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Name: Fairfield Township School District Date: Teacher choice; 2-4wks Lesson Title: Active Citizen Subject: Social Studies Grade Level/Course: 2 Overview of Unit: Class will choose a local or global topic to discuss. They will work to further communication regarding this topic and try to better their world.

Interdisciplinary Connections: x Language Arts Math Science PE Art x Technology Music World Language

Learning Targets BIG IDEA(S): Active citizens exercise their rights and responsibilities by participating in democratic processes. Recognizing that people have different perspectives based on their beliefs, values, traditions, culture, and experiences. Developing strategies to reach consensus and resolve conflict. Communicate with students from various countries about common issues of public concern and possible solutions.

Standard(s): 6.3.4.A.2-4, 6.3.4.B.1, 6.3.4.C.1 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS  How do citizens, civic ideals, and  Active citizens exercise their rights and government institutions interact to responsibilities by participating in balance the needs of individuals and the democratic processes. common good?  Active citizens become aware of  How do physical geography, human individuals’ relationships to people, geography, and the human environment places, and resources in the local interact to influence or determine the community and beyond development of cultures, societies, and  Active citizens recognize the nations? consequences of human interactions with  environment and take actions to promote positive outcomes. UNIT LEARNING TARGETS: Students will be able to…  Contact local officials and community members to acquire information and/or discuss local issues.  Make informed and reasoned decisions by seeking and assessing information, asking questions, and evaluating alternate solutions  Select a local issue and develop a group action plan to inform school and/or community members about the issue.  Plan and participate in an advocacy project to inform others about environmental issues at the local or state level and propose possible solutions.

ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE TASKS: Teacher Prepared assessments can include but are not limited to:

1. Written assessment 2. Small Group Projects

3. Individual Projects


 Small group discussion  Whole group discussion

 Student observation

LEARNING PLAN Resources Resources  Earth Day In A Box provides organization tips  Audacity is free software that can be used for and resources by Earth Day Network. creating a podcast (export as a .WAV file).  Alliance for New Jersey Environmental  Active Citizens 101 was created by Education is designed to promote and improve Constitutional Rights Foundation (Social Capital Environmental Education for people of all ages and Democracy Unit). in New Jersey.  K-12 Service-Learning Project Planning Toolkit  Contact the New Jersey Department of (Updated Edition) contains information about Environmental Protection to find out about the 5 core components of a service-learning what can be done about environmental issues project: investigation, planning and in the state. preparation, the service activity, reflection,  Global Education Collaborative Ning is an and demonstration/celebration. online community for teachers and students  Service Learning Provider shows examples of interested in global education. elementary school service learning projects.  EekoWorld is designed to help children  DoSomething features videos about different between the ages of 6 and 9 learn about the causes (teacher should select appropriate important role they can play in taking care of videos for elementary students). the earth.  Voicethread is a collaborative, multimedia slide  Epals has developed collaborative projects show that holds images, documents, and about a variety of topics including global videos and allows people to navigate pages warming and the world’s water supply. and leave comments.  Thinkquest is an online community for students  Scott Foresman People and Places pages and teachers (free websites and password o 12-13 Kids Care Club protected). o 88-89 The Earth Angels  Discovery Education Social Studies Units o 110-111 Phoenix Kids Pride Program

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