Statement of Construction and Field Experience of Mr

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Statement of Construction and Field Experience of Mr

Statement of construction and field experience of Mr. Dr. / Adel Mohamed Abdel Moneim Mekky Assistant Professor, Department of Administration dissatisfied and recreation


: First: Personal data:

: Adel Mohamed Abdel Moneim Mekky Name 19-2-1967 Date of Birth Egyptian Nationality \Muslim J J Religion Aswan Building 6 Apartment 4 Atlas Address Corniche El Nile : Al-Azhar University, Assiut housing - Building 10 Apartment 4 تليفـــــــــــون : 088 / 9200284 – 0123971360 – 0972306761 : Phone 0972306761-0123971360 - 9200284 / 088 الحالة الجتماعية (Married. (Born + girl : Social Situation Adelmekky 67 Adelmekky [email protected] E_mail E_mail

: Second: Academic Qualifications and history: - Bachelor of Physical Education's role in May Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University Ptkadiraam (very good). - MA in Physical Education, entitled "Obstacles to the practice of sport slide on the water in the Arab Republic of Egypt" on 25/1/1995 from the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University. - PhD in Physical Education, entitled "Training Program in a manner lactic endurance and its impact on some physiological variables and Albiokamiaiip for short- distance swimmers" on 30.5.1999 from the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University. - Professor of swimming and water sports Assistant, Department of Almnazlat and water sports Aattabaramen م 2004 / 4 / 26

- Professor of swimming and water sports Assistant, م Department of Administration sports and recreation as from 31 / 5 / 2005

Third: faculty:

- He has taught at the Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University:

A - Undergraduate courses:

- Swimming and water sports (the first).

- Management of swimming and water sports (III - IV) Management Division.

- Teaching swimming and water sports (III - IV) Division of Teaching

IV: Activities of the Department:

1. Supervisor festivals and championships organized by the Section. 2. Supervise the swimming section of the Division in 2000 and even 2003. 3. . Participated in all acts of Graduate Studies (Planning Alastratjiy - seminars) efficiently. 4. Participated in a number of specialized courses and refined with Athadasbahp and water sports associations in cooperation with the department. 5. . Participated in the amendment and development of the regulation on the decisions of the school for swimming and water sports in 2005 the new regulation. 6. Participated in the development section of the work in 2005 and to date. 7. . Member of the Management Department, sports and recreation since 2005 to date. 8. Member of the Community Service and Environmental Development department since 2008 and to date. 9. A member of the Community Participation Committee of the faculty in 2009 10. Program Coordinator and training for students and graduates of the Department of

: V.: Activity College and the University:

1. A member of the Planning Commission and the Department of competitions for the Championship specialized colleges and institutes م of higher 2002 - 2004 Member, Advisory Committee for the .م 2002/2003 .2 Olympic swimming pool facilities, 2002/2003. 3. Participated in the processing and preparation of the bathroom Olympic Assiut University in 2003. 4. Junior Sports Committee to prepare for university students in the sixth week, Assiut University in 2003 5. Participated in the processing and preparation of the swimming pool sports commentator Faculty of Education at the University of Assiut in 2003. 6. Member of various committees for the college admissions tests since 2003 and to date. 7. Member of the guidance Alakadimiy faculty in 2001, 2002. 8. . Involved in all aspects of examinations and grades of the monitoring committees of various academic teams in 1999 to date. 9. Member of the Organizing Committee for the World Championships of bodybuilding in 2001 10. . Participated in the First Scientific Conference of Mansoura University (April 1994) "Sport in Egypt, Present and Future", and was a member of the Commission for Reception. 11. College coach in swimming from 2005 to date. 12. . Coach of the university in swimming from 2006 to date. 13. . Member of the planning and follow-up project quality and accreditation in 2008 to date. - Member of the Faculty of Physical Education ع .14 م Assiut University for the year 2009 / 2010 15. Member of the Preparatory Committee of the Mautamr international trends of modern sports in the light of the labor market 7-8/12/2009 Assiut Faculty of Physical Education

Sixth: Certificate courses International:

The field of swimming:

1. . International Course to trained water polo from the International Swimming Federation FINA from 14 to 16/4/1999 in Cairo. 2. . International Course to refine trainers from the International Federation Swimming pool with the Egyptian, to swim in the period from 15 to 18/12/1996 - Cairo. 3. . Session of the first level of the American Federation of Swimming (ASCA) in 2008.

: The area of slip on the water:

International Course for trainers on the water slide from the .القاهرة .1 International Federation of sliding on the water with the Egyptian Sailing and sliding on the water in the period from 22 / 6 to 1/7/1994, Cairo. 2. International Course for trainers on the water slide from the International Federation of sliding on the water in the period from 18 to April 21, 2002, Cairo.

The area of blasphemy:

1. . International Course for trainers rowing and canoeing from the International Federation of Rowing with the Egyptian Rowing in the period of 2 / 6 to 16/6/1995, Cairo.

: Second: local courses:

The field of swimming:

1. Training course for swimming coaches swimming for the preparation of the federation pool with the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Aswan in the period from 12 / 1 and even a general appreciation of 26.1.1987 (excellent). 2. Specialized training session in the pool of academic leaders of the Olympic athletes in the period from 14 / 7 to 2/8/1990 grade of (very good). 3. Basic course for the rescue of the Egyptian Union for swimming in the period from 21 / 7 to 27/7/1990 grade of (very good). Teacher preparation course swimming (2) of the .وحتـى 1995/4/24م .4 Egyptian Union for swimming in the period from 18 / 3 until 24/4/1995. 5. . Session of the third group first aid trainers from the Egyptian swimming pool in the period from 11 / 4, and until 20/4/1995. 6. Cycle trainers from the Egyptian swimming pool in the period from 18/11 to 23/11/1997.

: The area of slip on the water:

1. Training course to refine the coach on the water slide from the Egyptian Sailing and slide on the water in the period from 14 / 5 and even 16.5.1992. 2. Training course to refine the coach on the water slide from the Egyptian Sailing and slide on the water in the period from 27/11 and up to 3/12/1992. 3. The training course for trainers of the sail from the Egyptian Sailing and slide on the water in the period from 6 / 7 to 11/7/1997. 4. . The training course for trainers sail from the Cairo area, reef and slip on the water in the period from 11 / 2 until 13/12/1998.

The area of blasphemy:

.(Rowing Advanced player (a) No. (631 .(لعب تجديف متقدم (أ) رقم (631 .1 الدورة التدريبية لمدربيـن التجديـف من التحـاد المصرى للتجديف فى الفترة من 9/1 وحتى .2 The training course for trainers rowing Egyptian Rowing .1990/9/7م Federation in the period from 1 / 9 and until 7/9/1990.

:Special Olympics :صصصصصصصصصص صصصصص

الدورة التدريبية النظرية والعملية للمدربين فى مجال الولمبياد الخاص شعبة سباحة من .1 Session of .جمعية السر المتآلفة فى الفترة من 11/1 وحتى 1997/11/8م theoretical and practical training of trainers in the field of Special Olympics swimming Division of the Assembly of harmonious families in the period from 1 / 11 to 8/11/1997. 2. . Training course to prepare trainers of the Assembly of the Special Olympics harmonious families from Dec. 7-3 to 11/3/2004.

Certificates of appreciation:

Start my assessment of marine sports club in Hurghada to take part .م .1 in presentations of water mark the fifth anniversary of its opening on 3.5.1992. 2. Certificate of Merit from the Cairo area of the reef and slip on the water to participate in the water in the festival offers Aswan - Luxor - Asyut in the period from 15 to 20.3.1998. 3. . Certificate of Merit from the Faculty of Physical Education for his contribution to the success of the rescue - Asyut in the period from 13 to 20.4.2000. 4. Certificate of Merit from the Egyptian Shooting Club in Dokki, to get swimming team to the stage Maulid in 1990 in the high title of the Republic in 2002. 5. . Certificate of Merit from Assiut University for serious participation in the activities of university students in the sixth week in 2003. 6. . Certificate of Merit from the General Union of the sporting careers to participate in the success of the basic course for trainers in the New Valley in the period from 15 / 5 until 6/6/2003. 7. Certificate of thanks and appreciation from the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, for participating in the Conference of مارس 2007 م the law and sports 6-7 8. A certificate of thanks for the contribution in planning and organizing the management of swimming pools and sports facilities at the Faculty Assiut University Sports Alterppi 22/11/2008 to 1/12/2008 Certificate of thanks and appreciation of the Egyptian Federation . م .9 of weapons to the constructive and fruitful efforts in strategic planning for promising cadres of the Union in 2009. Certificate of thanks and appreciation from the Union of Arab . م .10 Artists to participate in the planning and organization of the international football coaches under the auspices of the League of Arab States in July 2009. Certificate of thanks and appreciation from the General م 2009 / 2008 .11 Union of the sporting careers to contribute effectively in the planning and success of the training of the Institute for Studies of vocational م education nationwide, Msrarabp for the year 2008 / 2009

: Seventh: the area of training and management: First: the area of training:


Musharraf, an executive on the schools swimming bath and the . م .1 Ministry of Education and the island from 1990 until 1995 within the plan of the Ministry of Education. 2. Teacher pool for schools and teams Altjhazeep pool Maadi Club and the yacht for the 1994 season and even in 1996. 3. . Swimming coach Heliopolis Sporting Club for the season 1995- 4. Swimming coach and director of the youth sector of the pool Egyptian Shooting Club in Dokki, since 1997 and even 2002. 5. Technical director for the schools swimming Palmqolun Arabs in 2001 and even 2003. 6. Technical director for the pool for schools and teams from the Faculty of Physical Education in 2004 until 2009 7. Technical director for the university teams from the pool in 2004 until 2009 8. Swimming coach number of the Egyptian Union (576).


1. Coach of the Aswan Rowing Club Rowing and Water Sports in 1988 and even 1990. 2. Coach Rowing Assiut University from 1994 until 1999. 3. Member of the Commission trained the Egyptian Federation of Rowing category (coach "with" excellent).

Water SKY:

1. . Coach slip on the water Aswan Rowing Club and water sports from 1988 to 1990. 2. Coach slip on the water the Egyptian Union of reef and on the water slide from 1995 to 1997. 3. Coach slip on the water Sea Scout Club in Giza in 2001 until 2003. 4. . Coach on the water slide registration number of the Egyptian Union Sailing and slip on the water (17/23).

: Second: The field of management and Memberships:

1. . Board Member of the General Union of the sporting careers of the Arab Republic of Egypt in 2002 and to date, membership number (1327) training. 2. . General Coordinator of the Institute of professional education to prepare the sports leaders of the General Union of the sporting careers in 2004 and to date. 3. Mderaltkotait the Institute's strategic vocational education to prepare leaders of the athletes in 2005 to a historic 4. . Technical Committee Member of the Egyptian Union of rescue diving and rescue in AD 2007 to date. 5. . Member of the International Council for Health, Physical Education ICHPER.SD membership No. 6267 in 2008 to date.

Third: the area of arbitration:

1. Arbitration tournaments on the water slide from 1994 until 2001. 2. Arbitration rowing championships in 1994 to 1999 3. Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Supreme Arbitration swimming championships at the University of Assiut in 1999 and to date 4. Arbitration Samuel diving competitions and fins in 2004.

Eighth: sporting events:

1. Holds second place in the tournament for the military team of 90 Air Force and the third boat helm of a lightweight four-armed forces. 2. Holds first place in the four-boat in the helm of a lightweight title race first in 1991. 3. Holds the first position of Egypt Air in the championship, in 1991, 1992. 4. Holds second place in the Championship Alyaljmhorip Republic of sliding on the water in 1991 in figure skating (the Turks).

: IX: teaching courses in the civil bodies:

: - The sovereignty of assignment and teaching in the courses, the following bodies: --

1 - the records of the Egyptian Union of pool and the Egyptian diving and rescue since 2001 to a historic

2 - Session No. 26 of the Egyptian Federation of Bodybuilding for the preparation and refinement of coaches, referees and administrators in Assiut in 1998. - Cycle Swimming Coaches Aswan Governorate, in collaboration with the Center for preparation of leaders for the Directorate of Youth and Sports in the period from 26 / 5 and even 30.5.2001.

The training course for trainers (swimming) in Cairo in the period from - .م 4 24/11 to 26/12/2003.

5 - the basic training course to prepare trainers Dirout Sports Club in Assiut Governorate, in the period from 3 / 12 to 5/1/2004.

6 - the basic training course to prepare trainers (training pool) in Aswan in the period of 3 / 4 to 3/5/2004.

7 - the basic training course to prepare trainers in Cairo (training pool) in the period from 18 / 9 and even 22/10/2004.

8 - participated in preparing and organizing the applicants for the football players that played in Ismailia in the period from 17/9/2005 to 23/9/2005

- participated in the preparation and organization of sports massage session in Cairo in the period from 1.4.2005 to 24.4.2005

10 - Participated in preparing and organizing the preparation of trainers, which was held Arish in collaboration with the Directorate of Youth and Sports in North Sinai, 13.9.2005 to 17.9.2005

11 - Participated in the planning and organization of the At_khassip for trainers in all disciplines of the Institute for Leadership Development in Cairo athletes from 22/4/2005 to 27/8/2005

12 - minutes of the planning and training session Hydrology Egyptian Union of Cartier in the period 14.6.2005 to 20.6.2005

13 - Participated in the planning and organization of specialized trainers to refine the second arms, which arms the Egyptian club held from 15 / 7 to 29/7/2007

14 - participated in the planning and organizing the management of swimming pools and sports facilities at the Faculty of Physical Education - م Assiut University 22 / 11 / 2008

15 - participated in the planning and organizing the international football coaches Fishing Club, which was held under the auspices of the League of Arab States in July 2009 16 - Participated in the presence of the workshop on the Status of academic standards for graduates of Physical Education -10 November 2006 at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys - University of Alexandria.

17. 17 - to plan and organize many of the studies in the field in the preparation of the shipwrecked and savors first aid and swimming teacher preparation in cooperation with both the Egyptian Federation for diving and rescue swimming Athadalmsry since 2007 to date.

18 - Participated in the preparation of the organization of the Arab Championship for arms Egypt 2008.

19 - minutes of a regional strategic planning and E-Marketing Association of Business Administration in Cairo and the Arab-Arab students from 2007 to date.

20 - Participated in the planning, organizing and preparation of the basic course of the rulers of table tennis in Assiut 5-9 / 4 / 2009

Participated in the planning and organization and preparation course - م 21 refined in the principles of short listed fencing Assiut 1-3 / 5 / 2009

22- participated in the planning and organization of the basic training course for trainers of sports club for employees and the Tigris Valley Sports in July 2009.

23- - participated in the planning and organization of the basic training course for trainers of sports in Assiut and jungle during the period of 8 / 3 / 2009 until 22 / 5 / 2009.

24 24 - Participated in the planning and organization of specialized courses for students and the graduates in cooperation with the Faculty of Physical Education for the academic year 2008 / 2009 (Session of sports massage - sports injuries, first aid - management cycle, swimming pools and sports facilities - Management of health clubs and aerobic A - Cycle teacher pool - and the session rescue shipwrecked - sports marketing cycle)

X.: Research Publications:

Gender Publisher Timeline ا Title م M Assiut 16/1/2005 ة Requirements of the application of total quality Joint .1 management colleges of physical education a publicationJournal of 16/1/2005 comparative study between the University of Arts and Helwan, Assiut Sciences, Physical Education International5-8/7/2006 ا Methods of marketing water sports in the Arab Individual .2 Republic of Egypt publicationConference of 5-8/7/2006 Colleges of Sports Science Europe - Switzerland / Legitimacy of the legal insurance against the Joint " Third 6-7/3 ة .3 health risks of the practice of sports publicationScientific 2007 Conference of Faculty of Law in conjunction with the Faculty of Physical Education "law and sport" / World 3-6 / 9 ا Proposed template for the re-engineering Individual .4 administrative processes the Egyptian Union of poolpublicationConference 2008 for the analysis of sports performance at the University of Otvuon Jerk - Majed Burg - Germany -15 المؤتمر القليمي مشترك تفعيل صنع القرار باتحادات الرياضات المائية فى ضوء الدارة .5 2008/10/17 الرابع للمجلس Joint منشور Activation of the decision-making cartels الستراتيجية -15 الدولي للصحة water sports in the light of the strategic managementpublication 2008/10/17 والتربية البدنية – كلية التربية الرياضية – جامعة السكندرية Fourth Regional Conference of the International Council for Health and Physical Education - Faculty of Physical Education - Alexandria University Assiut 15/2/2009 ة Administration to enable workers and their impact Individual . .6 on job satisfaction of swimming in the pools sports publicationJournal of institutions. Arts and Sciences, Physical Education Joint Zagazig 4 5/3/2009 ر Administration development program for members .7 of boards of directors of the branches of the publicationUniversity - m Egyptian Federation for swimming Third International Scientific Conference

Eleven: Certificates and sporting events:

1. Session of the International Special Olympics coaches from the Academy of the Arab-African sport in the period from 1 / 5 to 11/5/1998 in Cairo. Holds a basic training course for trainers in the period م 28/4/2005 .2 from 19/3/2005 to 28/4/2005 Holds a session of the ICT م (ICT TRAINING(CUICTT حاصل على دورة .3 TRAINING (CUICTT) during the month of December 2006 ابريل 2008 م TOT ) ( TRAING OF TRAINERS حاصل على دورة تدريب المدربين .4 Holds a session of training of trainers (TOT) (TRAING OF ابريل 2008 م TRAINERS) 1: 5 5. Holds a specialized course for swimming coaches in the period 4.5.2008 to 12.5.2008

: XIII: courses in the area of capacity development of staff members and leadership:

1. Management cycle time and work pressures in the period from 25 to December 27, 2004 2. Cycle selected topics in curriculum design and teaching Decisions in the period from 24 to July 27, 2005 3. Session of making decisions and solving problems in the period from October 12 to February 14, 2005 4. Effective communication skills course in the period from March 19 to March 21, 2006 5. Session of the recent trends in teaching in the period from March 25, March 27, 2006 6. Session in lifelong learning in the period from 7 to 7 June 2006 7. Cycle of quality assurance and accreditation in the period from 16 to September 18, 2006

XIV: Science Mission

Mission م OTTO-VON-GUERICKE-UNIVERSITAT MAGDEBURG .1 informed the University of OTTO-VON-GUERICKE-UNIVERSITAT MAGDEBURG in the period of 1/10/2005 to 31/12/2005

XV: international and local awards

1- - Certificate of Merit from the brothers of Samaranch, International Olympic Committee president on the occasion of International Volunteer Day to sports bodies working in the field of sport for Arab Republic of Egypt in 2001

2- - Received excellent in university performance assessment "of the quality assurance unit at the University of Assiut, for the year 2006 / 2007. 3 - Received an award from the National Council for Sports in athletes Eid March 2009

: XVI: literature in the field of swimming and water sports:

1- the name of the blender: Amr Mohamed Ibrahim, Adel Mohamed Abdel Moneim Mekki name of the book record of the administrative and training for coaches and swimming instructors first edition in 2006 3 - Amr Mohamed Ibrahim, Adel Abdel Moneim Mohamed Makki: The name of the book swimming "management education training" first edition in 2008

2 - Amr Mohamed Ibrahim and Adel Mohammed Abdul Moneim Mekki: The name of the book of water sports management The first In 2009 م edition of 2009

XVII: the sessions and work in the field of computer and web information

Ijtyazaldorat following in Computer

Informatio Technology. - Informatio Technology. --

Usinig The Computer and Managining Files.- Usinig The Computer and Managining Files .-

- Word Processing-. - Word Processing-.





- Presentations - Presentations



God is over conciliation Inquire about the curriculum vitae of the Advanced

Prof. Dr. / Mahmoud Hassan Abdullah, a professor swimming training Faculty of Sport Education, Helwan University and head of the Egyptian swimming former mobile / 4603 002010177 Prof. Dr. / Amr Mohamed Ibrahim, Professor of swimming and water sports at the Faculty of Physical Education - University of Assiut Mobiles / 0020123931309

Prof. Dr. / Saleh Mohamed Saleh, professor of swimming training and head of sports training at the Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University _ Mobile / 0020106248076

Prof. Dr. / Mohamed, professor of the cat-training, swimming, Dean of the College of Physical Education previous - Zagazig University Mobiles / 0020101577887

Prof. Dr. / Prof. Hatem Mohamed Hosni Tddreb swimming College of Education - Division of Physical Education in Kuwait

0096599509627 0096599509627

Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Salam Aastaz health articles, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

.Prof الستاذ الدكتور / حات ممد حسن استاذ تددريب السباحة كلية التبية – شعبة التبية البدنية بدولة الكويت Dr. / Prof. Hatem Mohamed Hosni Tddreb swimming College of Education - Division of Physical Education in Kuwait

0096599509627 0096599509627

.Prof الستاذ الدكتور / احد ممد عبدالسلم ااستاذ الواد الصحية جامعة اللك سعود بالملكة العربية السعودية Dr. / Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Salam Aastaz health articles, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

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