European Forest Types and the EUNIS Habitat Classification

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European Forest Types and the EUNIS Habitat Classification


European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification

The European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) is a consortium of nine organisations under a Framework Partnership Agreement with the European Environment Agency NCA-CR ECNC GDNAP-TR ILE-SAS ISPRA JNCC MNHN SLU UBA-V To EEA project manager: Rania Spyropoulou / [email protected], (copied to Annemarie Bastrup-Birk / [email protected] for Work Package 1.2.2.B.1) ETC/BD task manager: Sabine Roscher / [email protected] ETC/BD task team: Douglas Evans / [email protected] Work package no.: 1.2.1.B.4 (also 1.2.2.B.1) Date: 10/03/2013 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Douglas Evans European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity

This report is a deliverable under ‘1.2.1.B.4 Further development of EUNIS / ii Work on habitats data’ (EEA sub-task manager: Rania Spyropoulou ) but it is also a contribution towards work under ‘1.2.2.B.1 Biodiversity and Ecosystem assessments related to the EU Biodiversity Strategy/ ii EU Target 3 Agriculture and Forests’ (EEA sub-task manager: Annemarie Bastrup-Birk) and in particular for;-

iii) Support the work on HNV forests entrusted to ETC/SIA and University of Molise (as contractors). This includes fine-tuning the cross-walk from EUNIS to the European forest types and links to CLC (see task 1.2.1.B.4); iv) Participate in a meeting with the UNECE/FAO/Timber section team of specialists for the further development of assessments of sustainable forest management at European level, the development of European forest types for the report of Forest Europe 2015;

Introduction The EUNIS habitats classification is a classification of all habitat types in Europe, covering terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats, developed by the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) for the European Environment Agency (EEA). European Forest Types is a classification of forests developed for the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE). This document examines the relationship between the 2 classifications and, where possible, gives crosswalks in both directions between them.

The EUNIS Habitat Classification The EUNIS habitat classification was developed by the ETC/BD and its predecessors and can be considered to be a development from the earlier CORINE biotopes and Palaearctic habitat classifications (Evans 2012). EUNIS was based on similar principles but aimed to give better coverage of marine habitats and have agreed criteria to define the habitat classes. Development started in the mid 1990s with the last major revision being published in 2004. EUNIS is a hierarchical classification with 10 level one classes (plus habitat complexes), Class ‘G’ is ‘Woodland, forest and other wooded land’. EUNIS (Davies, Moss & Hill 2004) defines ‘Woodland, forest and other wooded land’ as “Woodland and recently cleared or burnt land where the dominant vegetation is, or was until very recently, trees with a canopy cover of at least 10%. Trees are defined as woody plants, typically single-stemmed, that can reach a height of 5 m at maturity unless stunted by poor climate or soil. Includes lines of trees, coppices, regularly tilled tree nurseries, tree-crop plantations and fruit and nut tree orchards. Includes Alnus and Populus swamp woodland and riverine Salix woodland. Excludes Corylus avellana scrub and Salix and Frangula carrs. Excludes stands of climatically-limited dwarf trees (krummholz) < 3m high, such as occur at the arctic or alpine tree limit. Excludes parkland and dehesa with canopy less than 10%, which are listed under sparsely wooded grasslands E7.” Class G is divided into 5 level 2 classes and 60 level 3 classes. Further subdivisions are given but these are units copied from other classifications, primarily the Palaearctic classification and may not cover all the variation in the parent class. No criteria are given for these levels. EUNIS was conceived as a tool for reporting at a European scale and not to replace the many existing national or regional classifications. Several crosswalks have been produced to help EUNIS function as a common language, such as the crosswalks to plant communities (Schaminée et al 2012) and Nordic vegetation types (Påhlsson 1994) and all habitat types listed on Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive can be allocated to one or more EUNIS classes. EUNIS is an approved code list under the EU ISPIRE directive.

European Forest Types European Forest Types was produced for the MCPFE by a group of experts and is intended to be used for reporting on sustainable forest management in Europe. It is derived from an earlier classification of European forests by the BEAR project (Larsson 2001). The classification includes 14 classes divided into 78 types and covers forest land as defined by FAO (2004) - “Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use. Explanatory notes 1. Forest is determined both by the presence of trees and the absence of other predominant land uses. The trees should be able to reach a minimum height of 5 meters in situ. Areas under reforestation that have not yet reached but are expected to reach a canopy cover of 10 percent and a tree height of 5 m are included, as are temporarily unstocked areas, resulting from human intervention or natural causes, which are expected to regenerate. 2. Includes areas with bamboo and palms provided that height and canopy cover criteria are met. 3. Includes forest roads, firebreaks and other small open areas; forest in national parks, nature reserves and other protected areas such as those of specific scientific, historical, cultural or spiritual interest. 4. Includes windbreaks, shelterbelts and corridors of trees with an area of more than 0.5 ha and width of more than 20 m. 5. Includes plantations primarily used for forestry or protection purposes, such as rubberwood plantations and cork oak stands. 6. Excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems, for example in fruit plantations and agroforestry systems. The term also excludes trees in urban parks and gardens.” European Forest Types was first published in 2006 (EEA 2006) with a second edition in 2007 (EEA 2007). The second edition changes some names and descriptions (e.g. ‘montane’ is replaced by ‘mountainous’ in several names; ‘Southern boreal birch forest’ becomes ‘Other birch forest’). The EEA reports give descriptions and criteria (presented as keys) together with links to the EUNIS habitats classification and the habitats of Annex I of the Habitats Directive. Proposals for 3 additional forest types together with some restructuring and other modifications were made by UNECE/FAO (2010). The new types are 2.7 Atlantic Maritime pine forest 2.8 Nemoral Silver fir forest 7.9 Mountainous Silver fir forest 11.1 Spruce mire forest* 11.2 Pine mire forest*

*11.1 & 11.2 were formerly ‘11.1 Conifer dominated or mixed mire forest’ which has been split to give the 2 new types, numbering of other types within class 11 has changed to accommodate this change, e.g. Alder swamp forest was formerly code 11.2 but is now 11.3. Descriptions are given for these new and revised types but the criteria & keys in the earlier reports have not been revised and no correspondence to EUNIS or Annex I is given. UNECE/FAO (2010) also proposes replacing the previous class ‘14 Plantations and self sown exotic forest’ with ‘14 Introduced tree species forest’ and using recommendations in annex I of FOREST EUROPE, UNECE & FAO (2011) for types (see box). An overview of these changes is given as appendix 1.

Box 1: Recommendations for class 14. Introduced tree species forest from FOREST EUROPE, UNECE & FAO (2011) Introduced tree species can be identified at regional (recommended) or national level and comprise: • tree species that are not native to Europe (e.g. Eucalyptus spp., Robinia pseudoacacia, Acacia dealbata, Ailanthus altissima, Prunus serotina, Quercus rubra, Fraxinus alba, Picea sitkensis, Pinus contorta, Pinus banksiana, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Tsuga heterophylla); • tree species native to Europe, but not naturally occurring within the borders of individual FOREST EUROPE member states; • tree species native only in some regions of an individual FOREST EUROPE country.

The correspondence to EUNIS (at level 3) given in EEA (2006, 2007) is incomplete and not available as a table. For this report the relationships between European Forest Types and EUNIS given in EEA (2007) are presented as a table (Appendix 2). The changes proposed in UNECE/FAO (2010) have been included. While compiling the table some gaps and possible errors were identified and suggestions for corrections have been made. For example EEA (2006) gives ‘G2.1 Mediterranean evergreen oak woodland’ as the corresponding EUNIS habitat type for ‘9.2 Olive-carob forest’ but this should be ‘G2.4 Olive - carob woodland’. European Forest Types gives the English form of the EUNIS name, in the crosswalk presented below the ‘scientific name has been given. A crosswalk from EUNIS level 3 to European Habitat Types has also been produced (Appendix 3).

Problems encountered Mixed Forests With a few exceptions European Forest Types have names and relationships to EUNIS habitat types which refer purely to deciduous or evergreen forests although often the description and criteria mention mixed stands. Although EFT has no types named as mixed beech woods it is clear from the descriptions that most of the types in class ‘7 Mountainous beech forest’ can be mixed. For example ‘7.1 South-western European mountainous beech forest’ is described as “beech or beech- fir dominated” and the only EUNIS habitat type noted is ‘G1.6 Beech woodland’ although mixed stands could be ‘ G4.6 Mixed Abies- Picea - Fagus woodland’. The mixtures described are mostly with spruce or fir and only ‘7.6 Moesian mountainous beech forest’ describes a mix of beech and Scots pine equivalent to EUNIS ‘G4.5 Mixed Pinus sylvestris - Fagus woodland’ although such stands occur elsewhere, often as a result of forest management. Although it has been possible to assign a EUNIS habitat type to each European Forest Type, in some cases it has not been possible to assign an European Forest Type to each EUNIS habitat type. For example G4.9 Mixed deciduous woodland with Cupressaceae or Taxaceae’ has no clear place in European Forest Types. Taiga larch woods EUNIS type G3.C Larix taiga woodland has no clear forest type in EFT although they would be in the Boreal class. Open woodlands with Larix sibirica are described by Bohn et al (2000/2003) under Eastern boreal open woodlands. Plantations EUNIS separates stands of trees native to a region into ‘natural’ or plantation but the 2010 edition of EFT would not make any distinction. For example beech within its natural range could be ‘G1.C Highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations’ or ‘G1.6 Fagus woodland’ depending on its origin but EFT (2010) would classify as one of the types in classes 6 or 7. Orchards EUNIS has classes for orchards (e.g. ‘G1.D fruit and nut tree orchards’, G2.9 Evergreen orchards and groves’) which are not covered by EFT. G5 Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice Many elements here have no counterpart in European Forest Types (e.g. ‘G5.1 Lines of trees’) while others such as ‘G5.7 Coppice and early stage plantations’ are difficult, especially with the 2010 proposals for class 14 Introduced tree species forest. No correspondence has been given between G5 and EFT in Appendix 3.

References Bohn, U., Neuhäusl, R., unter Mitarbeit von / with contributions by Gollub, G., Hettwer, C., Neuhäuslová, Z., Raus, Th., Schlüter, H. & Weber, H. (2000/2003): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas / Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab / Scale 1 : 2 500 000. Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag) Davies CE, Moss D & Hill M. (2004). Eunis Habitat Classification Revised 2004. Available from EEA (2006) European forest types-categories and types for sustainable forest management reporting and policy European Environment Agency Technical Report 9/2006 EEA (2007) European forest types-categories and types for sustainable forest management reporting and policy (2nd edition) European Environment Agency Technical Report 9/2006 Evans, D (2012) The EUNIS habitats classification - past, present & future. Revista de Investigación Marina 19(2): 28-29. FAO (2004). Global forest resources assessment update 2005 - terms and definitions. FAO, Rome. FOREST EUROPE, UNECE & FAO 2011: State of Europe’s Forests 2011. Status and Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe. eb.pdf Larsson TB. (2001). Biodiversity Evaluation Tools for European forests. Ecol Bull 50:1 – 237. Påhlsson, L. (1994). Vegetationstyper i Norden. Tema Nord 1994:665. Nordisk Ministerråd, Copenhagen. Schaminée, JH.J. et al (2012) Development of vegetation syntaxa crosswalks to EUNIS habitat classification and related data sets. Unpublished report for the EEA UNECE/FAO (2010) Annex to Enquiry State of Forests and Sustainable Forest Management in Europe 2011. New European Forest Types. Complementary documentation. forest-type.pdf European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Appendix 1: Changes in European Forest Types between 2006 & 2010 Class Forest type 2006 Forest type 2007 Forest type 2010 comment 1 Boreal forest 1.1 Spruce-dominated boreal 1.1 Spruce-dominated boreal forest 1.1 Spruce-dominated boreal forest forest 1.2 Pine-dominated boreal 1.2 Pine-dominated boreal forest 1.2 Pine-dominated boreal forest forest 2 Hemiboreal forest and 2.1 Hemiboreal forest 2.1 Hemiboreal forest 2.1 Hemiboreal forest nemoral coniferous and mixed broadleavedconiferous forest 2.2 Nemoral scots pine forest 2.2 Nemoral Scots pine forest 2.2 Nemoral Scots pine forest 2.3 Nemoral spruce forest 2.3 Nemoral spruce forest 2.3 Nemoral spruce forest 2.4 Nemoral Black pine forest 2.4 Nemoral Black pine forest 2.4 Nemoral Black pine forest 2.5 Mixed scots pine-birch 2.5 Mixed Scots pine-birch forest 2.5 Mixed Scots pine-birch forest forest 2.6 Mixed scots pine- 2.6 Mixed Scots pine-pedunculate oak 2.6 Mixed Scots pine- pedunculate oak forest forest pedunculate oak forest 2.7 Atlantic Maritime pine new in 2010 forest 2.8 Nemoral Silver fir forest new in 2010 3 Alpine forest (was 3.1 Subalpine larcharolla pine 3.1 Subalpine larcharolla pine and 3.1 Subalpine larcharolla pine Alpine coniferous forest in and dwarf pine forest dwarf pine forest and dwarf pine forest 2006 & 2007) 3.2 Subalpine and montane 3.2 Subalpine and mountainous spruce 3.2 Subalpine and spruce and montane mixed and mountainous mixed sprucesilver fir mountainous spruce and sprucesilver fir forest forest mountainous mixed sprucesilver fir forest 3.3 Alpine scots pine and Black 3.3 Alpine Scots pine and Black pine 3.3 Alpine Scots pine and pine forest forest Black pine forest 3.4 Mountainous birch forest previously 13.3

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Class Forest type 2006 Forest type 2007 Forest type 2010 comment 4 Acidophilous oak and 4.1 Acidophylous oakwood 4.1 Acidophylous oakwood 4.1 Acidophylous oakwood oakbirch forest. 4.2 Oakbirch forest 4.2 Oakbirch forest 4.2 Oakbirch forest 5 Mesophytic deciduous 5.1 Pedunculate oakhornbeam 5.1 Pedunculate oakhornbeam forest 5.1 Pedunculate oakhornbeam forest forest forest 5.2 Sessile oakhornbeam forest 5.2 Sessile oakhornbeam forest 5.2 Sessile oakhornbeam forest 5.3 Ashwood and oakash forest 5.3 Ashwood and oakash forest 5.3 Ashwood and oakash forest 5.4 Mapleoak forest 5.4 Mapleoak forest 5.4 Mapleoak forest 5.5 Limeoak forest 5.5 Limeoak forest 5.5 Limeoak forest 5.6 Maplelime forest 5.6 Maplelime forest 5.6 Maplelime forest 5.7 Lime forest 5.7 Lime forest 5.7 Lime forest 5.8 Ravine and slope forest 5.8 Ravine and slope forest 5.8 Ravine and slope forest 5.9 Other mesophytic 5.9 Other mesophytic deciduous 5.9 Other mesophytic deciduous forests forests deciduous forests 6 Beech forest 6.1 Lowland beech forest of 6.1 Lowland beech forest of southern 6.1 Lowland beech forest of southern Scandinavia and Scandinavia and north central Europe southern Scandinavia and north central Europe north central Europe 6.2 Atlantic and subatlantic 6.2 Atlantic and subatlantic lowland 6.2 Atlantic and subatlantic lowland beech forest beech forest lowland beech forest 6.3 Subatlantic submontane 6.3 Subatlantic submountainous beech 6.3 Subatlantic beech forest forest submountainous beech forest 6.4 Central European 6.4 Central European submountainous 6.4 Central European submontane beech forest beech forest submountainous beech forest 6.5 Carpathian 6.5 Carpathian submountainous beech 6.5 Carpathian submontanebeech forest forest submountainous beech forest 6.6 Illyrian submontane beech 6.6 Illyrian submountainous beech 6.6 Illyrian submountainous forest forest beech forest

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Class Forest type 2006 Forest type 2007 Forest type 2010 comment 6.7 Moesian submontane 6.7 Moesian submountainous beech 6.7 Moesian submountainous beech forest forest beech forest 7 Mountainous beech 7.1 South western European 7.1 South western European 7.1 South western European forest (was Montane montane beech forest mountainous beech forest mountainous beech forest beech forest in 2006) (Cantabrians, Pyrenees, central (Cantabrians, Pyrenees, central (Cantabrians, Pyrenees, Massif, south western Alps) Massif, south western Alps) central Massif, south western Alps) 7.2 Central European montane 7.2 Central European mountainous 7.2 Central European beech forest beech forest mountainous beech forest 7.3 ApennineCorsican montane 7.3 ApennineCorsican mountainous 7.3 ApennineCorsican beech forest beech forest mountainous beech forest 7.4 Illyrian montane beech 7.4 Illyrian mountainous beech forest 7.4 Illyrian mountainous beech forest forest 7.5 Carpathian montane beech 7.5 Carpathian mountainous beech 7.5 Carpathian mountainous forest forest beech forest 7.6 Moesian montane beech 7.6 Moesian mountainous beech forest 7.6 Moesian mountainous forest beech forest 7.7 Crimean montane beech 7.7 Crimean mountainous beech forest 7.7 Crimean mountainous forest beech forest 7.8 Oriental beech and 7.8 Oriental beech and 7.8 Oriental beech and hornbeamoriental beech forest hornbeamoriental beech forest hornbeamoriental beech forest 7.9 Mountainous Silver fir new in 2010 forest 8 Thermophilous 8.1 Downy oak forest 8.1 Downy oak forest 8.1 Downy oak forest deciduous forest 8.2 Turkey oak, Hungarian oak 8.2 Turkey oak, Hungarian oak and 8.2 Turkey oak, Hungarian oak and Sessile oak forest Sessile oak forest and Sessile oak forest 8.3 Pyrenean oak forest 8.3 Pyrenean oak forest 8.3 Pyrenean oak forest 8.4 Portuguese oak and 8.4 Portuguese oak and Mirbeck's oak 8.4 Portuguese oak and Mirbeck's oak Iberian forest Iberian forest Mirbeck's oak Iberian forest 8.5 Macedonian oak forest 8.5 Macedonian oak forest 8.5 Macedonian oak forest

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Class Forest type 2006 Forest type 2007 Forest type 2010 comment 8.6 Valonia oak forest 8.6 Valonia oak forest 8.6 Valonia oak forest 8.7 Chestnut forest 8.7 Chestnut forest 8.7 Chestnut forest 8.8 Other thermophilous 8.8 Other thermophilous deciduous 8.8 Other thermophilous deciduous forests forests deciduous forests 6.9 Broadleaved 9.1 Mediterranean evergreen 9.1 Mediterranean evergreen oak 9.1 Mediterranean evergreen evergreen forest oak forest (Cork oak and holm forest (Cork oak and holm oak oak forest oak forest,Kermes and forest,Kermes and alderleaved oak alderleaved oak forest) forest) 9.2 Olivecarob forest 9.2 Olivecarob forest 9.2 Olivecarob forest 9.3 Palm groves 9.3 Palm groves 9.3 Palm groves 9.4 Macaronesian laurisilva 9.4 Macaronesian laurisilva 9.4 Macaronesian laurisilva 9.5 Other sclerophlyllous 9.5 Other sclerophlyllous forests 9.5 Other sclerophlyllous forests forests 10 Coniferous forest of the 10.1 Thermophilous pine forest 10.1 Thermophilous pine forest 10.1 Mediterranean pine forest Mediterranean, Anatolian and Macaronesian regions 10.2 Mediterranean and 10.2 Mediterranean and Anatolian 10.2 Mediterranean and Anatolian Black pine forest Black pine forest Anatolian Black pine forest 10.3 Canarian pine forest 10.3 Canarian pine forest 10.3 Canarian pine forest 10.4 Mediterranean and 10.4 Mediterranean and Anatolian 10.4 Mediterranean and Anatolian scots pine forest Scots pine forest Anatolian Scots pine forest 10.5 AltiMediterranean pine 10.5 AltiMediterranean pine forest 10.5 AltiMediterranean pine forest forest 10.6 Mediterranean and 10.6 Mediterranean and Anatolian fir 10.6 Mediterranean and Anatolian fir forest forest Anatolian fir forest 10.7 Juniper forest 10.7 Juniper forest 10.7 Juniper forest 10.8 Cypress forest 10.8 Cypress forest 10.8 Cypress forest 10.9 Cedar forest 10.9 Cedar forest 10.9 Cedar forest 10.10 Tetraclinis articulata 10.10 Tetraclinis articulata stands 10.10 Tetraclinis articulata

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Class Forest type 2006 Forest type 2007 Forest type 2010 comment stands stands

10.11 Mediterranean yew 10.11 Mediterranean yew stands 10.11 Mediterranean yew stands stands 11 Mire and swamp 11.1 Conifer dominated or 11.1 Conifer dominated or mixed mire 11.1 Spruce mire forest former 11.1 split into 2 types forests mixed mire forests forests 11.2 Pine mire forest former 11.1 split into 2 types 11.2 Alder swamp forest 11.2 Alder swamp forest 11.3 Alder swamp forest new code 11.3 Birch swamp forest. 11.3 Birch swamp forest. 11.4 Birch swamp forest. new code 11.4 Pedunculate oak swamp 11.4 Pedunculate oak swamp forest 11.5 Pedunculate oak swamp new code forest forest 11.5 Aspen swamp forest 11.5 Aspen swamp forest 11.6 Aspen swamp forest new code 12 Floodplain forest. 12.1 Riparian forest 12.1 Riparian forest 12.1 Riparian forest 12.2 Fluvial forest 12.2 Fluvial forest 12.2 Fluvial forest 12.3 Mediterranean and 12.3 Mediterranean and Macaronesian 12.3 Mediterranean and Macaronesian riparian forest riparian forest Macaronesian riparian forest 13 Nonriverine alder, birch 13.1 Alder forest 13.1 Alder forest 13.1 Alder forest or aspen forest 13.2 Italian alder forest 13.2 Italian alder forest 13.2 Italian alder forest 13.3 Boreal birch forest 13.3 Mountain birch forest now 3.4 13.4 Southern boreal birch 13.4 Other birch forest 13.3 Birch forest new descriptions in 2007 & forest 2010 13.5 Aspen forest 13.5 Aspen forest 13.4 Aspen forest new code 14 Introduced tree species 14.1 Plantations of site-native 14.1 Plantations of site-native species no types described In 2006 & 2007 class was forest species Plantations and selfsown exotic forest 14.2 Plantations of not-site- 14.2 Plantations of not-site-native native species and self-sown species and self-sown exotic forest exotic forest

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Appendix 2: Crosswalk from European Forest Types to EUNIS habitat types (level 3) EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name 1. Boreal forest 1.1 Spruce and G3.A — Spruce taiga woodland G3.A [Picea] taiga woodland spruce-birch boreal forest G4.2 — Mixed taiga woodland with G4.2 Mixed taiga woodland birch with [Betula] 1.2 Pine and pine- G3.B — Pine taiga woodland G3.B [Pinus] taiga woodland birch boreal forest G4.2 — Mixed taiga woodland with G4.2 Mixed taiga woodland birch with [Betula] 2. Hemiboreal forest 2.1 Hemiboreal G4.3 — Mixed sub-taiga woodland G4.3 Mixed sub-taiga and nemoral forest with acidophilous oak woodland with coniferous and mixed acidophilous [Quercus] broadleaved- coniferous forest 2.2 Nemoral Scots G3.4 — Scots pine woodland G3.4 [Pinus sylvestris] pine forest south of the taiga woodland south of the taiga 2.3 Nemoral spruce G3.1 — Fir and spruce woodland G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] forest woodland 2.4 Nemoral Black G3.5 — Black pine (Pinus nigra) G3.5 [Pinus nigra] woodland pine forest woodland 2.5 Mixed Scots G4.4 — Mixed Scots pine-birch G4.4 Mixed [Pinus pine-birch forest woodland sylvestris] - [Betula] woodland 2.6 Mixed Scots G4.7 — Mixed scots pine G4.7 Mixed [Pinus pine-pedunculate acidophilous oak woodland sylvestris] - oak forest acidophilous [Quercus] woodland 2.7 Atlantic added in not given B1.7 Coastal dune B1.7 Coastal dune woods Maritime pine forest 2010 woods

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name G3.7 Lowland to G3.7 Lowland to montane montane mediterranean mediterranean pine pine woodland woodland (excluding (excluding black pine black pine [Pinus [Pinus nigra] nigra]) 2.8 Nemoral Silver added in not given G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] fir forest 2010 woodland woodland

3. Alpine forest 3.1 Subalpine larch- G3.2 — Alpine larch-Arolla G3.2 Alpine [Larix] - [Pinus arolla pine and woodland cembra] woodland dwarf pine forest G3.3 — Mountain pine (Pinus G3.3 [Pinus uncinata] uncinata) woodland woodland 3.2 Subalpine and G3.1 — Fire and spruce woodland G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] mountainous woodland spruce and mountainous mixed spruce-silver fir forest 3.3 AlpineScots G3.4 — Scots pine woodland G3.4 [Pinus sylvestris] pine and Black pine south of the taiga woodland south of the forest taiga 3.4 Mountainous previously G1.9 — Nonriverine woodland with G1.9 Non-riverine woodland birch forest 13.3 Boreal birch, aspen, rowan with [Betula], [Populus birch forest tremula] or [Sorbus (2006)/13.3 aucuparia] Mountain birch forest (2007) 4. Acidophylous 4.1 Acidophylous G1.8 — Acidophilous oak- G1.8 Acidophilous oakwood and oak- oakwood dominated woodland [Quercus]-dominated birch forest woodland 4.2 Oak-birch forest G1.8 — Acidophilous oak- G1.8 Acidophilous dominated woodland [Quercus]-dominated woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name 5. Mesophytic 5.1 Pedunculate G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic deciduous forest oak-hornbeam hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], forest elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.2 Sessile G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic oakhornbeam forest hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.3 Ashwood and G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic oak-ash forest hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.4 Maple-oak G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic forest hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.5 Lime-oak forest G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.6 Maple-lime G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic forest hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.7 Lime forest G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name 5.8 Ravine and G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic slope forest hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 5.9 Other G1.A — Meso- and eutrophic oak, G1.A Meso- and eutrophic mesohpytic hornbeam, ash,sycamore, lime, [Quercus], [Carpinus], deciduous forests elm and related woodland [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland 6. Beech forest 6.1 Lowland beech G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland forest of southern Scandinavia and north central Europe 6.2 Atlantic and G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland subatlantic lowland beech forest 6.3 Subatlantic to G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland AtlantoMediterrane an submountainous beech forest 6.4 Central G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland European submountainous beech forest 6.5 Carpathian G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland submountainous beech forest 6.6 Illyrian G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland submountainous beech forest 6.7 Moesian G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland submountainous beech forest

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name 7. Mountainous beech 7.1 South-western G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland forest European mountainous beech forest G4.6 : Mixed [Abies] - G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] [Picea] - [Fagus] - [Fagus] woodland woodland 7.2 Central G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland European mountainous beech forest 7.3 Apennine- G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland Corsican mountainous beech forest G4.6 : Mixed [Abies] - G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] [Picea] - [Fagus] - [Fagus] woodland woodland 7.4 Illyrian G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland mountainous beech forest G4.6 : Mixed [Abies] - G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] [Picea] - [Fagus] - [Fagus] woodland woodland 7.5 Carpathian G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland mountainous beech forest G4.6 : Mixed [Abies] - G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] [Picea] - [Fagus] - [Fagus] woodland woodland 7.6 Moesian G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland mountainous beech forest

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name G4.6 : Mixed [Abies] - G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] [Picea] - [Fagus] - [Fagus] woodland woodland G4.5 Mixed [Pinus G4.5 Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Fagus] sylvestris] - [Fagus] woodland woodland 7.7 Crimean beech G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland forest 7.8 Oriental beech G1.6 — Beech woodland G1.6 [Fagus] woodland and hornbeamoriental beech forest G4.6 : Mixed [Abies] - G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] [Picea] - [Fagus] - [Fagus] woodland woodland 7.9 Mountainous added in not given G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] Silver fir forest 2010 woodland woodland 8. Thermophilous 8.1 Downy oak G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous deciduous forest forest woodland deciduous woodland 8.2 Turkey oak, G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous Hungarian oak and woodland deciduous woodland Sessile oak forest 8.3 Pyrenean oak G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous forest woodland deciduous woodland 8.4 Portoguese oak G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous and Mirbeck's oak woodland deciduous woodland Iberian forest 8.5 Macedonian G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous oak forest woodland deciduous woodland 8.6 Valonia oak G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous forest woodland deciduous woodland 8.7 Chestnut forest G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name woodland deciduous woodland

8.8 Other G1.7 — Thermophilous deciduous G1.7 Thermophilous thermophilous woodland deciduous woodland deciduous forests 9. Broadleaved 9.1 Mediterranean G2.1 — Mediterranean evergreen G2.1 Mediterranean evergreen forest evergreen oak oak woodland evergreen [Quercus] forest woodland 9.2 Olive-carob G2.1 — Mediterranean evergreen G2.4 — Olive - carob G2.4 [Olea europaea] - forest oak woodland woodland [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland 9.3 Palm groves G2.5 — Palm groves G2.5 [Phoenix] groves 9.4 Macaronesian G2.3 — Macaronesian laurel G2.3 Macaronesian [Laurus] laurisilva woodland woodland 9.5 Other G2.2 — Eurasian continental G2.2 Eurasian continental sclerophlyllous sclerophyllous woodland sclerophyllous forest woodland G2.6 — Holly woods G2.6 [Ilex aquifolium] woods G2.7 — Canary islands heath G2.7 Canary Island heath woodland woodland 10. Coniferous forests 10.1 Mediterranean G3.7 — Lowland to montane G3.7 Lowland to montane of the Mediterranean, pine forest mediterranean pine woodland mediterranean [Pinus] Anatolian and (excluding black pine Pinus nigra) woodland (excluding Macaronesian regions [Pinus nigra]) 10.2 Mediterranean G3.5 — Black pine (Pinus nigra) G3.5 [Pinus nigra] woodland and Anatolian Black woodland pine forest 10.3 Canarian pine G3.8 — Canary island pine (Pinus G3.8 Canary Island [Pinus forest canariensis) woodland canariensis] woodland 10.4 Mediterranean G3.4 — Scots pine woodland G3.4 [Pinus sylvestris] and Anatolian Scots south of the taiga woodland south of the pine forest taiga

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name 10.5 Alti- G3.6 — Subalpine Mediterranean G3.6 Subalpine Mediterranean pine pine woodland mediterranean [Pinus] forest woodland 10.6 Mediterranean G3.1 — Fir and spruce woodland G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] and Anatolian fir woodland forest 10.7 Juniper forest G3.9 — Coniferous woodland G3.9 Coniferous woodland dominated by Cupressaceae or dominated by Taxaceae [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] 10.8 Cypress forest G3.9 — Coniferous woodland G3.9 Coniferous woodland dominated by Cupressaceae or dominated by Taxaceae [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] 10.9 Cedar forest G3.9 — Coniferous woodland G3.9 Coniferous woodland dominated by Cupressaceae or dominated by Taxaceae [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] 10.10 Tetraclinis G3.9 — Coniferous woodland G3.9 Coniferous woodland articulata stands dominated by Cupressaceae or dominated by Taxaceae [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] 10.11 G3.9 — Coniferous woodland G3.9 Coniferous woodland Mediterranean yew dominated by Cupressaceae or dominated by stands Taxaceae [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] 11. Mire and swamp 11.1 Spruce mire former11.1 G3.D — Boreal bog conifer G3.D Boreal bog conifer forest forest Conifer woodland woodland dominated or mixed mire forest split into spruce & pine forms

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name G3.E — Nemoral bog conifer G3.E Nemoral bog conifer woodland woodland G4.1 Mixed swamp G4.1 Mixed swamp woodland woodland 11.2 Pine mire former11.1 G3.D — Boreal bog conifer G3.D Boreal bog conifer forest Conifer woodland woodland dominated or mixed mire forest split into spruce & pine forms G3.E — Nemoral bog conifer G3.E Nemoral bog conifer woodland woodland 11.2 Alder swamp G1.4 — Broadleaved swamp G1.4 Broadleaved swamp forest woodland not on acid peat woodland not on acid peat 11.3 Birch swamp G1.5 — Broadleaved swamp G1.5 Broadleaved swamp forest woodland on acid peat woodland on acid peat 11.4 Pedunculate G1.4 — Broadleaved swamp G1.4 Broadleaved swamp oak swamp forest woodland not on acid peat woodland not on acid peat 11.5 Aspen swamp G1.4 — Broadleaved swamp G1.4 Broadleaved swamp forest woodland not on acid peat woodland not on acid peat 12. Floodplain forest 12.1 Riparian forest G1.1 — Riparian and gallery G1.1 Riparian and gallery woodland with dominant alder, woodland, with birch, poplar and willow dominant [Alnus], [Betula], [Populus] or [Salix] 12.2 Fluvial forest G1.2 — Mixed riparian floodplain G1.2 Mixed riparian and gallery woodland floodplain and gallery woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name 12.3 Mediterranean G1.3 — Mediterranean riparian G1.3 Mediterranean riparian and Macaronesian woodland woodland riparian forest 13. Non-riverine alder, 13.1 Alder forest G1.9 – Non-riverine woodland with G1.B : Non-riverine G1.B Non-riverine [Alnus] birch or aspen forest birch, aspen, rowan [Alnus] woodland woodland 13.2 Italian alder G1.9 – Non-riverine woodland with G1.B : Non-riverine G1.B Non-riverine [Alnus] forest birch, aspen, rowan [Alnus] woodland woodland 13.3 Mountain birch former 13.3 forest Mountain birch forest now 3.4 13.3 Birch forest equivalent G1.9 – Non-riverine woodland with G1.9 Non-riverine woodland to former birch, aspen, rowan with [Betula], [Populus 13.4 tremula] or [Sorbus Southern aucuparia] boreal birch forest (2006)/othe r birch forest (2007) 13.4 Aspen forest G1.9 – Non-riverine woodland with G1.9 Non-riverine woodland birch, aspen, rowan with [Betula], [Populus tremula] or [Sorbus aucuparia] 14 Introduced tree no types given was 14. not given G1.C : Highly artificial G1.C Highly artificial species forest Plantations broadleaved deciduous broadleaved and self- forestry plantations deciduous forestry sown exotic plantations forest G2.8 : Highly artificial G2.8 Highly artificial broadleaved evergreen broadleaved forestry plantations evergreen forestry plantations

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EFT class EFT type (2010) Comment EUNIS level 3 (from EEA 2006, 7) Proposed change EUNIS code EUNIS name G3.F : Highly artificial G3.F Highly artificial coniferous plantations coniferous plantations

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification Appendix 3: Crosswalk from EUNIS level 3 to European Forest Types Note - EUNIS classes with no clear correspondence, or where the relationship is unclear are highlighted in yellow EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) B1.7 Coastal dune 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.7 Atlantic Maritime pine forest woods and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest G1.1 Riparian and 12. Floodplain forest 12.1 Riparian forest gallery woodland, with dominant [Alnus], [Betula], [Populus] or [Salix] G1.2 Mixed riparian 12. Floodplain forest 12.2 Fluvial forest floodplain and gallery woodland G1.3 Mediterranean 12. Floodplain forest 12.3 Mediterranean and Macaronesian riparian forest riparian woodland G1.4 Broadleaved 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.2 Alder swamp forest swamp woodland not on acid peat G1.4 Broadleaved 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.4 Pedunculate oak swamp forest swamp woodland not on acid peat G1.4 Broadleaved 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.5 Aspen swamp forest swamp woodland not on acid peat

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G1.5 Broadleaved 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.3 Birch swamp forest swamp woodland on acid peat G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.1 Lowland beech forest of southern Scandinavia and woodland north central Europe G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.2 Atlantic and subatlantic lowland beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.3 Subatlantic to AtlantoMediterranean submountainous woodland beech forest G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.4 Central European submountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.5 Carpathian submountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.6 Illyrian submountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 6. Beech forest 6.7 Moesian submountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.1 South-western European mountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.2 Central European mountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.3 Apennine-Corsican mountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.4 Illyrian mountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.5 Carpathian mountainous beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.6 Moesian mountainous beech forest woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.7 Crimean beech forest woodland G1.6 [Fagus] 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.8 Oriental beech and hornbeamoriental beech forest woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.1 Downy oak forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.2 Turkey oak, Hungarian oak and Sessile oak forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.3 Pyrenean oak forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.4 Portoguese oak and Mirbeck's oak Iberian forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.5 Macedonian oak forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.6 Valonia oak forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.7 Chestnut forest deciduous woodland G1.7 Thermophilous 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest 8.8 Other thermophilous deciduous forests deciduous woodland G1.8 Acidophilous 4. Acidophylous oakwood and oak-birch 4.1 Acidophylous oakwood [Quercus]- forest dominated woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G1.8 Acidophilous 4. Acidophylous oakwood and oak-birch 4.2 Oak-birch forest [Quercus]- forest dominated woodland G1.9 Non-riverine 3. Alpine forest 3.4 Mountainous birch forest woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula] or [Sorbus aucuparia] G1.9 Non-riverine 13. Non-riverine alder, birch or aspen forest 13.3 Birch forest woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula] or [Sorbus aucuparia] G1.9 Non-riverine 13. Non-riverine alder, birch or aspen forest 13.4 Aspen forest woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula] or [Sorbus aucuparia] G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.1 Pedunculate oak-hornbeam forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.2 Sessile oakhornbeam forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.3 Ashwood and oak-ash forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.4 Maple-oak forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.5 Lime-oak forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.6 Maple-lime forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.7 Lime forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.8 Ravine and slope forest eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland G1.A Meso- and 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest 5.9 Other mesohpytic deciduous forests eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G1.B Non-riverine 13. Non-riverine alder, birch or aspen forest 13.1 Alder forest [Alnus] woodland G1.B Non-riverine 13. Non-riverine alder, birch or aspen forest 13.2 Italian alder forest [Alnus] woodland G1.C Highly artificial 14 Introduced tree species forest broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations G1.D Fruit and nut Not covered by EFT tree orchards G2.1 Mediterranean 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.1 Mediterranean evergreen oak forest evergreen [Quercus] woodland G2.2 Eurasian 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.5 Other sclerophlyllous forest continental sclerophyllous woodland G2.3 Macaronesian 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.4 Macaronesian laurisilva [Laurus] woodland G2.4 [Olea 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.2 Olive-carob forest europaea] - [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland G2.5 [Phoenix] 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.3 Palm groves groves G2.6 [Ilex aquifolium] 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.5 Other sclerophlyllous forest woods

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G2.7 Canary Island 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest 9.5 Other sclerophlyllous forest heath woodland G2.8 Highly artificial 14 Introduced tree species forest broadleaved evergreen forestry plantations G2.9 Evergreen Not covered by EFT orchards and groves G3.1 [Abies] and 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.3 Nemoral spruce forest [Picea] and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest woodland G3.1 [Abies] and 3. Alpine coniferous forest 3.2 Subalpine and mountainous spruce and mountainous [Picea] mixed spruce-silver fir forest woodland G3.1 [Abies] and 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.6 Mediterranean and Anatolian fir forest [Picea] Anatolian and Macaronesian regions woodland G3.1 [Abies] and 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.9 Mountainous Silver fir forest [Picea] woodland G3.1 [Abies] and 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.8 Nemoral Silver fir forest [Picea] and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest woodland G3.2 Alpine [Larix] - 3. Alpine forest 3.1 Subalpine larch-arolla pine and dwarf pine forest [Pinus cembra] woodland G3.3 [Pinus uncinata] 3. Alpine forest woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G3.4 [Pinus 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.2 Nemoral Scots pine forest sylvestris] and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest woodland south of the taiga G3.4 [Pinus 3. Alpine forest 3.3 AlpineScots pine and Black pine forest sylvestris] woodland south of the taiga G3.4 [Pinus 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.4 Mediterranean and Anatolian Scots pine forest sylvestris] Anatolian and Macaronesian regions woodland south of the taiga G3.5 [Pinus nigra] 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.4 Nemoral Black pine forest woodland and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest G3.5 [Pinus nigra] 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.2 Mediterranean and Anatolian Black pine forest woodland Anatolian and Macaronesian regions G3.6 Subalpine 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.5 Alti-Mediterranean pine forest mediterranean Anatolian and Macaronesian regions [Pinus] woodland G3.7 Lowland to 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.1 Mediterranean pine forest montane Anatolian and Macaronesian regions mediterranean [Pinus] woodland (excluding [Pinus nigra]) G3.7 Lowland to 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.7 Atlantic Maritime pine forest montane and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest mediterranean [Pinus] woodland (excluding [Pinus nigra])

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G3.8 Canary Island 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.3 Canarian pine forest [Pinus Anatolian and Macaronesian regions canariensis] woodland G3.9 Coniferous 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.7 Juniper forest woodland Anatolian and Macaronesian regions dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] G3.9 Coniferous 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.8 Cypress forest woodland Anatolian and Macaronesian regions dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] G3.9 Coniferous 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.9 Cedar forest woodland Anatolian and Macaronesian regions dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] G3.9 Coniferous 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.10 Tetraclinis articulata stands woodland Anatolian and Macaronesian regions dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] G3.9 Coniferous 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.11 Mediterranean yew stands woodland Anatolian and Macaronesian regions dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] G3.A [Picea] taiga 1. Boreal forest 1.1 Spruce and spruce-birch boreal forest woodland G3.B [Pinus] taiga 1. Boreal forest 1.2 Pine and pine-birch boreal forest woodland G3.C [Larix] taiga Not described in EFT woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G3.D Boreal bog 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.1 Spruce mire forest conifer woodland G3.D Boreal bog 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.2 Pine mire forest conifer woodland G3.E Nemoral bog 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.1 Spruce mire forest conifer woodland G3.E Nemoral bog 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.2 Pine mire forest conifer woodland G3.F Highly artificial 14 Introduced tree species forest coniferous plantations G3.F Highly artificial 14 Introduced tree species forest coniferous plantations G4.1 Mixed swamp 11. Mire and swamp forest 11.1 Spruce mire forest woodland G4.2 Mixed taiga 1. Boreal forest 1.1 Spruce and spruce-birch boreal forest woodland with [Betula] G4.2 Mixed taiga 1. Boreal forest 1.2 Pine and pine-birch boreal forest woodland with [Betula] G4.3 Mixed sub-taiga 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.1 Hemiboreal forest woodland with and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest acidophilous [Quercus]

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G4.4 Mixed [Pinus 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.5 Mixed Scots pine-birch forest sylvestris] - and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest [Betula] woodland G4.5 Mixed [Pinus 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.6 Moesian mountainous beech forest sylvestris] - [Fagus] woodland G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.1 South-western European mountainous beech forest [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.3 Apennine-Corsican mountainous beech forest [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.4 Illyrian mountainous beech forest [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.5 Carpathian mountainous beech forest [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.6 Moesian mountainous beech forest [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - 7. Mountainous beech forest 7.8 Oriental beech and hornbeamoriental beech forest [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G4.7 Mixed [Pinus 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral coniferous 2.6 Mixed Scots pine-pedunculate oak forest sylvestris] - and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest acidophilous [Quercus] woodland G4.8 Mixed non- Position in EFT not clear riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland G4.9 Mixed Position in EFT not clear deciduous woodland with [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] G4.A Mixed Position in EFT not clear woodland with [Cupressaceae] , [Taxaceae] and evergreen oak G4.B Mixed Position in EFT not clear mediterranean [Pinus] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland G4.C Mixed [Pinus Position in EFT not clear sylvestris] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G4.D Mixed [Pinus 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.2 Mediterranean and Anatolian Black pine forest nigra] - Anatolian and Macaronesian regions evergreen [Quercus] woodland G4.E Mixed 10. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean, 10.1 Thermophilous pine forest mediterranean Anatolian and Macaronesian regions pine - evergreen oak woodland G4.F Mixed forestry Position in EFT not clear plantations G5.1 Lines of trees No correspondence given G5.2 Small No correspondence given broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands G5.3 Small No correspondence given broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands G5.4 Small No correspondence given coniferous anthropogenic woodlands G5.5 Small mixed No correspondence given broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands

ETC Biological Diversity 7 European Forest Types and the EUNIS habitat classification EUNIS code EUNIS name EFT class EFT type (2010) G5.6 Early-stage No correspondence given natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth G5.7 Coppice and No correspondence given early-stage plantations

ETC Biological Diversity 7

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