Aspire, Endeavour, Achieve Dear Parent/Carer

The ‘FILMCLUB’, running in the LRC (Library) at lunchtimes and Fridays after school as part of the Meteor Club has had a very exciting fourth year. It has had lots of new members join and some members have won prizes for writing a number of reviews in one week. We have also taken part in a live webcam interview with George Mackay, an actor from Warhorse and Private Peaceful, for which one of our student’s questions were used.

Our club aims to make a wide range of films available to young people which challenge, unite, educate, amaze and inspire them, all watched in a safe, happy and structured setting. Students have the opportunity to explore the wonderful world of film and use the ‘FILMCLUB’ website to search for the films they would like to watch, submit reviews and enter exciting competitions.

‘ FILMCLUB’ is a Government funded school activity and, as part of their work, they sometimes film the club, interview the students and publish video material on their website. Occasionally there may be ‘out of organisation’ film crews filming or local/national press taking photographs to show how successful the club is. To enable your child to be involved, please give permission overleaf, in the event that this may happen.

The Club shows U, PG, and 12/12A certificates only and your permission to watch a 12 and 12A film is required for Year 7 students.

Once we have received the permission slip your child will be issued with a membership card and registered on the FILMCLUB website to enable them to submit reviews of films that we watch.

Students can come along and watch a film without being a member to start with, unless permission for a 12 is required, to see what we have to offer and how being a member will benefit them.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mrs T Parker ‘Filmclub’ and ‘Meteor’ After School Club Co-ordinator I am happy for my child to: Principal: Mrs C Franceschi BA (HONS), NPQH Vice Principal: Mr A Osborne BA (HONS), MA Mark Hall Academy, First Avenue, Harlow, Essex, CM17 9LR T: 01279 866 280 F: 01279 866 286 E: [email protected] W:  take part in FILMCLUB.  be filmed and photographed with the view that the footage may be used in the future for the FILMCLUB’s own website and regional/national press.  watch 12 and 12A certified films.  take part in FILMCLUB trips, should the school club earn a reward; (we will of course let you know the details of any trips before they happen).  participate in logging on to the FILMCLUB website to research film and write their reviews of films watched.  participate in visits to the school from FILMCLUB guests such as writers, directors and actors to take part in question and answer sessions.  purchase popcorn for a minimal charge of 20p during the film (Friday sessions only)

I understand the film classification categories and agree to all of the details given.



SIGNATURE ______DATE ______



