Assessment Item: Web Quest

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Assessment Item: Web Quest


EXTENSION REQUEST ASSESSMENT ITEM: WEB QUEST If you require an extension you must apply to the science HOD 48 hours prior to due date and the STRAND: Earth and Beyond following information will be completed.




SUBJECT Mr Johnstone DATE TEACHER Mr Collyer Mrs Deer




Overall Result


CONDITIONS  Time allowed: 6 lessons in a computer lab  Length: Answer Questions and 4 minute powerpoint presentation  Teacher Input  Access to resources  Support notes and journal  Draft copy / check dates – in class A B C D E

Individual Correct Solid Tried but took Let others do e e

Work on Basis answers to all individual mostly a your work. d g a d Data questions effort and passive role in e m l


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Content s met. group goal. m n e t K

Has it all and Includes all Not much t a Presentation reflects required Looks good content and o

Powerpoint mastery of material and but not much not too N material in pleasing to there – more pleasing to presentation watch. detail required watch – more effort required c i Individual Convincing Strong Weak Weak f i t work on argument with argument with argument with argument with n e

i creativity in extraordinary ample little research no obvious c

S problem research research and weak scientific s

s solving research e c o

r Data, P Calculations & Innovations

Powerpoint Excellent Good visual Not much visual and oral and oral Looks good content presentation presentation but not much together with there – too a poor much talk and presentation not enough science

I certify that: This submission is my own work and work I have developed cooperatively with my partner/s. Any help received by other people has been acknowledged. I understand that:  Plagiarism is a serious matter and that I may be penalised if this declaration is false.  Work submitted after the due date will require a medical certificate  Application for extension must be sought two days before the due date. Student signature:


The United Federation is worried. In the past few years, we have found fifty-four "Near Earth Asteroids" in orbit around the sun that cross the orbit of the earth. According to N.A.S.A. the "Earth orbits in a cosmic shooting gallery subject to occasional random hits by comets and asteroids. Impacts by objects a mile or more across can devastate the planet's environment."

If one strikes, will the fate of humans be the same as the fate of dinosaurs -extinction?


Your team has been asked to make a proposal to put a colony of 600 humans somewhere in our solar system (sorry - not on Earth or our moon) as a test of whether it might be possible to someday do large scale colonization.

The colony is to be self sufficient - you will only be allowed to bring enough materials to start your colony. This means that, once your colony is built and working, it must provide everything the colonists need. Other than what you brought, whatever is in the station must be made new, fixed easily, grown or recycled. It is a long way to Earth. Replacement parts, food, etc. cannot be shipped due to the high costs, $100,000 - $1,000,000 per pound, depending on your location. So - once your colony is operational, you are on your own.

You will have limited ability to travel close to your location in space (2,000,000 miles or 3,225,800 Km round trip) using shuttles, but remember you cannot supply your colony from earth or any place more than 1,000,000 miles or 1,612,900 Km away. The colony may be put on any other planet or moon, or may be put in orbit around the sun or a planet or moon in our solar system.

You will present your proposal to a United Federation Commission made of other teams who will then help the High Commissioner (the teacher) pick the best proposal by questioning your proposal.

PRODUCTS Products will begin a written proposal describing the colony. It will include the answers to the questions provided below. The answers will be put on the sheet given to you by the High Commissioner. You will give an oral presentation to the Commission which must include a visual of the settlement , such as a model, diagram, web page, Power Point, play, puppet show, video, or any combination of these. THE PROCESS

ROLES Everyone in the group will share the role of Interplanetary Surveyor. After that, decide what responsibilities your group members should have from the other roles below. Some team members may have more than one role.


Make decisions on the site of your colony. In particular, consider:

1. Where will be the location of your colony? Be specific! ______Will it be on a surface, under an ocean, in an atmosphere or in orbit? ______If in orbit, how far from the sun, planet or moon is it? ______

2. How far away from the sun will your colony be? (Average Solar Distance) ______ml/km (Circle one)

Source: ______

3. If it is on a surface of a moon or a planet, what is the revolution period and rotation period, in Earth days, for the moon or planet? Rev. ______Rot. ______

Source: ______

4. If your colony is in orbit around the sun, a planet or moon, what is it revolution period? ______

5. At a speed of 40,323 Km per hour (the speed needed for your pace ship to escape Earth's gravity), how long will it take to get to your colony? ______ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER

Make decisions on factors that will determine environment around your colony. In particular, consider:

1. What will the sun look like from your colony? ______

If you have to, how will you handle radiation from the sun?


Source: ______

2. How much gravity exists now on your colony's site? ______

Source: ______

How will you deal with this gravity, or the lack of it? ______

Source: ______

3. Should you create artificial gravity If so, how? ______


Source: ______

4. How much will you weigh? ______

Source: ______

5. Will the gravity be enough to grow plants, or even hold water in a pool? Explain ______


6. What is the exterior (outside of your colony) atmosphere and weather like in the place you will put your colony? ______

Source: ______

What protection from these elements do you need? ______

______7. If your colony is in orbit, will it run into anything in the environment? What? ______

Source: ______

8. Is there a solid surface you can use to build your colony on? ______

Source: ______

If so, then what is the surface made of? Describe the surface. Be specific! ______


Source: ______9. If you place your colony on or near a surface, is your planet or moon stable? ______

Source: ______Are there quakes, geysers or volcanoes? How active are they? ______

Source: ______

10. If you place it in orbit, is there a ring or asteroids nearby? ______

Source: ______

Could these be a danger? How? ______

11. What are comets? ______

Where do they come from? ______


Source: ______

What is the chance that comets could endanger your colony?


______12. What else in the environment near your colony (such as radiation) can hurt your colonists? ______

Source: ______

How can you shield them from these dangers? ______



Source: ______

13. Can people from your colony obtain any raw materials from your location for the things you need? If so, describe this process. ______


Source: ______


Make decisions on how you will keep the colonists alive. In particular, consider:

1. What energy source will you use? ______

Explain why it is the best. ______


Source: ______

2. What alternate energy source will you need if conditions make the first one not usable? ______

Explain why is a good source to use. ______


Source: ______3. Into what kinds of energy will these first energy sources be changed into in order for your colony to succeed? ______


4. What living conditions will you need for the people in your colony?



Will you simulate "seasons" or periods of "day" or "night" or will everything be the same, all the time? ______

How will people adapt to this? ______


5. How will you obtain food? ______


______If you mention plants, what kind of plants? Why would they be good?




Source: ______

Will you use soil or water for your plants? (Don't forget, some trees grow down as far as they grow up.) ______

What environment in your colony can you produce to make these plants productive? ______


Source: ______6. How will you obtain clean water for people? ______


Is it renewable or recyclable? ______And if so, what is your plan to do this? ______



Source: ______

Will you use water for food production? ______How can you get enough? ______

Source: ______How can you stop water from being a problem (such as condensation or fog or frost) in your colony's internal atmosphere?



7. How will you obtain an internal atmosphere, including oxygen? ______



Source: ______

Will your plan produce more oxygen than it consumes? ______

8. How will artificial or natural day and night (or the lack of it) affect your plants' growth? ______

______9. What will happen to garbage and waste materials? ______


What kinds of pollution or health hazards will your colony produce?

______How will you deal with them?



10. What is the exact size of your colony? Be specific about the dimensions of all the various parts and pieces your colony needs to survive. ______



11. What transportation system will your colony need? ______


Will it hurt the environment? ______





Make decisions on the kind of occupations essential to your colony. In particular, consider:

1. What technical occupations are essential to your colony? Make sure you know what a "technical occupation" is! ______




Source: ______

2. What number of people will be allocated to each occupation? ______




Why? ______




3. Make a detailed list of the job descriptions of four (4) of these technical occupations.

What is occupation #1? ______What is occupation #2? ______What is occupation #3? ______What is occupation #4? ______

Source: ______Include the following:

4. What basic skills must they have? #1 ______

#2 ______

#3 ______

#4 ______

Source: ______

5. What thinking skills must they possess? #1 ______

#2 ______

#3 ______

#4 ______

Source: ______

6. What personal qualities must they exhibit? #1 ______

#2 ______

#3 ______

#4 ______

Source: ______

7. What educational qualifications must they possess? Be specific! #1 ______

#2 ______

#3 ______

#4 ______

Source: ______8. What experience must they have? #1 ______

#2 ______

#3 ______

#4 ______

Source: ______

9. What other occupations or team members help them do their job? #1 ______

#2 ______

#3 ______

#4 ______

Source: ______


Make decisions on the kind of recreation necessary to your colony. People are not machines. We have emotional and psychological needs that must be met to help us relax. In particular, consider:

1. What spectacular natural places (such as a volcano, a moon or a ring) within two million miles of your colony will you bring your colonists for tours? ______



Source: ______

2. How can you describe these places? What makes them so special? Be specific in describing the wonders and beauty of these natural areas! Include photographs (be sure to give credit to the source) or sketches of the areas. ______




Source: ______

3. What activities do your colonists do in their leisure time? List those especially that take advantage of your colony's location and environments, both internally and externally; in other words, "going to the mall" for recreation is not acceptable. Describe these in detail. ______





Source: ______

IMPORTANT: The decisions you make must depend on the place you put your colony. What makes sense in one part of the solar system will not make sense in another.

Also, the decisions you make for one part of your colony might affect other parts of your colony. For example, if you say that your colonists need an artificial "night" and "day" for them to do best, then will plants do best with this decision also?


After four days of research, give the High Commissioner a copy of the results of your research, including the exact location of your colony, and a list of your decisions so far.

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