Mid-State Special Educaiton s1
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Chairperson, Ms. Barb Shute called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Mid-State Special Education Office in Morrisonville, Illinois.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau, Taylorville; Ms. Lynda Irvin, Edinburg; Dr. David Lett, Pana; Mr. Scott Doerr, Nokomis; Mr. Jeff Strieker, Bond County; Mr. Rich Well, Vandalia; Ms. Barb Shute, Ramsey; Mr. Mike Kelly, Carlinville; Mr. David Powell, Hillsboro; Mr. Chad Allison, Litchfield.
PRESENTATION OF PROXIES: Mr. David Powell, Hillsboro, for Ms. Connie Woods, Panhandle.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Wes Wells, Morrisonville; Mr. Bob Pritchett, South Fork; Mr. Mike Gauch, Mulberry Grove; Mr. Doug Slover, Brownstown; Ms. Deb Philpot, St. Elmo; Ms. Connie Woods, Panhandle.
OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Alison Boutcher, Director; Brenda Patrick, Assistant Director Christian Region; Ms. Angie Armour, Assistant Director Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region; and Ms. Tammy Hadley, Secretary/Recorder. Visitor: Ms. Crystal Lawler, Program Coordinator Bond/Fayette Region.
CONSENT AGENDA: Presented for review and approval: Regular Session and Executive Session Minutes from March 22, 2011. Recommendation for destruction of Executive Session audio recordings older than 24 months (none to destroy). Payables list for April totaling $412,012.44. Statement of Position – as of March 31, 2011, the fund balance for MSSE was $579,392.81. Receipts vs. Expenditures – Ms. Boutcher presented the April receipts vs. expenditures.
Motion to approve all items on the consent agenda: Mr. Kelly; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: State Performance Plan Indicators – Ms. Boutcher reported on letters from ISBE regarding districts’ status on Indicators 9, 10, 15, 20 and IDEA Part B Audit Findings. All but one district received the designation of Meets Requirements. The one district that received a rating of Needs Intervention in regards to Indicator 4 data reporting was due to an unexplainable SIS reporting error. After some research, it was found that ISBE was looking at a SIS report that indicated a student had an IEP and had been expelled,
03fe5a7d17f488e3a7fcccc2edd8ca8b.doc and didn’t indicate services being reported. Neither our entry data, nor the district entry data showed this student as having an IEP, but somewhere in ISBE’s data, there is a record showing this student with an IEP.
OT Services – Ms. Boutcher explained the need for increased OT services for next year, particularly in Christian Region for COTA services. She will contract with Therakids to provide these services in Christian Region. Additionally, Ms. Boutcher explained that she will contract with Rochester School District for the services of our Registered Occupational Therapist, Peggy Games. Rochester employs an OT assistant, but has been unable to find a Registered Occupational Therapist to supervise and do their evaluations/IEP meetings. Peggy will provide these services one day per week and the charge to Rochester will offset the additional contract services with Therakids.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Press Plus Policy Updates – 2nd Reading and approval – Ms. Boutcher reviewed the recommendations of the Policy Committee: 2:140 – Communications To and From the Governing Board: accept PRESS updates 2:250 – Access to the Joint Agreement’s Public Records: accept PRESS change in legal reference 3:50 – Administrative Personnel Other Than the Special Education Director: accept PRESS update 4:15 (NEW) – Identity Protection: accept new PRESS policy, including optional paragraph 5:40 – Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease: accept PRESS change in legal reference 5:150 – Personnel Records: accept PRESS update; delete references to Bond/Fayette Region IEA 5:200 – Terms and Conditions of employment and Dismissal: accept Press change in legal reference 5:285 – Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers: delete policy 5:300 – Schedules and Employment Year: accept PRESS update 6:150 – Home and Hospital Instruction: delete policy 6:185 – Remote Educational Program: delete policy 7:260 – Exemption from Physical Activity: accept PRESS change in legal reference 7:280 – Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease: accept PRESS change in legal reference 8:110 – Public Suggestions and Concerns: accept PRESS update
Motion to approve policy updates: Mr. Strieker; second, Mr. Kelly. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Contract Renewals – Annual contracts were presented for renewal. Four contracts with no change: o Computer Techniques, Inc. – computer support services: no change o Customized Technology, Inc. – IEP program: no change o Infinitec – assistive technology coalition: no change o Central Illinois Hearing – audiological services: no change
03fe5a7d17f488e3a7fcccc2edd8ca8b.doc Motion to approve contracts with no changes – Computer Techniques, Customized Technology, Infinitec, and Central Illinois Hearing: Ms. Irvin; second, Dr. Fuerstenau. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Go Solutions, Inc. – Fee for Service/Medicaid: proposed 3 year contract with no change in fee structure
Motion to approve Go Solutions contract: Dr. Lett; second, Mr. Allison. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Greenville Hearing Center – audiological services: one change, increased cost for tympanogram from $28 to $35
Motion to approve Greenville Hearing Center contract: Mr. Allison; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Employment of Program Coordinator for Bond/Fayette Region – Ms. Boutcher and Ms. Lawler recommended employment of Larry Emerick as a Program Coordinator serving in the Bond/Fayette Region beginning with the 2011-2012 school year.
Motion to approve employment as recommended: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Assistant Director Contracts – Annual contracts for the 2011-2012 school year were presented for Assistant Directors, Brenda Patrick, Angela Armour, and Crystal Lawler.
Motion to approve Assistant Directors’ contracts: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Kelly. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Letter of Resignation – Letter of resignation presented from Lisa Burden, clerical employee in the Bond/Fayette office.
Motion to accept letter of resignation from Ms. Burden: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Allison. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Day Treatment Program – Ms. Boutcher provided an outline of the programs considered for a day treatment program: The Menta Group, Camelot Schools, Alternatives Unlimited, and Boys Town. Ms. Boutcher explained that after review of the four programs, The Menta Group and Camelot Schools were the programs to be considered. Ms. Boutcher added that the two areas which resulted in her recommendation to partner with The Menta Group were professional development of staff in our districts and their data management system. Also, the ChrisMont Board agreed to move ahead with finalizing numbers/costs with The Menta Group as a subcontractor for the ROE #10 safe schools program.
Motion to approve partnering with The Menta Group to provide K-12 day treatment program in Nokomis for ED students: Ms. Irvin; second, Mr. Doerr. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
03fe5a7d17f488e3a7fcccc2edd8ca8b.doc DISCUSSION: Ms. Shute explained that there were some issues with Ms. Boutcher’s contract that will result in an amendment.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. at the Mid-State Central Office in Morrisonville.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn at 10:33 a.m.: Ms. Irvin; second, Mr. Allison. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Tammy Hadley, Recorder
Ms. Barb Shute, Chairman Date
Mrs. Tammy Hadley, Secretary Date