor. In accordance with Chapter III of the UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff Limited Appointees Handbook, the Performance Evaluation Committee will review probationary/non-tenured faculty performance in teaching, research and service and offer recommendations to the full personnel committee and the Department Chair for consideration in:

1. Annual performance evaluations for renewal/nonrenewal of probationary faculty 2. Other performance evaluations as requested by Department Chair 3. Promotion 4. Tenure 5. Post tenure review The chair of the Performance Evaluation Committee will be the representative of the department on the College level Promotion Committee.

4.0.3 Promotion applications will be processed according to the promotion guidelines and timelines established annually by the faculty senate. Recommendations of the Full Professor Promotion Committee and Performance Evaluation Committee will be forwarded to the full Personnel Committee for final approval and forwarding to the College level Promotion Committee.

4.1 Search and screen committees will be created for each department position opening. Committee make-up will be diverse and include department faculty and may include representation from college, university and outside public. All University search and screen guidelines will be followed. The committee will be responsible for coordinating the search process. Members of each search and screen committee will select a chairperson. The search and screen committee chairperson is responsible for scheduling a department meeting to select the candidate. The chairperson will propose a recommendation and a departmental faculty majority vote is required.

Page 4 of 8 4.2 Ad Hoc committees will be formed on an as needed basis. These committees will be dissolved when their charge has been accomplished.

4.3 The department will elect Faculty Senate Representatives during the fall semester per the Faculty Senate guidelines. All faculty members are eligible to serve.

Article V: Voting Members

5.0 Voting rights are determined in accordance with UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff Handbook.

5.1 Voting members of the department will vote on all matters concerning the department except where other provisions are specified in the bylaws.

5.2 Voting members are all faculty holding at least a half-time assignment.

5.3 Voting members can be other department members who will be approved annually by the tenured members of the department.

5.4 Administrators serving as Assistant or Associate Deans or above (regardless of percentage of appointment as Administrator) may not serve on departmental, college or university-level committees that review faculty performance, promotion, or tenure.

5.5 Voting members may vote in writing by absentee ballot.

5.6 Final decisions for voting rights and the voting process resides with tenured faculty.

Article VI: Amendments to Bylaws

6.0 Bylaws may be amended whenever a two-thirds majority of all voting members vote to do so. This process may occur at any time. A review of the bylaws will occur, at a minimum annually, and be initiated by any voting member of the department.

6.1 All department members must be notified not less than one week before the meeting is held to vote on the changes.

Article VII: Teaching, Research and Service (UW-Stout 85-40)

7.0 OM faculty are evaluated for renewal, promotion and tenure based on their performance in the areas of teaching, research and service. All OM personnel committees use these criteria when making recommendations. The definitions of Teaching, Research and Service follow. As stated in UW-Stout 3.06 “The relative importance of these functions in the evaluation process shall be decided by the department, school, college and instructional faculties in accordance with the mission and needs of the institution.”

Page 5 of 8 7.1 The Department considers teaching as our primary responsibility. The OM definition of teaching is consistent with The UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook in that it includes instruction, evaluation academic advising, academic program planning and curriculum development.

7.1.1 Probationary/non-tenured faculty are required to complete course evaluations in all sections taught in the academic year. The approved Departmental process is be used.

7.1.2 Tenured faculty are required to complete one course evaluation during the academic year. The approved Departmental process is be used

7.1.3 Tenured faculty teaching an overload are required to follow the departmental Overload Policy and the University Overload policy regarding course evaluations. (Refer to the approved departmental policy, guideline 5.)

7.1.4 Adademic Staff/Adjunct Staff are required to perform course evaluations in all classes taught in the academic year. The approved Departmental process is be used.

7.2 OM faculty are expected to participate in Research and Scholarly activities as defined in the UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook. Additionally, in accordance with the Handbook, “Each department must establish their own definition of research that will guide faculty through promotion and the pre and post tenured-processes.” The OM definition of research follows.

The OM Department values five types of research and therefore encourages participation in such diverse scholarly activities for the purpose of providing guidance in making promotion and tenure-based decisions. The research definitions apply to all tenured faculty and probationary/non-tenured faculty and shall include all research regardless of job assignment. It is recognized that these definitions are not discrete, since some overlap may exist across the types of research listed. In addition, the definitions are not to be considered to be exhaustive of all possible types of significant research which can be conducted by members of the OM Department.

7.2.1 Applied Research includes activities that relate knowledge in academic disciplines to real problems. Applications may include:

o The development of case studies and teaching notes based on research performed in organizations. o Hands-on research, planning, analysis, design or implementation to problems of businesses, governments, agencies, non-profits or other appropriate entities. This may take the form of consulting, advising, practicing in an area of expertise or other applicable manner.

Page 6 of 8 o Planning, developing, implementing, or operating solutions to problems through use of existing discipline-based knowledge, proven methodologies, best practices, or innovative approaches. o Making information and/or ideas accessible to the public or private sector.

7.2.2 Research of Teaching and Learning includes activities that are directly related to improving pedagogical practices. This type of scholarship is oriented to discovery, evaluation, and communication of information about the teaching and learning process.

7.2.3 Discovery Research includes all activities that extend knowledge through the discovery or collection of new information. The scholarship of discovery includes, but is not limited to, what is typically called basic or pure research

7.2.4 Integrative Research includes activities that are primarily interdisciplinary and interpretive, seeking better understanding of existing knowledge through integration across disciplines and original synthesis to bring new meanings and insights.

7.2.5 Artistic Endeavor includes activities related to innovation and the creative process.

The OM Department encourages the dissemination of the above research-based information and activities:

 To scholarly audiences, professional audiences,  To private business, non-profits, governments,  To students, faculty, or other applicable audiences

Such dissemination may include journal articles, conference proceedings, operational analysis, reports, financial plans, strategic plans, process designs, organization designs, technology designs, implementation plans, role-playing, exhibitions, oral presentations, or the application of innovations either on or off campus. The Operations and Management Department acknowledges that in many cases, the applied research may be proprietary and cannot be communicated beyond the stakeholders for whom it was created. Despite the lack of public dissemination, however, such activities shall be considered valuable from a research standpoint.

7.3 OM faculty are expected to participate in professional and public service and make contributions to the institution through utilization of special skills or expertise in the resolution of problems or application to specific needs. OM definitions of professional and public service and contribution to the institution are consistent with those described in The UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook.

Page 7 of 8 Article VIII: Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion of Probationary Department Members

8.0 The Performance Evaluation Committee is responsible for making all renewal, promotion, and tenure recommendations. The committee will make recommendations using its mutually agreed upon procedures.

8.0.1 The committee chair is elected from the committee members at the first department meeting at the start of a contractual year.

8.0.2 Tenure and promotion criteria will be the same as that used for renewal decisions and be in accordance with the UW-Stout Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook III. Research, teaching or service that probationary/non-tenured faculty members perform regardless of job assignment will be considered toward renewal, tenure, and promotion.

8.0.3 Recommendations for contract renewal are based on performance evaluation and/or programmatic needs. The decision making process is initiated by the Department Chair, recommendation made by the Performance Evaluation Committee, and voted on by the Personnel Committee.

8.0.4 After the Personnel Committee has made a contract renewal/non-renewal decision, the department member will be informed in writing by the Provost.

8.0.5 In those cases where contract renewal would assure tenure, the Performance Evaluation Committee will bring a recommendation to the Personnel Committee (tenured faculty of the department), who will approve or deny the recommendation.

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