Scheme of Work: the Human Body
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Scheme of work: The human body Entry Level Certificate Biology – Component 1
This resource provides guidance for teaching component 1: The human body from our new Entry Level Certificate Science. It is based on the specification (5960). The scheme of work is designed to be a flexible medium term plan for teaching content and development of the skills that will be assessed. We have provided it in Word format to help you create your own teaching plan – you can edit and customise it according to your needs. This scheme of work is not exhaustive; it only suggests activities and resources you could find useful in your teaching. 3.1 Component 1 – Biology: The human body Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
3.1.1 Animal cells Recall the parts of 2 Use scientific Correctly use a National Stem O1 human cells: vocabulary correctly. microscope/Bioviewer Centre – Cells Nucleus – to observe prepared and organ cf controls the Recap knowledge of slides under different systems 3.2.3 activities of the animal cells from KS3. magnifications. contains a variety O10 cells and of activities for O1 contains the Label a simple Prepare a sample of which can be genetic diagram of an animal human cells from a used at every material; cell. basic cheek swab. level Cytoplasm – where most Draw/label specialised BBC Bitesize – chemical animal cells showing Plant and animal activities take their specific features cell structures place; and what they are Cell membrane used for. – controls the passage of Card sort to relate substances in structure to function of and out of animal cells. cells. “What am I?” Describe how guessing game to specialised cells are consolidate adapted for their knowledge. function. Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
O2 Tissues, organs and systems Recall these 2 Use scientific definitions: vocabulary correctly. Tissue – a group of cells Card sort cell, tissue, with a similar organs, systems using structure and pictures. function; Organ – Cut and stick organs groups onto ‘empty’ torso. (aggregations) of tissues Organ ‘Bingo’. performing similar functions; Organ systems – organs which work together. BBC Bitesize: Recognise the position 2 Demo: model heart. Blood of the major organs Use scientific (brain, heart, liver, vocabulary correctly. lungs, kidneys and Teachit Science - reproductive organs) in Demo/student Modelling the the human body. Use AQA Teachit dissection of sheep’s heart KS3: heart/pluck. Describe the functions Modelling the heart to of the major organs. produce a poster to Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
Recall that the human explain the structure. Teachit Science - circulatory system is Modelling the made up of the heart Use AQA Teachit circulatory system and the blood. KS3: Modelling the Describe how the heart circulatory system to Teachit Science - pumps blood round the identify the parts of The circulatory body in a dual the system. system, jigsaw circulatory system. Observe blood smear Use AQA Teachit slides under the KS4: Circulatory microscope/Bioviewer Recall that blood system jigsaw transports oxygen, Use Youtube YouTube - Blood proteins and other Draw/label diagrams computer simulation to flow simulation chemical substances of blood cells show flow of blood. around the body.
Recognise the different types of blood cells.
O3 The human digestive system Recall the parts of the 2 Use scientific View slides of various BBC Bitesize - human digestive vocabulary correctly. digestive system Nutrient groups system and be able to tissues under the and digestion identify them on a Label a diagram of the microscope/Bioviewer. diagram. digestive system. Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
Create a digestive system word search and test it on other students. 0.5 Observe changes from BBC Bitesize - Model for digestion savoury to sweet as Digestion in the using popper beads to Understand the role of plain bread is chewed. mouth illustrate how larger enzymes in digestion. molecules are broken BBC Bitesize - into smaller ones. Digestion in the small intestine 3.1.2 Respiration Recall that respiration 1 Use scientific O4 is a cellular process vocabulary correctly. Compare the carbon BBC Bitesize - that releases energy dioxide content of Aerobic Word-spot key inhaled and exhaled respiration Understand that vocabulary from the air using limewater. BBC Bitesize - breathing and BBC Bitesize videos. Respiration - the respiration are not the Demonstrate water release of energy same Discuss the difference vapour production by between respiration clouding a mirror with BBC Bitesize - Recall that glucose and breathing and use exhaled breath. Gaseous comes from the diet AQA Teachit exchange in the and oxygen and carbon Respiration – true or lungs and the dioxide gases are false? to summarise. importance of exchanged through the alveoli lungs Card sort the words for the respiration Teachit Science - Respiration Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
Recall the word equation equation for respiration: Brainstorm energy- glucose + oxygen → carbon giving foods in day-to- dioxide + water day diet.
Use thermograms pictures to show infra- red radiation given off by living things.
Lifestyle and health Demonstrate an 2-3 Use scientific TDA (Teacher-devised understanding of the vocabulary correctly. assignment) effect that lifestyle can opportunity: have on people’s Discuss good and Compare the energy health eg the links poor lifestyle choices. released by burning between: different foods eg. low- diet, exercise Research one of the fat crisp or rice cake and obesity links to produce an and normal one. and type 2 information diabetes; leaflet/PowerPoint and smoking and feed back to the class. BBC Bitesize - cancer; The importance of alcohol and Discuss how being a balanced diet liver and brain under or overweight function. can affect a human’s health. TDA opportunity: Teachit Science - Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
Describe the right Investigate the effect How much sugar balance of energy and Use AQA Teachit of exercise on pulse are we drinking? different foods required ‘How much sugar are rate. for good health. we drinking?’ (This will also use Teachit Science - some simple TDA opportunity: Fit and healthy? mathematical skills) Investigate the effect of caffeine drinks on Evaluate someone’s pulse rate. fitness by their pulse recovery time and Recognise that people consolidate with AQA who exercise regularly Teachit: Fit and are usually fitter than healthy – true or people who take little false? exercise. 3.1.3 Infectious diseases Recall that infectious 2 Use scientific O5 diseases are caused vocabulary correctly. by microorganisms called pathogens. BBC Bitesize - Watch BBC video clip Microorganisms Recall that pathogens on microorganisms list include both bacteria the pathogens. BBC Bitesize - and viruses and may Human immunity produce poisons and defence (toxins) that make us feel ill. Talk about infection Use UV powder on Teachit Science - and what it means. door handles at start Bacteria killers Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
Recall that viruses Look at pictures of of lesson and black damage the cells in bacterial cells and light to show transfer which they reproduce. viruses. of pathogen/play catch Use AQA Teachit KS3 with soft ball. Bacteria killers Teachit Science - Disease- what's that word? Use AQA Teachit Disease –what’s that BBC Bitesize - word? team game. The importance of handwashing in food hygiene Introduce the idea of hygiene as a prevention. O6 The role of white blood cells Recognise the two 2 Use scientific BBC Bitesize - main types of white vocabulary correctly. White blood cells blood cells: those that ingest bacterial cells Use blank outline of and those that produce the human body and antibodies. challenge to mark on all the places pathogens could enter and how the body stops them. ABPI - White blood cells/ Recall that vaccination Use ABPI clip and response to infection is used to stimulate the produce story board of immune response sequence. Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
using dead or inactive forms of a pathogen to BBC Bitesize - produce antibodies. The life and work Role play parts from of Edward Jenner Describe how the Jenner clip to look vaccination is used in at the views of the boy and his mother and the prevention of Compare graphs ABPI - consider the ethics of disease. showing death rates Vaccination Jenner’s work. from diseases pre and Draw up a personal post vaccination vaccination history. campaigns.
Debate the idea of anti-vaccination campaign groups.
O7 Medicinal drugs Recall that medical 2 Use scientific Research some BBC Bitesize - drugs are developed vocabulary correctly. traditional drugs eg Targeted . and carefully tested digitalis and make a research before they can be poster or presentation used to relieve illness. Discuss drug safety about them. BBC Bitesize - and how drugs are Human drug trials tested today. Teachit Science - Use cards/cut-outs to Introduction to sequence the stages drugs in drug testing and Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
trialling and explain Teachit Science - Recall that drugs the purpose of each Learning grid, use change the chemical stage. and abuse of processes in the drugs human body.
Recognise that people can become dependent or addicted to drugs TDA opportunity: BBC Bitesize - . and suffer withdrawal Use of Fleming and the discovery of symptoms without pre-inoculated agar in penicillin them. Petri dishes to Discuss the safety evaluate the effects of Recall that antibiotics issues of growing disinfectants and such as penicillin can microorganisms in a antibiotics. kill bacterial pathogens. lab.
Recall that they cannot be used against viral pathogens. 3.1.4 The nervous system Recall that the human 1 Use scientific BBC Bitesize - O8 body has automatic vocabulary correctly. The nervous control systems: the system activity nervous and (endocrine) hormonal systems. Reaction time test Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
Recall that reflex TDA opportunity: BBC Sheep actions are automatic Comparing different reaction time test and rapid. peoples’ reaction time using the catch Describe examples of response with a ruler common reflex or a reaction time responses. programme. O9 Hormonal control Recall that hormones 1 Use scientific Research a disease are secreted by glands vocabulary correctly. caused by incorrect and are transported to hormone levels eg target organs by the Label the main diabetes. bloodstream. endocrine glands on an outline of the body. Complete table to show the main hormones and target organs. Recall that the 1 Watch the BBC clip BBC Bitesize: menstrual cycle is about the menstrual Menstrual cycle controlled by several cycle and discuss the hormones some of stages. which promote egg release. Use a month calendar page to colour code Recognise the main days according to features of the hormone levels and Teachit Science - menstrual cycle changes. Fertilisation board Spec Summary of the specification Learning outcomes Suggested timing Opportunities to Opportunities to Resources ref. content What most students (hours) develop Scientific develop and apply should be able to do Communication skills practical and enquiry skills
described game diagrammatically. Use AQA Teachit KS3 Fertilisation board game to consolidate learning. O10 Hormones can be used to control Recall that hormones 1 Use scientific Exhibition fertility. can be used to inhibit vocabulary correctly. materials can be or stimulate egg obtained from the production. Discuss the pros and Family Planning Recall that oral cons of hormonal Association contraceptives contain contraception. hormones to inhibit BBC Bitesize - eggs from maturing. Invite an outside How small is a speaker to speak to human egg? Recall that fertility the students eg nurse. drugs stimulate eggs to BBC Bitesize - mature. Ovulation Discuss the Evaluate the benefits implications of IVF and drawbacks of treatment for a couple BBC Bitesize - hormonal fertility wanting a baby. Human control. fertilisation Discuss possible causes of infertility in men and women and treatments available.