N.B. to Obtain HRN, Multiply LO X FE X DPH X NP

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N.B. to Obtain HRN, Multiply LO X FE X DPH X NP

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Risk assessment sheet No. Env. Sci. 3c Dept./Programme: Science Location: Orgreave Open Cast Coal Mine Site Total Number of Staff/Students: 9 Date and Duration: 28th January 2005 (1-3pm) Specific Area of Risk Assessment: Witness open cast mining and regeneration of derelict land

Nature of hazards 1. Journey: Embark/disembark (Slips, trips and falls) N.B. For outward and return journey. 2. Journey: Minibus (Breakdown – road hazards i.e. Surface, weather, collision, fire). 3. Journey: Minibus involved in an accident (collision – impact, fire). 4. Site tour (Entry & Steps/stairs/lift – Slips, trips and falls) 5. Exiting the site and returning to the bus. (As 1 above) 6. As 2 Above 7. As 3 Above 8. .9.

N.B. To obtain HRN, Multiply LO x FE x DPH x NP Assessment HRN = Hazard Risk Number LO FE DPH NP HRN DEGREE OF RISK (State) 1. 2 0.5 1 4 4 Very low 2. 2 0.5 4 4 16 Significant 3. 2 0.5 15 4 60 High 4. 2 0.5 1 4 4 Very low 5. 2 0.5 1 4 4 Very low 6. 2 0.5 4 4 16 Significant 7. 2 0.5 15 4 60 High 8. 9.

Recommended Safety Controls/Procedures

1. Inform Students with regard to hazards and health & safety actions on the trip, monitor and supervise. 2. Competent minibus driver, mobile phone; first aid kit, fire extinguisher. 3. As 2 above (Students to leave the bus and move away from road/hard shoulder; monitor & supervise. 4. Advise students before entering site. Monitor and supervise. 5. Advise students before leaving site. Monitor and supervise. 6. As 2 Above 7. As 3 Above 8. 9.

Assessment carried out by: Dawn Windley Position: Team Leader Earth Science

Signature: Date: 20/12/04

Are other Which type: types of YES DSE, COSHH, FIRE, To be conducted by: assessment MANUAL HANDLING, OTHER? required? NO (Circle) (circle Page 2 of 2

LO Likelihood of Occurrence Frequency of Exposure

0 Impossible cannot happen 0.2 Infrequently 0.2 Highly unlikely possible in extreme circumstances 0.5 Annually 0.5 Improbable though conceivable 1 Monthly 1 Unlikely but could occur 1.5 Weekly 2 Possible but unusual 2.5 Daily 5 Even chance could happen 4 Hourly 8 Probable not surprised 5 Constantly 10 Likely to be expected 15 Certain no doubt

DPH Degree of Possible Harm NP Number of Persons at risk

0.2 Scratch/bruise/Bumps 1 1-2 persons 0.5 Laceration/Sprains/Strains/Minor Burns/mild ill 2 3-7 persons health effect. 4 8-15 persons 1 Break - minor bone or minor illness (temporary 8 16-50 persons 2 Break - major bone/Burns/Scalding or minor illness 12 50+ persons (permanent) 4 Loss of 1 Limb I eye or serious illness (temporary) 8 Loss of 2 limbs/eyes or serious illness (permanent) 15 Fatality

Risk Acceptable Very Low Significant High Very high Extreme Unacceptable low HRN 0-1 1-5 5-10 10-50 50-100 100-500 500-1000 1000+ (Hazard Risk Number)

Comments: I will convey the requirements to staff and students and advise them of our future trip and the health and safety requirements. N.B. In the event of a fire/evacuation staff and students will stay together and evacuate as per the Site work’s health and safety procedures.

Review Date: 20th December 2005

Review Date:

Or in the event of: (a) If the existing assessment fails to achieve it’s intended purpose and/or (b) If there are any major or substantial changes to one or all of the four risk factors (LO, FE, DPH, NP)


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