The Ridges Homeowners Association September 15, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes Shadow Ridge Country Club

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:35 by Prusa. Present: Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were Paul Prusa (departed 7:10), Heather Vogler- Fischer, John Obermiller, Susan Ramsay, Melanie Hecker and Mark Soulliere. Absent: Penny Rosso and Mike Dooley Others present: Sam Baratta, RHOA Property Manager and John Hovendick with Eden Tree Pros.

Welcome & Introductions John Hovendick attended to present the 2010 Arborist Report, a proposal for tree removals, the 2011 tree care proposal, and to make long-term recommendations. ACTION ITEM 9/10-1 for Ramsay: Susan will include Eden Tree Pros’ winter tree pruning discount for The Ridges’ residents in the next newsletter.

Approval of Minutes August minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report by Obermiller Cash Flow Statement for August was reviewed. Budget Variances included: Income collected from Association Dues, Current and Past, and HOA Dues Interest & Fees were $10,297.53. Expense paid for Pond Treatment/Maintenance was $535.71 for routine maintenance and $150 for loosestrife removal from west pond; and Mailbox Repair was $538.15 for repairs and $2,850 for 2 mailbox rebuilds. ACTION ITEM 9/10-2 for Baratta: Sam will remove MUD Hook-up from Cash Flow Statement. Delinquent Dues owed for 2010 were $29,200; past delinquent dues were $44,375; for a total of $73,575 in uncollected dues as of Aug 31.

Property Manager’s Report by Baratta Maintenance & Repairs - 3 mailbox labels were reattached, 2 mailbox doors repaired and 1 mailbox was rebuilt. ACTION ITEM 9/10-3 for Baratta: Sam will ask Knock It Out Painting to repaint several of the neighborhood entrance signs to allow light to pass through the subdivision name. Grounds Care - Yard Market repaired the Crimson Ridge entrance bed, and moved boulders from empty lot in Fairway Ridge to South Pine Point east entrance. Covenant Violations - 25 reminders were sent to homeowners regarding 5 camper/trailer left in driveways, 5 yard signs, 8 unkempt yards, 7 failures to request DRB approval. Communication - Welcome packets were sent to 4 new homeowners. Website was visited 4,461 times in Aug. Homeowners Newmans and Fledderman had questions regarding newly approved roofing products. An email alert was sent on 8/30 to inform homeowners of neighborhood break ins. 3rd quarter newsletter was delivered via mail and email on 9/7. SRCC was contacted to finish clean up at golf cart crossing on Shadow Ridge Dr, and to remove dead tree on golf course near WHP. Kluver was contacted twice about mowing South Ridge.

Security Report Patrol officers have closed several garage doors at night. On different occasions, officers pursued young teenagers and young adults from various areas in the neighborhood at 1:30 a.m. Names and license plate numbers were recorded.

Design Review Board August DRB minutes were reviewed. 8 requests were approved and included a landscape & pool, 2 fences, a deck, a garage door, a landscape, a paint color and a siding replacement. DRB may request that some homeowners paint color samples on their home for DRB review prior to approval. Design Criteria review and updates will take place soon by DRB members. ACTION ITEM 9/10-4 for Baratta: Sam will send a final notice letter with 5-day deadline to Double Creek residents to remove fountain that was denied earlier this summer by DRB.

Board Communication Board approved via email the following: Melanie Hecker, WHP resident, as an at-large board member; extension of the Andrew’s compliance deadline for covenant violations; CA Maintenance Assistance Agreements revisions; $150 to Natural Habitats for additional weed control at west pond; legal expense for review of Heritage proposed amendments; another extension of compliance deadline for Andrews; 3rd quarter newsletter articles; $2,240 to Eden Tree Pros for tree removals and pruning; email alert regarding break-ins; $300 to Yard Market to move boulders to SSP entrance; $100 to Yard Market to repair CRM entrance bed and $2,172 to DMS for soccer field repairs.

Heritage/South Ridge Update Zoning issues need to be resolved before continuing with proposed covenant amendments.

Unfinished Business Insurance & Bonding - Property management has obtained general liability and bonding insurance coverage through Chastain-Otis. CA Maintenance Assistance Agreements - Revised Agreements have not yet been signed by WHH or WHP boards. Covenant/DRB Violations - Several violations were discussed. 1st or 2nd notice reminder letters will be sent to homeowners. Website Updates - Updates to website were discussed. ACTION ITEM 9/10-5 for Baratta: Sam will continue with home page updates, creation of email alert registration tab and posting of old email alerts to website. 2011 Bid Solicitation - Various budget items were discussed for multiple bid consideration. ACTION ITEM 9/10-6 for Baratta: Sam will solicit 3 bids for sidewalk snow removal. Playground Equipment Repairs - An inexpensive spray-on product will be used to repair damaged vinyl coating on playground equipment.

Bids & Proposals Tree Care proposals from Eden Tree Pros were approved for $2,880 for tree removals and pruning, and $9,987 for 2011 tree care less a 10% discount on $7500 for spring tree pruning paid by winter. Park Trash Can fence bids were reviewed from Tom & Ron’s Repair, Quality Fencing, Total Home Maintenance and Diamond Fence Co. The board approved $1,239 to Diamond Fence Co for removal of old trash area and installation of new fence and concrete pad. Insurance renewal quote from King Insurance Co was reviewed. The board approved $3,094 to renew existing general liability insurance w/umbrella coverage. Seasonal Entrance Lights bids from Holiday Bright Lights and Accent Lighting were reviewed. ACTION ITEM 9/10-7 for Baratta: Sam will ask for a bid reduction from current vendor, Accent Lighting. Park Sign proposal from Dolphen Signs approximates $175 for a 3’ x 4’ park rules sign on trash area fence. ACTION ITEM 9/10-8 for Baratta and Ramsay: Sam will check with patrol officers on preferred wording of “No Trespassing”, and Susan will check with Dolphen Signs on cost for 2 signs.

New Business Easement & ROW policy was discussed in regard to how best to inform homeowners of policy or changes. ACTION ITEM 9/10-9 for Ramsay: Susan will develop policy and/or homeowner informational letter. Request for Proposal process was discussed in regard to obtaining more consistent information from vendors to better compare bids and proposals. 2011 Grounds Care “tour” will take place with Yard Market on 9/17. Rosso, Hecker, Ramsay and Baratta will participate.

Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Minutes submitted by Board Secretary, Susan Ramsay