EDSE 485/490: Internship II/Student Teaching Grade Sheet for Secondary/Special Subject
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EDSE 485/490: Internship II/Student Teaching Grade Sheet for Secondary/Special Subject Area Students
Placement: Grade _____ Subject ______Semester ______
_____ (10) Public School Attendance (documentation provided by Cooperating Teacher) Review the Undergraduate Teacher Education I/ST Handbook for requirements. _____ (8) Professionalism Dress ___ Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory Correct use of English ___ Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory Integrity/Honesty ___ Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory Submitting assignments/work on time ___ Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory _____ (10) Preparations for University Supervisor/Academic Supervisor Visits Journals completed with CT response Self-Reflections on formal observation lesson plans Plans submitted before formal observations as requested _____ (8) Videotape – one completed before mid term and one after midterm but two weeks prior to the last day of classes Written feedback provided from ______Intern ______CT ______US Written feedback provided from ______Intern ______CT ______US _____ (8) Instructional Quality _____ Plans for week submitted to CT prior to week being taught as requested _____ Quality reflections and feedback provided to CT and US/AS as requested
_____ (112/2) Instructional Expertise (Average total points) CT Evaluation (from Exit Criteria) US Evaluation: _____ (4) Management of Instructional Time _____ (4) Mgmt of Instructional Time _____ (4) Management of Student Behavior _____ (4) Mgmt of Student Behavior _____ (4) Planning _____ (4) Planning _____ (4) Instructional Presentation _____ (4) Instructional Presentation _____ (4) Instructional Monitoring _____ (4) Instructional Monitoring _____ (4) Instructional Feedback _____ (4) Instructional Feedback _____ (4) Facilitating Instruction _____ (4) Facilitating Instruction _____ (4) Student/IST Rapport _____ (4) Student/IST Rapport _____ (4) Communication _____ (4) Communication _____ (4) Facilitating Learning _____ (4) Facilitating Learning _____ (4) Curricula _____ (4) Curricula _____ (4) Non-Instructional Duties _____ (4) Non-Instructional Duties
_____ (4) Technology Integration _____ (4) Technology Integration _____ (4) Teacher Work Sample _____ (4) Teacher Work Sample
____ (100) Total Earned Points (A+ 99-100; A 95-98; A- 90-94; B+ 87-89; B 83-86; B- 80-82; C+ 77-79; C 73-76; 70-72; D+ 67-69; D 63-67; D- 60-62; F below 60)
EDSE 485: Internship II Grade Sheet updated July 2009, S. Meltzer