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Course Outline for Engineering 43, Page 6

Chabot College Fall 2005 Replaced Fall 2010 Course Outline for Engineering 43 ENGINEERING CIRCUIT ANALYSIS

Catalog Description:

43 – Engineering Circuit Analysis 4 units

Introduction to basic electrical circuit analysis. DC and AC circuit analysis methods, network theorems, voltage and current sources, resistors, operational amplifiers, capacitors and inductors. Natural and complete response of first and second order circuits. Steady-state sinusoidal circuit analysis, and power calculations. Basic instruments, and experimental techniques in Electrical Engineering: DC current/voltage supplies, analog/digital multiple-use meters, oscilloscopes, AC function generators. Measurements of resistance, inductance, capacitance, voltage, current, and frequency response, Prerequisites: Physics 4A and Engineering 25 (both completed with a grade of "C" or higher). Strongly recommended: Physics 4B (concurrent enrollment encouraged). (Formerly Engineering 44.) 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. [Typical contact hours: lecture 52.5, laboratory 52.5]

Prerequisite Skills:

Before entering the course the student should be able to: 1. analyze engineering/science word problems to formulate a mathematical model of the problem; 2. express in MATLAB notation: scalars, vectors, matrices; 3. perform, using MATLAB or EXCEL, mathematical operations on vectors, scalars, and matrices a. addition and subtraction b. multiplication and addition c. exponentiation; 4. compute, using MATLAB or EXCEL, the numerical-value of standard mathematical functions a. trigonometric functions b. exponential functions c. square-roots and absolute values 5. import data to MATLAB for subsequent analysis from data-sources a. data-acquisition-system data-files b. spreadsheet files; 6. construct graphical plots for mathematical-functions in two or three dimensions; 7. formulate a fit to given data in terms of a mathematical curve, or model, based on linear, polynomial, power, or exponential functions a. assess the goodness-of-fit for the mathematical model using regression analysis; 8. apply MATLAB to find the numerical solution to systems of linear equations a. uniquely determined b. underdetermined c. overdetermined; 9. perform using MATLAB or EXCEL statistical analysis of experimental data to determine the mean, median, standard deviation, and other measures that characterize the nature of the data ; 10. computer, for empirical or functional data, numerical definite-integrals and discrete-point derivatives 11. solve numerically, using MATLAB, linear, second order, constant-coefficient, nonhomogenous ordinary differential equations; 12. assess, symbolically, using MATLAB a. the solution to transcendental equations b. derivatives, antiderivatives, and integrals c. solutions to ordinary differential equations; 13. apply, using EXCEL, linear regression analysis to xy data-sets to determine for the best-fit line the: slope, intercept, and correlation-coefficient; 14. draw using MATLAB or EXCEL two-dimensional Cartesian (xy) line-plots with multiple data-sets (multiple lines); Chabot College Course Outline for Engineering 43, Page 2 Fall 2005

15. draw using EXCEL qualitative-comparison charts such as Bar-Charts and Column-Charts in two or three dimensions; 16. perform, using MATLAB and EXCEL, mathematical-logic operations 17. compose EXCEL Visual-Basic MACRO programs/functions to automate repetitive spreadsheet tasks. 18. analyze and solve a variety of problems often using calculus in topics such as: a. addition, subtraction, dot product and cross product of vectors; b. linear and rotational kinematics; c. dynamics; d. momentum; e. work, kinetic energy, and potential energy; f. rotational kinematics and dynamics; g. statics; h. gravitation; i. fluids; j. waves; 19. operate standard laboratory equipment; 20. analyze laboratory data; 21. write comprehensive laboratory reports.

Expected Outcome for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. explain and apply the passive sign convention for current and voltage polarities; 2. describe and illustrate the operation of independent and dependent current/voltage sources; 3. state Ohm’s law of electrical resistance; 4. define Kirchoff’s Current Law of charge conservation; 5. define Kirchoff’s Voltage Law of energy conservation; 6. draw linear-circuit diagrams; 7. apply nodal analysis to solve linear-circuit problems for node voltages; 8. apply loop/mesh analysis to solve linear-circuit problems for branch currents; 9. list the characteristics of ideal operational amplifiers 10. solve Ideal operational amplifier circuits for the output-voltage and/or output-gain; 11. employ source-superposition to solve linear-circuit problems for an output-voltage or output-current 12. state the theorems of Thévenin and Norton; 13. evaluate linear-circuits to construct the Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits; 14. apply the theorems of Norton and Thévenin to solve linear-circuit problems for an output-voltage or output-current; 15. assess using the theorems of Norton and Thévenin the exact circuit-load required for maximum power transfer to the load 16. state the mathematical model for the ideal capacitor 17. state the mathematical model for the ideal inductor 18. formulate the circuit equivalents for resistors/capacitors/inductors combined in series or parallel connections 19. evaluate the circuit response for first and second order, time variant linear circuits, and produce a mathematical model for the transient response 20. recall the proper mathematical form of a sinusoid 21. express the phasor form of a steady-state sinusoidal voltage or current 22. compute the frequency dependent value of the impedance for a capacitor or inductor 23. solve steady-state sinusoidal linear circuits in the frequency domain for the phasor output-current or phasor output-voltage 24. construct time-domain currents/voltages from the frequency-domain version of the same quantity 25. use Faraday’s and Ampere’s laws to solve mutually inductive circuits for output voltages/currents 26. apply the ideal transformer model to solve mutually inductive circuits for output voltages/currents 27. perform power analyses for steady-state sinusoidal circuits; Chabot College Course Outline for Engineering 43, Page 3 Fall 2005

28. operate standard electrical-engineering laboratory equipment to characterize the operation of linear circuits a. oscilloscope b. function generator c. dc power supply d. analog volt-ohm-amp meter (VOAM) e. digital multi-meter (DMM) f. basic circuit components, such as: 1) circuit board (bread board) 2) resistor 3) capacitor 4) inductor 29. function with increased independence in laboratory, without extensive input on the part of the instructor: assemble and perform the experiments based on the instructions in the laboratory sheets, analyze laboratory data and present experimental results.

Course Content:

1. Basic quantities for electrical circuits: charge/current, potential 2. Linear circuits a. defined by the principle of superposition b. circuit diagrams 1) nodes 2) branches 3) components 3. Circuit power balance: [power-dissipated] = [power-supplied] 4. Active Sources a. dependent current and voltage sources 5. Passive Sign Conventions for current-direction vs. voltage-drop 6. Resistors a. mathematical model: v = ri (Ohm’s Law) b. series and parallel combinations 7. Kirchoff’s conservation laws for a. charge/current b. energy/voltage 8. Node analysis for unknown voltages using Kirchoff’s current Law a. analytical solutions b. numerical analysis using MATLAB 9. Loop analysis for unknown currents using Kirchoff’s voltage law a. analytical solutions b. numerical analysis using MATLAB 10. Ideal Operational Amplifier (OpAmp) circuit model a. Infinite input resistance b. Infinite voltage gain c. zero output resistance 11. Superposition of independent voltage and current sources 12. Thevenin’s theorem for an equivalent circuit consisting of a. an independent voltage source b. a series resistance 13. Norton’s theorem for an equivalent consisting of a. an independent current source b. a parallel resistance 14. Maximum Load-Power Transfer analysis using Thevenin’s or Norton’s theorem 15. Capacitors a. mathematical model: i = Cdv/dt Chabot College Course Outline for Engineering 43, Page 4 Fall 2005

b. series and parallel combinations 16. Inductors a. mathematical model: v = Ldi/dt b. series and parallel combinations 17. Operational amplifier resistor-capacitor circuits: a. ideal integrator b. ideal differentiator 18. Linear circuit transient response: a. first order: exponential rise or decay b. second order 1) over damped 2) critically damped 3) under damped c. numerical analysis using MATLAB 19. AC steady state circuit analysis: a. review of sinusoids b. phasor notation for currents and voltages 1) magnitude 2) phase angle c. impedance and admittance d. circuit diagrams in the frequency (phasor) domain e. circuit analysis in the frequency (phasor) domain 1) nodal 2) loop 3) superposition 4) thevenin 5) norton f. numerical analysis using MATLAB 20. Magnetically coupled networks: a. mutual inductance by Ampere’s and Faraday’s laws b. energy analysis c. current/voltage changes using the ideal transformer model 21. Steady-State power analysis: a. calculating average power b. maximum average-power transfer to a load c. effective, or RMS, values for current and voltage d. power-factor and phase-angle e. complex power, S 1) real (average) power, P 2) reactive power’s, Q f. single-phase, 3-wire circuits 22. Laboratory exercises to reinforce the concepts of linear circuit analysis a. Construct circuits using basic components, such as: 1) circuit board (bread board) 2) resistors 3) capacitors 4) inductors 5) cables, leads, and jumper-wires b. operate standard electrical engineering instruments: 1) oscilloscope 2) function generator 3) dc power supply 4) analog volt-ohm-amp meter (VOAM) 5) digital multi-meter (DMM) Chabot College Course Outline for Engineering 43, Page 5 Fall 2005

Methods of Presentation:

1. Formal lectures using PowerPoint and/or WhiteBoard presentations 2. Laboratory demonstrations 3. Computer demonstrations 4. Class discussion of problems, solutions and student’s questions

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1. Typical Assignments a. Read chapter-7 in the text on the phasor-domain analysis of sinusoidal steady-state circuits b. Complete exercises from the text book, or those created by the instructor 1) Use both nodal analysis and mesh analysis to find Vo in the circuit shown below.


12mA 6K

+ +

V 8K V 12K X O 4K - -

2) Find vC(t) and iL(t) for t > 0 in the circuit shown below.

t = 0 i (t) + L

1A 8 0.04F vc (t) 1H -

3) Find the output voltage for the ideal operational amplifier circuit shown in the diagram below

40 k 5 k

+ 5 V 5 k Vo 4 V 20 k  Chabot College Course Outline for Engineering 43, Page 6 Fall 2005

4) Conduct the Laboratory Exercise on Thevenin equivalent Circuits as described in the laboratory instructions. Assemble the circuit, and then use the voltage-supply and digital multimeter to determine the Thévenin resistance by short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage, and by source deactivation.

2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Weekly Homework Assignments b. Weekly Hands-on Laboratory Exercises c. Practical Laboratory Examination d. Written Examinations e. Written Final Examination

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 8th Edition, J. David Irwin, John Wiley, 2005

Electric Circuits, 7/E, James W. Nilsson, Susan Riedel, Prentice Hall, 2005

Introduction to Electric Circuits, 6th Edition, Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda, John Wiley, 2003

Introductory Circuit Analysis, 10/E, Robert L. Boylestad, Prentice Hall, 2003

Laboratory Manual, 10/E, Robert L. Boylestad, Prentice Hall, 2003

Electric Circuits Revised And Pspice Supplement Package, 6/E, James W. Nilsson, Susan Riedel, Prentice Hall, 2002

Special Student Materials:

1. MATLAB software, student version

Bruce Mayer, PE • 0fa84bc0e31ff8a66090819465c7fa11.doc New PHYS4B, ENGR25 Pre Reqs, Updated content, Renumber from ENGR 44 Jul04

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