Arroyo Grande High School
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Classroom Expectations and Grading Procedures Arroyo Grande High School 2015/2016
Ms. Lahr Pre-AP English 9 [email protected]
Welcome to Pre-AP English 9. This class is designed for highly motivated students who wish to benefit from the challenge of an intellectually stimulating and academically rigorous curriculum. We have several major objectives for this school year: examining literature with consideration for historical context, writing effective and polished essays, analyzing the literary techniques utilized by authors, and expanding vocabulary to clarify written and verbal expression. Ultimately, this course is designed to prepare you to participate in the four-year Advanced Placement program.
Please feel free to contact me anytime throughout the year to discuss individual academic performance, progress, or any concerns you may have. I am available to meet before and after school, and during lunch. Email is the best way to reach me outside of school hours. Again, I am looking forward to an interesting, fun, and challenging year and will do all I can to ensure everyone in my class can achieve his or her very best.
Please be sure to keep this handout so you may refer back to it as needed. You are responsible for being familiar with this information.
Required materials: Every day you are expected to bring to class:
College-ruled, loose-leaf binder paper A separate, soft-covered composition book (100 Blue or black ballpoint pens pages / Single Subject / College Ruled) Red ballpoint pens current novel, play, or assigned text Pencil Post-it notes (large or small) English binder (or section of a binder) with 4 tabs: Highlighters o Vocabulary Planner / Calendar o Notes o Classwork/Homework o Graded assignments Failure to bring your book is considered the same as failure to do an assignment, as there is no sharing. Points will be docked accordingly from that day’s participation points. Expectations The most important rule in this classroom is to show respect to yourself, your peers, and me. Much of this class will be discussion-based; since your participation demonstrates your critical thinking and understanding of a piece of literature, your contributions will be factored into your participation grade. Rudeness will not be tolerated. Homework Homework is due at the beginning of class on the following day and students are required to spend additional time reading and studying each week. Homework that is not your own will not be accepted. In other words, do not cheat. Occasionally, we will have opportunities to collaborate in class; these times will be clearly defined. Do your best, always, and learn from any errors you might have made. Additionally, cheating / plagiarism may result in expulsion from the AP program. When using scholarly materials in your research, always note the source. Grading policy Each student begins the year with 100%. Grades will not be weighted, as assignments are given point values equivalent to their importance. For example, projects and writing assessments will be given a high point value, resulting in a significant influence on your final grade. Please keep all graded assignments and check them against posted grades to ensure accuracy. You may check your grades on the AGHS Homelink, and I will also post periodic progress reports. In order to participate in the advanced placement program, students must maintain a B- or higher, as measured by semester grades. Grades below 80% will be evaluated on an individual basis, but could result in removal from the AP program. Work that constitutes a component of a progressive assignment is stamped for completion on the due date, but collected at the conclusion of the project. A specific date for collection will be established and must be met. Notebooks will be collected at least once per quarter.
Remember, anything covered in class, whether oral, written, or read, can and will be on quizzes or examinations. Therefore, keep all xeroxed materials, past assignments, quizzes, tests, handouts, essays, and notes from class in your English binder. Do not throw anything away! I do not offer much extra credit, so do not plan on many extra credit opportunities to artificially inflate your true grade. Educational Films Occasionally we will watch films in class which either correspond to literature or help illuminate a text or author’s historical background. All will have educational value and only films and clips with ratings of PG– 13 or lower will be shown:
o Adaptations of Romeo and Juliet o “The Odyssey”, animated movie
o “To Kill a Mockingbird” o “Cyrano de Bergerac”
o Clips from “The Incredibles” and “The Lego o Author biographies, interviews, and historical Movie” during our study of satire documentaries
All of these presentations will be discussed in a mature, thoughtful manner, and in conjunction with our curriculum. By signing the class syllabus, consent is being given in advance for the viewing of these films. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Please note that the potential inclusion of these films is dependent on time constraints.
Tardies This class will follow the school’s tardy policy with one addition: a student is considered tardy if he or she is not sitting in his or her own assigned seat when the bell rings. An accurate count of tardies is kept in the on- line attendance system. Consistent tardies will be considered defiance and will be handled accordingly, as will all other behavioral issues. Absences If you are absent from this class for any reason, be sure to see me before or after class, or speak with a fellow student to find out what assignments were missed. Please note that you are still held accountable for material covered while you were gone, and the responsibility of making up missed assignments lies with you. You will have the same number of days as the length of your absence to make up the work, if you have an excused absence. If you will be absent for more than two days, I recommend emailing me directly to keep up to date. If you miss a timed write, exam, or other in-class assessment, you must schedule a time with me during lunch or before / after school to make up the work. Should you miss a test or quiz of short duration, you are expected to be able to make-up that test during lunch on the next school day. Vacations Absences due to Extracurricular Activities If you and your family are going on a vacation If you will miss class due to an extracurricular while school is in session, you must inform me of which activity, you are required to come by the classroom school days you will miss with advance notice of at earlier in the day to pick-up homework assignments least three days prior to your departure. I also and submit work that is due that day. Since no encourage you to remain in contact with me via email. additional time will be given for completing and submitting work, failure to fulfill this responsibility will result in reduced, "late work" scores. Passes Each student will receive one pass from class per semester. This pass may be used to go get your English book, use the restroom, or get a drink of water. Please use your one free pass wisely. Emergencies or being called to the office do not count against your free pass. Unused passes will be collected at the end of each semester and will count as extra credit. Electronics Food As per the school handbook, cell phones and Students are permitted to eat and drink in this ipods may not be out or visible in this class. As long as our classroom remains clean, classroom. If used, these devices will be you will keep this privilege. Likewise, confiscated and your parent or guardian may students may chew gum during class, as long pick them up from the front office. as it does not become a distraction and is disposed of appropriately. However, it only takes one student to ruin this privilege, so please be tidy. Be Your Own Advocate You are expected and encouraged to seek individual help. Please do not allow yourself to suffer in a state of confusion, panic, or angst. My goal is to help each student succeed in this class, but it is your responsibility to ask when you have questions. I look forward to working with you this year. Please sign and return the syllabus to me by Tuesday, August 25, 2015, for the full credit of ten points. On Wednesday, August 26, 2015, you will only earn five points of the ten points possible. I have read and understood the standards and expectations of this syllabus / contract. I recognize my responsibility in meeting and abiding by these terms.
______ Student Signature
I have read the above information and discussed it with my child. In addition, I consent to the potential viewing of the films listed on page 2 of this syllabus.
______ Parent Signature