Terms List 1930’s

1920’s into 1930’s

1. Black Thursday thru Black Tuesday (F) 2. Pooling – concerning stocks (K) 3. Buying on Margin – concerning stocks (K) 4. Insider Information – concerning stocks (K) 5. Herbert Hoover – election of 1928 (K) 6. Rugged Individualism (F) 7. Hooverville (F) 8. Bonus Army (F) 9. Agricultural Marketing Act (K) 10. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (K) 11. Hawley-Smoot Tariff (F)


12. FDR – election of 1932 (F) 13. FDR’s 100 days (F) 14. Fireside Chats (F) 15. New Deal (F) 16. Brain Trust – concerning FDR (K) 17. Emergency Banking Relief Act and Bank Holidays (F) 18. Glass-Steagall Act (F) 19. Federal Deposit Insurance Co. FDIC (F) 20. National Industrial Recovery Act NIRA (F) 21. National Industrial Recovery Administration (K) 22. Agricultural Adjustment Act AAA (F) 23. Civilian Conservation Corps. CCC (F) 24. Federal Emergency Relief Act FERA (F) 25. Public Works Administration PWA (F) 26. Works Progress Administration WPA (F) 27. Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (K) 28. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC (F) 29. Tennessee Valley Authority TVA (F) 30. National Labor Relations Board (K) 31. Wagner Act (F) 32. Fair Labor Standards Act (F) 33. Beer and Wine Act (F) 34. Social Security Act (F)

1930’s Other

35. Butler v US (F) 36. Schechter v US (F) 37. Court Packing – FDR’s context (F) 38. John Maynard Keynes and Keynesian Economics (F) 39. Deficit Spending (F) 40. Oakies (F) 41. Dust Bowl (F) 42. John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath (F) 43. Gone with the Wind (K) 44. Adolf Hitler / Der Führer (F) 45. Benito Mussolini / Il Duce (F) 46. Joseph Stalin / Man of Steel (F) 47. Hirohito and Tojo / Japan (F) 48. Fascism (F) 49. Soviet Union / CCCP (F)

How do these political cartoons address FDR’s presidency and his New Deal, favorably, or not and why? You may have to enlarge the images to read all the text!