
Our situations are very similar. For about 10 years or so my GM has had several UTI’s also, like one after another and another. She will never complain about it until she was very dehydrated and we will notice and take her in to the ER and they will put her on antibiotics. She was also always ill because 3 years ago when she had cancer and went through treatment it messed up her immune system she was always in and out of the ER during her treatments.

That would be the best thing that happened if they found out that she can be treated and be her old self. But, we also know that may not be the case. Her children are still in denial and don’t want to accept what is going on with her. I understand they don’t want to see their mother go through all this but I also try and talk to them about accepting the way she is and that this may be the care she’s going to have.

Yes, agree taking her to this university was the best thing even though we haven’t had all the test done I can already feel it in my heart that we will get a diagnosis and yea maybe it won’t change her condition but it will help us understand a little more what she is going though and understand the stages of this or like you said if it’s the end. This new neurologist took the time to ask so many questions, he was very patient and asked about 12 months ago how she was doing and what she was doing prior to how she is now.