Informative Speech (concept)

General Purpose: To inform my audience about a concept

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the concept of libertarianism

Thesis Statement: Libertarianism is based upon the principles of individualism and limited government power.


I. Attention Getter: Ask yourself what the role of government in a perfect world should be.

II. Thesis Statement/Introduce Topic: The political philosophy known as libertarianism believes that individuals should be responsible for a lot of their own needs, while the government should have a limited role.

III. Credibility Statement: I am a registered libertarian, and have always been fascinated with the role of government in our daily lives, so I went and spent the last few weeks researching this political philosophy.

IV. Preview: Today, I would like to share with you what the central tenets of libertarianism are.

A. Libertarians believe that each individual should be able to do as he or she desires as long as those action do no harm to others.

B. Libertarians also believe that the current government has powers not granted it by the Unites States Constitution.

[Transition: To completely understand why libertarians believe that about out government, we need to first examine their philosophy and priorities.]

I. Main Point: Libertarians believe that individuals should be able to do what they want if it does not infringe on others rights and/or cause harm to others.

A. Sub-point: www.dictionary.com defines libertarianism in several ways.

1. Sub-sub-point: First, a libertarian is “a person who advocates liberty, esp. with regard to thought or conduct” (see: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/libertarianism). 2

2. Sub-sub-point: They are also defined as “a person who maintains the doctrine of free will” (see: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/libertarianism).

3. Sub-sub-point: Libertarians are people “advocating liberty or conforming to principles of liberty” (see: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/libertarianism).

B. Sub-point: Some quotes from www.libertariansim.com shed light on what libertarians think their philosophy is:

1. Sub-sub-point: Sharon Harris, the president of Advocates for Self-Government feels that: “Libertarians believe that each person owns his own life and property, and has the right to make his own choices as to how he lives his life - as long as he simply respects the same right of others to do the same" (“Libertarianism.com,” par. 2).

2. Sub-sub-point: Carol Rand, who is on the Board of Directors of Advocates for Self-Government believes that: “Libertarians are self-governors in both personal and economic matters. They believe governments only purpose is to protect people from coercion and violence. Libertarians value individual responsibility, and tolerate economic and social diversity” (“Libertarianism.com,” par. 10).

C. Sub-point: Without taking a position let’s look at some of the ramifications of what society might look like if libertarians held power.

1. Sub-sub-point: Growing, smoking, and selling marijuana would be allowed without any penalty.

2. Sub-sub-point: Any person could legally give business to a prostitute or become a prostitute.

3. Sub-sub-point: Taxes would be much lower because the government would not require as much control over daily life.

[Transition: You may be asking, what then do libertarians believe the government should be doing?]

II. Main Point: Libertarian philosophy believes that the government should be minimally involved in our lives. 3

A. Sub-point: Libertarians think that government, by nature, is a dangerous tool so they want it limited and divided.

B. Sub-point: Libertarians believe that government’s role is to protect life, liberty, and property, something the US government, in their opinion, does not do.

1. Sub-sub-point: They say the Internal Revenue Service seizes money, and money is property.

2. Sub-sub-point: The government takes money from some people and distributes it to others through welfare programs, Medicare and public education.

[Transition: Have a conversation with a true libertarian and he or she will tell you that government is the only body who can seize property legally at the point of a gun barrel.]


I. Signpost: In summary, libertarians believe that government should have very limited power.

II. Summary : Libertarians believe that you should be able to do anything you desire as long as you don’t harm another person or trample on the rights of other individuals.

A. They also believe that government has grown beyond its need and has too much power.

B. Libertarianism is based upon the principles of individualism and limited government power.

III. Clincher: To quote Dr. Kenneth Bisson: "Libertarianism is what your mom taught you: behave yourself and don't hit your sister" (“Libertarianism.com,” par. 4). 4


“Libertarianism.” (nd). Retrieved on: November 4, 2009. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/libertarianism.

“Libertarianism.com.” (nd). Retrieved on: November 4, 2009. http://www.libertarianism.com/definitions.htm.