IB Standard Level Mathematics
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IB Standard Level Mathematics 2017-2019
Teacher: Miss Katie Jacobs School Phone: 423-238-5221 ext 2319 Room: 1G Plan: 4th Block, 12:45 – 2:15 Email: [email protected] Course Fee: TBD
Course Description: The IB DP standard level mathematics course focuses on developing important mathematical concepts in a comprehensible, coherent and rigorous way, achieved by a carefully balanced approach. Students are encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve problems set in a variety of meaningful contexts. Development of each topic should feature justification and proof of results. Students should expect to develop insight into mathematical form and structure, and should be intellectually equipped to appreciate the links between concepts in different topic areas. They are also encouraged to develop the skills needed to continue their mathematical growth in other learning environments.
Internationalism is a major component of the IB curriculum. To help students appreciate the cultural and historical perspectives of math, we will discuss relevant issues, background information and mathematicians as opportunities come up.
I. Texts: Mathematics for the International Student Mathematics SL, 3 rd Edition, Haese
II. Materials
Notebook (1-2” loose leaf binder) Notebook Dividers Pencils, pens, highlighters Calculator (TI-84 is preferred) Straightedge/Ruler (optional) Loose Leaf and Graph Paper
III. Course Content
1. Functions (Quads, Exp, Log, Transformations) 6. Descriptive Statistics & Linear Modelling 2. Sequences & Series, Binomial Expansion 7. Probability 3. Unit circle & Radian measure, Triangle Trigonometry 8. Differential Calculus 4. Trigonometric Functions & Identities 9. Integration & Applications 5. Vectors & Vector Applications 10. Distributions of Random Variables
IV. Grades
A. i. Daily Assignments………………………………………………………………………………………………75% of final grade Daily Warm Ups ………………………………………………………………………………………………10 points each Problem Solving Sets………………………………………………………………………………………10 points each Unit Quizzes ………………………………………………………………………….………………………10+ points each Unit Tests………………………….……………………………………………………………………………100 points each Cumulative/Midterm Exams………………………………………………………………………..100 points each Miscellaneous (classwork, boardwork, group tasks, etc).………………..………1+ points each
ii. Final Exam (year 1 only)………………………………………………………………….…………………25% of final grade
B. Grading Scale: 93 – 100% A 85 – 92% B 75 – 84% C 70 – 74% D Below 70% F
V. Notebook (suggested organization)
In the front: Syllabus Section 1: Notes and reference sheets Section 2: Homework including CW/HW handouts Section 3: Miscellaneous VI. Homework Policy
A. There will be an assignment that corresponds to each class period we meet. B. Students will be held accountable for each assignment by a variety of methods (boardwork, group sharing, etc) C. Students should spend between 30 and 60 minutes completing assigned problems D. Assignments should include reading, studying, vocabulary, and practice
You can expect daily assignments to be completed the following class period unless otherwise stated. To be considered “complete”, you must have the following for each problem:
1. a figure or graph drawn, when appropriate 2. work shown to determine your solution 3. a solution for the problem (provide context given a “real world” problem) 4. justification, when appropriate
*Homework will be graded on accuracy with homework quizzes every week or biweekly. It is imperative you complete each assignment and are active in homework discussions daily.
VII. Make Up Work/Extra Help/Friday Club
It is the student’s responsibility to ask about any work missed (handouts, quizzes, tests, etc.) and make arrangements for completing it.
Extra help is available after school as needed. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help. I am here for YOU!
FRIDAY CLUB is available for the purposes of additional (and sometimes mandatory) practice including correcting quizzes, correcting tests, completing extra credit assignments, math contest preparation, and general merriment. Food and drink is available if you bring it.
VIII. Classroom Policies and Procedures
A. Be respectful to your classmates, classroom, and your teacher 1. Remain quiet when others are speaking 2. Raise your hand if you wish to share an answer or comment 3. Respect others’ belongings a. furniture and other classroom items (you may have noticed I like things clean…) b. teacher materials c. classmate materials 4. Be positive and encourage each other when appropriate 5. Complete assigned problems
B. Bring all materials to class………this includes book, pencil, calculator, paper, homework, etc
C. Be on time
D. Be prepared to work (and have fun) 1. Pencil/paper/calculator/homework ready 2. Attentive
E. CELL PHONES should remain put away unless otherwise stated. We will utilize the internet occasionally for the purposes of investigation/tutorial/exploration.
F. Challenge yourself. It’s ok to feel awkward and uncomfortable…it’s how you respond that matters!!
Consequences a. Warning (repeated warnings on successive days may lead immediately to the next level) for Misbehavior: b. 30 minutes before or after school with Miss Jacobs/Parent Contact c. 1 hour detention with Miss Jacobs/Parent Contact d. Office Referral (ISS, OSS, …)