Fungi Quiz Answer Key

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Fungi Quiz Answer Key

Fungi The cell walls of fungi are strengthened by .

Fungi are heterotrophic. True/False

Do fungi ingest their food?

Fungi that are single celled and reproduce asexually through binary fission or by pinching off are called what?

Fungi consist of tubular cell walls surrounding plasma membrane and cytoplasm also known as . A collective mass of these is known as a . Cross walls within these structures are known as .

Coenocytic fungi lack cell walls. True/False

Describe mychorrhizae including their lifestyle, specialized structures, and the types.

Describe sexual reproduction in Fungi.

A mycelium with two different nuclei is called or .

Unicellular parasites of animals and protists that contain derived mitochondria and are considered to be close relatives of fungi are called .

The mutualistic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism is called a lichen. True/False

What are soredia?

Describe some human uses of fungi.

*. Compare and contrast Zygomycota, Glomeromycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. How do their life cycles differ? Draw examples of the reproductive structures.

1. Approximately how many fungal species are currently known? Do mycologists think that we know all of the species of fungus that are on the planet? Explain 2. What are the basic characteristics of all fungi?

3. Compare and contrast fungal and animal nutrition. What feeding characteristics do they share?

5. Draw the basic structure of a fungus, labeling fruiting body, mycelium, and hyphae.

1. Fungi are more closely related to ______than to ______. 2. In general are, fungi are (circle the correct answer in each pair): - Unicellular/multicellular - Heterotrophic/Autotrophic - Prokaryotes/Eukaryotes

3. Exceptions to characteristics in #2: - Some yeasts are ______. - And some fungi are ______.

4. Cell walls are composed of ______and generally do not have cilia or flagella (except ______)

5. What are hyphae and mycelium?

6. Please describe the three methods of asexual reproduction in fungi.

7. How do fungi reproduce sexually? 8. How do fungi acquire nutrition?

9. Differentiate between saprobes and parasites.

10. Symbiosis is the result of ______.

11. What are the differences between mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism?

12. Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between ______and either ______and/or ______.

13. What is mycorrhizae? What does it’s name mean? (Myco =? Rhizae =?)

Fungi & Introduction to Animal Quiz

1. Ascomycetes exhibit both sexual and asexual reproduction. Which of the following pairs correctly describes ascomycetes? a. Conidia are asexually produced, ascospores are sexually produced b. Conidia are sexually produced, ascospores are asexually produced c. Conidia are sexually produced, basidiospores are asexually produced d. Conidia are asexually produced, basidiospores are sexually produced e. None of the above

2. Which phylum has almost exclusively sexual reproduction? a. Basidiomycota b. Ascomycota c. Deuteromycota d. Chytiridiomycota e. More than one of the above 3. Lichens reproduce via ______. Is this sexual or asexual reproduction? a. Soredia, sexual b. Soredia, asexual c. Budding, sexual d. Budding, asexual e. None of the above

4. The majority of plant species have mycorrhizal associations with members of kingdom Fungi. a. True b. False

5. Which of the following lists is in the correct order of embryonic development in animals? a. Plasmogamy, Karyogamy, Blastula, Cleavage b. Fertilization, Cleavage, Blastula, Gastrula c. Fertilization, Blastula, Gastrula, Cleavage d. Fertilization, Cleavage, Gastrula, Blastula e. None of the above

6. The blastopore becomes the a. Mouth of deuterostomes b. Mouth of protostomes c. Anus of protostomes d. Anus of deuterostomes e. A & C f. B & D

7. The fluid filled cavity that separates the digestive tract from the outer body wall found in some animals is the a. Endoderm b. Coelom c. Mesoderm d. Ectoderm

Fungi Group Quiz

1. Fungi have a distinct way of obtaining their nutrients. Which of the following correctly describes the nutritional mode of fungi? a. Photoautotrophs with plant-like photosynthesis b. Photoautotrophs with non-plant-like photosynthesis c. Chemoheterotrophs that ingest their food d. Chemoheterotrophs that absorb their food e. Photoheterotrophs that can both make and consume food, depending on environmental conditions.

2. The phyla of kingdom Fungi are distinguished mainly by a. The ploidy of their sexually produced spores b. The ploidy of their mycelium c. The features of their sexual reproductive cycle d. The features of their asexual reproductive cycle e. None of the above

3. Zygosprangium are produced during ______reproduction in phyla Zygomycota a. Sexual b. Asexual

4. Basidiocarps are formed after ______but before ______a. Karyogamy, plasmogamy b. Plasmogamy, karyogamy c. Plasmogamy, formation of zygotes d. Karyogamy, formation of zygotes e. More than one of the above

5. Glomeromycetes have ______relationships with plant roots and are characterized by what structure? a. Ectomycorrhizal, arbuscule b. Endomycorrhizal, haustoria c. Endomycorrhizal, zygosporangium d. Ectomycorrhizal, conidia e. None of the above

6. Members of which of the following phyla of fungi exhibit no sexual reproduction? a. Ascomycota b. Chytridiomycota c. Basidiomycota d. Zygomycota e. None of the above

7. Which of the following correctly describes the formation of spores in each phylum of fungi? a. Ascomycota--8 ascospores/ ascus b. Ascomycota—4 ascospores/ ascus c. Basidiomycota—8 basidiospores/ basidia d. Basidiomycota—4 basidiospores/ basidia e. A & D f. B & C

8. Lichen is formed from a. a symbiotic relationship between a pterophyte and an algae or cyanobacteria b. a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria c. a parasitic relationship between a fungus and a plant d. a parasitic relationship between a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria

Fungi Quiz Answer Key

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. E  both B & C are correct—remember that karyogamy is analogous to fertilization and creates the zygote 5. E  Endomycorrhizal, Arbuscule 6. E  Deuteromycota—members of deuteromycota have not been observed to undergo sexual reproduction 7. E 8. B 1. Which type of reproduction is most common in animals? Which stage of the life cycle is dominant?

2. The oldest known animal fossil is from _____. a) 590 BYA b) 590 MYA c) 530 BYA d) 520 MYA

3. What is the process called when a gastrula that first develops into a larva matures to an adult?

4. Fossils from which type of animal fits in the blank a) 520 MYA – b) 400 MYA – c) 300 MYA – d) 160 MYA – e) 0.2 MYA –

5. Which protist is the most closely related to animals?

6. What are the three categories of animals based on body cavities?

7. What is the difference between a protostome and a deuterstome?

8. What is the unique characteristic of animals in the clade ecdysozoa?

9. What kind of symmetry do you find in sponges? a) Bilateral b) Radial c) Asymmetry d) Circular

10. Why don’t members of the phylum Porifera move? 11. Why don’t sponges develop tissues?

12. True or False, correct false statements. The spongocoel is the body cavity of sponges.

1. What are the three layers of a sponge? a) b) c)

2. How does water flow through a sponge?

3. What are the two components of a sponge skeleton? a) b)

4. What produces the skeleton components of sponges? a) Choanocytes b) Amoebocytes c) Spongocoel d) Both A and B

5. How do sponges eat? How does this benefit the water they live in?

6. What is the similarity between choanocytes and choanoflagellates?

7. Sponges are serial hermaphrodites, what does this mean?

8. Cnidarians are a) Mostly marine and diploblastic b) Mostly marine and triploblastic c) Marine and terrestrial, diploblastic d) Marine and terrestrial, triploblastic

9. What are the five uses/benefits gained from the study of the gene to produces the protein that glows green under UV light? a) b) c) d) e)

10. What are the two body forms that cnidarians can have? a) Coral and Hydra b) Polyp and Hydra c) Medusa and Polyp d) Coral and Medusa

11. True or False, correct false statements. Cnidarians, just like poriferans, do not contain tissues.

12. What is the name of the cell cnidarians have that injects poison? a) Cnidocytes b) Nematocyst c) Choanocytes d) Amoebocytes

13. How do cnidarians feed?

14. What type of skeleton do cnidarians have?

15. Fertilization in cnidarians is a) Internal b) External

16. Where do corals live and who do they have a symbiotic relationship with?

17. Label the two things shown in this picture.

18. When do the corals of the Great Barrier Reef spawn? Why is this?

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