NOCC Workshop Proposal

Workshop proposal details:  We anticipate funding of 5-10 proposals with a maximum of $20,000 per proposal.  Proposals will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until available funding has been exhausted. For inquiries of available funding, contact [email protected]  Instructions, application cover page and proposal template are provided below

 Submit proposals to: [email protected]

 For questions, contact the NOCC chairs at the contact information listed below.

 Proposals will be reviewed by a transatlantic panel based on the following criteria:

 Likelihood for kick-starting new transatlantic collaboration/interactions  Workshop topic is of significance to the strategic priorities of UiO, NMBU and UM  Workshop has a clear purpose and objective(s)  Workshop format is well-thought out, dynamic, engages the participants and supports building of new networks and communities  Workshop organization (leadership, participants, logistics, timeline etc.) is well- planned

1 This form must be completed in its entirety and submitted electronically along with the proposal description and other supplements described under VI to the NOCC chair at [email protected]. Workshop Title: (255 characters or less)

NOCC Focus Area (check one)

☐Robotics & advanced manufacturing ☐Solutions to environmental challenges ☐Food safety & security (incl. agriculture, aquaculture) ☐Discoveries and treatments for brain conditions ☐Sustainable energy systems ☐Bio-economy and bio-manufacturing ☐Informatics & computation in biomedical research (Big Data) ☐Global and One-Health ☐Innovation in teaching and learning ☐Innovation and entrepreneurship ☐Life science for health and innovation ☐Other(Specify)______

$ Amount requested Location Proposed dates (duration)

Organizers* Name Dept. and Institution Email Chairs


* Transatlantic workshop proposals must have one Chair from Minnesota (UMN) and one from Norway (UiO or NMBU) and may have additional Co-chairs

Approx. number of participants:______

2 Workshop Executive Summary (250 Words or Less, Non-technical language for Communication)

3 NOCC Workshop Proposal Template

Note: I-V shall not exceed 5 pages!

I. Objectives and Goals of Workshop


 objectives and goals of the Workshop

 timeliness of the workshop topic and its relation to the strategic areas identified by the NOCC program

 how this workshop will foster new collaborations/activities between the UMN and NMBU and UiO

Provide a justification for workshop venue (Minnesota or Norway) and duration.

II. Workshop topics and organization

Provide a detailed outline of the topics (draft workshop schedule), organization and format of the proposed workshop. Provide a task timeline for workshop organization and roles of the Chair and Co- chair(s).

III. Participants

Describe who will be invited to participate in the workshop, their professional affiliation and their contributions to the outcomes of the workshop. Participation of students and junior researchers (postdocs) is strongly encouraged.

IV. Specific Outcomes

Describe specific outcomes from the workshop: white papers for research projects, plans for securing project funding etc.

4 V. Budget

Expense Description/Justification Unit Cost Total For example: Travel allowance/participant Describe how the requested funds will be used.

Food allowance/participant

Total Costs Provide an itemized budget with a list of anticipated expenses and a description/justification for each expense. Use table template provided, add rows as needed.

VI. Supplemental if applicable

VI.a References/Bibliography if applicable

VI.b Biosketches of Chair and Co-Chairs

VII.b Letters if applicable