Shaping a New Nation (Chapter 5): Review Sheet

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Shaping a New Nation (Chapter 5): Review Sheet

The Union in Peril (Chapter 10): Review Sheet

Directions: In order to prepare yourself for our upcoming test, utilize your textbook, class notes, and handouts for information to complete this handout.

Part I: Identifications 1. Wilmot Proviso 2. Secession 3. Compromise of 1850 4. Popular Sovereignty 5. Fugitive Slave Act 6. Personal Liberty Laws 7. Underground Railroad 8. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 9. Kansas-Nebraska Act 10. Bleeding Kansas 11. Nativism 12. Know-Nothing Party 13. Free-Soil Party 14. Republican Party 15. Freeport Doctrine 16. Harpers Ferry 17. Confederacy 18. Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 19. Underground Railroad 20. Lecompton 21. Topeka 22. Pottawatomie Massacre 23. Whigs 24. Free Soil 25. Democrat-Republicans 26. Liberty 27. American Party 28. Election of 1856 29. Dred Scott v. Sandford 30. Lincoln-Douglas Debates 31. Harpers Ferry 32. Lecompton Constitution 33. Republican Convention 34. Election of 1860

II. Key Players: 1. Stephen A. Douglas 2. Millard Fillmore 3. John C. Calhoun 4. Harriet Tubman 5. Harriet Beecher Stowe 6. John Brown 7. Franklin Pierce 8. Horace Greeley 9. John C. Fremont 10. James Buchanan 11. Dred Scott 12. Roger B. Taney 13. Abraham Lincoln 14. Jefferson Davis 15. David Wilmot 16. Zachary Taylor 17. Henry Clay 18. James Birney 19. Millard Fillmore 20. Horace Greeley 21. John C. Fremont 22. John Breckinridge 23. John Bell

Part III: Essential Questions: 1. What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850? What were the positions of Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, and William Seward in regard to this compromise? 2. Describe the role of Harriet Tubman and Harriet Beecher Stowe in the abolitionist movement? 3. What were the platforms of the Liberty, Free Soil, Republican, and Know-Nothing Parties? Who were the main leaders involved in each of the above parties? 4. What two positions were presented in the Dred Scott vs. Sandford case? What was the outcome of the case? 5. Who wins the election of 1860? Describe the events that follow the election? How does all this lead to the Civil War?

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