Banking at your fingertips!

Mobiliti, our new mobile banking service, is now live and ready to go! Choose from 3 different user-friendly mobile options

1. Downloadable Mobile Application (for smart-phone users) Get a customized application for your device that provides an intuitive and rich user experience consisting of easy-to-navigate screens and menus.  On your device, open Google Play or the App Store and search for: TouchBanking (Fiserv, Inc.)  Important! After you download the TouchBanking application, you will need to enter this App Code to activate it: merhealth

2. Mobile Browser Banking (for tablets and phones with Wi-Fi) Get full and extended mobile banking capabilities on your web-enabled device. Receive an optimal banking experience with a look and feel that is similar to PC-based online banking, but in a site designed to fit neatly into your device’s screen.  Go to  Hint: If your Logon ID is less than 6 characters, you will need to enter leading zeroes in front of your account number

3. Text Banking (for phones with texting capability) Send text commands from your SMS-enabled phone to inquire about basic account balance and transaction history information. Receive text message responses directly to your phone.  After activating this option in Internet Teller, you will text your inquiry commands to the following “Short Code” number: 71806

Getting Started To begin using any of the options, you will first need to activate the service in Internet Teller.  Login to Internet Teller  Click on the Self Service tab  Under Additional Services, click on Mobiliti  Click on Sign Up  Agree to the Terms and Conditions  On the Select Services screen, click on the boxes for Mobile Browser, Text Messaging, and Alerts and then click on Continue  On the Account Selection and Configuration screen: o Select your time zone o Click the boxes next to the accounts that you wish to access through mobile banking (can be changed later) o Enter a nickname (i.e., 91 or C1 for your checking account, 00 or S1 for your savings account, etc.). This is an optional step that is only used for text banking.  Click on Continue  On the next screen, enter your mobile phone number o If you don’t have a mobile phone and only intend to use the mobile browser option, you can enter a landline phone number  An activation code will be sent to your mobile phone. Enter this code on the next screen and click on Activate. o You will skip this step if you will only be using the mobile browser

Hint for smartphone users: We suggest setting up your smartphone with all 3 options as it gives you more flexibility for those times when one of the options is not working properly.

Please call us at 419-251-4706 if you need any assistance.