Board Members Present

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Board Members Present

E911 Board Minutes December 18, 2008

Board Members Present Secretary David Mitchell Secretary Thomas Jarrett Tucker Kokjohn Michael Metcalf Art Lewis Jamie Turner

Meeting called to order by Secretary Mitchell at 1250 hours

Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting by: Mr. Metcalf Second by: Secretary Jarrett Motion carried. Corrections – none

Monthly Status Report by Terry Whitham Call Reports were distributed electronically and are in the packages, the program has been updated to show totals for the entire state at the bottom of the report.

Surcharge Revenue – The information in the report is good through October and needs to be adjusted for the November and December deposits and payments. The report is showing a significant projected amount that will be due to the Counties due to the continuing decrease in residential wire line service. As of the end of October, the fund had slightly over 6 million dollars in the account.

Review of the phone bills shows nothing unusual for the year to date. The latest invoices for cost recovery are included in Mr. Cole’s report and show a total to date of $1,466,000 for all services. The trouble reports do not show any significant or recurring problems that need to be addressed at the current time. Mr. Cole’s report also contains copies of the UPS maintenance contracts to be brought up under proper order of business.

OMB Budget Presentation – Secretary Mitchell Secretary Mitchell reported on the presentation of the Board’s proposed Budget, Goals, and Historical Operational Timeline of the Board to OMB on September 22nd. He was not able to report on any final decisions from OMB at this time. The first meeting was an informational briefing for the OMB staff only. Secretary Mitchell did feel the group made a strong case for keeping the fund intact. They did bring the need for a GIS position into the discussions as part the process of moving the position before the Clearing House for consideration. As of this meeting, the Clearing House has rescinded their initial support for the position due to the changes in the State Budget and the need to consider the Goals of the new Administration. Throughout the meeting it appeared that OMB recognized the importance and needs of the 9-1-1 System and received all of the information in a positive manner.

GIS/Mapping update – Terry Whitham As the Secretary reported, the hiring of a full time GIS Coordinator has been placed on hold. He has been working on the paperwork to use contractual services as an interim solution although this is a more expensive solution for the Board in the long run. The goal is to bring all of the Centers up to a baseline configuration so that all centers can be brought online to have data pushed out from the Gateway at Kent Center. He expects contractual costs to be approximately $85 to $100 per hour. The Board held discussion on the appropriateness of going back now and pushing to fill this position since the goal is fund the position from the 9-1-1 fund. Secretary Jarrett expressed a concern that OMB may not wish to push this through the clearinghouse, as there may be considerations to use the fund for other expenses due to the State’s Budget issues. Further discussions will be held as new personnel move into OMB positions with the new administrations.

Fold Down/Disaster Recovery – Joseph Mulford The PSAP Managers held a meeting in November to work on Standard Fold Down Procedures for all Agencies. The plan is to have a copy of the Procedures for all of the Centers in one book at each Center. The PSAP Managers have agreed to have copies of their Policies to the Committee by mid-January so that can be compiled. We will be having a workshop on February 5th to review the policies as a group. A goal has been set to implement necessary changes by April 1, 2009 and then begin to compare the procedures against ANSI Standards. Question from the Board concerning whether there is anything in place that tests the circuits and/or detects failures to expedite repairs. Centers test the Circuits weekly.

PSC Docket 08-61 – Terry Whitham The Board has been asked to prepare comments on the PSC Case between Verizon and Intrado concerning interconnection and whether Verizon will allow Intrado access to the network for the provision of 9-1-1 services. The hearing is scheduled for February 11th to 13th and the Board will need to have a representative available to testify. Additional information is available on the PSC website.

PSAP Manager – Joe Thomas The PSAP Managers met on November 20th. We had a presentation on the new Video Relay Services mandated by the FCC and we are still waiting for the training CD’s to be distributed to the Centers. Jim Cole arranged for a presentation on Verizon’s Net-Conferencing System that he is arranging to have available to the Centers. Joe Mulford gave a presentation on the work of the Fold Down/Disaster Recovery Committee. Dave Roberts has been selected as the PSC lead for the Homeland Security Working Group to replace Dick Dempsey. The PSAP Managers are looking at ways to share their policies and procedures to make them more coordinated. The 9-1-1 Centers have been blitzed by media requests, it is possible for the Board and the AG’s office to look at developing a standard for 9-1-1 data release for all the centers that meets FOIA and HIPPA regulations. Secretary Jarret commented that DELJIS may be a good place to start as they have policies in place that work well.

Other Business Jim Cole reported that the State has access to use Verizon’s Net- Conferencing System and the Centers can use the system under the auspices of the Board and we are currently eligible for free set up discounts. The system has no monthly recurring charges, no minimum charges/minutes, and can be used as needed. It is a more secure system that the current Bridge Line System. The cost of calls is $.08 per minute per person up to 100 users. Extensive discussion on how the system would work and who would be responsible for costs. Terry to work on gathering additional information.

Jim Cole brought forward a request for a UPS Maintenance Contract. The contract being presented to the Board is for a five UPS systems and will include semi-annual testing and 24X7 problem response with Battery Replacement being extra. It will cover the units at Kent Center, Seaford, Dover, Newark, and Wilmington. (New Castle, Sussex, Rehoboth, and U of D currently have their own systems). The value of the contract is $15,087.50 and the contractor is under State Contract. Discussion on whether the Board should be paying for a percentage of the maintenance for those agencies with their own UPS systems. Motion by Jamie Turner to approve this contract and to have Mr. Cole report back the costs and scope for the Centers not covered by this contract. Second by Mike Metcalf. Motion carried.

Public Comment Mr. Cole reported that the on-going Diversity Study report is due back at the beginning of January. Recommendation for the Board to offer of letter of recognition to Dick Dempsey on his retirement. A retirement party is being planned for March 6th. Terry is working with the Maryland ENSB Board to share training opportunities between the two states to improve attendance and reduce costs. We are currently working on EMD classes and want to explore other topics.

Meeting adjourned.

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